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《Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax,2006:3-6》 作者:Christian Heilmann

Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax

The Why of JavaScript

In the beginning of the Web, there was HTML and the Common Gateway Interface (CGI). HTML defines the parts of a text document and instructs the user agent (usually the web browser) how to show it—for example, text surrounded by the tags <p></p> becomes a paragraph. Within that paragraph, you might have <h1></h1> tags that define the main page heading. Notice that for most opening tags, there is a corresponding closing tag that begins with </.

HTML has one disadvantage—it has a fixed state. If you want to change something, or use data the visitor entered, you need to make a round-trip to a server. Using a dynamic technology (such as ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails, , PHP, or JSP), you send the information from forms, or from parameters, to a server, which then performs calculations, tests, database lookups, and other such tasks. The application server associated with these technologies then writes an HTML document to show the results, and the resulting HTML document is returned to the browser for viewing. The problem with that is it means every time there is a change, the entire process must be repeated (and the page reloaded). This is cumbersome and slow. It is true that at least the Western world has the benefit of fast Internet connections these days, but displaying a page still means a reload, which could be a slow process that frequently fails. (Ever get an Error 404?)

Some information, such as the results of performing calculations and verifying the information on a form, might not need to come from the server. JavaScript is executed by the user agent (normally a browser) on the visitor’s computer. We call this

client-side code . This could result in fewer trips to the server and faster-running web sites.

What Is JavaScript?

JavaScript started life as LiveScript, but Netscape changed the name—possibly because of the excitement being generated by Java—to JavaScript. The name is confusing, though, because there is no real connection between Java and

JavaScript—although some of the syntax looks similar.

Java is to JavaScript what Car is to Carpet

—From a JavaScript discussion group on Usenet

Netscape created the JavaScript language in 1996 and included it in their Netscape Navigator (NN) 2.0 browser via an interpreter that read and executed the JavaScript added to .html pages. The language has steadily grown in popularity since then, and it is now supported by all browsers and some applications as a way to customize them.

The good news is that this means JavaScript can be used in web pages for all browsers. The not-quite-so-good news is that there are differences in the way the different browsers implement JavaScript, although the core JavaScript language is much the same. However, JavaScript can be turned off by the user. I will discuss this further shortly, as well as throughout this book.

The great thing about JavaScript is that once you’ve learned how to use it for

browser programming, you can move on to use it in other areas. Microsoft Windows 8 and Surface tablets both let you use JavaScript to develop applications, PDF files use JavaScript, and applications such as Dreamweaver and Photoshop are scriptable with JavaScript. Now mobile applications can be developed with JavaScript and converted to native code. JavaScript can even be used on the server side using things like Node.js.

A lot of large companies also offer software development kits (SDKs) that let you access data or integrate services on your site. For example, if you want your visitors to log in with their Facebook ID, you can use Facebook’s JavaScript SDK located at /web/.

Even better is the fact that JavaScript is a lot easier to develop than higher

programming languages or server-side scripting languages. It does not need any compilation like Java or C++, and it doesn’t need to be run on a server or command line like Perl, PHP, or Ruby. All you need to write, execute, debug, and apply JavaScript is a text editor and a browser—both of which are supplied with any operating system. There are, of course, tools that make it a lot easier for you—for example, JavaScript debuggers like Firebug, Opera Dragonfly, and Chrome Developer tools.

Problems and Merits of JavaScript

As mentioned at the outset of this chapter, JavaScript has been an integral part of web development over the last few years, but it has also been used incorrectly. As a result, it has received a bad reputation. The reason for this is the use of gratuitous JavaScript effects, like moving page elements and pop-up windows. These effects might have been impressive the first time you saw them, but they soon become just a “nice to have” feature and, in some cases, even a “nice to not have any longer” element. A lot of this comes from the days of DHTML (which I’ll say more about in Chapter 3). The term user agent and the lack of understanding of what a user agent is can also be a problem. Normally, the user agent is a browser like Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE), Chrome, Firefox (Fx), Opera, or Safari. However, browsers are not the only user agents on the Web. Others include

Assistive technology that helps users to overcome the limitations of a

disability—like text-to-speech software or Braille displays

Text-only agents like Lynx

Web-enabled applications

Browsers in game consoles

Browsers in smartphones

Browsers in tablets

Interactive TV and set-top boxes

Search engines and other indexing programs

And many more

This large variety of user agents, of different levels of technical finesse (and old user agents that don’t get updated), is also a great danger for JavaScript.

Not all visitors to your web site will experience the JavaScript enhancements you applied to it. A lot of them will also have JavaScript turned off—for security reasons. JavaScript can be used for good and for evil. If the operating system—like unpatched Windows—allows you to, you can install viruses or Trojan Horses on a computer via

JavaScript or read out user information and send it to another server.

Note There is no way of knowing what the visitor uses or what his computer is capable of. Furthermore, you never know what the visitor’s experience and ability are. This is one of the beautiful aspects of the

Web—everyone can participate. However, this can introduce a lot of unexpected consequences for the JavaScript programmer.

In many cases, you might want to have a server-side backup plan. It would test to see whether the user agent supports the functionality desired and, if it doesn’t, the server takes over.

Independence of scripting languages is a legal requirement for web sites, as defined in the Digital Discrimination Act for the UK, section 508 in the US law, and many more local legal requirements throughout the world. This means that if the site you developed cannot be used without JavaScript, or your JavaScript enhancements are expecting a certain ability of the users or their user agent without a fallback, your client could be sued for discrimination.

However, JavaScript is not evil or useless, and it is a great tool to help your visitors to surf web sites that are a lot slicker and less time-consuming.

The merits of using JavaScript are

Less server interaction You can validate user input before sending the page

off to the server. This saves server traffic, which means saving money.

Immediate feedback to the visitors They don’t have to wait for a page reload to see if they forgot to enter something

Informing the visitor of minor errors For example, if you need your visitors to fill out a form, JavaScript can provide instant feedback on how the

form was filled out. If a required field is missing, the site can inform the user before submitting any data to the server.

Increased usability by allowing visitors to change and interact with the user interface without reloading the page For example, by collapsing and expanding sections of the page or offering extra options for visitors with JavaScript. A classic example of this is selection boxes that allow immediate filtering, such as only showing the available destinations for a certain airport, without making you reload the page and wait for the result.

Increased interactivity You can create interfaces that react when the user hovers the pointer over them or activates them via the keyboard. This is partly possible with cascading style sheets (CSS) and HTML as well, but JavaScript offers you a lot wider—and more widely supported— range of options.

Richer interfaces If your users allow for it, you can use JavaScript to include such items as drag-and-drop components and sliders—something that originally was possible only in thick client applications your users had to install, such as Java applets or browser plug-ins like Flash.

Lightweight environment Unlike Java applets or Flash movies, which are large files that must be downloaded, scripts are small in file size and get cached (temporary storage) once they have been loaded. JavaScript also uses the browser controls for functionality rather than its own user interfaces like Flash or Java applets do. This makes it easier for users, because they already know these controls and how to use them. Modern Flash and Apache Flex applications do have the option to stream media and—being vector based—are visually scalable, something JavaScript and HTML controls aren’t. On the other hand, SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is something native to the browser and can be controlled by JavaScript.

JavaScript DOM与Ajax

1.1 JavaScript产生的原因



这样做的问题在于无论何时网页只要有变化,以上整个过程都需要再重复执行一遍(并且重新加载网页)。这样会显得比较笨重缓慢,没有网络这个新媒介对我们承诺的那么美好。现在,人们已经普遍拥有了快速的因特网连接。但是显示一个页面仍然意味着重新加载,这是一个时常失败的缓慢过程(遇到过Error 404没有?)。


一些信息(比如表单上的一些计算和验证信息)并不需要依靠服务器。JavaScript可以由访问者电脑上的用户代理(通常是一个浏览器)来执行。我们把这叫做客户端代码(client-side code)。这样可以减少与服务器的交互成本并且使网站运行得更快。

1.2 JavaScript是什么




网景公司在1996年创造了JavaScript语言,它包含在Netscape Navigator(NN)2.0浏览器中,用解释器来读取和执行添加到.html页面的JavaScript代码。从此,这种语言稳步发展壮大并越来越普及,现在大多数浏览器都支持它。




最近许多大公司也提供了可用在网页中的JavaScript对象和方法组成的API(应用编程接口),Google Maps就是其中的一种。只需要使用几行代码就可以在你的网站中提供可缩放和可滚动的地图。

另一个更好地特点就是,JavaScript比高级编程语言和服务器端编程更容易开发。它不需要像Java和C++那样编译,也不需要像Perl、PHP或Ruby语言那样运行在服务器上或需要在命令行执行。编写、执行、调试和应用JavaScript脚本所需要的只是文本编辑器和浏览器,而这两者在所有的操作系统上都提供。当然,也有工具可以使你更加方便,如Mozilla Venkman、Microsoft Script Debugger和kjscmd这样的JavaScript调试器。

1.3 JavaScript的问题和价值



术语用户代理(user agent)和对其含义的缺乏理解同样也是一个问题。通常,用户代理是指一个浏览器,比如微软的IE,Netscape、Mozilla(Moz),Firefox(Fx)、Opera或Safari。但是浏览器不是web上唯一的用户代理,其他用户代理还包括:


纯文本代理,例如Lynx。 支持Web的应用程序。 游戏控制台。 手机。 个人数字助理(PDA)。 交互式的电视机顶盒。 搜索引擎和其他索引程序 其他




■注解 没有办法知道访问者在使用什么工具,他的计算机功能如何。再者,你永






