北师大版高中英语选修模块七 Unit21 Lesson 3精品教案

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Unit21 Lesson 3参考教案

2 periods

Teaching Objectives

1. To learn the words and phrases of the text 2. To practice the reading strategies 3. To complete the exercises about the text 4. To learn vocabulary: Synonyms Teaching Important & Difficult Points: To practice the reading strategies Teaching Aids: students’ books, pictures Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 New words & expressions

1. Introduce the skills of memory to Ss as a reference. 2. Measures for teaching & learning

① Ask some students to read the new words first and correct their pronunciation ② Play the tape and have them read after the tape

③ Give them a few minutes to read the new words freely, tell them if they can’t read the words, encourage them to ask the teacher . Step 2 Reading

1. Ask Ss to read the key words in Ex. 1 and guess their meanings. 2. Let Ss discuss in pairs which of those diseases can be or are epidemics Answers: AIDS, flu

3. Do Ex.2 by themselves in pairs. Then check their answers on page 103 4. Let the students read Reading Strategies.

5. Students then read quickly through the text to get a general idea of it. 6. For Ex.3. Ss complete the text with the missing paragraphs. Answers: 3.A 5.E 8.C 10.D 12.B 7. Give students a few minutes to do Ex.4. Step 3 Language Points

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1. prohibit 经典例句

vt. 禁止

Smoking is strictly prohibited in the process of handling explosive materials. 在处理易爆物时, 严格禁止吸烟。 考点聚焦

1)派生词:prohibition n. 禁止, 阻止;prohibiter n. 禁止者, 阻止者 2)同义词: forbid vt. 禁止, 不许 3)prohibit vt. 禁止。如:

Smoking is prohibited in the office building. 办公楼内禁止抽烟。

4)prohibit vt. 妨碍, 阻止, 后接from doing。如:

The high cost of the machine prohibits it from being widespread. 这机器价格昂贵, 很难普及使用。 活学活用13. 用prohibit的正确形式填空。 1)Smoking is ______________in most theaters.

2)Modesty______________ me from saying what happened. 答案:1)prohibited 2)prohibits 2. foresee

vt. 预见

巧记提示 fore(预先)+ see(看见) 经典例句

It is hard to foresee what my students will get in the final-term English exam. 很难预知我的学生将会在期末英语考试中取得什么样的成绩。

The government foresaw that there would be a rapid reduce in unemployment. 政府预知失业人数将大大下降。 考点聚焦

1)派生词:foreseeable adj. 可预知的 foreseeingly adv. 深谋远虑地

2)同义词:foretell v. 预言,预测 predict v. 预知,预报。

3)foresee vt. 预见, 预料,常接动名词或表示“物”的名词作宾语。如:

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Those who can foresee difficulties on their way to success may keep calm. 在走向成功的路途中能够预见到困难的人常常能保持冷静的态度。 4)foreseeable adj. 可预知的, 能预测的。如:

The statue will remain in the museum for the foreseeable future. 短期内这座雕像将留在博物馆。 活学活用14. 单句改错。

He foresee that prices would drop last year. 去他预见到物价会下跌。 答案:foresee→foresaw 3. on record 记录在案,备案

He ran the fastest race on record. 他跑出了记录在案的最好水平。 This year is the doughtiest on record in Yunnan. 今年是云南有史以来最为干旱的一年。 4. sweep through: spread over传遍

The disease can sweep through whole populations in a very short time. 这种病可以在很短的时间里在全体人口中流行开来。 Rumors swept through the town. 城里谣言四起。 A cold wind swept through the north. 寒风席卷北方。 5. be lost to: 于…中消失,忘却了…(本文中应理解为:die of)

For some time she was lost to the world


6. attempt to do sth. : make an effort to try to do sth 企图、试图做某事

They attempted to finish the task before July. 他们试图在七月以前完成这项任务。

7. be harmful to/ do harm to sb. or sth.对……有害 eg.

The snowstorm and the low temperature did tremendous harm to the Chinese transportation.

这次暴风雪和低温极大地伤害到中国的交通。 8. put … behind 将 …放在一边,不理会 eg.

Sometimes it’s quite necessary for us to put the trifles behind us and enjoy ourselves.

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9. With all the international effort being made, we have to have faith that there will be …

① with + n. + v-ing / v-ed 作原因状语。 being v-ed表示该被动动作正在进行。若是v-ed则表示该被动动作已发生过。eg.

With so many people being interviewed, the interviewers are really as busy as a bee.

由于这么多人在接受面试,主考官们实在忙得不可开交。 With the problem settled, his father are feeling particularly delighted. 由于问题已解决,他父亲显得格外高兴。 ② have faith in / that-clause对…有信心,相信… The crew had faith in the captain's judgment.


Because Christ was raised from the dead, we can have faith that we, too, will be resurrected.基督是从死亡中站了起来,所以我们相信我们也能死后复活。 ③ in one’s tracks 及时地,当场

Your question stopped him in his tracks. 你提的问题让他当场下不来台。

Policemen stopped the thief right in his tracks. 警察


Will breakers stop aging in its tracks?

“破坏者”真能立竿见影地阻止机体的老化吗? Step 4 Vocabulary: Synonyms 1. Ex. 6

a) Ask the students to do the exercise individually. b) Check their answers Answers: 1. j )

6. b)

2. Finish Ex.7.

a) Ask some students to do the exercise as samples. b) Check their answers with the whole class Answers:

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2. g) 7. d)

3. c) 8. e)

4. j) 9. f)

5. h) 10. a)

① prescription ② mourn ③ faith ④ symptom ⑤ systematic ⑥ tissue Step 5 Homework

Finish off all the exercises for Lesson 3 in Language Power.

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