高中英语 Unit 4 astronomy warming up reading导学案
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陕西省榆林育才中学高中英语 Unit 4 astronomy warming up
1. 运用skimming阅读技能,找出文章及每段的大意;
2. 运用scanning阅读技能,查找文章细节,获取有用信息,并完成探究问题;
3. 训练提高复述课文的能力;
4. 了解宇宙科学、地球生命的起源,了解万有引力、黑洞和太空旅行等天文知识,培养学生对科学的兴趣、激发学生探讨科学的热情。
人类经过千百年的探索,到16世纪哥白尼建立日心说后才普遍认识到:地球是绕太阳公转的行星之一,而包括地球在内的九大行星则构成了一个围绕太阳旋转的行星系── 太阳系的主要成员。行星本身一般不发光,以表面反射太阳光而发亮。在主要由恒星组成的天空背景上,行星有明显的相对移动。离太阳最近的行星是水星,以下依次是金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星和冥王星。从行星起源于不同形态的物质出发,可以把九大行星分为三类:类地行星(包括水、金、地、火)、巨行星(木、土)及远日行星(天王、海王、冥王)。行星环绕太阳的运动称为公转,行星公转的轨道具有共面性、同向性和近圆性三大特点。
1.What’s the meaning of the word “Astronomy”?
2.What words will you think of when we talk about this topic?
3.How many planets are in the solar system? Match them with their names.
水星 Venus
金星 Mercury
地球 Jupiter
火星 Saturn
木星 Earth
土星 Mars
天王星 Neptune
海王星 Uranus
Scientists now think Pluto(冥王星) is too small to be called a planet.
How to remember the order of the eight planets around the sun?
M y V ery E xcellent M other J ust S ent U s N ine Pizzas
I. Fast reading: The text mainly tells us the _____________ (形成) of the earth and the _________________ (发展)of life on it.
II.This text can mainly pided into two stages.
Stage 1 : The development of the earth ( Para. ___________ )
Stage 2 : The development of life ( Para. ___________ )
III. Match each paragraph with its main idea.
Para. 1 The importance of water for life.
Para. 2 The formation of the earth.
Para. 3 A widely theory about the origin of the universe.
Para. 4 The arrival of humans and their effect/influence on the earth. Para. 5 The development of planets and animals on the earth.
IV. Can you put the order of development of life into a time line?
( ) 1. Insects and amphibians appeared.
( ) 2. Dinosaurs appeared.
( ) 3. The earth became a solid ball.
( ) 4.Small plants grew on the water.
( ) 5. Reptiles appeared.
( ) 6. Plants began to grow on dry land.
( ) 7. The earth was a cloud of dust.
( ) 8. Water appeared on the earth.
( ) 9. Shellfish and other fish appeared.
( ) 10. The universe began with a “Big Band”.
( ) 11. Clever animals with hands and feet appeared.
( ) 12. Mammals appeared.
V. Summary
After the “Big Bang”, the earth was still just a cloud of _______, it _______loudly with fire and rock, which were _____ to produce the_________, water vapour and other gases. Then ________ began to appeared on the earth.
____________ in water are considered to be the earliest lives on the earth. The O2 they supplied encouraged the lives of______________. Slowly green plants grew on land, which were followed by __________ like insects & ________. When the plants grew into_________, __________ appeared. Then __________ developed but disappeared later, which made the rise of a totally different animal, __________, possible, and finally _____ spread all over the worl d.
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