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Unit 1 Lesson 1 【教材分析】

《快乐英语教材》根据教育部《英语课程标准》(实验稿)》的精神编写,以功能训练为主,突出语言的实践性和交际性,符合儿童的认知特点,有利于培养他们的学习兴趣与语感;有利于学生了解英语国家的文化、习俗,培养他们对异国文化的正确态度;有利于培养学生用英语进行交流和做事情的能力,提高他们的思维能力和认识世界的能力。本单元的重点是学习有关生活作息方面的动词及动词短语,需要掌握What time is it?等几个重点句型。作为第一单元的第一课,主要是向学生呈现动词词组:go to school\\gut up\\have breakfast\\hurry up及重点句型:What time is it? It’s ?. It’s time to ?。 并复习数字的内容。 【教学目标】 1. Knowledge Aims:

(1) The Words: get up, time, hurry up, breakfast, slippers. (2) The Structure: What time is it? It’s ?.

It’s time to ?.

(4) The Functions: talk about the time. 2. Ability Aims:

(1) Listening: Listen and answer. / Listen and repeat.

(2) Speaking: Make sentences with the new structure/ look and say. (3) Reading: Read the text/ Read and answer the questions.

(4) Writing: The new words./ The key structures. / Listen and write. 3. Emotion Aims:

Let the students make a timetalbe and do something on time. 【教学重点难点】

1. Focuses: The new words and the key structures. Improving English abilities. 2. Difficulties: The key structures. 【教学流程】

一、Leading in by guessing 1. Warm Up (1) Greeting

T: Good morning, everyone! Ss: Good morning, Mr Yin. T: How was your spring festival? Ss: That’s great.

T: Who is the busy person in your family?

2. free talk and Lead In

(Let them talk about who the busy person is.)

T: (click on the PPT and show mother’s pictures.) I think your mothers are the busiest person in the family.Do you agree? Ss: Yes.

T: You know Womem’s Day is coming soon. We should say: Happy Women’s Day for our mothers. Yes or No? Ss: Yes.

T:Let’s say together. (Ss say it together.)

T:我们的妈妈每天不仅要工作,还要为我们做饭,叫我们起床,确实是太辛苦了。那么我们是不是让妈妈多休息一会呢? Ss: 应该。

T: 老师觉得呀你们应该养成良好的作息习惯,下面老师给你们带来了一位好朋友。它能帮助大家养成良好的生活习惯,你们猜猜它是谁? Ss: It’s ?。

(如学生说出具体时间有困难,老师可带学生数一下钟表的指针,或直接回答数字也可) 设计意图:本课是开学来的第一堂英语课,精彩的寒假生活使学生变得十分兴奋,但往往会忽略了为家人操劳的母亲。因此,我设计了Greeting这一环节,让学生谈论Who is the busiest person in your family?,让他们谈论谁是家里最辛苦的人。 “00”后孩子自私,他们将父母的付出算做理所应当,不懂得感恩。通过这个环节,重点加强学生的情感态度和价值观的形成教育,使学生懂得感激父母。然后,鼓励学生养成良好的作息时间。从而导入了本课的教学内容。

二. Present the new structure and the new text: 1.New structure and the new words: T:look, what is it?(show a clock) Ss: It’s a clock. T: Yes, It’s a clcok.

T: Look, What time is it? (点击课件出示重点句。)[由于本句子在前册书已经学过,所以,通过直观的钟表图片和此句型,加深一下学生的印象。] Ss: It’s ??.

如学生不会回答,教师可以指着时针与学生一齐数一数,所以这个数一定要大一些,如12。这样可以代学生复习一下1-12的数字,又可以加深对时钟的认识。 T: It’s one,two,three,four??12.It’s 12 o’clock. Ss: It’s 12 o’clock.

Ask and answer the question several times then turn the hand to 6:30 and ask: What time is it?

Ss: It’s 6:50.(如学生对整十数字朗读有困难,可以找一些有一定英语基础的小朋友回答,这样既可以正常的保证教学,也可以调动他们的积极性。) T: Yes. It’s 6:50. It’s time to get up.(TPR) The students read the sentence after teacher. Turn the hand again and ask: What time is it? Ss: It’s 7 o’clcok. T: It’s time to ??.(TPR) Ss: 吃早餐

T: Yes. Have breakfast.It’s time to have breakfast. Show the new word card and say one by one.

Teacher writes the structure: It’s time to ??. on the blackboard.

The teacher picks a bag and do the action, let students guess and make a sentence with the structure.

Ss: It’s time to go to school. 2. Play a game.

T: Let’s play a game, OK? Ss: OK.

Before the class,Divide the students into 3 groups. The first group asks what time is it? The second group answers: It’s ?。 The third group says: It’s time to?. Then change the group and act it together.


效化的操练。 2.New text

(1)Listen and answer

T:(Teacher clicks on PPT)Look at this picture, Who is he? Ss: He is David.

T: Yes. Look,Linda is sleeping on the bed. Let’s listen to the dialogue and answer:“Is David a good boy?”

The students Listen to the tape carefully and answer the question. Ss: Yes,he is./No, he isn’t. (2) Read and answer

T: OK. You’re so clever. Now, read the dialogue and finish the timetable.

time 7:20 (3) Practise

a. Read the dialogue into pairs.(5 mins) T: Read the dialogue after me, please. Read the dialogue together.

T: Read this dialogue with your partners. b. The role-play

T: Look, Who is he/she? (Show the masks and say) Ss: He/She is Li Ming/Linda.

Use the masks to make the role-play. c. Disscuss

Listen to dialogue again and answer: Does he have breakfast? Ss: Yes, he does./ No,he doesn’t. T: Is it a good habit?

Ss: Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.

Click on the PPT and show the bad for our healthy.


Get up 用的教学方法,也是最为有效的一种方式。它能使学生带着具体问题进行阅读,更具有目的性。同时随着问题难度的加深,学生对课文的理解也进一步得到提高,接下来,通过角色扮演再现对话情境,力争达到自由交谈,托口而出。最后,让学生讨论不吃早餐是否是个好习惯,让学生懂得其危害。 三、Extend

Activities 1 Say a timetable

T: It is a good habit to have breakfast, so we must make a timebable in the morning OK? Ss:OK.

Pick up the toy clock and make a timetable by themselves. T: Who wants to say your timebable? S1: Look, It’s ??. It’s time to ??. S2: Look, It’s ??. It’s time to ??.

设计意图:完成本节课的教学任务后,适当的扩展练习是必不可少的。本节课我设计了一个教学活动,目的在于为学生创造一个说的环境,激发学生说的欲望。为了能够不象David 一样,必须要制定出合理的时间表。在老师的鼓励下,他们都想成为一个有时间规律的人,从心理调动了学生说的欲望,自然巩固操练了本课重点句型。 四、Summer-up

T:What can we learn from this dialouge? Clcik on the PPT,and show:

“To choose time is to save time. (Francis Bacon , British philosopher)

合理安排时间就是节约时间 。(英国哲学家 培根. F.Time is up. (point and ask)” Who can tell me What time is it? Ss: It’s ??.

T: It’s time to play. Byebye!

设计意图:课堂教学在传授语言知识的同时也要注意对方法的渗透。教会学生简单的总结,也是我们重要的工作。因此,在本课教学任务完成后,帮助学生进行适当的小结,为他们的日后学习和日后教学起到十分重要的作用。但在总结中,教师要充分发挥自己的主导地位,对学生进行必要的帮助。 【家庭作业】

1. Read the dialogue into pairs.

2. Make a timetable wite your parents.

设计意图:根据本课的教学重点,我设计了以上两项作业进行巩固拓展。毕竟学生在课上说英语的时间是非常有限的,利用好他们的课余时间对学习英语十分重要。同时,让家长参与到课后作业中,为他们提供亲子时间,融洽父子,母子关系。 【教具】

PPT课件 the tape word cards a clock and some toy clcoks 【板书设计】

Unit 1 Lesson 1

What time is it?

It’s ??. It’s time to ??.




Unit1 Lesson2


低年级英语教学的首要任务激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神培养学生乐于开口,敢于开口讲英语的习惯,激发学生想学、乐学英语的兴趣和愿望,三年级小学生对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。同时要求学生们能根据教师的简单指令做游戏、做动作、做事情。能做简单的角色扮演。能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。 【教学目标】: 知识目标:

1、能听\\说\\读\\写词组 have classes 、have lunch、 go home、 go to bed 2、能熟练地向他人介绍自己的作息时间 能力目标:


2、本课的教学难点是句型I?at?的构成注意由at引导时间 3、能用英语写自己的一天作息时间表

情感目标: 1、通过游戏、小组合作等活动,增进同学之间的交流合作。 2、让学生在真实的语言环境中,体会学习的快乐。 3、教育学生要珍惜时间。


本课的教学难点是句型I? at?的构成注意由at引导时间。 【教具】:录音机,磁带,课件 【教学步骤】:

Step1 Warming up and review (1)Geeting

T:Hello,boys and girls. Ss:Hello,teacher. (2)Look and say

T:(拿出小时钟)What time is it? Ss:It’s?

T: What time is it?

Ss:It’s? (意图:创设轻松和谐的英语课堂氛围,拉近师生间的距离。同时,通过游戏活动复习时间,也为本课所要用到的时间做好铺垫。) Step2 Free talk and leading in

T:I get up at 6:00. I have breaktast at 6:30. What about you? Who can tell me about yours?

S1:I get up at?I have breakfast at? S2:I?.I?.


(意图:创设真实的语言情境操练句型,使英语学习更贴近生.同时,充分调动了学生的学习热情。) Step3 New lesson

一、Teaching the new sentence and words (1)T:(电脑出示卡通人物起床的图片)What do you do at 6:40?(点击电脑,自动说出)I get up at 6:40.

板书I get up at 6:40.领读 T:I get up at 6:40. Ss: I get up at 6:40. (用开火车的游戏操练) S1:I get up at 6:40. S2:I get up at 6:40. S3:??????.

(2)T:what do you do at 8:00? I have classes at 8:00。

教授have classes

S1: have classes--- I have classes at 8:00。 S2: have classes--- I have classes at 8:00。 S3:?????..


T:(电脑出示) I have lunch at 12:00 . 教授have lunch T:have lunch Ss:have lunch Ss:???? Ss:????

T:( 电脑出示一桌丰盛的晚餐) What time do you have supper?I have supper at 5:00.(教师边做动作边说) 教授have supper

T:supper—have supper-- I have supper at 5:00. Ss: supper—have supper-- I have supper at 5:00. Ss:???.


T:Good . (电脑出示4:30)I go home at 4:30. 教授go home Ss:go home

Ss:go home


T:very good.(电脑出示9:00)I go to bed at 9:00. 教授go to bed T: go to bed Ss: go to bed


Ss:???.(用开火车的游戏操练) (3)Practise

T :This is my day, what about you ? Can you tell me about your day? Please use “ I??at??” (板书I??at??.) Who can? S1:I get up at ?,I ?at?. S2:I get up at ?,I ?at?.

S3:I get up at ?,I ?at?.


三、Learn to say

T: These are our timetables,do you want to Billy’s timetable? Ss:Yes.

T:Ok.(电脑出示Billy’s timetable) Look at the screen , Billy is a good boy , this is his timetable and he has a good habit in his daily life .Let’s have a look. 引导学生看幻灯片,帮助学生理解 “timetable” 的意思,并让学生读几遍.

(1)Listen ang answer the questions

Questions: 1、What time does Billy get up? 2、What time does Billy go home? 3、What does Billy do at 9:00? (2)Listen and repeat


(意图: 学生间的角色表演和练习,增进了同学们间的团队精神。使学生对本课重点难点知识有更深一步认识。) Step3 Practise

(1)Game: Remember and say

T:Let’s play a game ,first you should finish your chart, then you should ask other students your timetable and you should repeat other students’ timetable,Ok? Ss:Ok.

T:First ,let’s finish your chart.(later?..) Are you Ok? Ss:Ok.

Let’s play the game , who can? S1:?????. S2:?????. S3:?????.. (找几个学生做这个游戏) (2)短语组句游戏


(意图:精心设计的表格有效地整合了所学知识,充分体现了英语知识的开放性和协调性,让学生在简单的活动过程中有不一般的收获和感受。短语组句游戏,充分发挥了学生的想象力,调动他们的潜在思维能力,鼓励学生创新。) Step4 Homework

1、Copy the sentence and words five time.

2、Talking about your timetable with your partner. Step5 Writing on the blackboard

Unit1 Lesson2

I get up at 6:40.

have classes have lunch have supper

go home go to bed




生活经验和提高认知水平出发,科学安排教学内容,合理设计教学任务,开展形式多样的教学活动,让学生亲身体验,大胆实践,积极参与,共同合作交流,帮助学生在任务性的教学途径下发展综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维和大胆实践,提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程.具体体现在以下几个方面:一、以学生为主体的活动安排 在本课中,我注重开发学生的智力,想象力和实际运用语言的能力,能进行多种游戏和活动,全面训练学生的综合素质.通过不同层次的教学活动,充分体现学生个性发展和教学要求的开放性,教学效果良好.我安排的活动有两人,小组和全班性的,由教师示范,师生对话,生生对话.每次活动,老师都有明确的目标与要求,并提供一定的语境创设.同时,在教学活动中,教师做到关注学生,关注过程,关注方式,关注成效,注意自己的角色互换,留给学生自由的空间去发挥.二、新旧知识有机结合 语言的学习是一个循环的过程,学生只有通过不断使用语言才能将其牢牢掌握.在教学设计中,我注重温故知新,新旧结合,给孤立的词汇找到丰富的表达材料.比如:在句子的教学中由上节课学习的get up引入到新课中,培养学生在词中练句的能力.最后,在操练和应用比较成熟的基础上,教师又引导学生开展各种游戏活动,目的在于培养学生的能力.学生在老师层层深入的教学设计引导中,语言交际能力也得到不断提升.


Lesson 3





3.能根据指令做事情,如:指图片、涂颜色、画图、做动作、做手工等; 4. 能在图片和动作的提示下听懂简单的小故事并做出反应。 说唱

1.能根据录音模仿说英语; 2.能相互致以简单的问候; 玩演

1. 能用英语做游戏并在游戏中用英语进行简单的交际; 2.能做简单的角色表演; 读写




本课教学是这一课的第一课时,教学内容主要是针对四个四会单词sleepy,early,late,different,一组问答句型What time do you??I?与Learn to say部分会话的教学。教学时注意帮助学生掌握单词的正确读音,课文朗读的教学强调合适的语音语调以及句子中的重点单词的朗读。


4. 小结与课后作业


2)新的单词、词组及句子各书写五遍。 3)讨论自己在放学后都做了什么事。


【教学用具】录音机、卡片、调查表、扫除用具、多媒体、小黑板 【教学后记】


由于在课堂上我创设了情景,因此学生很感兴趣,参与的积极性很高,课堂气氛十分活跃。我根据各学生的情况分别给予表扬“Well done ”、“Very good”等等,让参与的学生都有了一种成功感和被认可的感觉。“学中用,用中学”是我们教师一直提倡的观点。本节课所涉及的知识点贴近学生的日常生活,并让学生体验到被认同感和使用英语所能获得的成功感,获得了初步运用英语的能力,为真实交际打下基础,从这一角度出发,本堂课达到了教学目标。





根据学生的年段特点,依据《英语课程标准》三年级教学目标应高于一级要求,接近二级要求。学生对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好。能在图片、图像、手势的帮助下,听懂简单的话语、录音材料和配图小故事;能运用所学语言就本册所学习的话题进行简短对话。能听、说、读、写单词。教材每一课都设计了Try to use部分,引导学生在操练运用所学的中心语言的基础上灵活运用语言。将语言教学和语言活动结合起来,以培养学生在真实情境中运用语言的能力。 【教学目标】


1、能听、说、读、写单词 watch,homework。

2、能熟练回答:Do you...every day? Yes,I do./No,I don't.

3、能表演Learn to say部分的对话。



2、能够听懂“Do you...every day?”并会用“Yes,I do./No,I don't.”做回答。并能在实际生活中灵活运用。


培养学生学习英语的兴趣以及与他人用英语交流的能力。培养学生自主、合作、探究精神、突出语言运用能力。 【教学重点与难点】

1、让学生熟练掌握本课的单词,熟练掌握并能表演Learn to say的对话。 2、一般现在时的一般疑问句:Do you...?及其肯定和否定回答。 【教学方式】

提问、练习、情景、活动。 【教学过程】 一、导入设计 1、Greetings.

T: Good morning, Boys and girls! Ss: Good morning, teacher! T: How are you ?

Ss: We are fine.


【设计思路】集中学生的注意力,使学生进入到学习状态。 二、新课呈现 a.Try to use 1.do homework.

show a photo about do homework.T:What is he doing? Ss:做作业。T:Yes,he is doing homework now.explain the words \

2.watch TV.

Show a picture about watch TV.T:Look! Do you like TV?Ss:Yes,Ido. T:Maybe you watch TV every day.

3.Do you...every day/every week? Yes,I do./No,I don't.

T:Do you do homework every day? Ss:Yes, I do.T:Do you watch TV every day?Ss:No, I don't.

4. Show ppt to students.There are two person in ppt.They are Linda and Xiao Hui.T:Do you want to know what does Xiao Hui do every day?Let's learn it together. b.Learn to say.

1. Listen to the tape and follow read. 2. Read in pairs. 3. Act in group.

4. Students make their own dialogue.

【设计思路】在情景中学习句型Do you...every day?Yes,I do./No, I don't.本课时的内容和学生的实际生活贴近,学生对该话题感到亲切,在师生的对话中自然的呈现新知和操练句型,有助于学生更好的掌握和操练对话。本堂课教学层次分明,通过引导适当,发挥学生在学习中的主体地位。


1.阅读理解题:教师将课文内容稍作改动,将动词词组变成横线,学生阅读并填空。 【设计思路】让学生进一步复习和巩固本课所学的词汇。 四、拓展延伸 Games.

1、Show some photos.

T:Which group is the best in our class ? S1:Do you...every day? S2:Yes,I do./No, I don't.

【设计思路】通过看图对话练习游戏,巩固本课句型,激发学生学习热情。兴趣和成功往往紧密结合。教学中,努力创设轻松、和谐、教学相长的教学情境。以学生为主体,让学生经常获得学习成功的喜悦,从而培养学生的浓厚的学习兴趣。尽可能地让学生感受到成功快乐,让学生发现自我价值,从而树立学习的信心。 五、课后作业

1、Recite the text.

2、Copy new words and sentences,make new dialogue with partner.


【教学用具】PPT、radio、photos、word cards. 【板书设计】 Lesson 5 1、 do homework

2、 watch TV

3、 Do you...every day?Yes, I do./No, I don't.


Lesson 7

【教材分析】《快乐英语》是根据教育部制定的《英语课程标准(实验稿)》编写的一套突出兴趣教学,难度适中,适合全国大部分地区使用的义务教育课程标准试验教科书。本单元重点学习有关超市购物方面涉及的食物、生活用品、文具用品、服饰、介词短语和句型等。本课是小学《快乐英语》第六册第二单元Lesson 7(第一课时)。这些用语贴近生活。因此,在教学中我布置超市场景,让学生在自然的情境中掌握语言。 【教学目标】 知识目标:


2.能听、说、读、写掌握句型What do you want to buy?I want to buy... 能力目标:

1.能熟练地表演Learn to say部分的内容并改编小对话。 2.能用英语到超市购物。


1.了解超市购物的程序、常用指示性标记及日常用语。 2.培养学生养成独立自主、关心家庭的生活习惯。 【教学重点与难点】 教学重点:

Learn to say的课文及Try to use的单词和句子。 教学难点:

句型What do you want to buy? I want to buy...的掌握。

【教学方式】情景式教学法、趣味活动教学法、任务教学法、评价教学法 【教学过程】 一、 热身

1.师生一起欣赏并演唱歌曲Can I help you? 2.T(教师热情地跟全体学生打招呼):Hi, boys and girls. How are you going? It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? Are you happy today? S:Hello,Ms Fan. Me too...


【设计思路】上课初始,通过打招呼,唱英文歌曲, 达到师生互动,让学生更快的融入英语课堂。为以下的教学做好铺垫。

二、 新课呈现

1.快速抢答游戏,复习食品、水果 名称。(将学生分成四组,教师出示单词卡片,学生快速抢答。答对一个,将为本小组赢锝一颗星星。比一比哪一组赢得星星多。)


3. T: Great! You did a good job. Today,let’s go on learn Lesson 7. Read after me, Lesson 7. (板书课题)

【设计思路】 通过复习所学的词汇,及超市场景的布置,为这节课的教学做一层铺垫。 三、 新课教学 a.Try to use

1.T(出示苹果和香蕉):I like apples and bananas. I need some fruit. 教授fruit,

并出示多种水果,如orange, pear, grape, pineapple, watermelon 等。反复强调:Orange is a kind of fruit. Pear is also a kind of fruit...然后请学生猜fruit的含义。学生操练fruit的拼读。

2.T:What’s the mean of “vegetable”? 学生回答“蔬菜”。

T:Right! Then where can we buy fruit and vegetables? 学生回答“超市”。 3.教师板书supermarket,并示范读音,学生跟读并速记单词。 4.回音游戏,操练单词。(教师大声读单词,学生按小组依次渐弱读单词,模仿山谷回音。) 5.T:I want to buy some fruit. What do you want to buy? 出示主句型。学生操练句型。 6.出示Chant,领读并齐读。

Supermarket supermarket supermarket What do you want to buy? I want to buy fruit.

I want to buy vegetables. 7.出示课件,造句。(利用课前分的四个小组,教师分别从四个小组中选出程度相近的学生造句,答对的学生可以为本小组赢得星星)


b.Learn to say

1.T(出示教学挂图并作背景介绍):David and his mother are going to buy something in the supermarket. Let’s listen to the tape. Look for the new words.


2.T:What does David’s mom want? What does David want? Let’s listen to the tape and find the answers. 3.学生回答问题。

S:David’s mom wants... David wants...

4.再听一次录音,模仿录音中的语言语调朗读课文。 5.教师和全体学生一起改编表演小对话。

T:What do you want to eat for breakast?

S:I want... T(Open the fridge):Oh, sorry. The fridge is empty. There’s no milk\\...in the fridge. Let’s go to thesupermarket and get some...OK? S:OK.

T(拿出纸笔):First,let’s make a shopping list. We need some milk, bread, fruit, vegetables...

6.T(戴好帽子扮演saleswoman,利用单词卡片表演):Hi, can I help you? What do you want to buy?

S(Customer):I want... (请多个学生上台表演、操练) 7.教师和学生分角色朗读。

【设计思路】对于课文的设计,我采用整体理解对话的方式,让学生先听录音,然后带着问题再听录音找答案,发展学生选择信息、捕捉信息的能力,有效地指导学生提高听力水平。 四、巩固和延伸

1.教师出示学生学习过的食品、水果图片,引导学生改编课文内容。 2.学生表演课文小对话。(教师与学生共同为四个小组打分。) 五、课后作业


2.Make a shopping list for your family.

3.Go to the supermarket and buy something.

【设计思路】通过采用创设情景对话的方式,让学生发挥自己的创新能力来理解课文、运用语言。这样做,可以培养学生的口语交际能力。 【教学用具】

录音机 磁带 单词卡片 一些水果 购物单、笔 课件 【教学后记】

本课的教学设计,我主要是依据英语新课标理念。首先,在这节课中我遵循以学生为中心,以问题为中心,民主、平等、和谐的原则,强调英语学习的情景,强调英语学习的生活意义,强调以学生为主体的学习意识,因此,在设计导入教学环节时,我利用音乐创设更加真实的英语氛围,在轻松自然的学习环境中学习英语。其次,新课标的中心点是提高学生的学习能力。英语作为人类交际工具之一,本身就要求教师在教学中要注重培养学生听说的能力。在加强本课重点句型“What do you want to buy? I want to buy... 。的训练时,尽量为学生多创设交际机会。交际能力是运用英语知识和技能的综合体现,只有在实际的语言实践中才能提高。充分利用多媒体的作用,选择栩栩如生的画面,使学生犹如身临其竟,练习积极,表演的有声有色,真正达到了学以至用的目的。

最后,新的课程标准强调,小学英语教学必须在课堂教学中突出“以人为本”的教学理念,构建一个开放性的英语教学体系,以激发学生的兴趣为龙头,采取开放式的、多元化的教学手段,使学生在参与的全过程中发展思维,培养创新能力。竞争性的比赛有助于强化学习效果。小学生有争强好胜的个性,有趣的比赛能激发他们的竞争意识和集体主义精神,活跃思维。比赛中,他们会克服腼腆羞怯的心理障碍,放声大胆地开口说话。 生动活泼的表演,强调语音和听说,贴近学生的生活和学习实际,有利于教师设计接近于实际意义的语境,让学生进行听说训练,提高英语表达能力。


Lesson 8


本册教材从结构体系的编写,内容安排和教学要求等方面都与前几册有很大的变化,它的信息量增加,难度也增大了。每课中Try to use部分,都出现了大量的单词和句型,这些要求教师安排大量的练习让学生理解,熟练的进行替换,以达到灵活运用,并且要求听说读写四会。因此,教师要通过大量的任务型活动途径,让学生在完成任务的过程中,参与,感受,合作,实践,并有所创新。同时,还要保持学生持续的英语学习兴趣,树立他们的自信心。


知识目标: 1、听、说、读、写介词词组in front of,next to.单词on,free. 2、熟练运用句型Where’s the milk? It’s in front of the bread. 3、能灵活运用新旧知识组织对话,完成一定交际性的语言任务。 能力目标: 1、培养学生的观察力、想象力,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。 2、引导学生积极与他人合作,培养学生的团结合作意识。

情感态度价值观:1、让学生在真实的语言环境中,体会学习的快乐。 2、教育学生要珍惜亲子之间的感情。 3、学习相关购物经验。 【教学重点与难点】

1、掌握四会词组及句型。 2、在真实语境中灵活运用句型。 3、词组next to的发音。

4、能根据实际情况灵活运用句型。 【教学方式】

1、教学方式:情境教学法,游戏教学法 2、学习方式:合作,探究,体验学习法 【教学过程】 一 导入设计:


2.欣赏一首有关介词的歌曲,教师可用手指和拳头的关系形象地帮助学生理解。歌词:in, on, under, behind, in front of, behind, beside, next to.

3.Freely talk: My mood is very happy today. Because this day is my birthday. This evening I will have a party ,would you like to join in ? ( I?d like to.) OK ,I will buy something for the party ,so ,let us go to the supermarket.

【设计思路】创设轻松和谐的英语课堂氛围,拉近师生间的距离。课初始,通过打招呼,唱英文歌曲, 达到师生互动,让学生更快的融入英语课堂。为以下的教学做好铺垫。 二 新课呈现:

1.教师继续借助手指和拳头,逐个教授三个主要介词短语 in front of ,next to, on. 2.请三位学生ABC上讲台,站成一竖排。C is in front of B,B is in front of A. 3.要求其他学生说出自己与前后座同学的位置关系。

4.把牛奶或面包放在盒子前,盒子上,盒子旁,具体教授in front of ,on, next to.

5.用 milk,bread,fruit等实物,随即摆放位置。 T:Where is the milk? S: It is….

6.教师展示超市图片,T:What’s this? Ss:It’s a suppermarket. 【设计思路】创设真实的语言情境操练句型,使英语学习更贴近生活。同时,师生问答游戏,充分调动了学生的学习热情,使课堂教学得到升华。

7.教师展示超市图片,并作背景介绍:David and his mom are in the supermarket. They are looking for the milk, the bread ?.But where is the milk? Listen to the tape and find the answer. 8.学生回答问题,再听一次录音,模仿录音中的语音语调朗读几遍课文。 9.对Buy ?,get?free.稍作解释,帮助学生理解课文意思。

10.学生分角色朗读课文。 11.Game:演一演,猜一猜。



学生分两人一组,一人做动作,一人说介词。如果动作与动作相符,能得到老师的奖励。 【设计思路】通过多种游戏活动练习新授句型,让学生在学中玩,玩中练,充分调动了学生的积极性,培养学生灵活运用语言的能力,让学生潜移默化的学会英语,感受英语,感悟语言的真谛。 三操练巩固 操练词汇:

1)Spell the word group by group. 2) Spell the word boys by girls. 3) Read words as soon as quickly. 4)Read the words one by one. 5)Read the words loudly an lowly.

6)Each group spell the word’s one letter, and then say it together. 7)Read line by line. Read row by row.

8)Spell boys and girls.

9)Following the teacher’s hands, read loudly or lowly.



1.教师出示 try to use 中的图片,根据所学句型看图说话。 2.学生改编课文内容。 3.自编自演对话。

T: Excuse me. Where is the…?

S: It’s +介词短语。Let me show you.

T: Thanks . Wow ,buy one ,get one free. I?ll take two. 【设计思路】精心设计的表格有效地整合了所学知识,充分体现了英语知识的开放性和协调性,让学生在简单的活动过程中有不一般的收获和感受。创编歌谣,充分发挥了学生的想象力,调动他们的潜在思维能力,鼓励学生创新。 五课后作业




【教学用具】 多媒体课件、超市挂图、相关物品、录音机磁带,等 【教学后记】

在本课教学中,通过采用新颖多样的教学手段,创设生动活泼的教学情景,营造轻松愉快的课堂气氛,是每个学生都敢于和乐于开口说英语,并为他们提供了说英语的机会。学生一般喜欢在游戏中完成自己的学习任务,所以我采取游戏学习方式来调动大家的学习兴趣,让学生乐于学习。同时学习英语的新思想是创设情景进行学习,我尝试去创设各种与教学相适应的情景去教学,达到较好的效果。从整节课的设计和取得的教学效果看,基本达到了预期的教学目标,学生的表述能力得到了加强,能运用本课的句型进行简单的交流。 不足之处就是对情景的创设虽然能激发学生的兴趣,但不够真实。因此在今后的教学中更要注重实际的语言环境的创设。

Unit2 In the supermarket Lesson 9

【教材分析】本课是在上课学习了句型Where is the ? ? 和一些介词:in front of, next to, on 的基础上,继续学习句型Where are the ? ? 和一些生活用品 :shampoo, toothpaste, towel, soap 以及一些短语 :turn left, turn right, go ahead.这些用品是学生身边特别熟悉的东西,因此他们撑握起来比较容易,学起来也比较轻松。他们也能够自如的把所学的语言灵活运用到现实生活中来。 【教学目标】Teaching Aims

1. Knowledge aims: To master the new words and phrases: shampoo ,find ,turn left,

turn right towel ,toothpaste .

To use the drills and phrases freely :Where are the ? ? They are ? .turn left, turn right, over there, go ahead.

2. Ability aims: To train the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing

3. Emotion aim: To foster the students to form the good habit of independence and

take care of family.

【教学重点与难点】Important and difficult points:

1. Master the main drill and new words : shampoo, find, towel, turn left ,turn

right and Where are the towels ? They are ? . 2. How to use main points to make new dialogues and use them freely. 【教学方式】

Communicative teaching method, group cooperate method, task-based teaching method, TPR

【教学过程】Teaching Process

Step1 Revision

1. Listen to the chant : Where is the bread ? In front of the eggs. Where are the

eggs ? Next to the milk. Where is the milk ? Under the candies .Where are the candies ? Behind the jelly .

2.Look at the big screen (show a picture of the bedroom ),ask Ss use the drill and prepositions of last lesson describe the things in the bedroom.

【设计思路】通过说唱和复习,既活跃了课堂气氛,又调动了学生们学习英语的积极性,同时,又复习了上一课的句型和单词,为引出本课的重点句型作好了准备。 Step 2 Presentation

1. Put two books on the desk ,ask: Where are the books ? Help them answer They are

on the desk . Then use different things , drill the new drills: Where are the ? ? There are ? .

2. Practice the drills in pairs.

3. show the two drills : Where is the ? ? It?s ? . Where are the ? ? There

are ? . Ask Ss to speak out their differences .Teacher helps them sum up the differences .Last, let Ss use the two drills to make sentences .


4. Look at the big screen, show a picture of a bathroom, ask: what should we need

in the bathroom? Show these things and teach them the new words: shampoo towel

toothpaste soap .


5. Play a game: Which is missing?

6. Ask and answer in pairs with the drill and new words. Where are the shampoo? They are in front of the soap.

【设计思路】 三年级学生注意力时间很短,他们的天性就是活泼好动,让学生们在玩中撑握所学单词同时也活跃了课堂气氛。分组操练,巩固了所学句型和单词。

7.Use gestures and actions , lead into the new phrases: turn right turn left go ahead .

8. Play a game: Listen and do.(Teacher says the orders ,Ss do the actions.) 【设计思路】在听听做做,玩玩跳跳中撑握所学短语,吸引了学生们的注意力,又使学生兴致盎然,达到了预期效果。

9.Listen to the tape and repeat it .Then call Ss to read the dialogue and answer the questions: a. What do we need ? b. Where is the toothbrush ?

c. Where are the towels ?


10.Look at the big screen, ask Ss choose some topics to make up a new dialogue or make a new by themselves with these new language materials.

【设计思路】让学生把所学语言应用到现实生活当中,既培养了学生的创新能力,又培养了他们的交际能力,使学生们听说读写能力都有一定提高,从而达了遇期的教学效果。 Step3. Consolidation Fill in blanks.

Where _____the toothpaste? Where _____the toothbruthes? Where _____the towels ? Where______the soap? Sh_mp_ _ tur__ le_t turn r__gh__ go a__h__ __d 【设计思路】填空的设计,既巩固了所学单词,又巩固了所学句型。 Step4.Homework

1. Recite the new words and drills. 2. Retell the dialogue.


【教学用具】录音机 CAI 实物 卡片


Ⅱ.Presentation Step1 A. T: Where is the Great Wall? Ss: (It?s in Beijing.)

T: When would you like to go to Beijing? I?d like to go to Beijing, too. I?ll go there in my holidays. Now, guess what the meaning is of “holiday”? Ss: (假期) (Teacher may help the Ss understand the meaning.) T: Yes, you are right.

( Teacher writes down the word on the board) ( Then Students practice this word in rows and lines) T: Can you recite the spelling of “holiday”?

Ss: (h-o-l-i-d-a-y) (Teacher may give them one minute to recite the spelling.) B. T: Would you like to go to Beijing on foot? Ss: (No, it?s too far.) T: Can we go there by bike? Ss: (No, we?ll be tired.)

T: So, How do we go there? (Teacher writes down the sentence on the board) Now, I?ll give you three suggestions. Please look at my pictures. (Teacher shows the picture of plane, car and ship to them. Then teacher writes down the three phrases on the board: by plane, by car, by ship)

T: Now, please guess the meaning of by plane, by car and by ship. Ss: (乘飞机,乘汽车,乘船)

T: Now, I will give you three minutes to talk about how we go to Beijing. (after discussing) T: How do we go there? S1: By plane.

T: That?s too expensive. S2: By car.

T: We?ll be very tired. S3: By ship.

T: But there is no ship to Beijing. S4: By train or by bus.

T: That?s ok.

C: T: Now, boys and girls, please take out a piece of paper and write down where you?d like to go

with your partner and how do you go there. Then make a dialogue two by two.


S1: where are we going for our holiday? S2: I?d like to go to Dalian. S1: How do we go there? S2: By train.

(Ss report their conversation two by two)

The task-based dialogue teaching deepens the difficult points, arouses student's enthusiasm and strengthens the understanding of the new knowledge for the students.. Step2 Text teaching

A. T: Oh, most of you will go to some places. How about David and his parents? Today we are

going to learn lesson 14.(Ss open the books) B. To listen to the tape to have them listen carefully. C. To have them read the text according to the characters. D. To answer teacher?s questions a. Where will they go?

(S1: They would like to go Shanghai.) b. Will they go by plan? (S2: No.)

c. Will they go by car? (S3: No.)

d. How do they go there? (S4: By ship) e. Are they happy? (S5: Yes.)

E. To perform the dialogue.

(Teacher divides them into some groups and gives them several minutes to read the text. Then teacher gives them chances to perform the dialogue with the help of pictures.)

Ⅲ Consolidation.

A. T: Look at the screen,I have some pictures of different places. Look at them carefully then tell

me where you would like to go and how you go there with your friends in your holidays.

The classroom is a place for the students to release and exchange their emotion. The harmonious relationship between the teacher and students is the key aspect for them to form the learning skills. (Teacher shows them the pictures of Xian, Dalian, Kunming Lake, Shanghai on the screen.) T: Who would like to go to Xian? (Teacher gives the chance to the Ss who want to go to Xian) S1 and S2: (.We?d like to.) T: Please make a conversation.

S1: (Let?s go to Xian together in our holidays, Ok?) S2: (Ok. How do we go there?) S1: (By train.) S2: Super!

(Then teacher asks some other Ss to make conversation about the places of Dalian, Kunming Lake and Shanghai)

In this part, teacher's influential role is to design and propose the students? active task and organize the students to complete the task using the knowledge that they have learned.

Ⅳ Extension

A: Gives the students 3 minutes to fill in the blanks. ho_ _d_ y by p_ _ _ _ by c_ _ by s_ _ _ B: Fill the blanks to complete the conversation.

A: The summer ______ is coming. Let?s have a trip together, ok? B: Super! _______would you like to go? A: I?d like to go to Dalian.

B: Me too. _______ do we go there? A: By_____ ?

B: Oh, that?s too expensive. How about _____ train? A: That?s ok..

The extra activities are helpful for the students to increase the knowledge and to open their field of vision. Ⅴhomework

A: To recite this lesson to their parents. B: To do the exercises on activity book.

Lesson 14 How do we go there? The arrangement of the English homework should be extended out of the class in order to develop the activities on class. 【blackboard design】

By plane /car /ship.

【Teaching Resources and Tools】

A. resources and tools for Ss: book, exercises book, printed exercises. B. resources and tools for teacher: radio, tape, pictures of places. 【Teaching’s Looking Back】 Advantage:

The students accept the new knowledge easily because they have touched in the transportation means in last lesson. Such as by bus, by train and by bike. Disadvantage:

The time of practicing the new words is not enough. The conversation among students occupied a lot in this class.

Lesson 15

【Teacher’s Introduction】

Li Henan, as an English teacher for ten years, works in Shiyan Primary school in Long Gang district.

【Textbook Edition】《Fun with English》. Book Ⅵ beginning with Grade one. 【Lesson’s Title】Lesson 15

【Time of giving lesson】November 16th 【Ss Situation Analysis】 A .Ss level: Grade three.

B .Ss? abilities on grammar: They have touched in the present tense. 【Course Standard Analysis】

To develop the regulation of teaching and use the various teaching skills and methods in class. 【Textbook Analysis】

Students should master the directions of north, east, south and west. 【Teaching Aims】 A: Aims on knowledge

a. Ss should master “north, east, south and west”.

b. Ss proficiently use “Where is the Olympic Center? It?s in the north of Beijing”

B. Aims on abilities:

a. To develop Ss? abilities on listening speaking reading and writing. b. To train Ss? abilities on using “where” wh-questions. C. Aims on emotion:

a. To foster Ss? consciousness of directions b. To lead Ss to use the directions in daily life freely. 【Teaching Emphases and Difficulties】 A: Ss should master “north, east, south and west”. B: Ss proficiently use “Where is the…. It?s in the …....” 【Teaching Methods and Learning Methods】

A: Teaching Methods: Communication, demonstration, performing, heuristic method, scene, and task based.

B: Learning Methods: Using five organs together, intensifying memories, circulating memories,

summarizing and analyzing. 【Teaching Process】 Warm up A: Greeting B: Free talk:

T: Boys and girls let?s guess a riddle, ok? Ss: Ok

T: It?s a piece of paper. We can find many places on it .What is it? Ss: (It?s a map.)

T: Yes, you are so clever.

To strengthen the communication between the teacher and the students, and make a good bedding for the new knowledge to be presented.

Ⅱ. Presentation Step1 A. T: Look at this map of China carefully. Can you find Xinjiang? Tianjin, Inner Mongolia and Yunnan?

Ss: It?s on the left of the map.

T: Yes. We can say it?s in the west of China. (Teacher writes down the sentences on the board.)

Now guess the meaning of “west”. Ss: (西部)

T: Smart! (Ss practice the word in rows and in lines) T: Look at the map again. Where is Tianjin?

