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One afternoon, on my way to school, I got on a bus. There were few people inside. Just at that time, a woman got up from her seat to buy ticket and a young man standing by took her seat, assuming she was getting off. As the woman returned, she was angry to see her seat taken and hissed: “Someone occupies the nest eagerly but lays no egg!” Hearing this, the young man stood up to offer the seat to the woman, retorting: “I’m really sorry. Now you can have your nest and lay your eggs.” Tall Hat

To give someone a tall hat is a common saying which means to flatter someone.

There were two disciples who, before going away to take up their first appointments, went to call on their teacher together. Said the teacher:

“Nowadays, it doesn’t pay to be straightforward in what one says. Take my

advice for your own good: Give a tall hat to whomever you meet.”

“Our teacher is right,” said one of the disciples. “At the present time there are

indeed very few people like our teacher who do not like tall hats.”

At that the teacher’s face lit up with pleasure. On their way out, that disciple said

to the other: “I’ve just given away one tall hat.” Rain

Two men were drinking wine at a wineshop. After finishing the last bottle between them, they sat there chatting with no intention of leaving. Feeling tired, the owner of the wineshop made a feint of looking at the sky and said: “Looks like rain.”

On hearing this, the two men said: “Since the rain is coming, we’d better wait till it clears up.”

After a while, the owner again said: “Now, it’s stopped raining.” “Well,” said they, “since it’s stopped raining, there’s no hurry to leave.” A Big Mouth

There were two men much given to braggart language. One of them boasted: “In our village we have a giant whose head touches the sky when he stands up.” The other had this to say: “In our village we have a bigger man whose upper lip reaches to the sky while his lower lip rests on the ground.” “Then where is his body supposed to be?” inquired the first man. “Well,” replied the other, “his big mouth is the only thing that

one can see.” 守株待兔


Wait for a Windfall/Trust in Chance and Strokes of Luck

1. During the Warring States Period, there was a farmer of the State of Song. One day he saw a hare run into a tree located in his farm land, its neck broken, and then it died. Hoping to get more hares, he laid down his farm tool, standing by the stump, waiting for more hares to come and dash themselves against it. But nothing turned up as he had expected. He became a laughingstock of the people of the State of Song.

2. There was a farmer in the State of Song. Once a hare scampered through his farmland, bumped into a tree, and broke its neck. Dreaming about picking up another hare, the farmer set his farm tools aside and kept waiting under the tree. Nothing did he get but ridicule from all his folks. 郑人买履

郑人有欲买履者,先自度其足,而置之其坐。至之市,而忘操之。已得履,谓曰:“吾忘持度。”返归取之。及返,市罢,遂不得履。人曰:“何不试之以足 曰:“宁信度,无自信也。” 1. Buying Shoes

Once there was a man of the State of Zheng who wanted to buy a pair of shoes. Before going to the market, he measured the length and width of his foot, and put the size-marker on his seat. He didn’t realize that he had forgot to bring it until he arrived at the market. Holding the shoes in his hand, he signed.〝Pity I forgot to bring the scale.〞So he went back for it. It was too late for him to get the shoes when he returned to the market, because it had been closed. “Why not try them on with your feet?” asked an on looker. “I’d rather believe in my scale than trust my feet!” he answered. 2. Of Measurements and My Own Feet

A man in the State of Zheng wanted to buy a pair of shoes. He measured his own feet

but left the measurements on his seat when headed for the fair. Only when he stood by the shoe stall did he realize his negligence. \said he. He went home for them and then back again only to find that the fair had already closed. At last, he did not get his shoes. People asked him:\

He replied: \rather believe in the measurements. /I find measurements more trustworthy.\苛政猛于虎


1. Tyranny is More Ferocious than a Tiger

Once Confucius passed by the Mount Tai,and he saw a broken –hearted woman wailing in front of a tomb. Rising to his feet and resting his hands on the handrail of the wagon, he listened attentively, and ordered Zi Lu, one of his disciples, to look into the matter. “Judging from your crying manner, you seem to be striker with new grief. What has happened?” asked Zi Lu. The woman answered, “My uncle fell a prey to a tiger, so did my husband. Now my son has died off from a tiger too.” “Why not choose to leave here?” wondered Confucius. “Because there’s no tyranny here,” said the woman. On hearing this, Confucius remarked, “Remember this, son, Tyranny is more ferocious than a tiger!”

2. Tyranny is More Terrifying than Tigers

Confucius saw a woman wailing mournfully in front of tombs at the foot of Mountain Tai. Gripping the front rail and listening, he ordered to pull up the carriage. Zilu was sent to her and asked: \pain and sorrow filled your voice. Something truly disastrous happened, didn't it?\The woman wept out: \My father-in-law had been killed by a tiger, and then my husband. Worse still, it preyed upon my son this time!\was her reply. Confucius sighed to his disciples: \and bear in mind, more

terrifying than a tiger is tyranny!\愚公移山

中国古代有个寓言,叫做“愚公移山”。说的是古代有一位老人,住在华北,名叫北山愚公。他的家门南面有两座大山挡住他家的出路,一座叫做太行山,一座叫做王屋山。愚公下决心率领他的儿子们要用锄头挖去这两座大山。有个老头子名叫智叟的看了发笑,说是你们这样干未免太愚蠢了,你们父子数人要挖掉这样两座大山是完全不可能的。愚公回答说:我死了以后有我的儿子,儿子死了,又有孙子,子子孙孙是没有穷尽的。这两座山虽然很高,却是不会在增高了,挖一点就会少一点,为什么挖不平呢?愚公批驳的智叟的错误思想,毫不动摇,每天挖山不止。这件事感动了上帝,他就派了两个神仙下凡,把两座山背走了。现在也有两座压在中国人民头上的大山,一座叫做帝国主义,一座叫做封建主义。中国共产党早就下了决心,要挖掉这两座山。我们一定要坚持下去,一定要不断地工作,我们也会感动上帝的。这个上帝不是别人,就是全中国的人民大众。全国人们大众一齐起来和我们一道挖这两座山,有什么挖不平呢? The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains

There is an ancient Chinese fable called “The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains”. It tells of an old man who lived in northern China long, long ago and was known as the Foolish Old Man of North Mountain. His house faced south and beyond his doorway stood the two great peaks, Taihang and Wangwu, obstructing the way. He called his sons, and hoe in hand they began to dig up these mountains with great determination. Another greybeard, known as the Wise Old Man, saw them and said derisively, “How silly of you to do this! It is quite impossible for you few to dig up those two huge mountains.” The Foolish Old Man replied, “When I die, my sons will carry on; when they die, there will be my grandsons, and then their sons and grandsons, and so on to infinity. High as they are, the mountains cannot grow any higher and with every bit we dig, they will be that much lower. Why can’t we clear them away?” Having refuted the Wise Old Man’s wrong view, he went on digging everyday, unshaken in his conviction. God was moved by this, and he sent down two angels, who carried the mountains away on their backs. Today, two big mountains lie like a dead weight on the Chinese people. One is imperialism, and the other is

feudalism. The Chinese Communist Party has long made up its mind to dig them up. We must persevere and work unceasingly, and we, too, will touch God’s heart. Our God is none other than the masses of the Chinese people. If they stand up and dig together with us, why can’t these two mountains be cleared away?

春城昆明 Kunming—the City of Eternal Spring / Perpetual永久的、无限期的、四季花开的 Spring昆明是云南省省会,位于西南云贵高原中部,是闻名遐迩的春城,全国24个历史文化名城之一。昆明历史悠久,文化灿烂,得天独厚的气候条件,独具风采的自然、人文景观,绚丽多彩的民族风情和丰富的物产资源,使昆明更加神奇美丽Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province, is located at the heart of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau云贵高原 in southwest China. Due to its special geographical conditions, Kunming is well known as the City of Eternal Spring, enjoying an ideal climate and endowed with被赋予了breathtakingly beautiful scenery. As one of the 24 national historical and cultural cities历史文化名城, it has a long history and rich cultural heritage, boasting拥有diverse, fascinating folklore民间传说 and bountiful丰富的products and natural resources. Both the natural and cultural attractions add to the city’s beauty and charm.昆明辖四区八县,总面积15,561平方公里,总人口370万,居住着26个民族。市中心海拔1,891米,城区三面环山,南濒滇池,依山傍水,全年气温变化不大,日平均气温15.1℃,“夏无酷暑,冬无严寒”,“万紫千红花不谢,花枝不断四时春”,有四百多种花卉。茶花为昆明市花。由于昆明气候四季如春,引得西伯利亚的数十万只红嘴鸥每值冬季都要结群南徙,分享昆明春的气息Covering an area of / With a total area of 15,561 square kilometers, Kunming has 4 districts区and 8 counties县 within/under its jurisdiction, and is home to 3.7 million people belonging to 26 ethnic groups民族. The city is encircled环绕的 on three sides by mountains, its downtown at an altitude高度、海拔 of 1,891 meters, and bordered接界、相邻于on the south by the Dianchi Lake. This protected location gives Kunming a year-round average temperature of 15.1 degrees centigrade摄氏度, making it “free from the scorching heat炎热、酷热of summer and freezing cold of winter”; there are blooming flowers all year long, and of the 400 kinds of flowers in Kunming, camellia [k?'mil??]山茶花

is designated指定的 as the city flower. The mild climate also attracts a few hundred thousand visitors from Siberia [sai'bi?ri?]: groups of red-beak gulls红嘴鸥fly to Kunming to spend their winters and celebrate the perpetual永久的、无限期的、四季花开的 spring there.中国四大自然景观之一的石林,位于昆明市西南部的路南彝族自治县境内,距市区90公里。石林面积350平方公里,是地球上现存规模最大、最为完整的喀斯特地貌景观。这里是撒尼人聚居区,传说中阿诗玛的故乡。奇特的自然景色与多彩的民族风情交相辉映,令人陶醉其间。The Stone Forest, one of the four most famous scenic spots in China, is located in Lunan Yi Autonomous county to the southwest of Kunming, 90 kilometers from downtown. Covering an area of 350 square kilometers, the Stone Forest is the largest and the most intact完整的、未受损伤的 extant现存的set of karst formations喀斯特地貌in the world. This region is settled by Sani people撒尼人, a branch of the Yi people in China,加注释 and it is also the hometown of Ashima, a beautiful and talented singer in Yi folk legends加注释. Visitors here are bound to一定会be enchanted with为?陶醉 the blend混合 of distinctive有特色的 scenic beauty and multi-ethnic charm.昆明是全国少有的多民族聚居的省会城市,民俗风情多姿多彩。火把节、泼水节、三月三、目脑节等各种民族节庆更是异彩纷呈。

Kunming is a provincial capital with the largest concentration集中 of ethnic minorities, who have their colorful and amazing ethnic festivals, including the Torch Festival of the Yi people, the Water Splashing Festival of the Dai people, the Munao Festival of the Jingpo people, and the March 3rd Festival of the Han people and several other ethnic groups. The celebration of these festivals is a spectacular occasion.昆明的交通四通八达。昆明机场为我国六大国际航空港之一,年旅客吞吐量达240万人次。六条铁路与全国铁路网和相邻的越南相连,以昆明为中心的高等级公路网正在形成。电话可直拨世界上二百多个国家和地区以及全国各大中城市。Kunming has a superb极好的、华丽的、宏伟的 transport network, which radiates辐射 in all directions. Its airport is one of the six largest airports in China, with 2.4 million passengers annually, and its six railways are connected with the national railway network and with its neighbor Vietnam. A high-grade high way system centered on Kunming is already under construction. Direct dial service is

available here, securing smooth communication with other Chinese cities and more than 200 countries and regions in the world.昆明有涉外宾馆38家,标准客房6,000多间,可为中外宾客提供优质服务。

There are 38 hotels in Kunming which are approved to receive foreign guests, providing a total of more than 6000 bedrooms. Both domestic and international visitors are welcome to come and enjoy their excellent service. 北戴河海滨Beidaihe, a Seaside Summer Resort

北戴河海滨位于秦皇岛西南15公里处,是中国著名的避暑游览胜地.Beidaihe, one of China’s most famous seaside summer resorts, lies to the southwest of Qinhuangdao, 15 kilometers away from it.北戴河海滨南临渤海,北依联峰山,海岸漫长曲折,滩面平缓,沙软潮平,海水清澈,是一处天然海水浴场.更因有海陆风影响,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,盛夏时平均气温仅23C,白天风从海面吹来,清凉湿润,入夜陆风渐强,凉爽宜人,实为中外游人的避暑胜地.

Facing the Bohai Sea in the south and leaning against the Lianfeng Mount in the north, Beidaihe has a long winding seashore, and a flat and smooth beach, whose sands are short and tides are low and gentle. The fact that the seawater near the beach is crystal-clear enables it to be a natural bathing beach. Moreover, thanks to the sea and land breeze, it’s neither cold in winter nor hot in summer, with the highest daily temperature averaging 23℃ in midsummer. During the daytime cool and moist wind blows from coastal areas to the sea, the wind, cool and soothing, becomes a little bit stronger. All these win its popularity among tourists at home and abroad, and build up its reputation as a summer resort.


The charms of Beidaihe Beach also lie in its enchanting beautiful scenery. Take the East Lianfeng Mount and West Lianfeng Mount. The continuous ridges, the lush pine and cypress trees, the vagarious stones and peaks-all are the manifestations of the beauty of the two mountains. In front of them the sea stretches as far as the eye can

see. On the hill-slopes are villas and tall buildings set off by green leaves in a picturesque fashion. The East Mount has a scenic spot called “Lotus Stone”, which resembles a lotus flower. A huge stone acts as its petals. A pair of rocks rises steeply on the top of the West Mount, and when looked at from a distance, they seem to be two close friends talking in whispers, thus they are named “Whispering Stones”. 孟姜女庙The Mengjiang Temple


The Mengjiang Temple, in commemoration of a legendary woman named “Mengjiang”, is 6.5 kilometers to the east of the Shanhai(Mountain and Sea)Pass. It was built in 1594(the 22nd year of the region of Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty). The legend goes that the woman trudged thousands of miles in order to visit her husband who had been drafted into doing the hard labor of building the Great Wall. She took with her the winter clothing for her husband and arrived at the Shanhai Pass, only to find that her husband had died. She wept her heart out, her tears flooding the Great Wall so that it collapsed. In despair she committed suicide by jumping into the sea. In memory of her death, people built a temple on a hill near the site, with stone steps leading to it. There are two halls in the temple. A clay statue of Mengjiang was placed in the front hall. Dressed in black and white, she looks worried and grieved, gazing at the sea in the south. The back hall is for the worship of Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy. Outside the backdoor stands a huge stone, on which an inscription was carved. The inscription reads Wangfushi, which means “the stone on which a woman steps and she stretches her eyes over the sea, yearning for the return of her husband”. A small pit on it is said to be the footprint left by Mengjiang. Beside the stone is a pavilion called “zhenyiting”, a place, according to the legend, where she dresses and makes up.

京伦饭店Hotel Beijing-Toronto


Hotel Beijing-Toronto is located in Jianguomenwai Street, the downtown area of Beijing. It’s adjacent to the conglomeration area of foreign embassies, the Friendship Store, and several business office buildings. There’s only ten-minute drive from the hotel to the famous Tian’anmen Square. The advantageous location of the hotel enables it to be the best choice for both tourists and businessmen.


It’s 659 rooms and suites are designed to the international standards. They are furnished with a central air-conditioning system that can adjust room temperature automatically, and a color TV system that can receive international programs transmitted by satellites. Direct-dial distance calls are available to both foreign and domestic cities. The little bar provides a variety of beverages. The king-sized beds are very comfortable. All these will secure the lodger a leisurely, carefree, and delightful stay.

人间天堂杭州 Hangzhou—Paradise on Earth


Hangzhou has a long history as a famous cultural city. The remains of the “Liangzhu Culture” show that our ancestors lived and multiplied in this area as long as 4000 years ago. Besides, Hangzhou served as the capital of empires for 237 years, first as the capital of the Kingdom of Wuyue (907-978) during the Five Dynasties Period, and again as the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). Now Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang Province with six urban districts and seven neighboring counties under its jurisdiction.


Hangzhou has a reputation for scenic beauty. About 700 years ago, Marco Polo, perhaps the most celebrated Italian traveler, called it “the finest and most magnificent city in the world”.

境内西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞整幽深,风光奇丽。湖上有彩带似的的苏堤、白堤飘落其上。三潭映月、湖心亭、阮公墩三个小岛鼎力湖中。岳庙、西冷印社、曲院风荷、平湖秋月、花港观鱼、柳浪闻莺等风景点,均在湖之周围。 The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty. The Su Causeway which runs from north to south and the Bai Causeway which runs from east to west look like two colored ribbons floating on the water. The three isles named “Three Pools Mirroring the Moon”, “Mid-Lake Pavilion” and “Ruangong Mound” stand in the lake, adding much charm to the scene. Beauty spots around the West Lake include Yue Fei Temple, Xiling Seal-Engraving Society, Lotus in the Breeze at the Crooked Courtyard, Autumn Moon on Calm Lake, and several parks including “Viewing Fish at the Flower Harbor” and “Listening to Orioles Singing in the Willows”.


Mountain peaks tower around the lake and amaze the visitor with ever-changing aspects of their beauty. Scattered in the adjacent hills are scenic caves and caverns, such as Jade-Milk Cave, Purple Source Cave, Yellow Dragon Cave, Purple Cloud Cave, Stone House Cave, Water Music Cave and the Haze at Sunset Cave. Also among the hills one finds springs everywhere. These are perhaps best represented by Tiger Spring, Dragon Well Spring and Jade Spring. The place called Nine Creeks and Eighteen Gullies is well-known for its twisting paths and murmuring streams. Other scenic sites of historical interest include the Temple of the Soul’s Retreat, the Six Harmonies Pagoda, the Baochu Pagoda, the Monastery of Pure Compassion, the

