新视野大学英语读写教程1 unit3

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Unit 3

Preview (p53)

be faced with: “面临,面对” I am faced with new opportunities and challenges.

spirit: the part of a person that includes their mind, feelings and character rather than their body. e.g. the power of the human spirit to overcome difficulties. (人类克服困难的精神力量) further: to a great degree or extend “进一步” The police decided to investigate further. of one’s own: “属于某人的” Human is a creator, a creator of one’s own destiny.

generosity: willing to give sb. money, gifts, time or kindness. “慷慨,大方”

e.g. He treated them with generosity and thoughtfulness. (他待他们宽容大度,体贴周到)

Section A

Pre-reading Activities

In this story, a man describes that he felt ashamed when walking down the street with his crippled father when he was younger. He did not like the way people stared at the two of them. His father on the other hand never showed that he noticed other’s reactions to his disability. He was very active and often took part in activities with his son. Over time the son learned that his father had a very good heart. His father has been gone for many years now, and he regrets not telling him how much he admired him. He often remembers the example his father set.

<new words>

ashamed [adj.]: feeling shamed or embarrassment about sb./sth/ or because of sth. you have done “惭愧;羞愧;尴尬”

e.g. You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies.

cripple [vt.] make sb. unable to walk or move properly “|使跛,使残废”

| e.g. He was crippled in an accident. |他在一次事故中变成了残废。

| | [C] sb. who is physically disabled, esp. unable to walk |跛子,瘸子

| | e.g. Though he is a cripple, he supports his family by working hard. |

虽然腿脚不便, 他还是努力干活养家。

|reaction[n] what you do, say or think as a result of sth. that has happened 反应,回应 e.g. What was his reaction to the news?

over time: 随着时间的推移

e.g. expect that over time my skills and ability will develop.


regret [vt.] feel sorry about sth. one has done |后悔;遗憾

e.g. |I regret not having taken your advice. |我后悔没听从您的劝告。

| ||[U] a feeling of sadness about sth. that has happened |后悔;遗憾

e.g. Much to my regret, I can't accept your invitation. |很遗憾, 我不能接受你的邀请。 admire [vt] respect sb. for what they are or for what they have done. “钦佩,赞赏,仰慕” e.g. I don’t agree with her, but I admire her for sticking to her principles.

Text <A good heart to lean on>

1. lean [vi.] be against a wall or other surface |倚,靠

There is a ladder leaning against the wall. | 有一架梯子靠在墙上。

The old man leaning upon his stick at the gate is John's grandfather.


[vi] bend in a certain direction |倾斜,倾向,偏向

|Don't lean out of the window when the bus is moving.


lean on: depend on |依靠

They lean on each other for support. |他们互相依靠,互相支持。

You should not always lean on others for help. |你别总靠他人来帮你。

2. balance

[U] mental or emotional calm 平静,镇静

She soon recovered her balance after she lost her temper. 她发脾气后不久就恢复了平静。 His wife helped him keep his balance during difficult times.


[U] a state in which all weights and forces are evenly spread so as not to fall 平衡,均衡

It's difficult to keep one's balance on an icy street. |在结冰的街道上保持平衡不容易。 v. (cause to) be even and keep in balance (使)平衡,(使)均衡

When you ride a bicycle you must learn to balance. |骑自行车必须学会保持平衡。

vt. consider in relation to sth. else; compare |权衡,比较

You have to balance the positive points of living in a big city against the negative ones.


3. severe [adj. ] very bad or serious 恶劣的,严重的;剧烈的

e.g. She is suffering from a severe headache. |她头疼得厉害。

[adj.] strict or hard in thinking or treatment 严格的,严肃的,严厉的

e.g. He is very severe with his children.

severely [adv.] in a strict way |严重地;严格地,严厉地

e.g. The house was severely damaged in the earthquake. 房屋在地震中遭受严重损坏。

4. inward [adj.] inside your mind and not shown to others 内心的

e.g. Her calm expression hid her inward panic.

[adj.] toward the inside |向内的

e.g. an inward movement |向内移动

inwardly [adv.] in mind or spirit |内心 (或精神)方面

e.g. She was inwardly sad but she would not say anything about it.


She hates him inwardly. 她从心底恨他。

5. bother [vt.] make sb. feel worried or upset 使苦恼

e.g. What bothers me most is my inability to keep up with others.


I’m sorry for having to bother you.

[vi.] |make an effort to do sth. 尽力,费心

e.g. ---Shall I wait?

---No, don’t bother.

6. let on : tell sb. sth., esp. sth. that has been kept secret |泄露,透露

e.g. She never let on she was married. |她从不透露她已经结婚。

7. coordinate [vt.] cause different parts, body parts, etc. to work together very well 使协调 e.g. They use facebook to coordinate their activities.

8. halt [v.] :stop 暂停,中断,中止

e.g. No one can halt the advance of history. |谁也阻挡不了历史的前进。

[n.] a stop or pause |暂停,中断,中止

The car came to a halt in time to prevent an accident.


halting [adj.] 蹒跚的

e.g. He walked home with a heavy heart and halting steps.

9. impatient

[adj.] easily annoyed; not patient |不耐烦的,没有耐心的

e.g. Don't be so impatient! The bus will be here soon. 别这样不耐烦!公共汽车很快就来。

You're too impatient with her. She's only a child. |你对她太没耐心了,她还只是个孩子。

[adj.] very eager to do sth. or for sth. to happen; anxious |急切的,渴望的

e.g. They were already impatient to try. 他们已经迫不及待,跃跃欲试了。

Many business students are impatient to become managers.


10. start out: begin going somewhere |出发

e.g. Did he tell you when to start out?

Before starting out you should check that your seat and mirrors are properly adjusted.


11. pace [n.] speed of walking or running 步速;走(跑)的速度

e.g. She slowed down her pace so I could keep up with her.


[n] the speed at which sth. happens |速度,速率;节奏

e.g. The pace of change in the computer industry is very fast.


I like the pace of life in the city. | 我喜欢这个城市的生活节奏。

[vi.] walk with slow, regular, even steps |踱步,慢步走

e.g.The policeman paced up and down the street. |警察在街上踱来踱去。

12. adjust [v] |(to) become or make suited (to new conditions) (使)适应

e.g. The former soldiers had difficulty in adjusting to ordinary life.


13. despite [prep.] |in spite of |尽管,不管

e.g. Despite applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.

They had a wonderful holiday despite the bad weather.

尽管天气不好, 他们的假日仍然过得很愉快。

14. nasty [adj. ] unpleasant; horrible; disgusting |令人不快的,令人厌恶的

The coffee has a nasty taste.

I'm so glad you didn't get that nasty flu. |你没染上那讨厌的感冒,我很高兴。

[adj.] unkind不友善的,恶意的

What a nasty man! |真是个不怀好意的人!

Don't be nasty to your friend.

15. make it: manage to arrive somewhere on time 及时赶到

e.g. I think we'll just make it if we hurry up! |如果抓点紧,我想我们能及时到达。

Try your best to make it to the airport. |你们一定要及时赶到机场。

be successful at sth. |办到,做到

e.g. Believe yourself, you could make it.

16. even if 即使,虽然

e.g. We'll go tomorrow even if it rains. |即使下雨,我们明天也去。

17. cling |vi.

<1> (to) hold sb. or sth. tightly |抱住,抓紧

e.g. The passengers were clinging to a lifeboat and waiting for a rescue.


<2> stick to sth. 粘着

e.g. The mud clung to her shoes.

<3> stay close to sb. (especially because you need them emotionally) 依恋,依附

e.g. She clings to his mother for support.

<4> continue to believe or do sth. |坚持,忠于

e.g. He clung to his own idea. |他坚持自己的观点。

She clung to the hope that he was still alive. |她仍希冀他还活着。

18. free of: 没有~的, 免

e.g. free of tax(免税) free of charge(免费)

19. amaze [vt.]surprise sb. greatly |使惊异;使惊讶

e.g. You will be amazed at what you can do.

We were amazed at the change in how he looked. |我们对他外表的改变感到惊讶。

20. subject [vt. ](to) cause to experience sth. unpleasant 使遭受(痛苦等),使蒙受

e.g. I don't want to subject you to any inconvenience. 我不想给你带来任何不便。

We Chinese people will never subject ourselves to any foreign rule.


21. complaint [n.] [C, U] a statement in which sb. complains about sth. 投诉;意见

e.g. We've received many complaints about goods quality. |我们收到了不少关于有关产品质量的投诉。

22. envy [n.]<1.> [U] the feeling of wanting sth. that sb. else has |妒忌;羡慕

e.g. He couldn't hide his envy at my success. |他无法掩饰对我成功的妒忌。

<2> [U] object of envy |妒忌的对象,羡慕的目标

My new office was the envy of the entire staff. |全体职工都很羡慕我的新办公室。

<vt.>have the unhappy feeling of wanting sth. that sb. else has |羡慕;妒忌

e.g. I have always envied your good luck. |我一直羡慕你运气好。

I envy you having such a close family.

envious [adj.] (of) wanting sth. that sb. else has 妒忌的,羡慕的

e.g. He was envious of his brother's success. |他很羡慕他弟弟的成功。

23. even though : in spite of the fact that; even if |虽说,即使

e.g. Even though it's hard work, I enjoy it. |虽然工作辛苦,我却很喜欢这工作。

Even though he is hardworking, there is never enough money to pay the bills.


24. precise [adj.] exact, clear and correct |精确的;准确的

e.g.What is the precise meaning of this word? |这个词的确切含义是什么?

precisely [adv.] exactly; just |准确地,精确地

e.g. I can't remember precisely what happened. |我记不清确切发生了什么事。

25. engage [vi.] |(in) take part in or be involved in sth. |参与,参加

I have no time to engage in exercises. |我没有时间参加锻炼。

He is engaged in business. |他是经商的。

[vt.] employ sb. to do a particular job |雇用,聘用

She was engaged as a teacher. |她被聘作教师。

[vt.] attract sb.'s attention and keep them interested |使全神贯注;引起注意

It is a movie that engages both the mind and the eye.(赏心悦目)

26. knowledgeable [adj.]|knowing a lot |知识渊博的

e.g.He's very knowledgeable about art.

27.occasion [n.] <1.> a time at which sth. happens |(事件发生的)时刻,时机

e.g. There are occasions that you must not refuse. |有些时候你绝对不能拒绝。

I've met him on several occasions. |我曾经见过他几次。

<2.> a suitable or right time |(适当的)时机,机会

e.g. I'll buy one if the occasion arises. |如果有机会我就会买一个。

On one occasion: 曾经,有一次

e.g. I met her only on one occasion.

Only on one occasion did he speak to me.

28. break out: begin to happen |突然发生,爆发(war, fight)

e.g. A fire broke out in the basement of the building. |大楼的地下室发生了火灾。

29. punch [vt.] <1.> hit hard with the fist |用拳猛击

e.g. He punched the young man in the face. |他用拳猛击那个年轻人的脸。

<2.> make a hole in sth. using a metal tool |打孔

e.g. The ticket collector punched my ticket. |检票员在我的票上打了个孔。

card punch (打孔机)

30. shove [v.] push roughly |推挤,推撞

e.g. He shoved her out of the way. |他把她推到了一边。

31. content [adj.] satisfied and happy 满足的,满意的

be content with sth. be content to do sth.

e.g. She is not content with her life in the city. |她不满意自己在城里的生活。

John seems content to sit in front of the television all night.


32. aid [vt.] give help or support 帮助,援助

We were greatly aided in our investigation by the police. |警方对我们的调查帮助很大。 Increased international trade has aided the country's economic recovery.


[U] help |帮助,援助

They provide free legal aid. |他们无偿提供法律援助。

unaided <adj.> without help 无助的;独立的

e.g. He is unable to walk unaided. |他不能独立行走。

33. urge [vt.] persuade sb. to do sth. 竭力劝告;敦促

e.g He urged us to go right away. |他力劝我们马上就走。

[C] a strong wish or need |强烈愿望,迫切需求

e.g. I had a sudden urge to hit him.

34.on leave away from work or duty 休假

e.g.I'm in charge of the department when the manager is on leave.


35. see (to it) that : make sure that sth. is done 务必做到

e.g. I will see to it that your problem will be dealt with immediately.

36. reluctance: [U] unwillingness to do sth. |不愿,勉强

e.g. She showed reluctance, but finally accepted our interview.


reluctant [adj.] be reluctant to do sth.

37. worthy [adj.] <1.> deserving respect 值得尊敬的;高尚的

The girl is really a worthy opponent. |这个女孩真的是个值得尊敬的对手。

<2.> (of) deserving sth. 值得的,应得的 be worthy of sth/sb

Their efforts are worthy of your support. |他们的努力值得你们的支持。

He felt that he was not worthy of her.

unworthy [adj.] not honest or morally wrong |不诚实的;卑鄙的

Trifles are unworthy of your attention. |琐事不值得你劳神。

I am unworthy of such an honor. |我不配获得这样的荣誉。

38. regret [vt.]feel sorry about sth. one has done |后悔;遗憾

If you don’t do it now, you’ll certainly regret it.

I regret not having taken your advice. |我后悔没听从您的劝告。

[n.][U] a feeling of sadness about sth. that has happened |后悔;遗憾

Much to my regret, I can't accept your invitation. |很遗憾, 我不能接受你的邀请。

39. trifle [n.] |[C] sth. that has little value or importance 无价值的东西;琐事

e.g. It's silly to quarrel over trifles. |为小事而争吵是愚蠢的。

Household trifles took up much of her time. |家庭琐事占了她很多时间。

Section B

Text <The right son at the right time)

1. elderly [a. ] old or becoming old |年长的,上年纪的

e.g. He's an elderly gentleman. |他是位年长的绅士。

He's very active for an elderly man. |就已上了年纪的人来说,他的精力是很充沛的。

2. collapse

[vi.] (of a person) fall down and become ill or unconscious |病倒,昏倒

e.g. He collapsed in the street and was sent to hospital immediately.


[vi.] (of a building, wall, etc.) fall down suddenly |倒塌,塌陷

e.g. Many buildings collapsed due to the earthquake. |地震造成了很多楼房倒塌。

[U] the act of falling down suddenly |倒塌;塌陷

e.g. The storm caused the collapse of the building. |暴风雨造成那幢建筑物倒塌。

The collapse of the bridge is under investigation. |桥的倒塌正在调查之中。

[C, U] a sudden failure in the way sth. works |突然失败;崩溃

e.g. The economic collapse in the country led to social unrest.


He suffered a total collapse of emotional and physical well-being after the accident.


3. come to: become conscious again 苏醒,恢复知觉

e.g. I came to in the hospital, but I didn't remember what had happened to me.


When he came to and raised his head he saw his wife.


4. now and again/then|at times; sometimes |不时地,有时候

e.g. We do meet now and again, but not regularly. |我们有时候确实见面,但不是定期会面。

5. call for : demand; ask to see 要求

e.g. The relatives and friends of the dead man called for police to look into the cause of death. |死者的亲友要求警方调查其死因。

6. locate

[vt.] be in a particular place |设置于;位于

e.g. The new head office building is located in the center of the city. |新的总部大楼位于市中心。

They decided to locate their factory on land near the railway station.


[vt.] discover the exact place of sb. or sth. |确定...的位置

e.g. I'm trying to locate Mr. Smith. Do you know where he is?


The technician is still trying to locate the fault. |技师仍在努力找寻故障之所在。

7. apparent

[adj.] easy to see or understand; very clear |明显的,显而易见的

e.g. His change is apparent to us all. |他的变化对我们大家来说是显而易见的。

It was apparent that they all understood. |显然他们都明白了。

[adj.]seeming; unreal |貌似的;表面上的

e.g. Her apparent lack of care made him even more nervous.


Their wealth is more apparent than real; I don't think they have any money at all.


Apparently [adv.] according to how sth. looks; seemingly |表面上,看上去像

e.g. Apparently they're going to take a vacation. |他们像是正在准备去度假。

8. set out : start a journey |出发

e.g. The band set out on their worldwide tour. |那个乐队开始了他们的环球旅行。

They set out for London on a one-day trip.| 他们出发去伦敦一日游。

9. military [adj.] of or for the army, navy or air force |军事的,军队的

e.g. Military training is required for every college student. |每一位大学生都要参加军训。

His son has been called up for military service. |他的儿子被征召去服兵役去了。

10. sole [adj.] one and only; single |唯一的,仅有的

e.g. I think he came here with the sole intention of causing trouble.


11. enable [vt.] make sb. able to do sth. |使能够;使可以

My student identity card enables me to travel half-price on trains.


A dog's ears enable it to hear even the smallest of sounds.


12. extend

[vt.] stretch out one's arms or legs |伸开,展开

He extended his hand to the new worker. |他伸出手同新雇员握手。

[vt.] make longer or larger in space or time |使(在空间或时间上)扩大;延长

Can you extend your visit a few days longer? |你能多停留几天吗?

They extend the railway to the next city. |他们把铁路延长到下一个城市。

[vi.] continue for a particular distance or a certain period of time |延伸;延续

The hot weather extended into November last year. |去年炎热的天气一直持续到十一月。 The sea extends as far as the eye can see. |大海一望无际。

13. wrap [vt.] put one's arms or hands around sth. |搂住;握住

He wrapped his hands around mine. |他握住我的手。

[vt.] put paper or cloth over sth. to cover it |包;裹

She wrapped the gift in paper. |她把礼物用纸包起来。

The baby was wrapped in a blanket. |婴孩被裹在毯子里。

14. limp [adj.] lacking strength or energy |无力的,没精神的

He gave me a limp handshake. |他无力地握了握我的手。

She went limp after morning drills. |早晨操练之后她感到没有精神。

[vi.] walk with difficulty because of an injured leg or foot |一瘸一拐地走

He hurt his foot and limped to the door of the classroom.


He was limping slightly and he looked tired. |他有些蹒跚地走着,看起来很疲倦。

15. squeeze [vt.] press sth. firmly with one's hands |挤;压;捏

Alice smiled and squeezed his arm slightly. |艾丽斯笑了笑,轻轻捏了一下他的胳膊。

[v.] get into or fit sth. into a small space |挤进;塞入

The bus was crowded, but he managed to squeeze in. |汽车很拥挤,但他还是设法挤了上去。 We can only squeeze one more thing into the bag. |这个包里只能再塞一件东西。

16. dim [adj.]1. fairly dark, not bright |暗的;朦胧的

This is a dim hall with no windows. |这是一个没有窗户的幽暗的大厅。

Don't read by dim light. |别在昏暗的灯光下看书。

2. (of chances) not good or not likely to happen (成功的机会)暗淡的;渺茫的

His political future is dim. |他的政治前途渺茫。

The hopes of success start to look dim. |成功的希望开始变得渺茫。

dimly [adv.] in a dim way |模糊地;朦胧地

I can only dimly see the edges of the building on a dark night.


This is a dimly lit room. |这是一个灯光昏暗的房间。

17. occasional [adj.]happening, but not often or regularly |偶尔的,偶然的

He pays me occasional visits. |他偶尔来看看我。

I drink an occasional cup of coffee, but usually I drink tea. |我偶尔喝杯咖啡;但通常喝茶。 occasionally [adv.] sometimes; not often or regularly |偶然地,有时

He goes to a concert occasionally. |他偶尔去听音乐会。

18. bang [v.] |knock or hit hard with a loud noise |猛击,猛撞

He banged his fist on the table. |他用拳头击打桌子。

The door banged close in the wind. |一阵风把门“砰”的一声关上了。

[n.] [C] a sudden loud noise; a sharp knock or blow |猛击(声);猛撞(声)

They heard the bang of a gun. |他们听见砰的一声枪响。

There was a loud bang on the door. |有很响的撞门声。

19. exchange [vt.] give sth. and receive sth. at the same time |交换;交流

We exchanged gifts at Christmas. |我们互送圣诞礼物。

20. moan [n.][C] a long low sound, usually of pain or unhappiness |呻吟

There was a moan of pain from the injured man. |受伤的人发出了一声痛苦的呻吟。

21. hold to <1.> hold sth. tightly |握住,抓住

He held to the rope so as not to fall down. |他紧紧抓住绳子以免跌下来。

<2.> keep believing in an idea or a principle |坚信;忠于

He holds to a simple life. |他坚持过着俭朴的生活。

I always hold to what I have said. |我会恪守我的承诺。

22. inform

[vt.]tell sb. about sth. |通知,告诉,报告

We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected.


23. sympathy [n.]|[U] the feeling of being sorry for sb. who is in a bad situation |同情,怜悯

She never expressed any sympathy when I was hurt. |我受伤时,她从来没表示过任何同情。 Out of sympathy for the homeless children he gave them a bed for the night.


24. interrupt

[v.]stop sb. from what they are saying or doing |打扰,打断;插话

Don't interrupt the speaker now; he will answer questions later.


orry to interrupt, but I have to remind you of the time.


[vt.] make sth. stop for a period of time |使中断;使暂停

Trade between the two countries was interrupted by the war. |战争使两国间贸易中断了。

A snowstorm interrupted the traffic. |暴风雪阻断了交通。

25. startle [vt.] give sb. a shock or surprise |使大吃一惊,使吓一跳

I was startled to hear the news. |听到这个消息我大吃一惊。

The sudden noise in the bushes startled her horse.


26. with that: after doing that |接着,随即

She threw the book on the table, and with that ran angrily out of the room.


The train reached the terminal, and with that, my trip ended.


27. exit

[v.] leave a place |退出;退场

We exited the cinema as soon as the film ended. |电影一结束,我们就离开了电影院。

[n.] [C] a way out |出口

an emergency exit |紧急出口

28. turn out: happen in a particular way or have a particular result 结果是,证明是

The film turned out to be a great success. |结果这部影片大获成功。

It turned out that his statement was false. |后来证明他这番话是假的。

