北师大版英语高一上册Module 1《Unit 1 Lifestyles》(lesson 2)w

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Unit1 Lesson 2 Relaxing

Teaching aims:

To practise listening for specific information

To learn about ways of dealing with stress in everyday life

Te aching course:

ⅠWarm up

Work is very important in ou r life. We have to work, no matter what you are. With the development of modern society, people are fastening their step s of life. Ther e is less time for relaxation. The problem is that more and more people feel stressed. How to get rid of the stress we are suffering from is what we are to talk about.


Task one

Y ou are to do some listening, Before it think about your school life, list the things ( at least 3 ) you do and your feeling about them. ( A=Activity, F=Feeling )(目的是激发学生的兴趣,锻炼学生的口头表达能力,为听力内容做铺垫)

How do you get rid of the stress in your life?

Talk to each other about the activities you have listed. Say which is stressful and which is relaxing. Do it like this:

prepare for an exam; lie on the beach; wait for the resul t of; give a talk in English; do shopping with task two.

Interview your classmates to see what kind of stress they are suffering from and how they relax themselves or get rid of it.


Do the exercise 2

Do the exercise 3

Read through the Strategies with the class and see if they can use any of these Strategies already. In pairs, students read the questions and try to predict the answers. Point out that more

than one answer is possible.

Students then exchange ideas to find out if the y have made the same predictions if they have made

different predictions, ask students to justify their opinions.

Do the exercise 5 and 6

Before listening the materials ask students to read the questions and first predict answers then listen the tape twice.

When students have checked their answers, ask them what advice they would give to Mark to help him be less nervous before exams and before going to parties.

Do the exercise 7

Students look at the exercise and see if they can remember or can guess any of the missing words. Students listen t o the cassette again and complete the sentences in the Function File. Pronunciation

Do the exercise9

In our oral language we often pause. Now listen to Mark again. Which words or sounds does he use to hesitate?

Students listen to the cassette. After each sentence, pause the cas sette so that students can repeat the hesita tion device.

Do the exercise 10

Before starting their talk, students can look at the sentences they wrote in Exercise 9

Students then put the exercise away and talk to their group without any notes, using as many hesitation words as possible.


Writ a report about you interview in class. Write about the stress you and most of your classmates are suffering from. Find the causes of the stresses and give advice on how to relax yourselve

