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(Syllabus for English Teaching Methodology)


课程编码:19400070、课程总学时45学时(25/20)、周学时3(2/1)、学分:2分、开课学期:第6学期。 1.课程性质

《英语教学论》课程是高等师范院校英语教育专业一门必修课程,旨通过该课程的学习,引导英语师范生学习课程教学改革新理念, 树立交际语言教学观;学习语言学、心理学、二语习得等外语教学理论和外语学习理论,学习不同的英语教学法思想,掌握英语课堂交际语言教学技能;组织学生参加英语教学实践活动、帮助学生理论联系实际教学,培养学生实践教学和反思教学能力,逐步提高对英语教学的认识能力,为师范生将来从事英语教育事业奠定良好的理论和实践基础。

2.适用专业与学时分配 适用于英语教育专业。 教 学 内 容 与 时 间 安 排 表

章次 1 内 容(宋体小五号字) 总课时 理论课时 实践课时 Theory of Tteaching & Learning 学习英语教学理论 3 3 2 Teaching Methodology 了解各种英语教学方法 3 2 1 3 Curriculum Standard 介绍英语新课标 3 2 1 4 Use of Course book 学习使用英语教材 3 2 1 5 Classroom management 学习管理课堂 3 2 1 6 Focus on lesson planning 3 2 1 了解怎样备课 7 Focus on Teaching listening 关于教听力课 8 Focus on Teaching speaking 关于教口语课 9 Focus on Teaching reading 关于教阅读 10 Focus on Teaching writing 关于教写作 11 Focus on Teaching pronunciation 关于教语音 12 Focus on Teaching vocabulary 关于教词汇 13 Focus on Teaching grammar 关于教语法 14 Focus on Focus on assessment 关于教学评价 15 Model class observation and discussion 优质课观摩及讨论 小学期 到中学教育见习、听中学教师讲座、听校长报告等。

14 8 4 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3.课程教学目的与要求

I. 教学目的:通过《英语教学论》课程的学习,帮助英语师范生具有新课程教学改革的理念和职业规范与师德,掌握一定的外语教学理论和外语学习理论,了解交互性语言教学的课堂教学理论基础,培养英语教学实践经历和反思教学的的能力,促进师范生在 学术上的可持续发展的基本素质。

II.教学要求:教师通过多媒体讲授英语教学理论、教学流派、课程标准和 教学原则等知识后,组织师范生进行小组为单位的教学内容演示等教学实践活动,




5.推荐教材及参考书 推荐教材:

1.Paul Davies, Eric Pearse Success in English Teaching Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2005 2.王蔷:《英语教学法教程》,高等教育出版社,2000年。 3.舒白梅,《现代外语教育学》,上海外语教育出版社,2005年。 推荐参考书:

1.Claire Kramsch: Context and Culture in Language Teaching,上海外语教育出版社,1999年。

2.Diane Larsen-Freeman ,Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, Oxford university press, second edition 2002年。

3.Harmer, J. How to teach English.外语教学与研究出版社,2000年。 4.H. G. Widdowson: Teaching Language as Communication上海外语教育出版社,1999年。

5.Jane Aronld:Affect in Language Learning. 外语教学与研究出版社,2000年。

6.Ur, Penny. A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000年。

7.顾日国, 《英语教学法》,高等教育出版社,2000年。


9.http://en.ruiwen.com/中学英语教学资源网. 10.http://www.pep.com.cn/人教社网站.

11.http://www.tefl-china.net/国家基础教育实验中心外语教学网站. 12.http://home.lsjh.tp.edu.tw/middle/relatedwebsite/teachingwebsite.htm 英语教学网站.

6.课程教学方法与手段 采用建构主义教学模式,一方面有教师主导性学习,即指教师结合现代教学论的理论知识及教师的多年的知识和教学实际经验融合指导学生实践,适时给学生选放一些英语优秀课的光盘;另一方面是学生自主性学习,即指学生及时吸收巩固教师教讲的知识和方法,课堂模拟教学技能展示,验证自己的学习成果。该课程重点是要突出理论性与师范性,侧重教授学生对教师职业的理解与认识,并以小组形式分配任务,帮助学生演示所学内容,教师一方面答疑解惑,另一方面帮助学生进行英语课堂教学微机能训练。

授课教师采用多媒体教学形式,使用传统教学手段与 现代教学手段相结合的,运用黑板与课件以及其他教具辅助传授英语教学理论知识和进行英语课堂教学微技能训练;教师适时选用网络资源和选放一些优质课光盘供学生学习。





8.实践教学内容安排 在教师讲授了相关教学理论之后,学生以小组为单位进行教学技能展示,一方面验证学生的对该理论的学习效果,另一方面培养学生综合运用英语技能进行教学实践。

二、教学内容纲要 Unit 1 Theory of Teaching & Learning

Teaching aims

Help Ss to have a brief idea about the development of language teaching and learning.

Help Ss to have theoretical bases when designing teaching. Important points

Brief history of foreign language teaching;

1. A short overview of teaching methodology; (introduced in detail the next unit) 2. Introduction of language learning theory; 3. Relationships between learning and teaching; 4. Introduction of language learning strategy. …….

Unit 2 Teaching Methodology Teaching aims

Help Ss to get the knowledge of the methodologies

Ss can be able to conclude their own teaching methods from the theories. Ss can be aware of how English language teaching developed. Important Points

1.The Grammar-Translation Method 2.The Direct Method 3.The Audio - Lingual Method 4.The Cognitive Method 5.The Silent Way 6.Suggestopedia

7.Community Language Learning 8.The Total Physical Response Method 9.The Communicative Approach ……

Unit 3 Curriculum Standard I. Teaching aims

Help Ss learn about the requirement of New Curriculum Standard

Ss can be able to prepare themselves for their future work. II. Important Points

1. There are several problems in the basic education 2. There are several problems in English education 3. The change of teaching idea 4. Purpose of English course

5. Task of English course in the basic stage of education 6. Structure of English course of middle schools ……

Unit 4 Use of Course book Teaching aims

Help Ss to learn how to evaluate a course book

Ss can know what kind of books are being used in middle schools Ss can be able to make syllabus and use the course book effectively Important Points

1.Principles for using course books.

2.Introduction of course books used by junior-high students: Oxford English; 2.Introduction of course books used by senior-high middle students: New Standard Curriculum English Course Books ……

Unit 5 Classroom management I.Teaching aims

Help Ss to know what classroom management is

Ss can be able to behave correctly and appropriately in classes. II. Important Points 1. The role of English teacher 2. Classroom instruction

3. Disciplines in the language classroom 4. Dealing with troublesome behaviors. ……

Unit 6 Lesson planning Teaching aims

Help Ss to learn the basic knowledge about lesson planning Develop Ss to have the ability of lesson planning. Help to stimulating the interest towards teaching Important Points

To answer the following questions: ----What is lesson plan?

----Why do teachers make lesson plans? ----What influence a lesson plan? ----How to make a lesson plan? ……

Unit 7 Teaching listening Teaching aims

Help Ss to learn principles for teaching listening Ss can be able to teach listening Important points:

To answer the following questions: ----What do real listening involve? ----What are authentic listening materials ---- What are the major listening skills ……

Unit 8 Teaching Speaking Teaching aims:

1. Help Ss to know the basic knowledge about speaking teaching and how to teach speaking

2. Ss learn to have the ability to teach speaking in the future

3. Help stimulate the interest towards teaching of speaking

Important Points

1.Why is listening important? 2.How to teach speaking?

Unit 9 Teaching Reading Teaching aims:

Help Ss to have basic knowledge about reading teaching and how to teach reading

Help Ss to have the ability to teach reading.

Help stimulate the interest towards teaching of reading.

Important Points

The knowledge about reading teaching and how to teach reading Unit 10 Teaching Writing Teaching aims:

Help Ss to have the basic knowledge about writing teaching Help Ss develop the ability to teach writing

Ss can be able to have interest towards teaching especially teaching writing Important Points

1.The aim of writing

2.The knowledge about writing teaching 3.Ways to teach writing Unit 11:Teaching pronunciation Teaching Aims

1. Ss can better understand the use of stress and intonation. 2. Ss can develop acceptable pronunciation. 3. Help Ss express their ideas more easily.

Important points: Developing the intelligibility of producing English sounds, studying cases and reflecting. Unit 12:Teaching vocabulary

Teaching Aims

1. Ss can know about a new word.

2. Ss can know more ways of consolidating vocabularies. 3. Ss’ vocabulary learning strategies get improved. Important points:

Learning to present and consolidate vocabulary.

Unit 13:Teaching grammar

Teaching Aims

1. Ss can know the grammar presentation methods. 2. Ss can review sentence form of passive mode. 3. Ss can know different categories of grammar practice.

Important points: Learning different categories of grammar practice.

Unit 14:Assessment

Teaching Aims

1. to learn about assessment method 2. to learn about assessment criteria 3. to learn about assessment principles 4. to review testing in assessment

Important points: applying assessment principles to assessment in practice

Unit 15 Model class observation and discussion

Teaching aims: To train students how to conduct teaching practice focusing on integrated skills

Important points: To train student to observe, think and reflect the design and process of the model teachers

