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P.5 P.7 P.9


How to Speak English in the Air练就一口伦敦音 Speaking English in London用英语问路

Finding Your Way Around in English

P.11 超难懂的澳洲英语

Speaking English in Australia







Want to travel internationally? You can do it with English! English is the international language of the aviation industry. Just learn this key airport vocabulary and fly anywhere in the world with confidence.

Do you have an e-ticket or a paper ticket?

一张〝E-ticket〞是一张〝electronic ticket〞,意思是你的购买记录已经存在了航空公司的电脑系统中。你所需要的是用自己的身份证明登记。一张〝paper ticket〞是一份确实的文件。就象一张音乐会的票,如果你丢了,你必须重买一张!

An e-ticket is an electronic ticket, meaning your purchase record is stored in the airline’s computer system. All you need to check in is your identification. A paper ticket is a physical document. Just like a concert ticket, if you lose it, you have to buy another!

Are you checking baggage or carrying on?

〝Baggage〞是你打包的所有东西的总称-箱子,背包,盒子。如果你有大件物品或多过一个的包裹,你需要check你的行李-那就是,将行李放在飞机的行李舱中。一件〝Carry-on〞是一个名词指你随身带上飞机的一个小件行李。Baggage is the general term for everything you’ve packed - suitcases, backpacks, boxes. If you have large items or more than one bag, you need to check your baggage - that is, have it stored in the airplane’s cargo hold. A carry-on is a noun referring to the small baggage you take on the plane with


Would you like a window or aisle seat?

再也不会困在中间的座位了!如果你喜欢看窗外的话,那你就要一个〝window seat〞。或者你如果希望能够自由的起身并〝stretch your legs〞,那就告诉他们你想要一个〝aisle seat〞。

Never get stuck in a middle seat again! If you enjoy looking out the window then say you want a window seat.

Or if you’d rather be free to get up and stretch your legs, tell them you’d like an aisle seat.


Here’s your boarding pass.

您的〝Boarding pass〞是机场中发放的带有你座位号和出发信息的文件。你需此才能通过安检并登上飞机。

Your boarding pass is the document issued at the airport with your seat number and departure gate information. You need it in order to pass through security and get on your flight.

Is this flight non-stop or does it have a layover?

〝Layover〞是在你的旅途的中途停靠站。〝non-stop〞意思是你路途中不停靠而直接飞到你的目的地。A layover is a stop at an intermediate point in your journey. Non-stop means you fly directly to your destination with no stops in between.

After the security check, board your flight at gate 3.

〝Security check〞是检查你和你的随身行李中是否携带危险品的地方。〝gate〞指的是你等待并(board)登上–你的飞机的地方。

The security check is where you and your carry-on bags are checked for dangerous items. Gate refers to the area where you wait for and then board - get on - your plane.

Is my flight delayed or on-time?


When your flight is going to be late departing, you’ll hear that it has been delayed. On-time means your flight will leave as scheduled.

Pick up your bags at baggage claim.

〝Baggage claim〞是你取回寄舱行李〝baggage claim〞的地方 - 那些你没有随身带上飞机的行李。Baggage claim is the area where you retrieve your checked baggage - the bags you didn’t carry onto the airplane

with you.



Thinking of taking a trip to London? Be careful. There’s a world of English that people speak in London that you may have never heard before. Prepare yourself with London’s most common lingo below!


这是人们在表示惊讶时常用的表达方式。例如:〝Blimey! The weather’s terrible today!〞。

This is a popular expression to use when you are surprised. For example, “Blimey! The weather’s terrible today!”

Keep your hair on

你的头发并不是要住哪个方向。 这个表达方式其实是表示保持平静:〝Keep your hair on. It’s an easy problem to fix.〞。

Your hair isn’t really going anywhere. This expression really means stay calm. For example, “Keep your hair on. It’s an easy problem to fix.“


这常用来表示出了问题的情况。例如:〝I started my new job the other day and I was so nervous, it all went pear-shaped.〞。

This is used to describe a situation that went wrong. For example, “I started my new job the other day and I was so nervous, it all went pear-shaped.”

Have it large

在你计划外出并玩个痛快的时候你会这样说。 例如:〝It’s Saturday! We’re gonna have it large tonight!〞,你还可以说:〝larging it〞。

You say this when you plan on going out and having a good time. For example, “It’s Saturday! We’re gonna have it large tonight!” You can also say, larging it.

Bob’s your uncle

如果有人这么对你说,这并不代表着你有一个很久没有联系的叔叔在伦敦。伦敦人使用这个表达方式表明某事已经完成或者某事没有任何的问题。例如:〝You just plug it in, turn on the power, and Bob’s your uncle!〞。

If someone says this to you, it doesn’t mean you have a long, lost uncle named Bob living in London. Londoners use this expression to announce that something is finished or OK. For example, “You just plug it in, turn on the

power, and Bob’s your uncle!”


Dog’s dinner

当人们说某事象狗食,他们其实在说这事一团糟。例如:〝Your hair looks like a dog’s dinner〞,意思是你的头发有一点乱,而不是他们的狗想要吃!

When people say something is like a dog’s dinner, they’re saying it’s a mess. For example, “Your hair looks like a dog’s dinner,” means your hair is a little messy, not that their dog would like to eat it!

All over the shop

这个表达方式和购物没有任何的关系。这表示某人完全没有条理性。 如果有人告诉你:〝You’re all over the shop〞,你应该停一停仔细想一想了。伦敦人还说:〝all over the gaff〞。

This expression has nothing to do with shopping. It describes a person who is disorganized. If someone tells you, “You’re all over the shop,” you should stop and think for a while. Londoners also say, all over the gaff.


不,这不是把东西摔坏!这其实是用来描述某事物非常的好。例如:〝Last night’s party was smashing!〞。No, this is not about breaking things! It’s really used to describe something that’s good or great. For example, “Last night’s party was smashing!”

Hank Marvin

如果有人说:〝I’m Hank Marvin!〞,这不是他或她的名字。这只是代表这个人非常的饿。例如:〝What do you want to eat for dinner? I’m Hank Marvin!〞。这是伦敦押韵的俚语的一个例句。 ──〝Hank Marvin〞与〝starvin’〞押韵,意思是饥饿。

If someone says, “I’m Hank Marvin!” it isn’t his or her name. It really means that person is very hungry. For example, “What do you want to eat for dinner? I’m Hank Marvin” This is an example of London’s rhyming slang - Hank Marvin rhymes with starvin’, which means hungry.

Let’s have a bubble bath

别担心,伦敦人并不是让你和他们一起洗泡泡浴。〝bubble bath〞其实意思是〝a laugh〞,他们只是要你和他们一起欢笑。

Don’t worry, Londoners aren’t really asking you to take a bubble bath with them. A bubble bath really means a laugh. They just want you to laugh along

with them.



Have you ever gotten lost while traveling? Your holiday will be off to a bad start if you can’t even find your hotel! But if you learn these useful phrases you’ll be able to ask directions and find your way around any English speaking city.

无论你怎么问,最好的开场白就是这样的短语〝Excuse me〞或者说〝Could you help me?〞。这样你问到的那个人将会对你的礼貌非常满意并常常会为你提供更多的帮助!Whatever you’re asking, it’s always best to open with a phrase like “Excuse me” or “Could you help me?”. The person you’re asking will appreciate the courtesy and often be more helpful!

〝Could you tell me how to get to...?〞是问去具体某个地方,象博物馆,酒店,或街道的标准句型。

“Could you tell me how to get to...?” is the standard way to ask how to get to a specific place, like a museum, hotel, or street.

如果你不是问一个具体的地方,但需要找到附近的银行,地铁站,厕所,等等的地方,那么最好的方式就是用这样的短语:〝Where is the closest...?〞。

If you’re not looking for a specific place, but just need to find a nearby bank, subway stop, bathroom, and so on,

then it’s best to use a phrase like “Where is the closest...?”


人们解释事物所在地最常用的一种方式就是使用术语’blocks’。 block 是在两个十字路口之间的一段街区。因此〝the next block〞意味着下个路口之后的那段街区,而〝three blocks ahead〞意味着在同一条街道上但过接下来的三个路口。

One of the most common ways people explain where things are is using the term ‘blocks’. A block is the section of street between two intersections. So ‘the next block’ means the section of street after the next intersection, while three blocks ahead means to stay on the same street and keep going past the next three intersections.

另一种表示距离有多远的方式即是使用象这样的短语〝the third right〞或〝the next left〞。因此如果有人说:〝Take the third street on the left〞,意思是你应该走过两个路口然后在第三个路口左转。Another way of saying how far to go is to use phrases like ‘the third right’ or ‘the next left’. So if someone says “Take the third street on the left” it means you should walk past two intersections and then turn left at the third one.

叫别人左转或右转的不同方式有好几种。〝take a left〞、〝go left〞、〝turn left〞和〝make a left〞,都代表同样的意思:左转。〝Go around the corner〞意思是在下个街道转身但不跨越。

There are several different ways to tell someone to make a right or left turn. ‘Take a left’, ‘go left’, ‘turn left’ and ‘make a left’ all mean the same thing: turn left. “Go around the corner” means turn at the next street without crossing it.

用建筑或标志物的指向。〝it’s just past the bank〞,意思是如果你走过银行,你要找的地方就在接下来的几幢建筑物中。〝opposite〞、〝across from〞和〝facing〞的意思一样,都代表同一个意思-在同一条街道上,但在另一边。Other directions refer to other buildings or landmarks. “It’s just past the bank” means if you go past the bank, the place you’re looking for will be one of the next few

buildings. ‘Opposite’, ‘across from’, and facing all mean the same thing - on the same

street, but on the other side.



Ever been to Australia and wondered what everyone was saying? You thought they spoke Eng-lish in Australia, right? Well, they do, but it’s a special kind of English. Here are some helpful tips

for talking to Australians.

Dead horse

当某人说,〝Please pass the dead horse〞别担心,他们不是在谈论动物。这是蕃茄酱的另一种说法。澳大利亚人通常将它发〝dead ‘orse〞。When someone says, “Please pass the dead

horse,” don’t worry, they’re not talking about the animal. It’s another word for ketchup. Australians usually pronounce it dead ‘orse.

Elbow grease

如果你试图打开一罐〝dead horse〞密封的盖子时,你的澳大利亚朋友可能会告诉你,〝Put some elbow grease into it.〞。别害怕!你的胳膊肘不油腻!他们只是要你更用力些。

If you’re trying to open the tight lid of a jar of dead horse, your Australian friends might tell you, “Put some elbow grease into it.” Never fear! Your elbows aren’t greasy! What they’re really telling you to do is try harder.

Fair crack o’ the whip

你的老板告诉你,〝I’m going to give you a fair crack o’ the whip.〞不要害怕-你完全不用担心!这个意思是他要给你一个公正的机会。Your boss tells you, “I’m going to give you a fair crack o’ the whip.” Don’t be afraid - you have nothing to worry about! It means he’s going to give you a fair chance.


你不可能挖个洞来救你自己的生命,那为什么人们还是不停的叫唤,〝Hey digger!〞当他们看到你的时候?把这当作赞美吧!只是朋友的另一个单词。澳大利亚人还使用单词〝mate〞和〝cobber〞。You couldn’t dig a hole to save your life, so why do people keep calling out, “Hey digger!” when they see you? Take it as a compliment! This is another word for friend. Australians also use the words mate and cobber.


Spit the dummy

你心情非常的糟糕并想要一个人呆着。您的朋友告诉你:〝Don’t spit the dummy.〞,这个表达方式和吐口水没有任何的关系。真正的意思是对你自己生气或难过。

You’re in a really bad mood and want to be left alone. Your friends tell you, “Don’t spit the dummy.” This expres-sion has nothing to do with spitting. It really means to sulk or feel sorry for yourself.


这是〝Is it the truth?〞的简短形式。是常用于表示你对某事非常的惊讶的表达方式。例如,如果某人刚刚赢了彩票,他们的朋友可能会说:〝Struth!〞,这就象是在说,〝Oh my God!〞一样。澳洲人亦可能会说:〝strike a light〞或是〝Hogan’s ghost〞。

This is short for “is it the truth?” It’s a common expression used when you are really surprised about something. For example, if someone just won the lottery, their friends might say “Struth!” It’s like saying, “Oh my God!” Australians might also say strike a light or Hogan’s ghost.

Come the raw prawn

如果你认为你的朋友在开你的玩笑,你就可以说:〝Don’t come the raw prawn with me!〞,这用来表示你不相信你刚刚听的话。它的意思是,不要向傻瓜一样对待我!

If you think your friend is playing a joke on you, you can say, “Don’t come the raw prawn with me!” This is used when you don’t believe what you’ve just been told. It means, don’t treat me like a fool!

Back of Bourke

你正在谈论你想要去的一个地方你的朋友说:〝It’s all the way out back of Bourke!〞,他们是什么意思呢?这个表达方式意思是这个地方前不着村后不着店。

You’re talking about a place you want to go to and your friend says, “It’s all the way out back of Bourke!” What are they talking about? This expression means that the place is in the middle of nowhere.

Give you what for

如果有人想要〝give you what for〞,注意了!这是父母常对不想做被要求事情的孩子们的所说的话,而且问:〝What for?〞。如果有人说:〝I’ll give you what for〞,他们基本上就是在说:〝I’m in no mood to argue. Do what I ask or else!〞。

If somebody wants to give you what for beware! This is something parents often say to their children who don’t want to do what they’re told, and ask “what for?” If someone says, “I’ll give you what for,” they are basically saying “I’m in no mood to

argue. Do what I ask or else!”

