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M1 How to learn English?


提示词: practice, talk about, how about, should, need, why don’t

Dear Language doctor,

I tried to learn English well, but I can’t speak English loudly. I failed to speak English. I feel shy when I speak in front of the class. I try to remember the new words every evening, but I forgot them early in the morning! It makes me mad! How can I remember the new words? I hope to get some advice from you.

Best wishes


Dear Tom,

I’m sorry to learn that your English is not good. There are a few things you can do. First, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Best wishes,

Language Doctor

M2 Experiences

你一定去过许多有意思的地方,你最难忘的地方是哪里?.请描述一次令你难忘的旅游经历,写清事件发生的过程及你的切身感受. 不少于70词.

下列词汇供选用: experience, favourtie, enjoy oneself, be relaxed, first, then, finally, feel , forget

My past experience

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

M3 Journey to Space

2008年9月25日,中国的三名宇航员乘坐神州七号宇宙飞船到达了太空,他们在太空行走了,还发现了许多有趣的事,但没有发现任何生命。科学家们已经发射宇宙飞船去过许多其他的星球,但是还没有在任何其他的星球上发现生命. 还需努力去探索宇宙.请根据以上信息写一篇不少于50字的作文。

提示词:ShenZhou VII spacecraft, astronaut , discover, already, yet, walk, find, life, a long way, research __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Module 4 Education

假如你是李明,今天英语课上学了有关希望工程的课文,你很受触动。回家后你把刘山子的情况和你父母说了,并希望父母同意你,和你一起来帮助刘山子, 准备寄给他一些钱,能使他重新返回学校学习。同时,你还写了一封信给他。



learn , Project hope, surprised , tell , drop out of school, work on the farm, hope, agree, help , send , go back to school , write a letter to

December 1, 2008 Monday Fine

___________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Module 5 Western music.




Module 6 A famous story

根据提示,以My Winter Vacation 为题写一篇的的作文。

提示:今年寒假, 我打算和我的父母一起去昆明度假,待一个星期。我打算钓鱼、游泳、观光、赏花。我们乘飞机去,希望我的假期过得愉快。

be going to, on holiday, stay , plan, do some sight seeing , hope, enjoy oneself



Possible version:

Module 1

Dear Tom,

I’m sorry to learn that your English is not good. There are a few things you can do. First, you should read English aloud every day. Then, take a deep breath and smile before speaking to others . Next, try to remember 8 or 10words a day. How about writing down the new words on pieces of paper. After that, place them in your bedroom. Say them when you see them. Don’t forget to change the paper every day. It’s also a good idea to watch TV or read newspapers in TV.

Module 2

I have been to many places in China, and Qingdao is my favourite. The reason why I like Qingdao is that you can have a good chance to enjoy a real sea there.

Last summer vacation my father and I went there. The sea was wonderful. The sky was blue and the sea is blue too. First, we went to swim in the sea. Then, we lay on the beach and enjoyed the sun. Next, we tried some seafood. They were delicious. Finally, we went shopping. I took a lot of pictures there.

It was a nice trip. And I feel relaxed. I will never forget it.

Module 3

On September 25th, 2008, three Chinese astronauts went to the space by ShenZhou VII spaceship. They not only walked in space, but also did a lot of interesting things in space. It’s difficult for them to walk in space with the heavy clothes. However, they didn’t discover any life in space. Scientists have already sent spacecraft to other planets but they haven’t discovered any life on any other planet yet. There’s still a long way to go to research the space.

Module 4

Today we learned something about the Project Hope in the English class. I was very surprised to know about it. When I got home , I told my mother about it. I told them about Liu Sanzi . He is only eight-year-old , but his parents want him to drop out of school. It’s important for him to work on their farm because there are seven people in Liu’s family and they are very poor. I want to help him and my parents agreed. So we sent him some money to help him go back to school. And I wrote a letter to him. I hope he will write back soon. , I felt very happy today.

Module 5

I have three good friends, they are Wang Lei , Li Ming and Lingling. All of them like music. But they like different music. Wang Lei likes classical music. He thinks it’s traditional and serious. And he likes the sound of the violins as well. Li Ming loves techno because it is modern and he likes to dance to it. But Lingling likes pop music. She says it is lovely and easy to sing with it. Because she enjoys singing very much. But My favourite music is blues. It’s slow and sad , when I am tired I like listening to it quietly.

Module 6

Winter holiday is coming . I am going to Kunming with my parents for our vacation. I will stay there for about one week. First , I am going to go fishing , swimming there .Then I also want to go sightseeing . Kunming is famous for its flowers. So we plan to watch the flowers there because I like flowers very much. And we decide to go there by plane. I hope I can enjoy myself in the holiday. I am looking forward to having my holiday.


Module 7 Feelings and impressions





Module 8 Around Town


a birthday party, start, opposite, red, white, find




Module 9 Animals in danger






Module 10 Lao She Teahouse






Module 11 The weather




Module 12 Traditional life



must, mustn’t, Spring Festival, clean, cut your hair, break, open a present, both hands, eat




One possible version:

Module 7 Feelings and impressions

I have studied in this school for over one year and I have made a lot of friends. My best friend is Lingling. She is tall with long dark hair and she wears glasses. She often wears jeans and a red sweater. She is kind and often smiles to others. Her hobby is playing basketball and she also likes playing the piano. She usually plays basketball with her friends. When she gets bad marks, she feels sad. She feels nervous when she speaks English. She wants to work hard because it’s very important to learn English well. She feels happy when she plays the piano at home. This is my best friend. I hope she will be your friend, too.

Module 8 Around town

Dear Lingling:

Next Saturday is my birthday. I am going to have a birthday party at home in the evening. It will start at six o’clock. Would you like to come? I’ve also invited some other classmates of ours and some of my friends to come. I live on the fifth Road. My house is red while the door is white. The house is opposite the railway station. You can take No. 1 and get off at the at the stop of the Fifth Road. Then you walk along the road to the first crossing, turn left and then you can see the railway station. It’s easy for you to find my house, and I am sure you can’t miss it.

I hope you will come.



Module 9 Animals in danger

Most people like pandas and the panda is one of the best-known animals in danger in the world. They live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. They mainly live on bamboo, but the area of bamboo has becoming smaller and smaller, so they don’t have enough bamboo to eat. And they don’t have many babies. Baby pandas often die. There are about 1000 pandas living in nature reserves today. The situation is becoming serious. Our government is working hard to save pandas. The nature reserves will grow bigger and the bamboo will grow better. Then the pandas will have enough food to eat and enough places to live in. So the pandas will go back to live in nature reserves. There’s a long way to go to save the pandas. But animals are our friends, so we need to save them.

Module 10 Lao She Teahouse

Zhang Yimou’s film Not One Less is a simple but moving story. A 13-year-old girl in a village called Wei Minzhi teaches some primary school students in the village. Wei Minzhi has only finished her primary school. She must keep all the students in the classroom and no one can run away. She tried her best to teach, but there is a 13-year-old boy , the naughtiest one in the class, escaped one day. Wei Minzhi becomes very worried and she goes to the town to ask for help. With the help of the TV station, the naughty boy goes back and Wei Minzhi takes him


back to the village again. Many people like the film because people in the film use their real names and play themselves.

Module 11 The weather

Dear Sally:

I am glad to hear that you will come to Beijing next week. Now it’s winter in Beijing and I think it’s the coldest season here in a year. The temperature often stays below zero, but there is less snow in winter now than before. When it snows, it is very beautiful to see all the lands become white. Spring starts in Beijing starts a little late, usually in March and it’s always windy in Spring. Summer is the hottest season. During the day time, the temperature will be above 35 centigrade. I think autumn is the best season in Beijing. It’s cool and comfortable, but sometimes it’s windy and a little dry. We can climb Fragrance Mountain and enjoy red leaves in October or November.

I’m looking forward to your coming soon.



Module 12 Traditional life

Dear Lisa:

I am glad to hear that you will come to China during the Spring Festival. The customs in China is quite different from those in America. When someone gives you a present, you must use both hands to accept it and you must wait and open it later. You must wrap hongbao in red paper because it’s lucky. You can’t use white, blue or black. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, you mustn’t do cleaning. And you mustn’t break anything. It’s bad luck. And you must eat lots of dumplings at the Spring Festival. Traditions in China are special during the Spring Festival. However, just enjoy yourself. Don’t think too much about the traditions in China. I hope you will have a good time. I am looking forward to seeing you in China.

Love Lingling

