
更新时间:2023-11-09 20:24:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




这里有19个口语新题卡片,预计在1月20日左右会通过微信(xspy_ielts)和QQ群推送完整版1-4月口语预测(P1+P2+P3) 1. 儿歌

Describe a childhood song you remember well. You should say:

where you first heard this song;

how old you were when you first heard it; what it was about;

and explain how you feel now when you hear this song. 2. 儿时的美好

Describe a happy family event from your childhood that you remember well. You should say:

what the event was;

when and where it happened ; what you saw or did;

and explain why you remember this event so well. 3. 对讨厌的人友善

Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like.

You should say:

when and where it happened; who he or she was;

why you didn’t like this person;

and explain why you were friendly to him or her on that occasion. 4. 多彩的地方

Describe a place you went to that was full of colour. You should say:

where it was; why you went there; what you did there;

and explain why you think this place was made so colourful. 5. 大厨

Describe a person you know who is good at cooking. You should say:

who this person is;

what is your relationship with this person; what kinds of food he or she cooks;

and explain why you think this person is so good at cooking. 6. 过去讨厌,现在喜欢的学科

Describe a subject you didn’t like before but have interest now.

You should say:

what it was;

when you studied the subject; why you didn’t like it before;

and explain why you have interest in it now. 7. 谎言

Describe a situation that others didn’t tell you the whole truth. You should say:

what the situation was; who was involved;

why they didn’t tell you the whole truth;

and explain how you felt when you found out you were not told the whole truth. 8. 好消息

Describe a piece of good news you heard from TV or the Internet. You should say:

what the news was about; when you got this news; where you got this news from;

and explain why you think it was a good piece of news. 9. 惊喜

Describe a pleasant surprise you had. You should say:

when and where it happened; who gave you the surprise; why they gave you the surprise; and explain how you felt about it. 10. 迷路

Describe a time when you got lost. You should say:

when and where it happened; who was there with you; how you felt when you got lost;

and explain how you eventually found your way. 11. 特别的建筑

Describe an unusual building you’ve visited. You should say:

where it is; what it is used for; what it looks like;

and explain why you think it is unusual. 12. 网站

Describe an interesting website you have visited.

You should say:

when you visited it;

how you first knew about this website; what the website is about;

and explain why you think it is interesting. 13. 玩具

Describe a special toy you had in your childhood. You should say:

what it was; who gave it to you; how often you played it;

and explain why it was special to you. 14. 网上学

Describe something interesting you learnt from the internet. You should say:

what you learnt;

what website you learnt it from; how you learnt it;

and explain why you think it was interesting. 15. 未完成的夙愿

Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet. You should say:

