中考英语复习: 初中生必备句型 - 动词句型

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说明:该句型中的表语可以由名词、代词、形容词、现在分词、过去分词、副词、介词短 语、不定式、动名词等充当。例如:

He is a student.他是学生。(名词) It’S me.是我。(代词)

The sun is red.太阳红。(形容词)

This novel is very interestin9.这故事很有趣。(现在分词) He is very excited.他很兴奋。(过去分词)

They are downstairs.他们在楼下。(副词)

I am in Number 2,Row l.我在1排2号。(介词短语)

Her job is to raise pigs.她的工作是养猪。(不定式)

Seeing is believin9.眼见为实。(动名词)

错误辨析:在该句型中,be是不可缺少的,汉语中的“是”字常不出现。试译: 我在3班。

误:I in Class 3.

正:I am in Class 3.



come true(变成现实;实现) fall asleep(睡着) fall/be/get/become sick(生病)

get close to(接近) get/grow angry(生气) go bad/sour(变质;变坏/酸) go hungry(挨饿)

go mad(发疯) go wrong(出毛病) keep fit/healthy(保持健康) look nice(看上去很好)

turn red(变红)


Last night。as soon as I fell asleep I dreamt l went to the garden.昨晚我一入睡就梦见我去了花园。 ,

Her last hope has come true,她最后的希望已经实现。 He became

sick because of eating too much. 他因吃得太多而生病了。

You must look after yourself and keep healthy. 你必须照顾


Something has gone wrong with the machine.这机器出了毛病。 When I said so。he grew doubly angry.我这样一说,他愈发生气。




These bananas look very nice,这些香蕉看上去很好。


说明:该句型中的形容词/分词与介词的搭配是固定的。 这样的短语在


be accustomed to(习惯于) be active in(在??方面积极)

be afraid of(害怕??;不敢??)

be angry at/with(时/为??生气) be amazed at(对??感到惊讶) be away on a trip(正在旅行)

be based on(以??为基础;根/依据) ’ be born in/of(出生于??


be busy with/doing sth.(忙于做某事) be careful with/about(注


be certain/sure of/about(确信??) be clever at(在??方面有才能) be connected t0/by(与/由??相连) be covered with(为??所覆盖) be different from(与??不同)

be excited at/about(对??感到兴奋)

be familiar to sb./with sth.(熟悉某人/某事)

be famous for(因??而出名;以??闻名/著称) be filled with(充


be fond of(喜欢??;爱好??) be full of(充满??)

be good at(擅长于??;在??方面做/学得好) be good for(对??有


be good to(对??好)

be happy about/at/with(因??而高兴) be harmful to(对??有害) be interested in(对??感兴趣)

be kind of sb.(某人真好/真友善) be known for(因??而出名) be known to(为??所熟知)

be late for(迟于;赶不上做某事) be lOW in(贫乏;舍有少量的??) be

made from/of(用??做成)

be made in(??制造) be made into(做成??)

be made up of(由??组成/构成) be named after?(以??名字命名)


be noted for(以??而出名/著称;因??而出名) be pleased at/about(对??感到高兴/满意)

be poor in(缺乏/少??)

be popular with/among(受??的欢迎) be prepared for(准备??;防备??) be proud of(为??感到自豪/骄傲) be rich in(盛产;含有丰富的??)




be satisfied with(对??感到满意/满足) be set in(以??为背景;发生在??) be short for(是??缩写/简称)

be slow at(在??方面慢/差)

be sorry for/about(对??感到惭愧/抱歉) be surprised at(对??感到惊奇) be used as(被当作??用) be used by(由??使用) be used for(被用来??) be used to(习惯于??) be worried about/over(为??烦恼/发愁) be worth(doing)sth.(值得做某事)


He is accustomed to hard work.他习惯于艰苦的工作。 He is/seams afraid of losing the job.

他(似乎)害怕丢掉这份工作。 He is angry at my wordS- 他为我的话而生气。(angry at后面接事)

My father was angry with me for staying out tOO late.

我父亲因我太晚不归而生我的气。(angry with后面接人) He was amazed at all the eolours.


Lin Ta0’S teacher told them that Jim was away 013 a trip. 林涛的老师告诉他们吉姆正在旅行。

What he has done is based Off the interests of the people. 他所做的都是从人民的利益出发的。

As he was busy searching the internet,he became interest-44 ed in how different countries were.

在他忙于在网上查找时,他对各国的不同之处产生了兴趣。 He is quite clever at drawin9.他在绘画方面很有才能。

He is good at swimmin9.他擅长游泳。 He is good to US all.他对我们都很好。 The ground outside is covered with white snow. 外面的地面上覆盖着白雪。

This car is a little different from that one. 这辆汽车与那一辆有点不同。 China is very famous for its food in the WOrld 中国菜在世界上很有名。 He is known to US all.他为我们大家所熟知。 The computer is made in China.这台电脑是中国制造的。 The shoes a旧made of leather.

这些鞋是用皮革做的。(be made of用于看得出原材料的制 成品)

Paper is made frc》m bamb00.wOOd and grass.

纸是用竹子、木头和草做成的。(be made from用于看不 出原材料的制成品)

Metal can be made into keys.

金属能制成钥匙。(be的前面为原料,int0之后为成品) The committee is made up of five members.


She is fond of singing and dancin9.她喜欢唱歌跳舞。 The room is full of





Buildings are often named after their designers. 建筑物常以它们的设计者的名字命名。

He w∞very pleased at hearing the news. 听到这消息他感到很高兴。

They are very proud of their SOIL 他们为自己的儿子感到非常骄傲。 He is very satisfied with the new house. ’ 他对新房屋感到很满意。

Jim is short for James.吉姆是詹姆斯的简称。 45

He is very slow at counting numbers.他数数很慢。 1 was surprised at seeing him there.


Aren’t you sorry for/about what you’ve done? 你难道不为自己做的事情感到懊悔吗?

The umbrella is often used as a stick by the old man. 这把伞常被这位老人当作拐杖用。

Chinese is used by the largest number of people in the world.在世界上使用汉语的人数最多。

Pens are used for writin9.钢笔用来写字。 He is used to the life here/getting up early. 他习惯于这里的生活/早起。

His family are all worried about him because he alwavs comes back home late.因为他经常晚归,所以家人都为他担心。 4、动词+介词

《il曩有些“不及物动词+介词”相当于一个及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语;有些不及物动词则是后接“介词+名词或代词”作状语。例如: We arrived at the conclusion at last.

我们最后得出了结论。(arrive at相当于及物动词,con— clusion为宾语)

We arrived at the village at last.

我们最后到了那村子。(at the village为状语)


act as(扮演;充当;起??作用) act in(演出;在??扮演角色) agree on/upon(在某事上取得一致意见)


agree to[同意;接受(后接表示建议、计划等名词)] agree with(同意某人的看法;与某人看法一致)

answer for(对I O Q OI O\负责;得到??报应) answer to(适合;对??有反应) argue about(为??争吵) argue with(与??争论) arrive at/in(到达某地) askfor(要求;请求;找人)




begin with(以??开始;以??为起点) believe in(信赖;信任某人) belong to(属于)

call at(访问某地;到??作短暂访问;停留) call on/upon sb.(i/r问/探望某人)

come across(偶然遇见或发现) come into being(产生;诞生) cometo(总计;达到)

COme to an end(结束) come to life(苏醒过来) come to nothing(没有结果) come to oneself(苏醒过来;醒悟过来) Consist of(由??构成;包含有) deal with(处理;对付)

depend on/upon(依靠;相信;信赖) die of/from(因??而死) dowith(凑合着用;有??就够了) do without(不需要;没有也行) dream of(向往;渴望;做梦;梦见) end in(以??结束/告终) fail in(在??方面失败;缺乏)

feed on(以??为食物;以??为能源) feel like(想要??;感觉要??) fight against(为反对??而斗争;和??斗争) fill in(with)(用??填充) get to[到达(某地);开始/着手(做某事)] 47

go against(违反;不利) ‘

go by[走过;(时间)消失;过去] go for fl walk(散步) go into[进入(某地);研究;讨论] go on a trip/picnic(去旅行/野餐) go on doing sth.(继续做某事)

go with(伴随;和??一起;与??相配) graduate from(从??毕业) handin(递交;上交) happen to(发生)

head for(朝??行进;走向) heat about/of(听说;听到) hear from(收到??的来信;从??听到)

increase by(以??增长;增长??) insist on(坚持;一定要) joinin(参加;加入)

lump into(96入;跳进??里面) keep from(避开)

keep on doing sth.(继续做某事) knock at(敲打;碰撞)

laugh at(嘲笑;取笑) learn by oneself(自学) Iearn from(向??学习) leave for(前往某地)

listen to(听;倾听;听取) live on/by(靠??过活)

1ive with(和??住在一起) look after(照顾;照管)

look at(看;朝??看) look for(寻找;期待) look into(朝??里面看;检查;调查)

look like(看起来好像)

make for(向??走;朝??前进) pay for(4t款) 循

play with(和??一起玩;拿??玩) point at(指着;瞄准) point to(指向;朝向)

put in/into order(整理;按顺序排好) quarrel with(与某人争吵) refer to(指的是;提到)




rely on/upon(依靠;期待;指望)

run across(从一边跑到另一边;偶然遇见;发现) run after(追赶;追求) see for oneself(亲眼看看;亲身体验) see to(注意;料理) send for(派人去请/取)

set about(开始;着手干) shout at(对??大声叫嚷) speak of(提到;谈起) stand for(代表;象征)

stand in a queue(排成一排;排队等候) stand in/on line(站队;排队)

stare at(盯着看)

stick to(坚持;坚守)

succeed in(成功做;在??方面取得成功) suffer from(受??之苦;惠??疾病) talk about/of(谈论;说到) talk t0/with(和??谈话) think about(考虑) think of(想起;考虑;认为) try for(设法做到)

turn(?)into[(把??)变成] turnto(转向;翻到;变成) wait for(等候)

work at(致力于;从事) work on(从事;继续工作)

worry about(为??发愁;为??操心) write to(给??写信) 49


He acts as manager in a company.他在一家公司当经理。 Both sides agreed on these terms.双方都同意这些条件。 He agreed tomy plan.他同意了我的计划。 They don’t agree with me/my idea. 他们不同意我的意见/想法。

It’S no use arguing with him.和他争论是没有用的。 At last they arrived at a village/in Beijin9.


The meeting has cxlme to all end会议结束了。 The soldier c£盯聍to life/himself again.


He called at the hospital to see whether his friend was better. 他去医院看看他的朋友是否好一点了。

The next afternoon l went to call on her again. 第二天下午,我再一次去拜访了她。

He has learnt to deal with various problems. 他学会了处理各种问题。 He has always dreamed of coming to GuilirL 他经常梦想着来桂林。

1’m afraid he’ll fa¨(in)the final examination. 我担心他在这次期末考试中不及格。

He didn’t feel like a cup of tea/doing his homework last night. 昨晚他不想喝茶/做家庭作业。

It was late when they got t0/arrived in England. 他们到英国时已经很晚了。 We went on a boat trip.我们乘船旅行。 ‘ My father graduated from a famous university.





I have旧ndecI in my paper.The questions are not very difficult. 我已经交卷了,题目不太难。

Have you ever heard of the Great Green Wall? 你曾听说过“绿色长城”吗? I heard from my friend yesterday. 50 我昨天收到朋友的来信。

Who is knocking at the door?谁在敲门?

He will leave for Hong Kong by plane tomorrow, 他明天将乘飞机去香港。 Do you like to listen to music?你喜欢听音乐吗?

They mainly live on potatoes.他们主要以马铃薯为食。 She looked after her sick mother in the hospital. 她在医院照顾生病的妈妈。

He has been Iooking for the book he lost. 他一直在找他丢失的那本书。 She looks like her mother.她看起来像她母亲。 1’m afraid l’ll have to pay for the lost books.


He pointed at the map and showed me his hometown. 他指着地图,把他的家乡指给我看。

He pointed to the high mountain far away. 他指向远处的高山。

She quarrelled with her brother about that. 她为那件事和她的哥哥争吵起来。 The boy is running after the ball. 那男孩正在追逐着那个球。 When many passengers are waiting for a bus.you must stand in line and wait for your turn.

当许多乘客在等公共汽车的时候,你应该排队等候。 He didn’t succeed in his first lectur己


Could you tell me what you think about Hainan Island9 你能告诉我你觉得海南岛怎么样吗?

We often think of you.我们经常想到你。

They advised him to try for a university scholarship. 他们劝他想办法申请大学奖学金。 Water turned into ice.水结成了冰。 He still worked at his mathematics. 他仍然钻研他的数学。


He worked Orl the book for more than two years. 这本书他已经写两年多了。 Today he doesn’t have to wordy about making a livin9. 现在他不用为生活发愁了。



The train will COIT℃irt火车快进站了。(不及物动词短语) The sun went down in the west.




太阳西下了。(不及物动词短语) Why don’t you put On your coat(或put your coat on)? 你为什么不穿上上衣?(及物动词短语)

They thought of a way to keep off the rain(或keep the rain

off).他们想了个办法挡住雨水。(及物动词短语) You can look up this word in the dictionary. 你可以在词典里查找这个词。(及物动词短语)

He looked up to find that the speaker was the SCbool master himself.他抬头一看,发现做报告的正是校长本人。(不及物动词短语)

由“动词+副词”构成的短语为数甚多,常用的如下: act out(将??表演出来) break down(损坏;出故障;垮掉) break in(破门而入;撞入) break out(爆发;发生)

bring back(带回来;使回忆) bring in(带进;收庄稼) bring out(取出;出版)

burn down(把??烧成平地;烧光) build up(建立;设立) call back(把??叫回来;回电话) 52 call in(来访;叫进来)

call out(叫喊;大声说出) call up(号召;打电话) carry away(拿走;搬走)

carry on(with)(坚持;进行;继续进行) carry out(开展;执行)

check in(报到;登记) check out(查明;结账) clean up(清除;收拾干净) close down(关门;关闭;倒闭) come about(发生;产生) come along(一起走;进展顺利) come back(回来;想起来) come down(落下;下来) come in(进来;进站)

come off(脱落;从??离开) come on(来吧;赶快)

come out(出来;被出版;被发行) come over(过来;来访)

come round(来访;恢复知觉) come up(上来;抬头)

cut down(砍倒;削减) die down(变弱;消失) die out(消失;灭绝) do well(干/做得好) drop in(顺便走访;串门) drop off(放下;减少)

eat up(吃完;耗尽;用光) end up(结束;告终) fall behind(落后)

fall down(跌倒;倒塌下来) fall in(集合;倒塌)

fall off(掉落;下降;减少) fall over(跌倒;从??跌落) 53 find out(发现;查明;了解)

get alon9/on(with)(进展;过活;与??相处融洽) get away(跑掉;逃脱;离开) get back(回来;找/取回) get down(下来;下车)

get home(到家)

get in(进入;收获;到达) get off(脱下;下车;起飞) get on(上丰;生活) get to(到达某地)

get up(起床;站起来)

give away(分发;泄露;出卖) give back(归还;送回)

give out(分发;散发;用完) give up(放弃;停止;让给) go abroad(出国)




go away(走开;离去)

go off(离开;停掉;消失) , go Oil(继续;发生) go out(出去;熄灭)

go OVer(仔细检查;复习) go up(上去;增长) hold back(阻止;阻挡;控制)

hold ON[等一等(别挂电话);继续下去] hurry up(赶快;快点) keep back r(扣下)不付;隐瞒;阻止] keep off(勿踏/踩;不接近) keep ON(继续进行)

keep up(保持;维持;继续) let in(让??进来) lire abroad(居住在国外)

100k ahead(向前看;展望未来)

look aroundl/round(环顾;往四下看) look back(回头看;回顾;回忆) 54

look out(for)(注意;当心;找出来) look OVer(从上面看过去;检查;翻阅) look through(看穿;识破;浏览)

look up(向上看;查找) make up(组成;编造) make up one’s mind(下决心) move away(搬走)

move on(继续前进;把??往前推) open out(张开;打开) open up(启开;开辟;开办)

pass away[去世;消失;(消磨)时间] pass by(经过;走过)

pay back(偿还;报复) pay off(还清;付掉) pick out(选出;挑选) pick up(拾起;收拾;开车去接)

point out(指明;指出) ’ put away(储存;放好)

put back(放回原处;推迟) put down(放下;记下来) put off(推迟;关上) put on(穿/戴上;上演) put out(扑灭;熄灭)

put up(挂起;举起;张贴) ring off(挂断电话)

ring up(打电话给??) roll over(翻滚;翻身) run away(跑掉;离开) run through(穿过;流过)

rush out(冲出去;奔跑) search out(寻找) see?off(为??送行) see through(看穿;识破)

send out[发出(光亮);派送;发送]


send up(发出;发射)

set off(动身;启程;使??爆发) set out(出发;开始) set up(建立;创立)

show off(炫耀;卖弄) show up(露面;暴露) shut down(关闭;使停工) sit down(坐下)

slow down(减缓;减速)

spill?over(把??泼撒在) speak up(响亮地说;公开地说)

stand by(站在旁边;袖手旁观;支持) start out(起程;出发)




take away(拿走;减去) take off(起飞;脱掉) take oil(呈现;承担) take out(取出)

take up(占去;占据) think out(想出;想通) think OVer(仔细考虑;认真思索) throw about(乱丢/掷) travel abroad(国外旅行)

try on[试穿;玩弄(花招)] try out(试用;尝试) turn away(走开;离开)

turn down(翻下来;关小;调低) turn off(关上)

turn on[打开(水、电、收音机等)] tum OVer(翻转;翻动) turn out(结果;证明是) wake up(醒来) walk away(走开)

wash away(冲走;洗掉)

watch out(for)(注意;小心)56

work out(计算;解决;制订) write down(写下来) write out[写出;开出(单据)] 例如:

Now read and act out the dialogue. 现在朗读并将这段话表演出来。 The car broke down on the way home. 汽车在回家的路上抛锚了。

When did the SecondⅥbrld War br∞k out? 第二次世界大战是什么时候爆发的? If this shirt doesn’t{it.may I bring it back? 要是这件衬衫不合身,我可以拿来退货吗? They have t刈ilt up the industry of their OWIt, 他们已经建立了自己的工业。

1’ll call in and see you on my way from work. 我下班回家时来看你。 We should not litter the sea.and should clean up the dirty parts.我们不应该向海洋扔垃圾,而应该把脏的地方打扫干净。 May I oome in?我可以进来吗? Come OrL The others are waitin9. 赶快,其他人在等着呢。

The paper∞m∞out every Friday.这报纸每星期五出刊。 He is coming over to see us.他一会儿就过来看我们。

He got faint,but soon came ro-n一 他晕死过去,但不久就苏醒了。 He d0∞n剧I in math.他的数学挺不错的。

We went to the hotel by taxi and dropped 0仟OUr things. 我们乘出租汽车到旅馆,放下了行李。

How does the story end up? 故事是怎样结束的? French has falien behind(Germany)in COal production. 法国在产煤方面落后(于德国)了。 He fe¨down and broke his le9.他跌了一跤,摔折了腿。 His hair is gradually falling off.他的头发逐渐脱落。 57

What time does the train from Nanning get in? 从南宁开来的火车什么时候进站? The plane got off on time.飞机准时起飞。 How are you gettin901\with your work? 你的工作情况/进行得怎样?

He got to school very late yesterday mornin9. 昨天早上他很迟才到学校。




Please give it back tomorrow,请明天把它归还。 I'm sure she won’t give up learning English.


He was angry and went away without a word. 他很生气,一句话不说就走了。 I t}link everything is going on all right. 我想一切进行得不错。

Let’s go over the lesson/new words again. 咱们把课文/生词再复习一遍吧。 Hold On a minute,please.请等一会儿(别挂电话)。 Keep your hands off the exhibits.勿用手摸展品。

They kept Ol3 till the WOrk was finished. 他们继续干,直到把工作做完。

He looked back and saw that his father was standing there. 他回过头来,看见他父亲站在那儿。

Look out!The pan is on fire.小心!锅着火了。

He is looking over the hank’s book.他在查对银行的账目。 Nine people make up the committee.


We couldn’t make up our minds what tO do next. 我们决定不了下一步该怎么办。 Be careful!Don’t spill water over my exercise book. 小心!别将水泼在我的练习本上。

Man-made satellites have been sent up into the space by many countries. 一


They set off at six and hoped tO get there before dark S8


The windows must be shut down when you leave. 你离开时必须关好窗户。 who has taken away my dictionary?谁把我的字典拿走了? He came in and took off his wet coat and shoes.


He was always asking questions and trying out new ideas. 他总是问问题并尝试新的想法。

Could you tum your radio down。please? 你能把收音机声音调小一点吗? He turned off the light and went out. 他把灯关上,走了出去。

He tuFried over a pa鼬or tw0,but was not interested. 他翻看了一两页,但不感兴趣。

She usually wakes up early.她总是很早就醒来。 The boy was washed away by the flood.


They have worked out a plan for the holidav. 他们制订了度假计划。 簟在使用‘‘动词+介词’’和“动词+副词”构成的 短语时,要注意下面两点:






rHe goes by my house every day.


i He stood there and watch the traffiC go by. 【他站在那几,观看来往的车辆。(动副短语) r I don’t know bow you look Ol3 this matter. I我不知道你对这事怎么看。(动介短语) }I'm not playin9;I'm just looking Oft 【我不玩,我只是看看。(动副短语)


(2)动介短语和动副短语都可作及物动词,因为介词与副词同形,这两类短语往往容易混淆。它们的主要区别是:动介短语不能分开,后面直接接宾语;动副短语中的动词与副词既可以紧接在一起后接宾语,也可以分开,宾语插在动词与副词之间。试比较: He is looking for somethin9. 他在找东西。(动介短语,不可分开)

They are working out a teaching plan(=working a teaching plan out).他们正在制订教学计划。(动副短语) We made for home together.


He asked US to rT日ke up a dialogue(一to make a dialogue up). 他让我们编一段对话。(动副短语)


时,人称代词必须放在动词和副词之间。 误:You can rum off it if you like. 正:You canturn it offif youlike. 如果你喜欢可以把它关掉。 误:l want to look up them sometimes.

正:l want to look them up sometimes. 我想在某个时候去找找他们。



add up to(加起来是;总括起来意味着) break up into(分解;分成)

catch up with(赶上;超过) come up to(赶上;达到) come up with[找到;提出(答案、解决办法)]

do away with(结束;去掉) get away from(摆脱;避免) get down to sth.(开始认真做某事) 砷

go backto(回到;追溯到) go on with(继续做某事) go upto[到(较高处)去;上??去]

keep out of(置于??之外;不卷入) look down on/upon(看不起;轻视) look forward to(盼望;期望)

make upfor(弥补) put upwith(忍受) run out of(用完;用光)

rush out of(冲出??外;从??奔跑出来) speak highly/well of(赞扬;称赞) think highly/well of(对??高度评价/印象很好) walk away with(顺手拿走某物)




例如: They broke up into small groups.他们分成若干小组。 He began to catch up with Jim_他开始赶上吉姆了。 One day the librarian∞rrB up with an idea. 有一天图书管理员想出了一个办法。

We must do away with all such shortcomings. 我们必须克服所有这些缺点。 Mother went on cookin9;1 went On with my homework. 妈妈继续做饭,我继续做家庭作业。

We must make up for the lost time somehow. 我们必须以某种方式把损失的时间弥补回来。 1’m afraid we’ll have to Dut up with the lOSS. 恐怕我们只好承受这个损失了。

The students rust眦l out of the classroom as soon as they

heard the bell.学生们一听到铃声就从教室里冲了出来。

His teacher,Mr Fen9,spoke highly/well of his students. 他的老师冯先生高度赞扬了他的学生们。

We think highly/well of their research in this field. 我们对他们在这方面的研究评价很高。

And then he walked away with the book. 然后,他顺手拿走了那本书。 61




He takes 0.盈re of his books.他爱护自己的书。 You should pay attention to these details.


(2)另一类动名介短语是一种松散结构,短语中的介词与名词构成介词短语,作状语或宾语补足语。这类动名介短语中的名词是不固定的,可以用另一名词替换。例如: They compare the little girl to a flower. 他们把那小女孩比作鲜花。

He spends a lot of money 013 books every month. 他每个月花很多钱买书。 现按字母顺序把初中课本中常用的这两类短语排列如下: ask?for(向??要;请求给予)

brin9?to an end/a close(结束,停止)

brin9?to life(使??复活;给??以活力) brin9?with(随身带??) buy?on line(在网上购物)

carry?out of(把??抬出来) change?with(与??交换) compare?to(把??比作) compare?with(把??和??进行比较)

congratulate sb.on sth.(祝贺某人某事) do harm to sb./sth.(损害某人/某物) do good to(时??有好处) dress?as(把??打扮成)

give birth to[生(孩子);生产]

have difficulty in(在??方面有困难) have a word with(与??谈一谈) help sb.with sth.(帮助某人做某事) 62




help oneself to[为自己取(食品、饮料等)] keep?from(阻止??做某事)

make a contribution to(为??做贡献;发挥作用) make friends with(与??交朋友)

make fun of(和??开玩笑)

make one’s way to(往??走去) make room for(为??腾出地方) make use of(利用??)

pay attention to(注意)

play a trick/joke on sb.(开某人的玩笑)

prevent?from doing sth.(阻止做某事;妨碍) put an end to(结束)

put?into(把??放进) regard?as(把??视为) say 900dbye to(与某人告别)

set fire to(放火烧;使燃烧)


stop?from doing sth.(阻止??做某事}阻碍) take care of(照顾;负责) take part in(参加)

take sb.by the hand(拉某人的手) take the plaee of(取代;代替) throw?into(把??投/抛进??中) throw?to(向??投/掷) translate?into(把??译成;把??变为)


You can ask the doctor for some medicine. 你可以向医生要些药。

He decided to buy fl digital camera online. 他决定在网上订购一个数码相机。 We all congratulate you on your good perforlTlance, 我们都祝贺你出色的表演。

What things can do harm to the environment7 什么东西会破坏环境呢? 63

She dressed herself as/like fl nurse. 她将自己打扮成护士。 That day l went home early tO help my mother with the cook—


HeIp yourself to some fish请吃点鱼吧。

Forests help tO keep water from running away. 森林帮助阻止水分流失。 They have made a contribution to public safety. 他们为公共安全作出了贡献。 The child has made friends with the d09. 那孩子已和狗建立了友情。 They both made their way to forests.他俩向森林走去。 Please make r(xx'fl for me,请给我腾出一点地方。

We should make good崦e of our spare time. 我们应该充分利用空余时间。 f He also likes tO play jokes/a joke 011 his friends.


No one can prevent the plan frOm being carried Out. 谁也不能阻止这个计划的实现。

They惮rded their pets as members of their families. 他们把他们的宠物视为家庭成员。

He spent much time On his homework. 他在家庭作业上花了很多时间。




We gave her the chance tO take part in designing the new items.我们给她机会参加设计新的项目。

Please throw it into the dustbin.请把它丢进垃圾箱里。 8.动词+名词 Il-有些动词,特别是一些活跃动词,如d。,haVe, give,keep,make等,常与一些名词构成短语,表示与这一名词有关的动作或状态;此外还有些动词与名词搭配,构成固定短语。这类短语常见的有:

do a good deed/thin9/action/turn(做件好事) do business(做生意) 64

do damage(损害)

do one’S job(执行公务)

d0/try one’S best(尽最大努力)

do sb.a favour/kindness(给某人以恩惠;帮某人的忙) do wrong(做错) enjoy oneself(玩得痛快;过得快活)

find one’S way(设法到达某处;努力达到) give a concert(举办演唱会)

give one’S life(献出自己的生命) have fl look/seat(看一看/请坐) have a good time(玩得痛快)

have fun(玩得痛快;过得快活) have no idea(不知道;不了解) have nothing tO do with(与??无关)

keep a diary(i5日记;写日记) keep one’s promise(遵守诺言) lay eggs(下蛋)

leave a message(留口信) lose heart(灰心) lose one’s life(丧生)

make a decision(作出决定) make fl mistake(犯错误)

make a face/faces(做鬼脸) make it(成功;约定时间) make money(挣钱) make the bed(铺床)

make progress(取得进步) paythe bill(付费用;付账) play a game/games(做游戏) save one’S life(挽救某人的生命)

set one’S mind tO do sth(--心想做某事) stay the night(过夜) take a seat/a look/a bath,etc.(请坐/看一看/洗个澡等) take care(注意;当心) 65

take one’S place(就座;代替某人的位置) take place(发生) take photos(照相)

teach oneself(自学;自修) tell fl lie/lies(撒谎) write fl diary(写日记) 例如:

I'm on duty today.I must do my joh 我今天值日,我应尽我的职责。 They did their best tO help me.他们尽力帮助我。

They enjoyed themselves/had a good time/had fun at the party.他们在晚会上玩得很开心一

They are going tO give a concert in Kunming tonight. 他们打算今天晚上在昆明举行一场演唱会。




They couldn’t find their way in.他们不知道怎样进去。 I'm sure they have somethin9/nothing to do with her.


1 went over what I had written again SO that l wouldn’t make any mistakes.

我将我写的东西反复核对,以确保不出任何错误。 We’ll keep on trying until we ffk3ke it.

我们将不断尝试直到我们成功。 He wants tO make more money.他想挣更多的钱。 Now let’S play a guessing garnEL 现在咱们来做猜谜游戏吧。

The doctor finally saved the child’S life. 这医生最后挽救了孩子的生命。 Great changes have taken place in China since l978. 缸1978年以来,中国发生了很大的变化。

Li Lei taught himself swimmin9.李雷自学游泳。

啜, 、■■■■■■■■■■■■F’1.用适当的介词填空(注意“形容词+介词”的搭配):

1.He iS afraid dogs.

2.Theory should be based practice. 3.We are proud our new life. 4.He iS amazed the news.

5.We are interested the film. 6.She is not keen such things. 7.We are busy our work.

8.My view iS quite familiar——yours. 9.He iS not familiar my brother. 10.The place iS famous roses.

11.He is very good——drawin9. 12.The bottle iS full water. 13.The author i8 known US all.

14.He iS late class again. 15.The plan is far perfect. 16.He iS named his father. 17.He iS not satisfied the result of the experiment.

18.USA iS short the United States of America. 19.This city seems quite different——....—.——what it was three years a90.

20.His father was angry—————————him for idling all day.21.I’m angry what he has said

22.He is clever translation.

23.This room iS used meetings.

24.He is not used——9etting up early.

25.She was very much worried——————.———your health.Ⅱ.选择正确的答案填空:

()1.This book .I like it very much.

A.was very interestin913.is very interesting C was very interested D.iS very interested()2.I——inClassOne;he——inClassTw0. A.8rn.is &×,× C.am,× D.was,is

()3.After years of hard work,his dream——in the end.




A.came out R crime over 67


C.came up U cametrue ()4.Theweather——.

A.wet and cold B not wet and cold C.iswet and cold D.arewet and cold( )5.He in his seat.

A.fell asleep &fell sleeping C.faU asleep D.fall sleeping()6.He——withjoy.

A.c锄emad Bwentmad Clookmad D.gomad ()7.He used——late into the night. .

A.toworking Rtowork C work D.working()8.These plants can be used——foo& A.t013.by Cfor D.in ()9.Some roads are made——9ravel(砾石). 九from &by C.in D.of ()10.This medicine is good——a cold.

A.for l3.to C.at D.in()11.We should——0urselves and keep healthy. A.100kfor 、 13.100k over

C.100k after D.100k up

( )12.I don’t think Yao Ming is the tallest sportsman in the

world.Do you...............——me?

A.agree with B agree on C agreeto D.agreefor()13.I aln——the information about the subject on the

Internet. A.100king after l3.100king on C.100king to D.100king for()14.He will try again if he——the test. 八fails for B fails in C loses in D.will fail

()15.Don’t make so much noise.We——music. 68 68

A.are listening t0 &were listening to C are hearing D.are looking at

( )16.He his father to know that his mother was ill.

A.wrote to B looked for C.heard from D.1istened to()17.I don’twantt0——it anymore.

A.argue with B talk with C.argue about D.talk to ()18.Wh越will you——the computer?

A.dowith B do about C.come t0 · D.go with()19.How did you——the station?

A.arrive l3,get C.reach at D.getto

( )20.When I told him that it was wrong to tell lies,he just ——————————me-

A.1aughed at B laughed C.100kedfor D.100ks at( )21.一Don’t you




think his radio is too noisy? 一Yes.I d0.Let me tell him t0 . A.turnit on Bturn offit C.turn it off D.turn down it

()22.Metal——making machines and many other things.

A.is used by l3.is used as C.is used to D.is used for()23.Tom,you’d better——your toys after playin9. A-put on l3.put away C put off n put out ()24.——!There is a car comin9.

A.Look out &Look up CLook on D.Look over

( )25.I could see nothing because all the light suddenly _____________--_-●___....一●

A.went away &went down Cwent out D.went over()26.The school sports have been——because of the bad 69


A.put on B put off

C.put up D.put down

()27.As he was late,he quietly sat at the back,——his

notebook and began tO write. A.took off Rtook away C.took out D.took down()28.He iS some WOrds in the dictionary.

A.100king up l3.100king at C.100king after D.100king on ,

( )29.I think this coat is your size_Would you like tO ——?

Atry onit l3.tryit on C.try for it n try out it()30.We——in a hurry for the airport. A.set up B.saw off C sent out D.set off()31.You can——them if you hurry. A.catch up with R fall behind C.100k upto n come outwith

()32.We’ll do our best to the lOSS.

A.make up with t3.make up for C.do awaywith D.make use of()33.In his speech,Mr Green——0ur city. A.talked over with B spoke loud of C.spoke highly of n talked out of()34.My mother——a lot of time——housework every day.

A.spends。in &spends,on C.takes.on D.costs。in ()35.Every means is used t0——the lake——being polluted(污染).

A.prevent。from &prevent,on C.make.of D.make room,for 70








(2)将动词由主动结构变为被动结构,如有情态动词,情 态动词保留不变。

(3)将主动结构的主语变为由by引起的介词短语,by引 起的短语常可省略。


They plant trees in the mountains every year. 他们每年在山上种树。

肯定式:Trees are planted in the mountains every year. 71

否定式:Trees are not planted in the mountains every year. 疑问式:Are trees planted in the mountains every year?

Where/Whan are trees planted in the mountains every year? :We have finished our work. .{我们已经把工作做完了。 【our work k玲b∞n finishE≥d.

f They completed the building last year. <他们去年建成这座大楼。

LThe building was completed last year. rThey will not invite US tO the party. <他们将不邀请我们参加晚会。 LWe won’t be invited to the party. f They are building a new railway. <他们正在修建一条新铁路。

LA new railway is being built.

f They were repairing the machine. .《他们正在修理机器。 LThe machine was beino repaired.

r We must discuss the question at next meetin9. |《我们必须在下次会上讨论这个问题。

LThe question must be discussed at next meetin9. 2.主语+间接宾语+直接宾语

拳霉簟含有“间接宾语+直接宾语”的主动结构变为被动结构时,将其中一个宾语变为被动句的主语,另一个宾语保留不变。例如: 、

fHe gaveme a book. 1他给了我一本书。 j l was given a book. LA b∞k was given(to)me.

灞离攀(1)含有‘‘间接宾语+直接宾语’’的主动结构变为被动结构时,通常把间接宾语变为被动句的主语。把直接宾语变为被动旬的主语时,往往在原来的间接宾语前加上介词to 72




(t0常可以省略)。常见的能带间接宾语、又可将间接宾语转换 为t0引起的介词短语的动词有give,lend,pay,pass,send, show,throw,write等。例如: rHe passed me a book. 1他递给我一本书。 11 was passed a book by him.

LA book was passed(to)me by him.

(2)有时在原来的间接宾语前需加for,而且for不能省 略。例如:

r He bought me some fruit. <他给我买了一些水果。 LSome fruit was bought for me by him.

这样的动词有d0,make,fetch,get,buy,save,cook, sin9,find等。例如:

r Mother made us some cakes. <母亲给我们做了些蛋糕。

LSorne cakes were made for US by mother. 3.主语+短语动词+宾语

_相当于及物动词的短语动词在主动结构中是个不 可分割的词组,在变为被动结构时也不能拆开。短语动词通常 分为四类,参见动词句型部分内容。现举例如下:

r He looked after his mother in the hospital. <他在医院里照顾他的母亲。(动介短语)

L His mother was looked after by him in the hospital. rThey sent for the doctor an hour a90.

<他们一小时前派人去请医生。(动介短语) LThe doctor was sent for an hour a90. rYou can look up the WOrd in the dictionary. . <你可以在词典里查找这个词。(动副短语)

LThe word can be looked up in the dictionary. fThey are working out a teaching plan.

<他们正在制订教学计划。(动副短语) L A teaching plan is being worked out. 73

rWe must do away with such shortcomlngs. 之我们必须克服这些缺点。(动副介短语) t.Such shortcomings must be done away with by US. fWe should put up with the loss·

.{我们应当承受这个损失。(动副介短语) lThe loss should be put up with by us. f He takes care of his books· .{他爱护自己的书。(动名介短语)

lHis books are taken care of by him.

fThe child has mado friends with the d09· .{孩子已经和狗建立了友情。(动名介短语)

LThe dog has been made friends with by the chil& 4.主语+动词+宾语+宾语补足语

_“宾语+宾语补足语”又称复合宾语。含有复合宾语的主动结构变为被动结构时,只将宾语变为被动句的主语,宾语补足语保留不变。 rWe call him Li Minoo

<我们叫他李明。(名词为宾语补足语) 【He is calied Li Min9. f He pushed the door ol301\.。




|{他把门推开了。(形容词为宾语补足语) L The door was pushed open by him. r I have kept you waiting Iong

<我让你久等了。(现在分词为宾语补足语) L You have been kept waiting long f They found the street lined with people,

.{他们发现大街两边排满了人。(过去分词为宾语补足语) l The str∞t was found lined with people, rWe saw themout

<我们看见他们出去了。(副词作宾语补足语) lTPey were seen out r TheY often mistake me for my brother. <他们常常把我误认为是我的弟弟。(介词短语为宾语补足语) l I am often mistaken for my brother.


rHe asked US to wait f07 him.

_《他叫我们等他。(带t0的不定式为宾语补足语) 【We were asked to wait for him. rThe landlord nlade the boy、『vork hard· |《那个地主让男孩做苦力。(不带t0的不定式为宾语补足语) lThe boy was made to work hard.

一有些使役动词和感官动词,如make,haye,let, hear,watch,notice,see等,在主动结构中,后接不带tq的不定式作宾语补足语,但变为被动句时,不定式需要加上t0,例如上例。

鼍—●把下面句子改为被动句: We often heard thorn sing such songs. 我们经常听见他们唱这样的歌曲。

误:They were often heard sing such songs.

正:They were often heard\. 5.半助动词+动词原形+宾语 _半助动词指的是那些介于谓语动词与助动词之间的词(组),它们本身不能单独作谓语,但具有词义。较常用的半助动词有be goillg t0,be t0,have t0,be sure t0,used to等。含有“半助动词+动词原形”的主动结构变为被动结构时,将动词原形后的宾语变为被动句的主语,动词原形由主动式变为被动式,’其前面的半助动词在人称和数方面要与变换后的主语一致。例如:

f He is going to finish the work tomorrow. <他打算明天完成这工作。

LThe work is going lo be finished tomorrow. rWe are to discuss the question this way. .《我们打算这样来讨论这个问题。

lThe que斌ion is to be discussed this way. rWe have to hand in our homework now. <我们必须现在就交家庭作业。

LOur homework has to be handed in now. 75

r They are s“re to win the。8Ce. <他们肯定在赛跑中获胜。

lThe race is sure to be WOn by them. r People used to sing such songs. <人们过去常常唱这样的歌曲。

L Such songs used to be sung by people. 黼黼獭该句型由主动结构变为被动结构时,要注意 半助动词在人称和数方面要与转换后的主语保持一致。




He has to tell me the truth. 他得把实话告诉我。

误:l has to be told the truth. 正:I have to be told the truth. 爰一在以上五种句型的转换中,谓语动词(包括短语 动词)必须是及物的。不及物动词不能带宾语,就不能由主动结构转换为被动结构,如He came here last week.就不能转换为Here was come by him last week.但是,也并不是所有带宾语的及物动词的主动结构都可以转换为被动结构。在不少情况下,带宾语的主动句不能转换为被动句。

(1)有些表示状态的及物动词,如have,cost,lack,fit, resemble(像),hold(容纳),fail,last等。例如下面这些句子就不能转换为被动句: He has a lot of money.他有很多钱。 He resembles his father.他像他的父亲。。 The house can hold a hundred people. 这房屋能容纳l00人。

It costs lo dollars.它的价格为l0美元。

(2)当主动句的宾语为反身代词、相互代词时,不能转换 为被动句。例如:

He enioyed himself very much at the party. 他在晚会上玩得很痛快。 ’ We often help each other.我们经常互相帮助。 (3)有些由“动词+名词”构成的词组的主动句不能转换

为被动句。例如: 76

He never lost heart.他从来不灰心。

They did their best to help uS.他们尽力帮助我们。 He could’t find his way home.他不知怎么回家。

(4)当主动句中的宾语在意义上相当于状语时,不能变为 被动句。例如:

He entered the classroom.他走进教室。

He ran five miles that day.那天他跑了5英里。 The horse jumped the wall.这马跳过了墙。



1.People speak English almost all over the world. 2.They built this library last year.

3.My brother will repair my bike for me. 4.The girl broke the bottle. 5.He gave me a present.(用两种方法)

6.Mother often tells US a story at bed time.(用两种方法) 7.He is repairing my computer at the moment.

8.We call him“Little Tiger”.

9.They have painted the house white.

10.We found them working in the fields. 11.We considered the work done. 12.He asked me to wait for him. 13.I saw the train come into the station. 14.People often talk about this film. 15.You shouldn’t give up the work.

16.You will catch up with him in a short timB




17.He is going to finish his homework this evenin9. 18.He took great care of his books.

19.They have to use another machine.

20.They used to start these machines by hand.Ⅱ.选择正确的答案填空: ()1.Thework——SOOn.

八has been finished B will be finished C will finish D.finishes ()2.AlOt of books——in ourlibrary.

A.is kept B be kept C are kept n keep

()3.There was a party last night.Our teacher——to it. A.WaS invited &is going to be invited

C invited D.i5 invited

()4.Some new houses——for the people in the village every year.

八Were built &will build C arc built D.is built ( )5.The Great Wall all over the world. A.waft,known R is known Cwas knew n hasto know ()6.These questions——nOW.

A.are discussed R are discussing

C is going to be discussed D.are being discussed

()7.Some toys will——to the children in the country. 八be taking R be taken C taken D.take

()8.Bob——ajob in the library,but he refused to take it. Awas given R gave

C.was giving D.had given ( )9.This oil for medicine. A.USeS B is using

C call be used D-shall be used

()10.Can you See the briage over the river?It——last year.

A is built l3.is being built C was built D.was building 四、比较句型


—■该句型为原级比较,表示两者程度相等。第一个 78


This rHler is as long as that one,这尺子和那尺子一样长。 He can walk弱fast as his brother(can).


Come as early as possibl己尽可能早点来。 —l■在as?as之前常有一个程度状语,如almost,




nearly,just(about),quite等修饰词。例如: She is.almost as beautiful as her sister.

她几乎和她妹妹一样漂亮。 ——l●程度副词只能置于asH。.as之前。 误:He is as just tall as his brother. 正:He is just aS tall as his brother. 他正好和他兄弟一样高。 2.not so as/nm as?as ‘

1■该句型为as?。。的否定式,表示一方程度不如另 一方。例如:

He is not SO tall as his brother.他不如他兄弟高。 This Cal\not run as/so fast as that one,

这辆汽车开得不如那辆快。 _riot so as/not as...as相当于坤ss。.than。例如上面


He is less tall than his brother. 3.as many as/as much?as ll■该句型表杂“像??一样多”。as mny之后接复

数名词,as much之后接不可数名词。例如:

Take as many books as you want. 你要多少本书就拿多少本。 He took as盯luch Water as he needed. 他需要多少水就拿多少。 lll●■在该句型中的mny,much为限定’(名词意 79


误:You can take books as many as you need. 正:You can take as many books as you need. 你需要多少书就可以拿多少。

4.the same(?)as

111■该句型表示‘‘和??相同/一样”,the same后面可接名词,也可不接名词;as是关系代词,引导一个定语从句(常省略某些成分)。例如:

He uses the same dictionary as you. 他用的字典和你的一样。

I think the same(as you do)about the matter. 我对此事的看法(和你)一样。 5.as long as

_as long as可用于表达时间的长度,意思是“长达??”;as/so long as也可用于引导条件状语从句,表示“只要??”。例如:

He has worked as long as five hours. 他已工作长达5小时之久。

The largest shark calt be as long as l5 metres. 最长的鲨鱼达l5米。

1’ll go to see you as/so long as I have time. 只要我有时间,就去看你。 6.形容词/副词比较级+then


更??”的意思,more的后面也可接名词。例如: Our room is larger than theirs. 我们的房间比他们的房间大。 This cake is more delicious than that one. 这块蛋糕比那块好吃。

He works harder than I(do).他工作比我努力。

He has more books/money than I have.他的书/钱比我多。




The smaller the town(is),the friendlier the people(am). 城镇越小,人们越友好。. The sooglor this is done,the better. 这事完成得越快越好。

The more,the better.越多越好。 +The soorler,the better.越快越好。 The more the merrier.多多益善。 9.比较级+钔d+比较级

一该句型表示“越来越??,’的意思。有时more and more之后可以接名词。例如:

The car is running faster and faster.这汽车开得越来越快。 He is more and more interested in music.

他对音乐越来越感兴趣。 ’

He is becoming more and more active in sports. 他越来越积极参加体育运动。

More and more people have come to realize the importance of

learning English.

越来越多的人开始认识到学习英语的重要性。 10.比较级+than anyother+名词+比较范围 一该句型表示“比任何一个都??,’的意思。在同

一范围内的比较,0ther不可省略。这种用法从结构上看是比 较级,却表示最高级的意思。例如:

He is more active than anyone else/any other student in his class.(=He is the most active in his class.)


The Yangtze River is longer than any other river in China. (=The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.) 在中国长江比其他任何河流都长。 瓣嘲

误:He is taller than any student in his class. 正:He is taller than any other student in his class. 他比班上其他任何同学都高。 R2 80


1—■该句型是“形容词/副词比较级+than’’的否定式,表示一方程度比另一方低,相当于not s0/as?as,less之后也可接不可数名词。例如:

I think maths is less interesting than art.(I think maths is not s0/as interesting as art.)我认为数学不如艺术有趣。

There is less water in winter than in summer.(一There is not so ramh water in winter as in summer.) 冬天的雨水比夏天的少。

ll■在以上两个句型的比较结构之前常用程度状语a little,much,a lot,even,far等修饰。例如:

The sun is a lot bigger than the mooFL太阳比月亮大很多。 He walks帆Jch faster than I d0.他走路比我快得多。




This book is trt.Ich less interesting than that one. 这本书远不如那本有趣。

—ll在上面两个句型中,程度副词只能放在比较 结构之前,不能放在比较结构之中。 误:My room is bigger a little than his. 正:My room is a little bigger than his. 我的房间比他的房间大一点。 8.the+比较级?the+比较级

●l■该句型表示‘‘越??越??,’的意思,第一个 the引导状语从句,第二个the引导主句。例如:

The older I get,the happier I am (相当于When I get older,I alTl happier.)我年纪越大,就越感到幸福。

The herder he worked,the more progress he made. 他越努力工作,进步就越大。

The more I study it。the more I like it. 我越学习它,就越喜欢它。 —l■有时从句和主句都省略了某些成分,甚至只剩下 两个比较级。例如:


The smaller the town(is),the friendlier the people(am). 城镇越小,人们越友好。.

The sooglor this is done,the better. 这事完成得越快越好。

The more,the better.越多越好。 +The soorler,the better.越快越好。 The more the merrier.多多益善。 9.比较级+钔d+比较级 一该句型表示“越来越??,’的意思。有时more

and more之后可以接名词。例如:

The car is running faster and faster.这汽车开得越来越快。 He is more and more interested in music.

他对音乐越来越感兴趣。 ’

He is becoming more and more active in sports. 他越来越积极参加体育运动。 More and more people have come to realize the importance of learning English.

越来越多的人开始认识到学习英语的重要性。 10.比较级+than anyother+名词+比较范围 一该句型表示“比任何一个都??,’的意思。在同

一范围内的比较,0ther不可省略。这种用法从结构上看是比 较级,却表示最高级的意思。例如:

He is more active than anyone else/any other student in his class.(=He is the most active in his class.)


The Yangtze River is longer than any other river in China. (=The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.) 在中国长江比其他任何河流都长。 瓣嘲

误:He is taller than any student in his class. 正:He is taller than any other student in his class.




他比班上其他任何同学都高。 R2


—l■该句型表示三者或三者以上的比较,意思是 “在??中最??”。例如:

The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 黄河是中国第二大河。 ,

He is the cleverest student of the three. 3个学生中他是最聪明的。

This is the most interesting story I have ever read. 这是我们看过的故事中最有趣的一个。

She sings(the)best in her class.她在班里唱歌唱得最好。 12.the+EB较级/最高级+of


He is the taller of the tw0.他是两个中的较高者。 He is the youngest of all the students.


This is the best of all.这是所有当中最好的。

1—Il●不要把该句型中两者的比较范围混淆。 误:He is the most active of the tw0.

正:He is the most active of the three/in his class. 他是三人中/班上最活跃的。

正:He is the more active of the tw0. 他是两人中较活跃的。

13.one of the+最高级+复数名词+比较范围

ll■该句型表示“在??中最.:?.之一”。鳓Ⅱ: China is one of the largest countries in the world.


This is one of the most difficult books I have ever read. 这是我看过的最难的书之一。 83

14.Which?+(the+)比较级,A or B?

I_■这是选择疑问句的形式之一,表示两者之间‘‘哪 个更??A还是B?”例如:

一WhIch is the larger country,Canada or America? 加拿大和美国哪一个更大? 一Canada.加拿大。

Which is ct联apor,this one or that one? 哪个比较便宜,这个还是那个? Which do you like bettor,tea Or coffee? 你比较喜欢哪种,茶还是咖啡? 15.Which?the+最高级(+比较范围),A,B or c7 .Il■这也是选择疑问句的形式之一,表示三者(或三者以上)“哪个最??A,B还是c?”例如:

Which is tha d嘲∞st,tha white,the yellow or the blue




shirt?哪件最便宜,白衬衫,黄衬衫还是蓝衬衫? Which do you like best,coffea,tea or coke? 在咖啡、荼和可乐中,你最喜欢哪种? 回/


()1.China is larger than——country in Asia. A.anv l3.any other C.other D.another ()2.The yellow shirt is——the blue one.

A.as cheap as B more cheaper than C SO cheap as D.the cheapest as()3.This bookis——thanthat one. A.difficuIt &the most difficult C vcry difficult D.more difficult ()4.John has three sisters.Jane is——0f the three.

A.most tall R the tallest C.the taller D.as tall 84

( )5.The Yellow River iS the second river in China. A the longest l3.10nger C.10ngest D.the most long

()6.Helooks than heiS.

A.more young B more younger C much younger D.very young ( )7.A train can run fl bus. A.SOfast as Bfasterthan C.more fast D.very fast than ()8.This coatis onein all.

A.the most expensive B most expensive C more expensive D.much expensive()9.In the exalTl,the——you are,the——mistakes you’11 mak己

八careful,little B more careful,less C more careful,few D.more careful,fewer

()10.In Guilin,it’S——in July,but it is even——in August.

八hot,hotter R hot,hot

C.hotter,hottest D.hotter,hot()11.Summeris——season ofthe year. A very hot R the hottest C.the hotter D.hottest

()12.It’S winter now.It’S gettin9——.

A.hotter and hotter B.warmer and warmer C.wetter and wetter D.bolder and colder

()13.Which do you like——,the park or the zoo?

A.well&better C best D.good()14.I can speak French a little but——you. A.not as well as Rnot well than C.not so well than D.not SO better as ( )15.一These mooncakes are delicious.

一Yes.BUt I think the ones with nuts are of all. A.very delicious l3.the more delicious





C the most delicioUS D.SO deliciOUS

()16.Which city has——population,Beijin9,Tianjin or Shanghai?

Amany Bmore C alarge D.thelargest

( )17.Of all the four stories,which do you think is——?

A.most interesting B the most interesting C.more interesting D.the more interesting ()18.Chinais one of intheworld. A.the largest countries B the largest country C largest countries D.1arger countries

()19.The——he worked,the——progress he made.

A Ilard,more R harder,great C harder.greater l3.hard,

greater()20.Ithink Johnis——personforthejob. 八good B better C best D.the best

五、不定式句型 1.不定式(主语)+动词

一在本句型中,不定式相当于一个名词,充当句子 的主语成分。不定式的否定形式是在t0前加not。

To learn English well is important for me. 对我来说,学好英语是很重要的。 To s∞is to believe.眼见为实。

一(1)在本句型中,无论不定式的形式如何,谓语 动词一律用第三人称单数。例如:

Not to swim is my pity.没去游泳是我的遗憾。

(2)动词不定式作主语时,为了避免头重脚轻,常常使用 形式主语it,将动词不定式短语后置。例如: It is important for me to learn English well. 对我来说,学好英语是很重要的。

It is impossible to finish SO much homework in a day. 一天之内完成这么多作业是不可能的。

(3)不定式在疑问句或感叹旬中作主语时,必须用形式主 % 语it。例如:

What ajoy it is to swim in a hot day in SUlTlrr色r! 在夏天的炎热日子里去游泳真是一种乐趣!

Is it possible to fly to the盯”0n in a spaceship? 乘宇宙飞船登上月球是可能的吗?


lI-动词不定式作表语,说明主语的内容。例如: My job is to teach English.我的工作就是教英语。

His wish is to become a film star. 他的理想是成为一名电影明星。 一(1)如果主语部分有实义动词d。,作表语的不定 式既可带t0,也可以不带t0。例如:

Mother was ill in bed.AII I could do WflS(to)look after her at home.妈妈卧病在床,我所能做的就是在家里照顾她。 (2)动词be后面的不定式与主语有逻辑上的




主谓关系时, 表示“要做的事”、“一定”、“必须”的意思。例如:

He is to be∞me a doctor.他要成为一名医生。 You are to be back before ten. 你一定要在10点钟之前回来。 3.动词+不定式(宾语) _-■动词不定式可在某些动词之后充当宾语。常用的 带动词不定式作宾语的动词结构有: want to do sth.想做某事

wish to do sth.希望做某事 agree to do stll.同意做某事 liketodo sth.喜欢做某事 decide to do sth.决定做某事 begin tO do sth.开始做莱事 learn to do sth.学习做莱事 ask to do sth请求做某事 plan to do sth计划做某事 hope to do sth.希望做某事

87 refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事 help to do sth,.帮忙做某事 teachto do sth教做某事 need to do sth.需要做某事 prepare to do sth,.准备做某事 pretend to do sth.假装做某事 offer to do sthl提供做某事 例如:

I planned to go camp.ng with my cousin,but he had some—

thing else to d0.

我本打算和堂兄去野营,但是他有别的事要做。 I hope to s∞you again.我希望再次见到你。

He wanted to borrow my dictionary.他想借我的字典。 一如果宾语有自己的补足语时,要用it作先行宾 语,并将真正的宾语后置。例如:

We find it easy to find information on the Internet. 我们觉得在网上查信息很容易。

I thonght it better to start early.我认为早点出发好些。 4.动词+宾语+带t0的不定式(宾语补足语)


advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事 allow sh.to do st}1.1 允许某人做某事 ask sb.to do st}1.请求某人做某事 beg sb..to do sth.乞求某人做某事 encourage sb..to do sth.鼓励某人做某事

get sh.to do sth.使某人做某事

force sb.to do sth强迫某人做某事 invite sb.to do sth.邀请某人做某事 expect sb.to do sth.J期望某人做某事 order sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事 88 permit sb,.to do sth..允许某人做某事 persuade sh.to do sth.说服某人做某事 require sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事 want sb,.to do sth.想要某人做某事 warn sb,.to do sth,.警告某人做某事 teach sb.to do sth.教某人做某事 tell sb.tO do sth.告诉某人做某事 wish sb.tO do sth.希望某人做某事 例如:

Please ask him to call me back when he comes back. 当他回来时叫他打电话给我。




They didn’t allow the ship to leave the poct. 他们不允许这艘船离港。 一(1)宾语补足语在被动语态中为主语补犀语。例


We are advised to wait,.有人劝我们等着。

They are allowed to tadk in the classroom after class. 课后他们被允许在教室里讲话。



When will you teach me how to use the computer? 你什么时候教我使用电脑? No one can tell me where to get the book. 没有人能告诉我在哪里能找到这本书。

(3)动词think,consider,believe,suppose,know,feel, find,imagine等表示“认为”的意思时,后接带t0的不定式作宾语补足语,但是这个不定式多为to be。例如: We all think him to be a gpod example to the youth. 我们都认为他是青年的好榜样。

Many people suppose him to be over fifty. 许多人认为他50多岁了。 5.动词+宾语+不带l0的不定式(宾语补足语)



定式不带t0。常见的感官动词结构有: see sb.do sth.看见某人做某事

look at sb.do sth.看莱人做某事 hear sb.do sth.听见某人做某事 listen to sb.do sth.听某人做某事 watch sb.do sth.观看某人做某事 notice sb.do sth注意到某人做某事 observe sb.do sth.观察某人做某事 feel sb.do sth.感觉到某人做莱事 常见的使役动词结构有: make sb.do sth.使某人做某事 have sb.do st}1.让某人做某事 let sb.do sth.让某人做某事例如:

Let him do tie job by himself.让他自己做这件事吧。 I saw some boys knock down an old rr谤In and rurl away. 我看见几个男孩撞倒了一位老人,然后跑掉了。 一当使役动词和感官动词用于被动结构时,要用带 t0的不定式作主语补足语。例如:

The boys were made to work ten hours every day. 这些男孩被迫每天工作l0个小时。

She is often heard to sing the old son9. 常常有人听到她喝那首老歌。 但是动词let用于被动结构时除外。例如: Theywere Iet 90.他们被放了。 6.名词/代词+不定式(定语)


He said he had an important meeting to attend. 他说他有个重要的会议要参加。

I have’a lot of questions to ask.我有许多问题要问。帅






误:They have a big house to live. 正:They have a big house to Iive in. 他们有一阔可以居住的大房子。 很多名词常可用不定式作定语,常见的有decision(决 定),wish(愿望),chance(机会),promise(iq诺),right(权利),way(方法,道路),time(时间)等。例如:

Is that the best way to solve the problem? 那是解决这个问题的最好办法吗? , He had no time to think about the question.


当名词被first,last,second以及0nly等词修饰时,其后 可用不定式作定语。例如t

My mother is always tle first ore to get up in my famiIy. 我妈妈总是我们家第一个起床的人。

He is the only person to know the truth. 他是唯一了解真相的人。 7.动词+不定式(状语) .


状语,可以表示目的、结果、原因或条件。 (1)动词+不定式(表示目的)。例如: 1 work hard to catch up with my classmates. 我努力学>-j是为了赶上班上的同学。

He sat down to have a rest.他坐下来休息。

.-当要强调不定式所表示的目的时,常用in。rder(not)tOdo sth.或SO as(not)tO do stk的形式。in order(not)to do sth.结构可置于旬首或句中,而SO as(not)tO do sth.结构只能置于句中。例如: 9l

She got up early in order to catch the first bus.

或:In order to catch the first bus,she got up early.


Let’S hurry SO as not to be late for the meetin9. 咱们得赶快,以便开会不迟到。

(2)动词+不定式(表示结果或程度) ①S0?as to d0? 在这个结构中,S0后面跟的是形容词或副词,意思是“如 此??以致??”。例如:

1 was SO foolish as to believe what he said to me. 我真是太傻了,竟然相信他对我说的话。

He ran SO fast鸽to catch the bus. 他跑得这样快,赶上了公共汽车。 ②such?as to d0?

在这个结构中,such后面跟的是名词,与S0?as to d0?


1 was such a fool as to believe what he said to me. ③?enough to d0? 在这个结构中,enough前面的词为形容词或副词,意思是 “足够??做??”。例如:

The room is big enough to hold a hundred people. 这间屋子很大,能容纳l00人。




The boy is not old enough to go to sch001. 这个男孩不够大,还不能去上学。 - ④t00?tO d0?

在这个结构中,t00之后的词也是形容词或副词,意思是 “太??而不能??”。例如:

The place is too small to put the piano in. 这个地方太小了,以致放不下这架钢琴。 It’S raining too hard for me to go out.雨太大,我出不去。 1■句型t00?t。d0?表示‘‘太??以致不能??\但t00之后的形容词是easy(容易的),willing(愿意的), 92

ready(准备好了的),eager(急切的),anxious(热切的)等时,不定式不表示否定而表示肯定的意思;在not,never,on- Iy,all,but等后的t00?t0?结构中,t00的含义为very,不定式没有否定意义。例如:

I am too anxious to see you.我太想见到你了。 He is too ready to speak.他太多嘴了。

I shall be only too pleased to help you.我非常高兴帮助你。 ⑤onlyto d0? 这一结构通常表示一个相反或出乎意料的结果。例如: He hurried to school only to find nobody there.

他匆忙赶到学校,却发现那儿没有人。 (3)动词+不定式(表示条件)

A man would be blind not to see that. 要是看不到这一点,他就是瞎子。 He will do anything to have the chance tO see her again. 要是能有机会再见到她,他做什么都行。


_不定式可以在表示感情的形容词后面,作状语,表示原因。常用于表示感情色彩的形容词有happy(高兴的), glad(高兴的),pleased(乐意的),delighted(高兴的),eager(急切的),anxious(热切的),sorry(遗憾的),lucky(幸运的),angry(生气的),disappointed(失望的),proud(自豪的)等。例如:

We wore very excited to hear the news. 听到这个消息我们很激动。

I am very glad to meet you.见到你我很高兴。 9.for/of+名词/代词+不定式 一一般来说,不定式动作的执行者为句子的主语,但有时动词不定式的逻辑主语不是句子的主语,这时必须用不定式的复合结构:“for+名词/代词+to d0”或“of+名词/代词+to d0”。这一结构在句中可作主语、表语、定语、宾语、状语等。 93

介词for后面的宾语为不定式动作的执行者,即逻辑主语,其中的形容词常是表示“必要”、?容易”、“困难”等意义的形容词,如easy(容易的),necessary,(有必要的),important(重要的),difficult(困难的),possible(可能的),interesting(有趣的),hard(艰难的)等;而介词of结构中的形容词多为表示人的品格的形容词,如brave(勇敢的),kind(好心的), nice(好的),honest(诚实的),foolish(愚蠢的),clever(聪明的),stupid(笨的),wise(明智的),careful(小心的), polite(有礼貌的),silly(愚蠢的)等。例如:

It is necessary for US tO read English every day. 对我们来说,每天读英语是很有必要的。

The box is too heavy for him to carry. 这只箱子对他来说太沉了,搬不动。 It’S very kind of you to say s0.你这样说真是太好了。




It’8 unwise of him to go there alone. 他一个人去那里是不明智的。

10.动词不定式省略t0的句型 Why not d0?为何不做?? had better d0?最好做?:“ would rather d0?than d0?宁愿做??而不做?? 例如:

Why not come to my house tO have dinner together tonight? 为何不今晚来我家一起吃晚饭呢?

You hed better te|I your mother the truth. 你最好把真相告诉你妈妈。 1 would rather stay at home than go to the cinema. 我宁愿待在家里而不愿去看电影。

匦, ’’■■■●■■■●■■●咿,1.选择正确的答案填空: ()1.Mymother always asksme——. A study hard l3.studies}Iard 94

C to study Ilafd D.studying hard ()2.Can you teachme——?

A use the computer R how tO use the computer C how use the computer n using the computer

()3.The boywastoofired OIL。

A walked R to walk C walks n walking()4.It is impossible——US——thejob in a day. A.of,tofimsh Bfor.tOfinish

C for,finish D.of。finish

()5.Don’t forget——in your maths exercises here t0— morrow.

八and}land R hand Cto hand D.handing ()6.He got up very early——the train.

A caught B and catch C catching D.to catch ()7.Do you have anything else——?

AtO say Bsay Csays D.saying

( )8.It’S going to rain in the aftemooiL You’d better——.

A.take an umbrella with you B to take an umbrella for you C taking an umbrella with you D.took an umbrella with you()9.It’S not easy——English well. A learn R learns C Iearning n to lcam( )10.Take care of your brother.Don’t make him . Ato cry R crying C cry n cries ( )11.一The light in the office iS still OIL 一0h。Iforgot .

Aturningit off Rtumit off

Ctoturnit off D.haringturnedit off ( )12.Birds are seldom heard at night.

A sing R sang Cto sing n sung

()13.Look。the boys overthere se锄 . 八quarrelling R+to quarrel C to be quarrelled D.tO be quarrelling 95




()14.He hurried to the station,only——the train——. A.tofind.go Rtofind,gone C findin9,gone D.findin9,go( )15.It’S time for class~We had better and to the teacher. ● A.stop talkin9。listen

B to stop talkin9,listen C stop talkin9。to listen D.to stop talkin9,to listen

Ⅱ.将下列句子译成英语:1.我想买一条新裙子。2.他激动得说不出话来了。 3.我们该去上课了。 4.我有许多工作要做。

5.他妈妈让他星期日待在家里。Ⅲ.用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.I hope(hear)from Mr Li soon.

2.He was made (do)the work at once.

3.It’S easy(talk)but diffieult (do). 4.Let me(introduce)myselL

5.Would you like(come)with me? 6.Lucy,remember——(post)the lettem 7.The farmers began——(think)of ways——

(plant)the trees.

8.She often makes her mother(get)angry.

9.Don’t forget(10ck)the door when you leave. 10.The farmers did0’t know what (do).

11.Let him ‘(do)it.

12.Please tell her(not be)late for class. 96 六、动名词句型


_动名词可以作主语,常表示概括性的或一般性的行为。动名词作主语时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数。例如: Learning English is important to us.学英语对我们很重要。 Swimming will do you good.游泳对你有好处。


式主语it代替,并将动名词结构后置。 常用的这种动名词形式的句型有: It is no use doin9...做??没有用 It is no good doin9?做??没有好处 It is useless doin9?做??没有用

It is worth doin9?值得做?? · There is no doin9?做??是不可能的例如:

There is no telling what will happen. 谁也无法预言将会发生什么。

It is rio use buying a lot of books without reading them. 买许多书而不读是没有用的。

It's not worth getting angry with her.和她生气是不值得的。 2.系动词+动名词(表语)

囊—一动名词作表语时一般表示比较抽象的习惯性的动 作,表语和主语的位置可以互换。例如:

His job is teaching maths.他的工作是教数学。 Teaching maths is his job.教数学是他的工作。 What he likes best is playing football.





一动词不定式和动名词作表语时的区别:动名词和动词不定式在作表语时一般可以互换,但是,动名词所表示的动作比较抽象,或是习惯性的;而不定式多表示某次比较具体 97


Her dream is to beoome扪actress. , 她的梦想是成为一名演员。 · His hobby is collecting stamps.他的爱好是集邮。 3.动名词(定语)+名词 _动名词作定语时放在被修饰名词之前,表示被修 饰名词的用途或目的。例如:

He often watches the doctors in the operating roorlL 他经常看到医生在手术室里。

a reading rOOm阅览室 a writing desk写字台

a waiting toon3候车(诊)室 a sleeping car卧铺车厢 囊—■动名词作定语时表示被修饰名词的用途或使用目 的,而不定式作定语时表示的动作性较强,被修饰的名词是不 定式的执行者或承受者。例如:

He is always the[irst to arrive.他总是第一个到达。 He wants to improve his teaching method.


I have alot ofworkto d0.我有很多工作要做。

Do you have anything t0嗣y?你还有什么要说的吗? 4.动词+动名词(宾语) 一有些动词之后要求用动名词作宾语。常见的只能 以动名词作宾语的动词结构有: suggest doing sth.建议做某事 ” consider doing sth.考虑做莱事 permit doing stk允许做某事 advise doing st}k建议做莱事 allow doing sth允许做莱事 admit doing sth.承认做某事 IIlind doing stk介意做某事 imagine doing stk想象做某事 enjoy doing sth.喜欢做莱事 miss doing sth.错过做莱事 %

finish doing stk完成做莱事 avoid doing sth.避免做某事 practise doing sth.练习做某事 escape doing sth.遮脱做莱事 keep doing sth保持做莱事 forgive doing sth.原谅做某事例如:

She practises reading English every day. 她每天都练习读英语。

His family are considering moving to another city. 他们全家考虑搬去另一座城市。



She likes dancin9。but she doesn’t like lo dance tonight. 她喜欢跳舞,但是她今晚不想跳。

He hates smokin9.他不喜欢吸烟。

He hates to trouble you.他不愿麻烦你。 6.stop/forget/rerrember+不定式/动名词 嗣一在st。P,forget,rememher之后接不定式还是动 名词,意思上差另U较大。例如:




Stop talkin9.不要讲话。(停止做某事) He stopped to have a rest 他停下来休息一会。(停下来去做某事) 1 forgot posting the letter. 我忘记寄了那封信。(信已寄出) I forgot lo post the letter.

我忘记要把信寄出去。(信未寄出) I remember seeing him somewhare。 我记得在哪儿见过他。(已经见过) I re/'n(尊nher lo see him tomorrow.


我记起来明天要见他。(尚未见) I 7.动词+介词+动名词(宾语) l 鬻动名词常跟在一些“动词+介词”的固定词组后 I面作宾语。这样的词组常见的有: I lead to doin9?导致?? I devote sb.to doin9?致力于?? I I get down to doin9?开始认真做?? I insist on doin9?坚持做?? I feel like doin9?想做?? l give up doin9?放弃做?? l look forward to doin9?盼望做?? I I put off doin9?推迟做?? I stick to doin9?坚持做?? I stop sb.from doin9?阻止某人做?? l be tired of doin9?厌烦做?? l be good at doin9?擅长于做?? I succeed in doin9?成功地做到?? l be/get used to doin9?习惯于做?? l例如: | I am looking forward to hearing from you. { 我期待着收到你的来信。

I don’t feel like going to the cinema.我不想-L-看电影。 Nothing can stop US from achieving the goal.

什么东西都不能阻止我们实现这目标。 8.所有格/物主代词+动名词 1—■动名词前面可以带上自己的逻辑主语构成动名词

的复合结构,其逻辑主语是: J (1)物主代词(my,your,her,his,their,our,its)+ |动名词。在非正式英语中,作宾语的动名词复合结构其逻辑主 I 1∞ I 语有时也可用“人称代词宾格(me,you,her,him,them, US,it)+动名词”。 (2)名词所有格(one’s)+动名词。 例如:

Do you mind州/脯using your pen? 你介意我用你的钢笔吗?

Jim’S being late made his teacher very angry. 吉姆的迟到使得他的老师很生气。

9.do+限定词(one’S,SOCYE,any,the,etc.)+动名词 卷豳蔫这一动名词结构表示‘‘做j?一事’’的意思。这类 结构常见的有do some shoppin9,do some cookin9,do some washin9,do some readin9,do some cleanin9等。例如:

1 will do some shopping with my mother this afternoon. 今天下午我将和妈妈去买点东西。

I do much washing on Sunday.星期天我洗了不少衣服。 10.be+busy/worth+动名词

一be busy doin9?表示“忙于做某事”,be w。rth doin9?表示“某事值得(被)做”。例如:

The book is worth readin9.这本书值得一读。

My mother was busy cleaning the house yesterday after— noon.我妈妈昨天下午忙着打扫房子。 11.want/nead/require+动名词(宾语)




簟这一结构的动名词表示被动的意义,相当于不定 式的被动式。例如:

The bike needs mendin9. (=The bike needs to be rr狞nded) 这辆自行车需要修理一下了。

The patient needs examinin9. (一The patient needs to be examined.)这个病人需要检查一下。 12.What/How about doin9?? 一这一句型常被用来征询意见或询问消息,意为

“??怎么样?”例如: 101

What about going to the cinema tonight? 今晚去看电影怎么样? What about the two of US going for a walk? 我们俩去散步如何? 13.NO+doin9,etc.



No talking in the library!不许在图书馆里谈话! No smoking!禁止吸烟! No biking in the park!公园里不许骑自行车! 这类结构相当于Don’t do sth.!例如:

Don’t taIk in the library! Don’t$moko!

Don’t bike in the park l

14.have difficulty/trouble/problem/a hard time,etc.(in)


霜露蠢此句型的意思为“在做某事方面有困难、麻烦”,而“have fun/pleasure/a good time(in)+动名词”则表示“做某事很有趣”、“做某事很开心”。例如:

We had some trouble in finding his house. 我们找他的房子时遇到了一些困难。· The children had a good time playing with the new toys. 孩子们很高兴地玩这些新玩具。


一这一结构相当于as soon as所引导的时闻状语从 句,意思为“??·就??”。例如:

On hearing the news,he jumped with joy. 他一听到这个消息,就高兴得踺了起来。 On arriving at the hotel。I made a phone call tO my parents. -J,1了酒店,我就给父母打了个电话。 16.can’t help+动名词

一这一句型表示“忍不住做??”。例如: 102

She couldn’t help crying at the news. 听到这个消息她忍不住哭了。 回,


()1.The film is really excitin9.It’S worth——. A.to see again B see again

C seeing again D.of seeing again

( )2.After she finished her homework,she helped her mother with the housework. 丸to do B does C doing D_done




()3.The final exam is comin9.We are all busy——the lessons.

A.review l3.reviewed C.to review D.revl’ewing ( )4.Look at your dirty clothes.They Reed——.

丸towash Rtowashing C be washed l3.washing ( )5.Ⅵbuld you mind the window?

A.my open &my opening C.meto open D.me open( )6.In order to learn English well,he practises—— English every mornin9. A.to read R reads

C.tO reading D.reading

( )7.The teacher is coming!Please stop——.

A.totalk &talking C andtalk D.talk( )8.We had a hard time his house.

A.to find Rfinding Cfound D.tofound

()9.Look at the sign!“——in the library!” A.Don’t eatin913.No eat C.No eating D.Don’t tO cat 103

()10.It’S no use——0ver spilt milk. AtO cry B cry C.cried n crying Ⅱ.用所给动词的适当形式填空:

1.Would you mind——(carry)this suitcases for us?

2.The main difficulty was——(find)enough raw mate— rial. 3.Is there any chance of their——————————(win)the game? 4. (work)in the open air has given you a good eolour.

5.The girls are all fond of—————————(skip). 6.It made him ill(drink)SO much whisky. 7.Your job will be——(100k after)the COWS.Ⅲ.将下列各句译成英语: 1.他非常喜欢游泳。

2.她建议放学后打扫教室。 3.我不介意坐后座。

4.星期天下午我一直忙着做作业。 5.我们应该天天练习读英语。

6.讨论这个问题是没有用的。 7.我正在考虑搬到乡下去住。 8.他的父母亲想让他戒烟。 9.这部电影很有趣,值得一看。 10.听到这个消息,他忍不住哭了。 11)4 七、分词句型


一分词具有形容词的作用,可作表语。一般跟在 be,get,become,look,sound,feel,keep,remain,seem, appear等系动词之后。现在分词作表语时主要说明主语的性质 或特征,含有“令人??”的意思,主语多数情况下是物。过 去分词作表语时说明主语所处的状态,含有“感到??”的意 思,主语多数情况下是人。




1—■常见的作表语说明主语的性质或特征的现在分词 有exciting(令人兴奋的),moving(令人感动的),amusing (令人惊异的),astonishing(令人震惊的),frightening(令人 害怕的),interesting(有趣的),relaxing(令人放松的), shocking(令人震惊的),surprising(令人惊奇的),terrifying (可怕的),tiring(令人厌倦的),worrying(令人担忧的), puzzling(迷惑人的)等。

常见的作表语说明主语所处的状态的过去分词有excited (兴奋的),moved(感动的),amused(惊奇的),astonished (震惊的),frightened(害怕的),interested(感兴趣的),re— laxed(放松的),satisfied(满意的),surprised(惊奇的), terrified(害怕的),tired(疲惫的),worried(焦虑的),puz— zled(迷惑的)等。例如: The story sounds interestin9.这个故事听起来很有趣。 They got excited at the news.听到这个消息他们很激动。 The movie is movin9.这部电影很令人感动。

He is very interested in reading the novel. 他对读这本小说很感兴趣。 2.分词(定语)+名词

一单个分词作定语时常位于被修饰词之前。现在分 词有进行或主动的意义,其动作通常与谓语动词所表示的动作 同时或基本同时发生;过去分词作定语有完成或被动的意义。 例如:

Polluted air and water are harmful tO people’S health.


污染了的空气和水时人的健康有害处。 The crying boy is my little brother. 这个哭泣的男孩是我的小弟弟。 She is a charming girl.她是个漂亮的女孩。 The escaped criminal was captured. 逃跑的罪犯被抓起来了。 。 3.名词+分词(定语)


Do you know the young man talking with our teacher? 你认识那个与我们老师谈话的年轻人吗?

Most of the people a忙stianed 013 the spot refused tO answer. 绝大多数当场被提问的人都拒绝回答。 Anyone sleeping in class will be scolded. 任何人在课堂上睡觉都要受到批评。 一现在分词与动名词作定语时的区别:现在分词与


现在分词作定语 动名词作定语

a sleepjng boy一个正在睡觉的男孩a sleeping ha9一个睡袋 a flying bird一只飞乌 flying time飞行时间 working people劳动人民 a working plan一份工作计划 4动词+宾语+分词(宾语补足语)

一分词通常用于一些感官动词和使役动词的宾语后面作宾语补足语,补充说明宾语的意义。宾语与宾语补足语有逻辑上的主谓关系。常用于这种结构的感官动词和使役动词有 see,watch,notice,observe,look at,hear,listen t0,feel, make,let,have,find,leave,get,keep等。




