北师大版初一(下)英语第11讲:Unit Six 词汇篇(教师版)--顺

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Unit Six(词汇篇)

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________



动物:cow, duck, elephant, giraffe, hen, lion, monkey, panda, pig, sheep, tiger, rabbit, mouse, snake 动词:lay, spread, reach, grow, bee, hurt, believe, leave, climb 形容词:wild, cute, helpful, ugly, blind, sill, wide, huge, hungry 副词:wide, happily, finally, warmly, freely 二、短语

1.farm animals 农场动物 2.wild animals 野外动物 3.help blind people 帮助盲人 4.look funny 看起来滑稽 5.from above or below 从上面或者下面 6.lay legs 下蛋 7.in big groups 大群地 8.play with 和...玩 9.not.....any more 不再 10.look after 照顾 11.for about a year 大约一年 12.a few years later 几年以后 13.walk through the zoo 走过动物园 14.keep homes safe 保护家园安全 15.take him to the beach 带他去海边

16.take him for a walk 带他散步 17.walk slowly 慢慢地走 18.take him home 带他回家 19.get in trouble 惹上麻烦 20.all the time 一直 21.turn around 转身 22.knock down 撞倒 23.help scientists make medicines 帮助科学家做药 24.bend their necks 弯下他们的脖子 三、句型

1.It is difficult to drink water. 喝水困难。

2.Giraffes have big eyes on a small head and they can see very well. 长颈鹿小小的头上有两个大大的眼睛

3.He hugged them warmly. 它热情地拥抱他们。


4.Help 的意思是帮助,帮忙,是一个非常重要的动词。常用搭配有help sb(to) do sth,表示“帮助某人做某事”;help sb with sth,表示“帮助某人某事”。另外helpful是它的形容词。

5.Look是一个联系=动词,意思是“看起来.....”,后面通常接形容词充当表语。类似的词还有smell, sound, taste, feel, 它们是表示感官的系动词。

6.在“It is+形容词+to do”的结构中,It是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的to do,所以翻译结构通常是从后往前,it 不用翻译。如果要表示某人或者某事,就可以说“It is+形容词+for sb/sth+to do”。 7.Would like to do sth 表示想要做某事

1.---What _____________does Jim like? ---He like cars and horses. A.subjects B.animals C.sports D.colors 2.My sister’s favorite animal is a dog and she always plays________it. A.in B.for C.with D./ 3.Lucy didn’t__________happy because she failed the exam.

A.look B.smell C.sound D.taste 4.---What would you like __________ tonight? ---Coffee,please.

A.drink B.drinking C.drinks D.to drink 5.On the top of the mountain, it is very easy____________the whole city below us. A.see B.seeing C.saw D.to see 解析:

1.从答语He like cars and horses可以看出是问动物,所以选B。 2.固定搭配play with,和.....玩。所以选C。

3.Look是一个联系=动词,意思是“看起来.....”,后面通常接形容词充当表语。类似的词还有smell, sound, taste, feel, 它们是表示感官的系动词。从she failed the exam.可知是看起来不高兴,故选A。 4.Would like to do sth 表示想要做某事,所以选D。

5. “It is+形容词+to do”的结构中,It是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的to do,所以翻译结构通常是从后往前,it 不用翻译。如果要表示某人或者某事,就可以说“It is+形容词+for sb/sth+to do”。 故选D。 答案:BCADD



1.看家 ________________________ 2.做许多事_________________ 3.最喜欢的动物_________________ 4.飞很长时间_______________ 5.帮助盲人_____________________ 6.搬重物___________________ 7.惹上麻烦_____________________ 8.帮助科学家制药___________ 9.有道理_______________________ 10.野生动物________________



1.My little sister is so young that she can’t look after the little r__________.

2.There are many kinds of a__________in the zoo. I think tigers are the most dangerous. 3.We can’t go out for a picnic because it is raining h________.

4.Every day my mum es back home from work, I will hug her w__________. 5.Dogs are h__________because they can do a lot of things for human beings.



1.lions, think, are, dangerous, I

_____________________________________. 2.favorite, his, is, sheep, animal _______________________________. 3.can, keep, they, safe, homes, help

__________________________________________________. 4.your, what, animal, is, sister’s, favorite ______________________________________. 5.run, very, lions, fast, can

______________________________________. 四、根据中文提示完成下列各句。 1.熊猫胖乎乎的,看起来很可爱。

_____________________________fat and_______________________. 2.这只母鸡上周下了五个鸡蛋。

This hen______________________________week. 3.汤姆家离学校很远。

Tom____________________________________________school. 4.企鹅不是鱼,但是他们游泳很快。

____________________________________fish but they_________________________________.. 5.知道如何与别人融洽相处很有帮助。

It’s very helpful__________how_____________________________others. 答案:

一、1.keep homes safe 2.do a lot of things 3.favorite animals 4.fly for a long time

5.help blind people 6.carry heavy things 7.get into trouble 8.help scientists make medicines 9.have a point 10.wild animals

二、1.rabbit 2.animals 3.heavily 4.warmly 5.helpful

三、1.I think lions are dangerous. 2.His favorite animal is sheep. 3.They can help keep homes safe. 4.What is your sister’s favorite animal. 5.Lions can run very fast.


四、1.Pandas are; look funny 2.laid five eggs last 3.lives far from 4.Penguins are not; can swim fast 5.to know; to get on well with 一、单选

1.---____________does Amy like her favorite animal? ---Because it can keep our home safe. A. Why B.Where C.How D.Who 2.There is_________elephant in the zoo. __________elephant is from Africa.

A.a; The B.the; The C.an; An D.an; The 3.There are many people in the park. Some are walking. are running.

A.Others B.The others C.Other D.The other 4.The farmers keep 10 hens which 30 eggs a week.

A.lie B.lay C.laid D.lain 5.Susan likes swimming there is no swimming pool near her home. A.or B.so C.but D.and 6.Chris,get up early, you’ll be late for school.

A.or B.so C.but D.and 7.A firefighter’s job is to put out fires and keep__________safe.

A.everyone B. no one C.anyone D.someone 8.In the future,robots will help people ___________more things.

A.did B.doing C.done D.do 9.---Hi, Jim!Where are your grandparents? ---In the garden. They_________the flowers there. A.water B.are watering C.will water D.is watering 10.---Jeff,what are you doing?

---I’m the football match online. My favorite team_____now.

A.watching;plays B.watched;is played C.watching;is playing D.watches; playing 二、完型

A friend of mine likes drawing horses. He draws the horses very__1___, but he always begins at the tails. Now it is the Western rule to begin at the head of the horse that is____2___I am surprise. It strikes me that it could not really make a(n)___3___whether the artist begins at the head or the tail or the belly or the foot of the horse, if he really knows his business. And most great artists who really know their business do not follow___4___people’s rules. They make their own___5___. Every one of them does his work in a way peculiar to himself, and the peculiarity means that he finds it___6__to work in that way.

Now the very same thing id true to literature. And the question, “How shall I___7___?”only means that you want to begin at the head __8__beginning at the tail or somewhere else. That is,you are not yet experienced enough to trust your own powers. When you bee more experienced you will___9___ ask the


question, and I think that you will often begin at the tail, that is to say, you will write the ___10___ of the story before you have even thought of the beginning.

1. A. well B.good C.bad D.badly 2. A. what B.why C.where D.when 3. A.answer B.chance C.mistake D.difference 4. A. other B.another C. others D.the other 5. A.examples B.horses C.rules D.business 6. A. more boring B. easier C.more slowly D.harder 7. A.finish B.do C. start D.continue 8. A.against B.instead C. except D.instead of 9.A.never B. still C.ever D.sometimes 10.A.title B. end C.head D.tail 答案:一、1-5:ADACC 6-10:AADBC 二、1-5:ABDAC 6-10:BCDAB

_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

一、单选(北京市东城区(南片)2014-2015学年下学期初中七年级期末考试英语试卷) 1.I_______born in Beijing and I love the city.

A. was B. am C. will be D. be

2.—What_________ do you want, S,M or L? —M. I can't wear that large one.

A. color B. size C. number D. kind 3.—Did they have a good time last Sunday? —Yes, they___________.

A. were B. are C. did D. do

4. —Where are the children, Ms Brown? It's time for lunch. —They____________ in the garden.

A. play B. will play C. are playing D. played 5. I__________ a film with my friends next weekend.

A. am going to see B. see C. saw D. seeing 二、翻译。

1.看起来很滑稽_______________________ 2.喝水_________________________________ 3.够着地面___________________________ 4.走很长时间___________________________ 5.弯下脖子___________________________ 6.从上面或者下面_______________________ 7.下蛋_______________________________ 8.一小时游25英里______________________ 9.大群地_____________________________ 10.在遥远的地方________________________ 三、连词成句。

1.take,zoo, not, him, why, the, to

___________________________________________________________ 2.father, few, keeps, Tom’s, a, birds


