
更新时间:2023-11-25 09:37:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


原理图:i放大 o缩小

ctrl+mouse 放大缩小

ctrl+pageup ctrl+pagedown 左右移动 ctrl+n 下一PART ctrl+b 上一PART view->package 查看全部Part view->part 查看某一PART edit->browse 查看part、nets等 alt断开连接移动

R旋转, V垂直, H水平

原理图 R 旋转 shift 任意角度走线 alt拖动元件时切断连接

全局修改器件属性:edit->browse->parts->shift全选所有器件->edit->properties->browse spreadsheet修改即可。

原理图库:D:\\Cadence\\SPB_16.3\\tools\\capture\\library\\Discrete.olb (散件) 建立原理图库:new->library

Cadence olb :ctrl+N 切换到下一PART ctrl+B 切换到前一PART 栅格的控制都在options->preferences->Grid Display Schemtic page grid控制原理图栅格 Part and symbol grid控制元器件库栅格


PCB例程:D:\\Cadence\\SPB_16.3\\share\\pcb\\examples\\board_design 测量距离:display->measure / Find->pins PCB Editor:右键->cancel 取消 类、子类 color visible

PCB提供两种模式,布局布线,封装库(package symbol) PCB 封转库中,怎样设置图纸大小? 显示栅格大小?


layout->pins:x0 0 ->右键done

dra place_bound_top(矩形) silkscreen_top == assemble_top

assemble_top:x0 0.75 ix 1.8 iy -1.5 ix -1.8 iy 1.5 (add line) silkscreen_top: x0.6 0.94 ix -1.38 iy -1.88 ix 1.38 (add line) x1.2 0.94 ix 1.38 iy -1.88 ix -1.38 place_bound_top:add rectangle x-0.85 1 x2.65 -1 参考标号:layout->label->refdes Assembly_top 内部 Silkscreen_top 左上角

file->new->package symbol

必须有:1引脚2零件外形,轮廓线3参考编号4place_bound放置安装区 psm元件封装数据文件,dra元件封装绘图文件

BGA272封装:球形引脚0.75 宽27mm IPC标准 PCB上 80% 0.6

pad designer pad->package symbol file->new smd0_60cir solder大0.1 check pcb editor:package symbol


setup->drawing parameters 设置尺寸 -5 -36 41 41 setup->grids 0.0254

layout->pins x0 0 x0 -1.27 右键->done

edit->delete find->all off->pins

package geometry: place_bound_top:add rectangle x-3.45 3.45 x27.55 -27.55 silkscreen_top:0.2 x-1.45 1.45 x 25.55 1.45(x间有空格) x 25.55 -25.55 x -1.45 -25.55 x -1.45 1.45 silkscreen_top:加角标 addline 0.2 加点

assembly_top:add line

参考标号:assembly_top 内部 silkscreen_top 左上角 SOIC焊盘:不规则 建立图形->pad->package pcb editor:shape symbols cir+rect+cir setup->drewing param: -2 -2 4 4 setup->grid:0.0254

shape->rectangle:etch x -0.625 0.3 x 0.625 -0.3

shape->circle x -0.625 0 x -0.925 0 x 0.625 0 x 0.925 0 shape->merge shapes(融合)

create symbol rx1_85y0_6r0_3.ssm(图形零件文件)

又一个rx2_05y0_8r0_4.ssm soldermask pad designer:

设置工作路径:setup->user preference

设置旋转+右键旋转 设置引脚旋转 package symbols 通孔焊盘 大10mil pcb editor flash symbol .fsm add flash 1.5 1.8 开口spoke width 0.7 anti pad

brd pcb editor

设置尺寸 setup->drawing 精度 mil 2 -4000 -4000 18000 12000

板框 add line board geometry outline

x 0 0 ix5400 iy 4000 ix -5400 iy -4000

倒角 manufacturer ->dimension fillot(圆弧角) 80mil 点角的两线 route keep in :setup->areas->route keepin route keepin ->all -> unfilled

x 100 100 ix 5200 iy 3800 ix -5200 iy -3800 package keep in: edit->z-copy 图形复制(shape) package keepin ->all 点击route keepin


安装孔:place->manually->placement ->advance seting->library placement list->package symbols->mtg300_600 edit->move find->symbols

x 220 220 x 220 3780 x 5180 220 x5180 3780 设置层叠结构

setup->cross-section ->layout cross section (内电层plane) 内电层覆铜 edit->z-copy

find->shape option->etch->GND->create dynamic shape power->create dynamic shape

导入网表:file->import logic ->cadence->import directory place-> manually

设置栅格点:setup->grids on

setup->drawing options:status/dispaly 需经常查看 pcb布局

手工place:place->manually autohide:右键show

mirror:option、右键、setup->draw option->symbols ->mirror 已放置元件:edit->mirror

旋转:已放置:move ->右键rotate option->angle->放置后右键旋转->增量 移动:edit->move (框选多移动)

交互式布局:原理图option->preference->enable intertool (millsce)


原理图选中元件->右键PCB editor select(shift+s)

一page布局到PCB:原理图:edit->browers->part->shift->edit->priority->new->PAGE 1

dsn->tools->create netlist->setup ->configuration file->edit PAGE=YES->Allow user defined propity

PCB:file->import logic->create user-defined priorities-> place->quick place ->place by property/value->right->place


PCB:edit->properties->find by name->comp(or pin)/name->more->选器件->apply-> room->value:power3v3->apply->show->ok

setup->outline->room outline->create

place->quick place->place by room->place->ok

SCH: 选器件(ctrl)->右键->property->cadence-allegro->room->右键edit-> current properties->apply dsn->tools->create netlist

PCB->file->import logic->setup->outline->room outline...... 一次调进所有元件

quick place:place->quickplace->place all components->around package keepin->right 关掉线属性->display->black rats->all edit->move->find by name ->U6


常用命令:edit->move / mirror


LDO线性电源噪声小, 开关电源噪声大 平面去耦 管脚去耦 电容值越小越靠近管脚 排阻用于端接

1.去耦电容2.端接电阻 时钟走线 线比较宽


约束规则设置:setup->constraints standard values space->set values

physical(line/vias) rule set -> default

线变窄->neck 8mil精装线 设置过孔physical rule set


2设置网络属性名edit->property->find->net->more->apply->net physical type->apply net spacing type 3网络赋值规则 电源20mil

特殊区域处理:setup->constraints->areas require a type property->add-> attach property->点shape->edit property窗口设置属性名-> 网络赋值规则



建立总线:constraint Manager->Net->Routing->wiring mcu->ram

mcu->flash 两者距离相等最好


拓扑约束:选择线->logic->net schedule->选择引脚->右键insert T 方








constraint->wiring->template->verify->file update constraint manager

走线线长规则设置:sigx->set constraint->prop delay->from to length(max min)->add->update constraint manager

analyze ->analysis modes 打开拓布、线长显示 等长设置:蛇形走线 调整传播延时

sigx->set constraint->rel prop delay->

T性连接点后两段相等:new->T.1 - U7 local->length tolerance:500mil->add (T.1- U7 T.1 - U8)

mcu到器件:new->u6-U7 global->length:400mil->add

查看:net-》routing-》relative propagation


constraint manager-》选线-》右键create differential pair

constraint manager-》net->routing-> differential Pair->设置 (phase tolerance 10mil 两线容忍误差)

方法2.logic->assign differential pair ->选线->添加

setup->constraints->electrical constraints->diffPair value->new->设置 assign->赋值 布线前准备47:

设置颜色:display->color->设置stack up、components、 manufacturing、geometry 屏






高亮显示:display->color ->display ->highlight设置颜色->display->highlight setup->user preferences->display ->display_nohilitefont drc: display drcfill

setup->draw options->display 设置DRC尺寸

飞线显示:display->show rats->all components nets 关闭:blank rats->all components nets

不同网络高亮不同颜色:display-》highlight-》find net ;option 选择高亮颜色->点击网络 BGA fan out48:route ->fanout by pick->find components->点选器件(电源地未fanout) constraints->电源线宽属性去掉

右键setup->fanout->direction anywhere 布线:route->connect->option设置


布线方式50: 换层:双击/右键add via 、 swap layer


route->connect 1.框选网络

2.右键temp group,逐个点击pin 线距:右键route space

动态显示延迟:setup->etch->allegro_dynam_timing on/ allegro_dynam_timing_fixedpos 确认 rdly相对延迟 dly延迟

当前走线长度:setup->etch->allegro_etch_length_on 确认

router->slide 修复走线

router->miter by pick 修正转角为45°

router->spread between voids让开过孔边界 router->gloss 差分对布线:53


蛇形走线:route ->delay tune -> trombone较好

覆铜55:shape->polygen 多边形 /rectanglar 矩形 /circular 圆形

