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00:01:10,390 --> 00:01:11,870 渴望 Longing 18

00:01:13,670 --> 00:01:14,880 生锈 Rusted 19

00:01:15,300 --> 00:01:16,430 十七

Seventeen 20

00:01:16,850 --> 00:01:18,050 黎明 Daybreak 21

00:01:19,110 --> 00:01:20,270 火炉 Furnace 22

00:01:21,410 --> 00:01:22,490 九 Nine 23

00:01:23,130 --> 00:01:24,560 善良 Benign 24

00:01:25,690 --> 00:01:27,580 回祖国

Homecoming 25

00:01:28,450 --> 00:01:29,600 一 One


00:01:31,330 --> 00:01:32,670 火车货车车厢 Freight car 27

00:01:40,900 --> 00:01:42,380 早上好 士兵

Good morning, Soldier. 28

00:01:44,620 --> 00:01:46,720 愿意服从

Ready to comply. 29

00:01:47,210 --> 00:01:48,900 我有个任务要交给你 I have a mission for you. 30

00:01:50,670 --> 00:01:52,610 制裁和取回

Sanction and extract. 31

00:01:52,950 --> 00:01:54,440 不留活口 No witnesses. 32

00:02:35,550 --> 00:02:37,310 干得好 士兵 Well done Soldier. 33

00:03:07,310 --> 00:03:11,640 拉各斯 34

00:03:12,080 --> 00:03:14,730 现今


00:03:22,070 --> 00:03:23,480 你看见什么了

Alright, what do you see? 36

00:03:23,940 --> 00:03:25,580 普通的片区巡警 Standard beat cops. 37

00:03:27,070 --> 00:03:28,440 小警局

Small station. 38

00:03:29,280 --> 00:03:31,850 警察局 39

00:03:30,800 --> 00:03:32,170 街区安静 Quiet street. 40

00:03:32,640 --> 00:03:34,020 是个不错的目标 It's a good target. 41

00:03:34,190 --> 00:03:36,290 南角有台自动取款机 也就是说

There's an ATM in the south corner, which means... 42

00:03:36,290 --> 00:03:37,290 有摄像头 Cameras. 43

00:03:37,500 --> 00:03:39,220 两条交叉街道都是单行的 Both cross streets are one way.


00:03:39,380 --> 00:03:41,470 不算是很好的逃跑路线

So compromised escape routes. 45

00:03:41,040 --> 00:03:44,090 警局被抢 46

00:03:41,770 --> 00:03:43,220


Means our guy doesn't care about being seen 47

00:03:42,930 --> 00:03:45,680 武器被出售给恐怖分子 48

00:03:43,220 --> 00:03:45,520 也不怕在逃跑时造成混乱

he isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out. 49

00:03:45,710 --> 00:03:47,920 看到半个街区外的那辆逍遥了吗

You see that Range Rover halfway up the block? 50

00:03:47,920 --> 00:03:50,060 看到了 红色那辆吗 还不错 Yeah, the red one. It's cute. 51

00:03:50,060 --> 00:03:51,060 而且是防弹的

It's also bullet proof, 52

00:03:51,060 --> 00:03:52,580 意味着是私人保安

which means private security, 53

00:03:52,580 --> 00:03:53,580 也意味着更多枪

which means more guns, 54

00:03:53,580 --> 00:03:56,510

意味着会让某些人更加头疼 比如我们

which means more headaches for somebody, probably us. 55

00:03:56,620 --> 00:03:58,990 你们知道我能用意念移动物体吧

You guys know I can move things with my mind, right? 56

00:03:58,990 --> 00:04:01,760 小心谨慎必须成为你的本能

Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature. 57

00:04:02,540 --> 00:04:05,060 有人跟你说过你有点多疑吗

Anybody ever tell you, you're a little paranoid. 58

00:04:05,070 --> 00:04:07,310

没当面说过 怎么 你听到什么了吗

Not to my face. Why, did you hear something? 59

00:04:07,310 --> 00:04:08,920 伙计们 精神集中点 Eyes on target, folks. 60

00:04:08,930 --> 00:04:10,830

这是半年来最可靠的关于朗姆洛的线索了 It's the best lead we've on Rumlow in 6 months. 61

00:04:10,830 --> 00:04:12,170 我可不想跟丢了

I don't want to lose him.

00:11:07,930 --> 00:11:09,880 武器拿到了 谢谢 山姆 Payload secured. Thanks, Sam. 108

00:11:09,880 --> 00:11:11,230 别谢我

Don't thank me. 109

00:11:11,410 --> 00:11:14,050 -我才不要谢那东西 -他叫红翼

- I'm not thanking that thing. - His name is Redwing. 110

00:11:14,050 --> 00:11:16,940

-我还是不会谢它 -他多可爱 摸摸他吧

- I'm still not thanking it. - He's cute. Go ahead, pet him. 111

00:11:23,380 --> 00:11:24,400 来啊 Come on! 112

00:11:32,590 --> 00:11:35,160 这下是为了你拿大楼砸我的脸

This is for dropping a building on my face. 113

00:11:56,910 --> 00:11:58,910

考虑到种种情况 我觉得我看起来还算不错 I think I look pretty good, all things considered. 114

00:11:58,910 --> 00:12:00,070 你的买家是谁 Who's your buyer? 115

00:12:00,310 --> 00:12:01,630 他认得你

You know he knew you.


00:12:02,290 --> 00:12:04,400 你那个朋友 好哥们 你的巴基 You pal, your buddy, your Bucky. 117

00:12:05,970 --> 00:12:08,200 -你说什么 -他记得你

- What did you say? - He remembered you. 118

00:12:09,160 --> 00:12:12,090 我当时在场 他还泪汪汪的

I was there. He got all weepy about it. 119

00:12:13,350 --> 00:12:15,380 然后他们就又把他的脑子搅乱了

Till they put put his brain back in the blender. 120

00:12:16,050 --> 00:12:17,620 他想告诉你句话

He wanted you to know something. 121

00:12:18,010 --> 00:12:19,140 他对我说 He said to me, 122

00:12:19,530 --> 00:12:20,940 \请转告罗杰斯\\ 123

00:12:22,170 --> 00:12:24,900 \该走的时候 就得走\

\ 124

00:12:27,830 --> 00:12:29,210 你得随我一起来

And you're coming with me.


00:12:45,960 --> 00:12:47,000 天哪 Oh my... 126

00:12:50,220 --> 00:12:52,250 山姆 我们需要 Sam. We need... 127

00:12:53,250 --> 00:12:56,310 消防救援 在大楼南面

Fire and rescue, on the south side of the building. 128

00:12:56,910 --> 00:12:58,370 我们得马上上去 We got to get up here. 129

00:13:05,000 --> 00:13:11,350 尽量记住九月的美好

Try to remember the kind of September 130

00:13:11,920 --> 00:13:15,570 那时草地仍碧绿

When grass was green... 131

00:13:16,750 --> 00:13:19,360 醒醒 孩子 跟你父亲告别

Wake up, dear. Say goodbye to your father. 132

00:13:19,360 --> 00:13:21,280 沙发上的流浪汉是谁

Who's the homeless person on the couch? 133

00:13:22,420 --> 00:13:24,700 这就是我爱回家过圣诞的原因

This is why I love coming home for Christmas. 134

00:13:24,700 --> 00:13:26,160 因为你们就要走了

Right before you leave town. 135

00:13:26,160 --> 00:13:26,960 好好说话 亲爱的 Be nice, dear. 136

00:13:26,960 --> 00:13:28,470 他出国留学好容易回来一次 He's been studying abroad. 137

00:13:28,470 --> 00:13:30,500

真的吗 学的哪个姑娘 她叫什么 Really, which broad? What's her name? 138

00:13:30,600 --> 00:13:31,670 坎迪斯 Candice. 139

00:13:32,300 --> 00:13:35,230 拜托你 周一之前别把房子烧了

Do me a favour. Try not to burn the house down before Monday. 140

00:13:35,230 --> 00:13:36,340 好 那就周一再烧 Okay, so it's Monday. 141

00:13:36,340 --> 00:13:40,040

知道了 我会据此安排我长袍派对的时间

That is good to know. I will plan my Toga party accordingly. 142

00:13:40,520 --> 00:13:41,470


Where're you going? 143

00:13:41,550 --> 00:13:44,350


Your father's flying us to the Bahamas for a little get away. 144

00:13:44,350 --> 00:13:45,920 也许得先去一趟别处

We might have to make a quick stop. 145

00:13:45,920 --> 00:13:47,580 去五角大楼吗

At the Pentagon. Right? 146

00:13:48,180 --> 00:13:48,930 别担心 Don't worry. 147

00:13:48,930 --> 00:13:51,350


You're gonna love the holiday menu at the commissary. 148

00:13:51,350 --> 00:13:54,200


You know, they say sarcasm is a metric for potential. 149

00:13:54,200 --> 00:13:56,100

如果真是这样 你以后一定能成为一个伟人 If that's true, you'll be a great man some day. 150

00:13:56,100 --> 00:13:57,310 我去拿包

I'll get the bags. 151

00:14:00,100 --> 00:14:02,240 你不在的时候他非常想念你

He does miss you when you are not here. 152

00:14:04,120 --> 00:14:07,460 老实说 你也会想我们的

And frankly, you're going to miss us. 153

00:14:08,340 --> 00:14:11,350 因为这是我们最后一次在一起

Because this is the last time we're all going to be together. 154

00:14:12,590 --> 00:14:14,580 你知道后来发生了什么

You know what's about to happen. 155

00:14:15,560 --> 00:14:18,830 说点什么吧 不说你会后悔的

Say something. If you don't, you'll regret it. 156

00:14:22,700 --> 00:14:23,750 我爱你 爸爸 I love you, Dad. 157

00:14:25,440 --> 00:14:27,190 我知道你尽力了

And I knew you did the best you could. 158

00:14:43,490 --> 00:14:45,140 我希望事情是这样的

That's how I wished it happened. 159

00:14:47,790 --> 00:14:51,700 二元扩张倒退框架 简称\二扩\

Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing... or \


00:14:51,710 --> 00:14:53,480 天哪 这缩写还得好好想想

God, I got to work on that acronym. 161

00:14:53,480 --> 00:14:58,150 一种极其昂贵的通过控制海马体

An extremely costly method, of hijacking the hippocampus 162

00:14:58,520 --> 00:15:02,650 清除创伤记忆的手段

to clear... traumatic memories. 163

00:15:06,400 --> 00:15:07,570 这无法改变

It doesn't change the fact 164

00:15:07,570 --> 00:15:09,430 他们根本没能到达机场的事实 that they never made it to the airport, 165

00:15:10,260 --> 00:15:13,850

或是我为了逃避悲伤所做的那些事 但是

or the things I did to avoid processing my grief. But... 166

00:15:15,260 --> 00:15:19,610

再者 我这个治疗实验花费了6.11亿美元

Plus, 611 million dollars for my little therapeutic experiment. 167

00:15:21,610 --> 00:15:24,260


No one in their right mind would ever funded it. 168

00:15:25,520 --> 00:15:28,110

提醒我一下 麻省理工的宗旨是什么

Help me out. What's the MIT mission statement.


00:15:28,320 --> 00:15:32,630 创造 传播和保护知识

To generate, disseminate and preserve knowledge, 170

00:15:32,990 --> 00:15:34,290 与他人协作

and work with others, 171

00:15:34,700 --> 00:15:37,420 尽全力去挑战世界的极限

to bring to bear on the world's great challenges. 172

00:15:38,530 --> 00:15:41,740 你们 就是他人

Well, you, are the others. 173

00:15:42,660 --> 00:15:45,650

尽管没有大肆宣传 你们所面临的挑战 And quiet as it's kept the challenges facing you 174

00:15:45,780 --> 00:15:47,660 也是人类所遭遇的严峻的

are the greatest mankind has ever known. 175

00:15:47,660 --> 00:15:49,500 另外 你们大多数都破产了 Plus, most of you are broke. 176

00:15:50,250 --> 00:15:51,780 或者说 你们之前是 Also, rather you were. 177

00:15:52,190 --> 00:15:55,960 即刻生效 在座各位都将得到

As of this moment, every student has been made an equal recipient 178

00:15:55,960 --> 00:15:59,110 九月基金的拨款

of the inaugural September Foundation Grant. 179

00:15:59,260 --> 00:16:03,550

就是说 你们所有人的项目都得到批准资助了

As in, all of your projects have just been approved and funded. 180

00:16:06,880 --> 00:16:08,540 没有附加条款 不收税 No strings. No taxes. 181

00:16:08,540 --> 00:16:11,330 放手去 改变未来吧 Just... reframe the future. 182

00:16:11,890 --> 00:16:13,140 从现在开始 Starting now. 183

00:16:14,710 --> 00:16:19,240

现在我要请出基金负责人 派珀·波茨 184

00:16:23,700 --> 00:16:25,030 别怕犯错 放手做吧 Go break some eggs. 185

00:16:34,680 --> 00:16:37,510 我简直 真是要窒息了

That uh... That took my breathe away. 186

00:16:37,860 --> 00:16:40,430 托尼 太慷慨了 那么多钱

Tony, so generous, so much money. 187

00:16:41,110 --> 00:16:43,600 我出于好奇问一句

I... Out of curiosity and... 188

00:16:43,700 --> 00:16:46,480 拨款会有一部分给教职工吗

Will any portion of that grant be made available to faculty? 189

00:16:46,480 --> 00:16:47,950 我知道 真没品 但听我说 I know, ew, gross, but hear me out. 190

00:16:47,950 --> 00:16:50,310 我有个关于自熟热狗的绝妙点子

I have got this killer idea for a self cooking hotdog. 191

00:16:50,310 --> 00:16:51,650 基本上就是嵌入化学引燃剂

Basically, chemical detonator embedded... 192

00:16:51,650 --> 00:16:52,630 洗手间在这边吗

Restroom's this way, yeah? 193

00:16:52,640 --> 00:16:53,780 是的 嵌在肉架中

Yeah. Embedding in the meat shaft. 194

00:16:53,780 --> 00:16:56,210 斯塔克先生 提词器的事很抱歉

Mr. Stark, I am so sorry about the telepromter. 195

00:16:56,220 --> 00:16:57,670


I didn't know Miss Potts has canceled. 196

00:16:57,670 --> 00:16:59,290 他们没来得及改

They didn't have time to fix it. 197

00:16:59,310 --> 00:17:00,310 这 It's... 198

00:17:01,120 --> 00:17:02,880 没事 我马上回来

fine. I..I..I'll be right back. 199

00:17:03,380 --> 00:17:04,600 我们等下再聊 We'll catch up later. 200

00:17:22,760 --> 00:17:24,990 你为那些年轻人做的事真是不错

That was nice, what you did for those young people. 201

00:17:25,860 --> 00:17:27,340 他们应得的

Oh, they deserve it. 202

00:17:28,000 --> 00:17:29,840 也让我的良心好过些

Plus it helps ease my conscious. 203

00:17:30,710 --> 00:17:34,870 据说慷慨与内疚是有关联的

They say, there's a correlation between generosity and guilt. 204

00:17:36,340 --> 00:17:38,500 但你有的是钱

But, you got the money. 205

00:17:39,790 --> 00:17:41,500 可以尽情犯错

Break as many eggs as you like. 206

00:17:42,760 --> 00:17:43,680 对吧 Right? 207

00:17:52,750 --> 00:17:53,820 你要上去吗

Are you going up? 208

00:17:54,250 --> 00:17:55,860 我就想待在这里

I'm right where I want to be. 209

00:17:57,050 --> 00:17:58,580 行了 别动 Okay, okay. 210

00:18:01,430 --> 00:18:03,990 对不起 职业病

Sorry, it's an occupational hazard. 211

00:18:04,460 --> 00:18:08,320 我在国务院工作 人力资源部

I work for the State department. Human resources. 212

00:18:08,870 --> 00:18:10,250 我知道这很无聊 I know it's boring.


00:18:11,100 --> 00:18:13,900 但这让我能养活我的儿子

But, it enabled me to raise a son. 214

00:18:15,170 --> 00:18:18,220 我很为他的成长骄傲

I'm very proud of what he grew up to be. 215

00:18:20,080 --> 00:18:21,990 他叫查理·斯宾塞

His name was Charlie Spencer. 216

00:18:25,130 --> 00:18:26,540 你杀了他

Your murdered him. 217

00:18:27,940 --> 00:18:29,500 在索科威亚 In Sokovia. 218

00:18:31,170 --> 00:18:34,240 当然 这对你来说毫不重要

Not that that matters in the least to you. 219

00:18:36,000 --> 00:18:38,350 你以为你为我们而战 You think you fight for us? 220

00:18:39,260 --> 00:18:41,230 其实你只是为自己

You just fight for yourself. 221

00:18:43,060 --> 00:18:46,620 谁会为我儿子复仇 斯塔克

Who's going to avenge my son, Stark?


00:18:47,790 --> 00:18:51,070 他死了 都怪你

He's dead. And I blame you. 223

00:19:00,120 --> 00:19:03,170

上月 在尼日利亚拉各斯 11名瓦坎达公民

11 Wakandans were among those killed during a confrontation 224

00:19:03,170 --> 00:19:05,490 在复仇者联盟与雇佣兵的冲突中

between the Avengers and a group of mercenaries 225

00:19:03,540 --> 00:19:12,810 起诉复仇者联盟 全球反暴力 226

00:19:05,490 --> 00:19:07,730 不幸遇难

in Lagos, Nigeria, last month. 227

00:19:07,730 --> 00:19:09,420 这些通常与世隔绝的瓦坎达人

The traditionally reclusive Wakandans 228

00:19:08,750 --> 00:19:09,700 瓦坎达 229

00:19:09,420 --> 00:19:13,000

在袭击发生时 正在拉各斯进行公益服务

were on an outreach mission in Lagos when the attack occurred. 230

00:19:12,810 --> 00:19:16,200

瓦坎达国王特查卡要求问责复仇者联盟 231

00:19:13,000 --> 00:19:16,550


Our people's blood is spilled on foreign soil. 232

00:19:16,920 --> 00:19:19,840 不仅是因为犯罪行为

Not only because of the actions of criminals, 233

00:19:20,050 --> 00:19:23,830 还因为阻止犯罪的人的冷漠

but by the indifference of those pledge to stop them. 234

00:19:23,870 --> 00:19:29,430

牺牲无辜者取得的胜利 根本算不上胜利

Victory at the expense of the innocent, is no victory at all. 235

00:19:29,430 --> 00:19:31,310 瓦坎达国王接着...

The Wakanda King went on to... 236

00:19:31,310 --> 00:19:33,330 他们不受国际法的限制

They are operating outside and above the international law. 237

00:19:33,330 --> 00:19:37,680

如果我们不回应此类行为 就会变成这样

Because that's the reality, if we don't respond to acts like these. 238

00:19:37,680 --> 00:19:40,160


What legal authority does an enhanced individual 239

00:19:40,160 --> 00:19:43,340 有什么法律权利在尼日利亚行动

like Wanda Maximoff have to operate in Nige...


00:19:47,910 --> 00:19:50,270 -都怪我 -不是的

- It's my fault. - That's not true. 241

00:19:50,270 --> 00:19:53,880

那就把电视再打开 他们可指名道姓了

Then turn the TV back on, they're being very specific. 242

00:19:53,990 --> 00:19:55,250 我早该拆除那件炸弹背心

I should've clocked that bomb vest 243

00:19:55,270 --> 00:19:57,140 而不是让你不得不动手

long before you have to deal with it. 244

00:19:58,550 --> 00:20:00,250 朗姆洛提到\巴基\

Rumlow said 'Bucky' and... 245

00:20:01,610 --> 00:20:04,490

突然间 我又成了那个布鲁克林的16岁少年

All of a sudden, I was a 16 year old kid again in Brooklyn. 246

00:20:09,120 --> 00:20:10,210 有人死了

And people died. 247

00:20:12,860 --> 00:20:15,800 -这怪我 -怪我们俩

- It's on me. - It's on both of us. 248

00:20:16,900 --> 00:20:17,950 这份工作 This job...


00:20:21,450 --> 00:20:23,820 我们尽可能救下更多的人

We try to save as many people as we can. 250

00:20:24,370 --> 00:20:26,110 有时并不能救每个人

Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody, 251

00:20:26,240 --> 00:20:28,200 但如果我们无法接受这一点

but, if we can't find a way to live with that, 252

00:20:28,290 --> 00:20:29,330 下次

then next time... 253

00:20:31,490 --> 00:20:33,040 也许我们谁都救不了 maybe nobody get saved. 254

00:20:37,250 --> 00:20:39,390 小幻 我们谈过的

Vis, we talked about this. 255

00:20:39,390 --> 00:20:42,100 是啊 但门开着 所以我以为

Yes. But the door was opened so I assumed that... 256

00:20:44,080 --> 00:20:47,150


Captain Rogers wished to know when Mr. Stark was arriving. 257

00:20:47,150 --> 00:20:48,910 谢谢 我马上下去

Thank you. I'll be right down. 258

00:20:49,130 --> 00:20:51,230 我...走门

I'll... use the door. 259

00:20:52,160 --> 00:20:54,550 还有 他带了位客人

Oh, and apparently, he's brought a guest. 260

00:20:54,640 --> 00:20:55,730 你知道是谁吗

You know who it is? 261

00:20:56,590 --> 00:20:58,110 国务卿

The Secretary of State. 262

00:21:02,440 --> 00:21:05,180 五年前 我心脏病发作

5 years ago, I had a heart attack. 263

00:21:05,960 --> 00:21:08,790 打高尔夫球后挥杆时昏了过去

and dropped right in the middle of my backswing. 264

00:21:09,640 --> 00:21:11,760 结果 那成了我人生最大的幸事

Turned out, it was the best round of my life 265

00:21:11,760 --> 00:21:15,960

因为经历了13小时的手术和三重搭桥术之后 because after 13 hours of surgery and a triple bypass. 266

00:21:17,140 --> 00:21:20,920


I found something 40 years in the army never taught me: 267

00:21:21,720 --> 00:21:23,070 远见

perspective. 268

00:21:24,690 --> 00:21:28,740

全世界欠复仇者联盟一个无法偿还的人情 The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt. 269

00:21:29,780 --> 00:21:32,580 你们为我们而战

You have... fought for us. 270

00:21:33,020 --> 00:21:36,120 保护了我们 拿生命冒险 Protected us. Risked your lives. 271

00:21:36,340 --> 00:21:39,800 虽然有很多人把你们当成英雄

But while a great many people see you as heroes. 272

00:21:40,380 --> 00:21:41,790 但也有一些人 There are some... 273

00:21:43,680 --> 00:21:45,600 更愿意用\义务警员\这个词

who would prefer the word \ 274

00:21:45,600 --> 00:21:48,380 你会用哪个词 国务卿先生

And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary. 275

00:21:48,380 --> 00:21:49,900 \危险\怎么样

How about \ 276

00:21:50,120 --> 00:21:55,420


What would you call a group of US-based, enhanced individuals, 277

00:21:55,420 --> 00:21:58,180 习惯性地无视主权国家边界

who routinely ignores sovereign borders 278

00:21:58,190 --> 00:22:01,520 去哪 做什么 全凭自己意愿

and inflict their will wherever they choose 279

00:22:01,520 --> 00:22:06,020

而且老实说 对造成的后果也似乎毫不关心

and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind. 280

00:22:10,530 --> 00:22:11,550 纽约

New York. 281

00:22:26,040 --> 00:22:27,390 华盛顿特区 Washington D.C. 282

00:22:36,270 --> 00:22:37,510 索科威亚 Sokovia. 283

00:22:48,490 --> 00:22:49,600 拉各斯 Lagos.


00:22:58,510 --> 00:23:00,320 好了 够了

Okay. That's enough. 285

00:23:02,350 --> 00:23:03,440 过去四年中

For the past 4 years, 286

00:23:03,450 --> 00:23:06,720


you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. 287

00:23:06,810 --> 00:23:08,860 世界各国政府对这种情况

That's an arrangement the governments of the world 288

00:23:08,860 --> 00:23:10,880 已不能再容忍

can no longer tolerate. 289

00:23:13,610 --> 00:23:15,370 但我们有解决办法

But I think we have a solution. 290

00:23:19,620 --> 00:23:21,640 《索科威亚协议》 The Sokovia Accords. 291

00:23:22,540 --> 00:23:25,530 117国批准

Approved by 117 countries. 292

00:23:25,530 --> 00:23:28,080 其中写明 复仇者联盟 It states, that the Avengers


00:23:28,130 --> 00:23:31,140 不再是私人组织

shall no longer be a private organization. 294

00:23:31,140 --> 00:23:32,320 而是 Instead, 295

00:23:32,460 --> 00:23:36,930


they'll operate under the supervision of a United Nations Panel, 296

00:23:36,930 --> 00:23:41,630 且是否出动要由该小组决定

only when and if that Panel deems it necessary. 297

00:23:42,520 --> 00:23:45,320


The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place. 298

00:23:45,820 --> 00:23:47,180 我觉得我们做到了 I feel we've done that. 299

00:23:47,610 --> 00:23:51,640

队长 你知道托尔和班纳现在在哪吗

Tell me Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now? 300

00:23:52,530 --> 00:23:55,290

我要是搞丢了两个30兆吨级的核武器 If I misplaced a couple of 30 megaton nukes, 301

00:23:55,290 --> 00:23:57,570 肯定会有后果

you can bet there'd be consequences. 302

00:23:58,020 --> 00:24:02,340

妥协 保证 世界就是这样运转的

Compromise. Reassurance. That's how the world works. 303

00:24:02,410 --> 00:24:05,530 相信我 这就是中间立场

Believe me, this is the middle ground. 304

00:24:06,420 --> 00:24:09,350 有应急预案的吧

So, there are contingencies. 305

00:24:09,350 --> 00:24:11,700

三天后 联合国将在维也纳召开会议 3 days from now, the UN meets in Vienna 306

00:24:11,700 --> 00:24:13,400 批准《协议》

to ratify the Accords. 307

00:24:16,390 --> 00:24:17,610 你们好好谈谈吧 Well, talk it over. 308

00:24:21,320 --> 00:24:24,310 要是我们的决定你不喜欢呢

And if we come to a decision you don't like? 309

00:24:25,300 --> 00:24:27,020 那你们就退休 Then you retire. 310

00:24:32,880 --> 00:24:36,900

克利夫兰 311

00:24:50,330 --> 00:24:51,340 有人吗 Hello? 312

00:24:52,960 --> 00:24:54,620 外面停的是你的车吗 Is this your car out front? 313

00:24:56,760 --> 00:24:58,280 我开到人行道上了 I jumped the kerb. 314

00:25:00,310 --> 00:25:03,300 也许我们可以私了

Maybe we could, take care of it ourselves. 315

00:25:03,310 --> 00:25:04,550 要是你想打电话叫警察

I mean, if you want to call the cops, 316

00:25:04,550 --> 00:25:06,070 那也可以

that...that's okay too, I guess. 317

00:25:06,070 --> 00:25:06,870 不 No. 318

00:25:08,850 --> 00:25:09,930 不用叫警察 No cops. 319

00:25:11,430 --> 00:25:12,280


Thank you. 320

00:25:49,740 --> 00:25:51,220 你怎么没变样 上校

You kept your looks, Colonel. 321

00:25:52,460 --> 00:25:53,940 恭喜你

Congratulations. 322

00:25:57,340 --> 00:26:01,440 任务汇报 1991年12月16日 Mission report: December 16, 1991 323

00:26:01,690 --> 00:26:02,840 你是谁

Who are you? 324

00:26:04,080 --> 00:26:05,460 我叫泽莫

My name is Zemo. 325

00:26:07,230 --> 00:26:09,090 我会重复一遍我的问题 I will repeat my question. 326

00:26:09,950 --> 00:26:15,230 任务汇报 1991年12月16日 Mission report. December 16, 1991 327

00:26:15,230 --> 00:26:16,650 你怎么找到我的 How did you find me? 328

00:26:16,650 --> 00:26:18,300 神盾局陷落时

When S.H.I.E.L.D. fell, 329

00:26:19,230 --> 00:26:22,050 黑寡妇公布了九头蛇文件

Black Widow released Hydra files to the public. 330

00:26:22,680 --> 00:26:25,500 有数百万页 大都加了密

Millions of pages much of it encrypted. 331

00:26:25,510 --> 00:26:27,120 很难破译

Not easy to decipher. 332

00:26:27,260 --> 00:26:28,170 但是 But, 333

00:26:30,650 --> 00:26:32,160 我有经验

I have experience. 334

00:26:33,290 --> 00:26:34,700 也有耐心 And patience. 335

00:26:36,340 --> 00:26:38,620 有这两样就什么都能做成

A man can do anything if he has those. 336

00:26:39,530 --> 00:26:40,840 你想要什么

What do you want?


00:26:41,830 --> 00:26:47,560 任务汇报 1991年12月16日 Mission report. December 16, 1991 338

00:26:48,030 --> 00:26:51,130 见鬼去吧 Go to hell. 339

00:27:05,620 --> 00:27:08,360 九头蛇活该灰飞烟灭

Hydra deserves its place on the ashheap, 340

00:27:08,610 --> 00:27:10,760 所以 我不介意杀你

so your death would not bother me. 341

00:27:11,710 --> 00:27:13,790 但你不说 我就得用这本书 But I'd have to use this book, 342

00:27:13,930 --> 00:27:17,560

和其他更血腥的手段 来找到我要的

and other bloodier methods to find what I need. 343

00:27:17,560 --> 00:27:19,470 我并不想那样

I don't look forward to that. 344

00:27:21,200 --> 00:27:24,880 而你的死 也只是保住了自尊 You'd only be dying for... your pride. 345

00:27:39,900 --> 00:27:42,530 九头蛇万岁 Hail Hydra.


00:27:53,700 --> 00:27:56,230 国务卿罗斯有一枚国会荣誉勋章

Secretary Ross, has a Congressional Medal of Honor, 347

00:27:56,230 --> 00:27:57,790 比你多一枚

which is one more than you have. 348

00:27:57,790 --> 00:27:59,440 那么假设我们同意签字

So, let's say we agree to this thing. 349

00:27:59,440 --> 00:28:01,430


How long does it gonna be before they LoJack us 350

00:28:01,430 --> 00:28:02,540 追踪我们

like a bunch of common criminals? 351

00:28:02,540 --> 00:28:05,010 117个国家要签这份协议 117 countries want to sign this. 352

00:28:05,110 --> 00:28:06,450 117个 山姆 117, Sam, 353

00:28:06,460 --> 00:28:07,620 你就完全不当回事吗

and you're just like, \ 354

00:28:07,620 --> 00:28:09,030 你还要做多久两面派

How long are you gonna play both sides? 355

00:28:09,040 --> 00:28:11,990 -我有个方程式 -这样就明白了

- I have an equation. - Oh, this will clear it up. 356

00:28:12,710 --> 00:28:15,670


In the 8 years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, 357

00:28:15,670 --> 00:28:20,310


the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. 358

00:28:20,370 --> 00:28:22,470 同一段时期里

And during the same period, 359

00:28:22,630 --> 00:28:24,560 可能引发世界末日的事件数量

the number of potentially world-ending events 360

00:28:24,560 --> 00:28:26,520 也在同时上升

has risen at a commensurate rate. 361

00:28:26,530 --> 00:28:28,000 你是说 这是我们的错吗 You saying it's our fault? 362

00:28:28,220 --> 00:28:30,340 我是说 这可能有因果关系 I'm saying there maybe a causality. 363

00:28:32,640 --> 00:28:35,410


Our very strength invites challenge. 364

00:28:35,410 --> 00:28:37,900 挑战激发冲突

Challenge incites conflict. 365

00:28:38,340 --> 00:28:39,470 而冲突

And conflict... 366

00:28:41,540 --> 00:28:43,230 会引发灾难

breeds catastrophe. 367

00:28:44,130 --> 00:28:45,410 监管

Oversight. 368

00:28:47,880 --> 00:28:50,880 是我们应该给予考虑的

Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand. 369

00:28:50,880 --> 00:28:51,850 说到点上了 Boom. 370

00:28:52,310 --> 00:28:56,840 托尼 你安静得出奇啊

Tony, you're being uncharacteristically non-hyperverbal. 371

00:28:56,840 --> 00:28:58,320 因为他已经决定好了

It's because he's already made up his mind. 372

00:28:58,320 --> 00:28:59,730 天呐 你真懂我

Boy, you know me so well. 373

00:29:01,410 --> 00:29:03,850 实际上 是电磁头痛犯了

Actually, I'm nursing my electromagnetic headache. 374

00:29:04,690 --> 00:29:05,780 所以我才沉默 队长

That's what's going on, Cap. 375

00:29:05,780 --> 00:29:07,140 就是疼

It's just pain... 376

00:29:08,630 --> 00:29:10,130 不舒服

it's discomfort. 377

00:29:10,190 --> 00:29:12,640 是谁把咖啡渣倒进垃圾处理器了

Who's putting coffee grounds in the disposal? 378

00:29:12,980 --> 00:29:15,250 我是给机车党开了家旅馆吗

Am I running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang? 379

00:29:21,910 --> 00:29:23,920 那是查尔斯·斯宾塞

Oh, that's Charles Spencer by the way. 380

00:29:24,350 --> 00:29:26,660 是个好孩子 计算机工程专业

He's a great kid. Computer engineering degree.


00:29:26,660 --> 00:29:28,630 平均成绩3.6 3.6 GPA. 382

00:29:28,770 --> 00:29:31,520 计划秋天去因特尔基层上班

Had a floor-level gig at Intel planned for the fall. 383

00:29:31,640 --> 00:29:34,170 但是 他想趁窝在办公室里之前

But first, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul, 384

00:29:34,220 --> 00:29:35,900 先去积累阅历

before he park it behind a desk. 385

00:29:35,900 --> 00:29:38,110 看看世界 做做义工

See the world, maybe be of service. 386

00:29:39,360 --> 00:29:41,220 查理不想去维加斯或劳德尔堡

Charlie didn't want to go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale 387

00:29:41,220 --> 00:29:42,010 要我就会选那些地方 which is what I would do. 388

00:29:42,010 --> 00:29:44,920

也没去巴黎或阿姆斯特丹 那儿多有趣

He didn't go to Paris or Amsterdam, which sounds fun. 389

00:29:45,250 --> 00:29:46,980 他想利用暑假

He decided to spend his summer,


00:29:47,170 --> 00:29:48,720 给穷人建生态住宅

building sustainable housing for the poor. 391

00:29:48,720 --> 00:29:50,320 猜猜是哪 索科威亚 Guess where, Sokovia. 392

00:29:54,340 --> 00:29:55,780 他可能是想做出些改变

He wanted to make a difference, I suppose. 393

00:29:55,780 --> 00:29:56,520 但我们无从得知了 I mean, we won't know 394

00:29:56,520 --> 00:29:57,760 因为我们打得正高兴时

cause we dropped a building on him 395

00:29:57,760 --> 00:29:59,510 向他身上砸了一栋楼 while we were kicking ass. 396

00:30:07,520 --> 00:30:09,540 我们完全没有决策程序

There's no decision making process here. 397

00:30:11,830 --> 00:30:13,360 我们需要受到管制

We need to be put in check. 398

00:30:13,420 --> 00:30:15,160 不管以什么形式 我都接受

Whatever form that takes, I'm game. 399

00:30:15,680 --> 00:30:17,670

如果不受限制 我们就会无法无天

If we can't accept limitations, if we're bounderless, 400

00:30:17,670 --> 00:30:20,050 比坏人好不到哪去

we're no better than the bad guys. 401

00:30:20,220 --> 00:30:22,230 托尼 有人死在你眼皮下

Tony, someone dies on your watch, 402

00:30:22,230 --> 00:30:22,770 你不能就此放弃 you don't give up. 403

00:30:22,770 --> 00:30:23,650 谁说我们要放弃了

Who said we're giving up? 404

00:30:23,650 --> 00:30:26,450

如果不对自己的行为负责 就是放弃

We are, for not taking responsibility for our actions. 405

00:30:26,610 --> 00:30:28,090 这些文件只是在推卸责任

These documents just shifts the blames. 406

00:30:28,090 --> 00:30:29,580 对不起 史蒂夫 I'm sorry, Steve, that... 407

00:30:30,320 --> 00:30:31,930


That is dangerously arrogant. 408

00:30:31,940 --> 00:30:33,980 这可是联合国啊

This is the United Nations we're talking about. 409

00:30:33,980 --> 00:30:36,550 不是世界安全理事会

It's not the World Security Council, 410

00:30:36,560 --> 00:30:37,920 不是神盾局 也不是九头蛇

it's not S.H.I.E.L.D., it's not Hydra. 411

00:30:37,920 --> 00:30:39,940 对 但管理者仍是人 人有目的 No, but it's run by people with agendas 412

00:30:39,940 --> 00:30:40,710 而目的会变

and agendas change. 413

00:30:40,720 --> 00:30:42,710 那是好事 所以我才会在这儿 That's good. That's why I'm here. 414

00:30:42,710 --> 00:30:44,600 当我意识到我的武器落入敌手

When I realized what my weapons were capable of 415

00:30:44,600 --> 00:30:45,660 后果会多不堪设想时 in the wrong hands, 416

00:30:45,690 --> 00:30:47,350 我就停止生产了

I shut it down, stopped manufacturing... 417

00:30:47,350 --> 00:30:49,770 托尼 那是你的选择 Tony. You chose to do that. 418

00:30:49,770 --> 00:30:52,280 如果我们签字 就放弃了选择权

If we sign this, we surrender our right to choose. 419

00:30:53,660 --> 00:30:56,020 如果小组派我们去不该去的地方

What if this Panel sends us somewhere we don't think we should go. 420

00:30:56,020 --> 00:30:58,890 或是不许我们去该去的地方呢

What if there's somewhere we need to go, and they don't let us. 421

00:30:59,010 --> 00:31:02,150

我们也许不完美 但仍是最可靠的人

We may not be perfect, but the safest hands are still our own. 422

00:31:02,150 --> 00:31:06,340

如果现在不签 将来他们会强迫我们签

If we don't do this now, it's going to be done to us later. 423

00:31:06,660 --> 00:31:08,210

事实就是如此 到时会闹得很不好看 That's the fact. That won't be pretty. 424

00:31:08,210 --> 00:31:11,340

-你是说他们会来抓我 -我们会保护你的

- You're saying they'll come for me. - We would protect you.


00:31:11,390 --> 00:31:12,820 或许托尼是对的 Maybe Tony's right. 426

00:31:14,270 --> 00:31:17,960

如果我们稍作妥协 就还有回旋余地

If, we have one hand on the wheel we can still steer. 427

00:31:18,720 --> 00:31:19,230 但如果彻底决裂... If we take it off... 428

00:31:19,240 --> 00:31:20,120 你还是不是

Aren't you the same woman 429

00:31:20,120 --> 00:31:22,330 几年前跟政府叫板的那个女人了

who told the government to kiss her ass a few years ago? 430

00:31:22,330 --> 00:31:25,260 我这是...审时度势

I'm just... reading the terrain. 431

00:31:25,270 --> 00:31:28,620 我们在公众面前犯了些大错

We have made some very public mistakes. 432

00:31:28,740 --> 00:31:30,170 我们需要重获他们的信任 We need to win their trust back. 433

00:31:30,190 --> 00:31:30,980 慢着 Focus up.


00:31:30,980 --> 00:31:33,720

抱歉 是我听错了吗 你是在支持我吗

I'm sorry, did I just mishear you or did you agree with me. 435

00:31:33,720 --> 00:31:36,210 -我想反悔了 -不不 不能收回

- Oh, I want to take it back. - No, no, no. You can't retract it. 436

00:31:36,270 --> 00:31:38,380 谢谢啊 真是破天荒

Thank you. Unprecedented. 437

00:31:39,200 --> 00:31:40,560 好了 这事结了 Okay, case close. 438

00:31:40,560 --> 00:31:42,570 她在睡梦中去世了 439

00:31:40,770 --> 00:31:41,500 我赢了 I win. 440

00:31:43,040 --> 00:31:44,020 我得走了 I have to go. 441

00:31:57,240 --> 00:32:00,920 伦敦 442

00:32:19,950 --> 00:32:25,620 玛格丽特·佩吉·卡特 443

00:32:26,360 --> 00:32:27,460 现在 And now, 444

00:32:27,610 --> 00:32:30,170 我想请莎伦·卡特

I would like to invite Sharon Carter, 445

00:32:30,220 --> 00:32:32,290 上台说几句

to come up and say a few words. 446

00:32:45,300 --> 00:32:48,410


Margaret Carter was known to most as a founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. 447

00:32:49,430 --> 00:32:51,830 但对我来说 她只是佩吉姑妈 But I just knew her as Aunt Peggy. 448

00:32:53,830 --> 00:32:55,990 她办公室有张相片

She had a photograph in her office. 449

00:32:55,990 --> 00:32:58,860 佩吉姑妈跟肯尼迪并肩而站 Aunt Peggy standing next to JFK. 450

00:33:00,100 --> 00:33:01,960 作为孩子 这让我觉得很酷 As a kid, that was pretty cool. 451

00:33:02,130 --> 00:33:04,120 但这也是很大的压力

But, it was a lot to live up to.


00:33:04,370 --> 00:33:07,230 所以我从不告诉别人我们是亲戚

Which is why I never told anyone we were related. 453

00:33:08,270 --> 00:33:09,360 有一次我问她 I asked her once 454

00:33:09,360 --> 00:33:12,600 在女性饱受歧视的时代

how she managed to master diplomacy and espionage 455

00:33:12,600 --> 00:33:16,560


in a time when no one wanted to see a woman succeed at either. 456

00:33:17,480 --> 00:33:19,530 她回答说 能妥协就妥协

She said, compromise where you can. 457

00:33:20,230 --> 00:33:23,230 不能妥协就坚持己见 But where you can't, don't. 458

00:33:24,240 --> 00:33:26,480 即使你身边所有人

Even if everyone is telling you 459

00:33:26,480 --> 00:33:29,850 都把错的说成对的

that something wrong is something right. 460

00:33:30,040 --> 00:33:33,060 即使全世界都叫你让开

Even if the whole world is telling you to move.

