Test-Say Yes(1)

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Test ---Say Yes

Part Ⅰ Vocabulary & Grammar

Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1. When the couple was saving money to buy a house, they had to ____ pennies. A. nod B. plunge C. pinch D. spray 2. The wood was so rotten that when we pulled, it broke ____ into fragments.

A. away B. off C. up D. through 3. Last Monday evening at 9:30 there was a ____ explosion at the other side of the square. A. hasty B. terrific C. conspicuous D. remarkable 4. If you work under a car when repairing it, you often get very ____.

A. greasy B. slippery C. waxy D. sticky

5. Poets sometimes ____ to making use of strange language in their works to express their feeling.

A. proceed B. appeal C. incline D. resort

6. Mrs. White ____ in her leather handbag till she collected exactly the correct change for admission.

A. felt B. searched C. found D. rummaged 7. The children managed to ____ under the fence and got into the festival without paying. A. compress B. squeeze C. hug D. huddle 8. We were startled by the ____ from the fountain that kept us back.

A. foam B. surf C. spray D. lather 9. The report managed to get an ____ interview with the Prime Minister.

A. exclusive B. excessive C. excluding D. extinct

10. The speaker ____ his knowledge of the subject by his excellent presentation, so we all understood well.

A. enlightened B. dealt C. demonstrated D. illuminated

11. I’m not interested in any football team at all. Whether your favorite football team will win is a matter of ____ to me.

A. indifference B. discrimination C. deviation D. interests 12. The police searched the building ____ but failed to find out where the bomb was.

A. together B. exactly C. altogether D. thoroughly 13. If you try to read small print and see only a ____, you probably need glasses.

A. mess B. blur C. mixture D. patch 14. How can we make it ____ to them for all the worry we’ve caused them?

A. off B. for C. out D. up

15. Very few experts could completely come ____ new solutions to the world’s economic problems.

A. to B. up with C. round D. through 16. The idea of traveling through ____ space to other planets interests many people today. A. a B. the C. / D. one

17. Good news was sometimes released prematurely, with the British recapture of the port ____ half a day before the defenders actually surrendered.

A. to announce B. announced C. announcing D. was announced

18. ____ for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so thriving as it is.

A. Had it not been B. Were it not C. Be it not D. Should it not be 19. Over the centuries, ____ that try to explain the origins of the universe. A. although many theories B. many theories

C. have many theories been D. there have been many theories

20. Managers often receive considerable training in the “technical” aspects of their jobs, ____ very little in the “people management” aspects.

A. so B. just as C. yet D. and that

21. Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that the assertion about economic recovery ____ just around the corner was untrue.

A. would be B. to be C. was D. being

22. Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people ____.

A. do B. hear C. do them D. hearing it

23. If you want to save money, you’d better ____ the campus bookstore to get some used books. A. to go to B. going to C. go to D. to going to 24. What I am convinced ____ is that the world’s population will grow to an unforeseen extent. A. for B. in C. with D. of

25. Medical research and the cellular level, ____ research on the immune system, has been made possible through the twentieth-century advances in techniques of genetic research. A. which B. such as C. whereas D. is also

26. The vocabulary and grammatical differences between British and American English are so trivial and few as hardly ____.

A. noticed B. to be noticed C. being noticed D. to notice

27. A thousand miles no longer ____ much to us today, for modern planes can easily get over this distance within a few hours.

A. mean B. meant C. means D. is meaning

28. Ohio, the center of ____ the Hopewell culture, has the greatest concentration of ancient burial mounds in the United States.

A. what is called B. that is called C. is called D. called 29. Asia ____ by most experts to be the cradle of human civilization.

A. has been always considered B. has always been considered C. always has been considered D. has been considered always

30. What we know of life on earth suggests that life ____ wherever the proper conditions exist. A. arise B. could arise C. would arise D. will arise

Part Ⅱ Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 科学家探测海水是由于需要获取海洋中大量的矿物、食物等。(out of)

2. 当南方各地遭受洪水袭击的时候,全国各地的人民都踊跃给予援助。(to come to one’s aid)

3. 他的亲戚和朋友都为他通过了这次入学考试向他表示祝贺。(to congratulate someone on)

4. 每当有紧急任务要完成时,他们都毫不犹豫地投入工作。(to pitch in)

5. 在这种情况下,像我们这样的小公司除了跟在别人后面跑以外别无选择。(to have no

choice but to do)

6. 这次广告宣传并没有起到多大的促销作用。(to have effect on)

7. 事实上,绝大部分有天赋的人正在把他们早期的愿望转化为现实。(as a matter of fact)

8. 生活的秘密不在于做自己喜欢做的,而在于喜欢自己不得不做的。

9. 路边所有的灯都亮了,这条大街看起来从来没有这样漂亮过。(用with的符合结构)

10. 实际上,我们可以有很多的方式去帮助那些残疾人。

Part Ⅲ Cloze

Directions: Complete the following article with words from the groups listed below.

Although we should try to find ways of improving on past performance, we ought not to throw away all well-tried methods. First we ought to see whether traditional methods have anything to offer us. Probably you, like me, were trained by means of ___1___ methods, and have had this ___2___: You read a difficult text; you cannot understand it; you struggle to answer the questions ___3___ it; so you read the whole text again, and you find that ___4___ you more or less understand it.

___5___ the first reading and the last, what happened? Is there a connection between answering questions and ___6___ understanding? If so, what kind of connection is it? Perhaps the key is in the work struggle. The questions that help you to understand are the ones that make you work at the text. They force you to contribute actively to the process of making sense of it, ___7___ expecting understanding just to happen. They make you realize ___8___ bits of the text you have not understood, so that you can concentrate on those bits. If the key work is struggle, then not just the type of questions, but the way they are used, is important. ___9___ a challenging question is useless to most of the class if the teacher simply ___10___ the first correct answer and moves on to the next questions. It can only help understanding if all students actively try to answer it. We have to make sure this happens. 1. A. many B. some C. the D. such 2. A. view B. method C. experience D. idea 3. A. on B. in C. with D. for 4. A. already B. not C. still D. finally 5. A. During B. Between C. For D. In

6. A. inventing B. discovering C. testing D. developing 7. A. more than B. except that C. rather than D. other than 8. A. where B. why C. which D. what 9. A. Particularly B. Similarly C. Therefore D. Even 10. A. accepts B. refuses C. guesses D. expects

Part IV Choose the right word and put it in the proper form.

·tone ·tune

1. I like the ______of his letter. It’s so friendly.

2. My roommates often make fun of me when I sing out of______.

3. I didn’t hear what they were saying. Both of them spoke in a very low______. ·problem ·question

4. What’s your______? You look so worried.

5. Please let me finish. Then I’ll be happy to answer your______. 6. I’m not talking about money. Money is not a______. 7. On the______of style, I will make no comment.

8. The______with the committee is where to find the right people to carry out its decision. ·terrible ·terrific

9. Being looked down upon was a______experience.

10. Will you see to it that the concert tonight is videotaped? I hear the singers are ______.

11. That music is______. It’s so noisy. It gives me a headache. ·ashamed ·shameful

12. Grey looked______when he was criticized for his sloppy work.

13. I was shocked that he didn’t think of cheating at exams as something______.

14. He is one of those who regard the Japanese invasion of Asian countries as the most______page in the history of their country.

