Organic Chemistry 翻译

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Organic Chemistry

The nature of Organic Chemistry has changed greatly since 1828. Before that time the scientific philosophy known as “Vitalism” maintained that Organic Chemistry was the chemistry of living systems. It maintained that organic compounds could only be produced within living matter while inorganic compounds were synthesized from non-living matter. Even the word “organic” comes from the same root as the word “organism” or “organ”. However people like Professor Wohler beginning in 1828 determined that it was indeed possible to synthesize organic compounds from those compounds that were considered inorganic. One of the first organic compounds synthesized from basically inorganic compounds was the compound Urea which is a metabolic product of urine. It was synthesized from Ammonium Cyanate considered a compound produced outside of living matter and therefore considered inorganic. Since then many millions of Organic compounds have been synthesized “in vitro” in other words outside living tissue.

1 Structural formulas

The building block of structural organic chemistry is the tetravalent carbon atom. With few exceptions, carbon compounds can be formulated with four covalent bonds to each carbon, regardless of whether the combination is with carbon or some other element. The two-electron

bond, which is illustrated by the carbon-hydrogen bonds in methane or ethane and the carbon-carbon bond in ethane, is called a single bond. In these and many related substances, each carbon is attached to four other


There exist, however, compounds such as ethene (ethylene), C2H4, in which two electrons from each of the carbon atoms are mutually shared, thereby producing two two-electron bonds, an arrangement which is called a double bond. Each carbon in ethene is attached to only three

other atoms:

Similarly, in ethyne (acetylene), C2H2, three electrons from each carbon atom are mutually shared, producing three two-electron bonds, called a

triple bond, in which each carbon is attached to only two other atoms:

By convention, a single straight line connecting the atomic symbols is used to represent a single (two-electron) bond, two such lines to represent a double (four-electron) bond, and three lines a triple (six-electron) bond. Representations of compounds by these symbols are called structural formulas; some examples are

To save space and time in the representation of organic structures, it is common practice to use “condensed formulas” in which the bonds are not shown explicitly. In using condensed formulas, normal atomic valences

are understood throughout. Examples of condensed formulas are

Another type of abbreviation that often is used, particularly for ring compounds, dispenses with the symbols for carbon and hydrogen atoms and leaves only the lines in a structural formula. For instance, cyclopentane, C5H10, often is represented as a regular pentagon in which it is understood that each apex represents a carbon atom with the requisite

number of hydrogens to satisfy the tetravalence of carbon:

2 Organic nomenclature

Organic nomenclature is the system established for naming and grouping organic compounds.

Formally, rules established by the International Union of Pure and

Applied Chemistry (known as IUPAC nomenclature) are authoritative for the names of organic compounds, but in practice, a number of simply-applied rules can allow one to use and understand the names of many organic compounds.

For many compounds, naming can begin by determining the name of the parent hydrocarbon and by identifying any functional groups in the molecule that distinguish it from the parent hydrocarbon. The numbering of the parent alkane is used, as modified, if necessary, by application of the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priority(CIP priority) rules in the case that ambiguity remains after consideration of the structure of the parent hydrocarbon alone. The name of the parent hydrocarbon is modified by the application of the highest-priority functional group suffix, with the remaining functional groups indicated by numbered prefixes, appearing in the name in alphabetical order from first to last.

In many cases, lack of rigor in applying all such nomenclature rules still yields a name that is intelligible-the aim, of course, being to avoid any ambiguity in terms of what substance is being discussed.

For instance, strict application of CIP priority to the naming of the compound-NH2CH2CH2OH

2-aminoethanol,which is would preferred. render the name the as name However,

2-hydroxyethanamine unambiguously refers to the same compound. How the name was constructed:

(1)There are two carbons in the main chain; this gives the root name “eth”.

(2)Since the carbons are singly-bonded, the suffix begins with “an”.

(3)The two functional groups are an alcohol (OH) and an amine (NH2). The alcohol has the higher atomic number, and takes priority over the amine. The suffix for an alcohol ends in “ol”, so that the suffix is “anol”.

(4)The amine group is not on the carbon with the OH (the #1 carbon), but one carbon over (the #2 carbon); therefore we indicate its presence with the prefix “2-amino”.

(5)Putting together the prefix, the root and the suffix, we get “2-aminoethanol”.

There is also an older naming system for organic compounds known as common nomenclature , which is often used for simple, well-known compounds, and also for complex compounds whose IUPAC names are too complex for everyday use.

Simplified molecular input line entry specification (SMILES) strings are commonly used to describe organic compounds, and as such are a form of“naming” them.

3 Functional groups

Functional groups are groups of atoms that confer similar properties onto otherwise dissimilar molecules. Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and phosphorus are a few of the elements involved in forming functional

groups. Carbon can make four bonds. Nitrogen makes three, oxygen two, and hydrogen one.


第二课 有机化学



1 结构式


甲烷 乙烷






乙烷 乙烯 乙炔

在有机结构中为了节省空间和时间,通常是使用“简写式“,但其中的电 子对未显示明确。在使用简写式时,需要理解正常原子的价态。简写式的例子:

乙烷 乙烯 乙炔



2 有机命名


对于许多有机化合物,开始可以通过确定碳碳主链和官能团以确定支链从而进行命名。烷烃主链使用编号,修改后,如有必要,可通过卡恩,英戈尔德- Prelog优先级(CIP优先级)涉及的歧义后,烃结构主链仍考虑适用单独规则。主链烃名称修改的最高优先级由后缀官能团决定,其余的官能团别表示编号的前缀,从第一次出现在名称的字母顺序的最后。

在许多情况下,在运用所有这些命名规则仍然缺乏一个严谨的名称,是可以理解的,这样做的目的,当然是避免任何物质正在讨论的条款含糊不清。例如,严格的CIP优先适用于复合基团,如把NH2CH2CH2OH命名为2-氨基乙醇,这是首选的名称。但是,名称2 –hydroxyethanamine也明确指的是同一化合物。 如何命名:





(4)氨基团是不是与—OH连接(排名第一的碳)的碳,而是另一个碳(排名第二的碳),因此我们指明其前缀“2 -氨基“的存在。




3 官能团


