
更新时间:2023-10-04 02:34:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




(答题时间:100分钟 总分:150分)


( ) 1. We have breakfast at 7:00 and we have eggs and milk breakfast. A. /; for B. /; / C. for; for D. for; / ( ) 2. This is car. is over there. A. his; My

B. her; Mine

C. hers; Mine

D. your;


( ) 3. This kind of skirt looks and sells . A. nice; well B. nice; good C. well; well D. good;


( ) 4. the No. 8 bus and it will you to the park. A. Take; take

B. Taking; Taking

C. By; takes

D. On;


( ) 5. ---They have much colored .

---Let’s go and ask for some. A. rulers B. paper C. erasers



( ) 6. Miss Read is good painting. She can be good children in the art club.

A. at; at B. with; with C. at; with D. with; at ( ) 7. Here are your pants. ! A. Put them on

B. Put on them

C. Put it on

D. Put on


( ) 8. ---Can I have ice cream, Dad?

---Sorry, there isn’t in the fridge.

A. any; any

B. some; any

C. a little; some

D. much;


( ) 9. ---What’s the time now?

---It’s . A. thirty-two past three B. twenty two to five

C. six sixty-eight

D. half

past two

( ) 10. This English newspaper is very easy for the students because there are new words in it.

A. little B. a little C. few

D. a few ( ) 11. Don’t forget to “Thank you” when someone helps you. A. speak B. tell

C. say

D. talk

( ) 12. --- do you like Sichuan food?

---Because it’s hot. I like hot food very much.

A. Why

B. How

C. What

D. When

( ) 13. ---How old is your son?

--- . We had special party for his birthday last Sunday.

A. Nine; nine

B. Nine; ninth

C. Ninth; ninth

D. Ninth;


( ) 14. This is bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much. A. Anne and Jane B. Anne’s and Jane’s C. Anne’s and Jane D. Anne

and Jane’s

( ) 15. Mrs. Green buy a new dress her daughter. A. want; to

B. wants to; for

C. want to; for

D. wants

to; of

( ) 16. ---Why don’t you take the T-shirt, Linda?

---Because I have only $10. I can’t it. A. borrow B. afford C. sell D. give ( ) 17. Please hold(拿、握) it in this hand, not in .

A. other

B. the other

C. others

D. another


( ) 18. ---Can you play the trumpet or the drums? --- . A. Yes, I can

C. I can play the trumpet

B. No, I can’t

A. say; with B. speak; with C. say; in D. speak;


( ) 28. ---Do you need shoes sports? ---We have lots of shoes very good prices. D. I can play the trumpet or the


( ) 19. ---Thank you for helping me with English.

--- .

A. Don’t thank me B. You are welcome C. Yes

( ) 20. ---Let’s play basketball after school. --- .

A. That sounds good

B. All right

C. That’s right


( ) 21. I can sing dance.

A. and

B. or

C. but

( ) 22. I can play ______ basketball but I can’t play piano. A. the; / B. /; the C. /; / ( ) 23. Her name is Amy Green. Her last name is . A. Amy

B. Green

C. Amy Green


( ) 24. Is your name Brown? . A. Yes, it is B. Yes, I am C. Yes, I’m


( ) 25. ---What’s her telephone number?

--- .

A. It’s 027-2806543

B. She is 13 C. It’s her telephone number4265830

( ) 26. ---What four and five? --- nine.

A. are; They are

B. is; It’s

C. is; Its

( ) 27. Can you jiaozi English?


D. A and

D. so D. the; / D. Green

D. No, I’m

D. Her is

D. are; It’s A. for, at B. for, with C. at, with D. at; at ( ) 29. Peter often my textbook home.

A. takes; to

B. brings; \\

C. takes; \\

D. bring;


( ) 30. How did you pay?

A. many yuan

B. many yuans

C. much yuan

D. much



Do you like movies? Here is a very good 31 for you. It is an American movie. The name of the movie is Alice in Wonderland(《爱丽斯梦游仙境》). It’s 32 a beautiful girl’s adventure(冒险) in the Wonderland. Her name is Alice. She is 19 33 old now. One day, Alice’s parents 34 a party for her, 35 she doesn’t like it. She 36 to the Wonderland with a rabbit. Then her adventure starts. It’s a 3D movie. It’s 37 a science fiction movie(科幻电影). It’s very 38 . You can go to the movies with your parents or friends 39 Saturday night. You

can 40 the tickets for only ¥40 each! ( ) 31. A. thriller B. song

C. movie


comedy ( ) 32. A. in

B. at C. with D. about

( ) 33. A. year B. years C. month D. day ( ) 34. A. are

B. have C. is D. has ( ) 35. A. and B. / C. so D. but ( ) 36. A. goes

B. is go

C. likes

D. is



( ) 37. A. too B. also

C. either



( ) 38. A. expensive B. exciting

C. cheap


boring ( ) 39. A. in B. at C. on D. / ( ) 40. A. to buy

B. sells

C. selling

D. buy



Hello, best6162@163.com To: John Brown Theme: Thank you! Dear John,

I’m fine today. What about you? Happy to get your letters so soon. I’m a little busy these days but I will buy the pictures for you this weekend. Do you like me to post them to you at once or take them to you this summer holiday? By the way, do you know a song named “In the Blue Sky”? I want its words. Would you like to find it for me? Thanks! Please send my best wishes to your sister Mary and your brother Bob.



( ) 41. Who writes this letter?

A. John. B. Ben. C. Mary. D. Bob. ( ) 42. Ben will buy for John at this weekend.

A. a CD B. stamps C. pictures D. a recorder ( ) 43. What’s Ben’s e-mail address?

A. best6162@163.com B. best6163@126.com

C. best6162@126.com D. best6163@163.com

( ) 44. How will John receive his things?

A. Ben posts them to him. B. Ben takes them to him this summer holiday.

C. John comes to Ben to get them. D. A or B.

( ) 45. What does Ben want John to do for him?

A. Buy a CD for him. B. Find the words of a song.

C. Sing a song for him. D. Take him to a music concert.


Aokang Movie Theater Garfield’s a Tail of Two Kitties If You Are the One American movie Chinese movie Director(导演): Tim Hill Director: Feng Xiaogang s: Stars: Breckin Meyer, Billy Connolly, Stars: Ge You, Shu Qi Jennifer Love Hewitt, Time: From Tuesday to Saturday, at 9:30 am Time: From Friday to Sunday, at 6:30 pm Ticket price: $5.5 Ticket price: $6 ($3 on Sunday for students) Mr. Bean Kungfu Hustle English movie Chinese Hong Kong movie Director: Mel Smith Director: Zhou Xingchi Star: Rowan Atikinson Stars: Zhou Xingchi, Time: From Monday to Wednesday, at 6:00 pm Liang Xiaolong , Yuan Hua 3 Ticket price: $4.5 Time: From Wednesday to Friday, at 9:00 pm Ticket price: $5 ( ) 46. A man with a student goes to the Aokang Movie Theater on Sunday, they will pay(支付) for the movie. A. $12 B. $9 C. $6 D. $5 ( ) 47. You can see the movie in the Aokang Movie Theater on Friday morning. A. Kungfu Hustle B. If You Are the One C. Garfield’s a Tail of Two Kitties D. Mr. Bean ( ) 48. You can see three movies this week on or on . A. Wednesday; Friday B. Tuesday; Wednesday C. Thursday; Friday D. Saturday; Sunday ( ) 49. From the poster, we know _________ is a director(导演) and actor of a movie. A. Mel Smith B. Feng Xiaogang C. Tim Hill D. Zhou Xingchi ( ) 50. Which sentence is wrong(错误)? A. Mel Smith is the director of . B. Feng Xiaogang is a Chinese director. C. You can see < Kungfu Hustle > on Monday.

D. is an America movie.



( ) 51. Joe wants to buy a bike to A. For Sale ride. 1990 TOYOTA White, two-door, radio, CD player

B. Help You ( ) 52. Tod and Chen need a Secretary(秘书) for part-time job in a company Ted James 5666-1243 flat(公寓) near the park. C. Found Brown handbag with some money ( ) 53. Lee’s brother gives him Joseph 8745-8675 D. For Rent(出租) some old photos of star singers. 2-bedroom flat in University Park, $900/month Jim 5603-8833 E. Wanted to Buy ( ) 54. Maria is looking for a Photos of Eivis Presley part-time job. Ali 5834-2341 F. Help You Baby-sister for 7-year-old boy, 3-5 p.m. ( ) 55. Mark is going to another Monday-Friday Mrs. Adams 6979-5904 city, and he needs a car to drive. G. For Sale Red mountain bike. New! Victor 6580-3568

四.单词拼写。(本大题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) A. 根据首字母提示完成句子。

56. S is my favorite subject. 57. F is the second month of the year. 58. Thanks for h me with my English. 59. She only likes to p with her little cat. 60. He is busy t a shower in the evening.


B. 根据汉语提示完成句子。

61. Let him (加入) our school sports club. 62. He only (观看) the football game on TV. 63. My mother is very (严格) with me. 64. Two (字典) are in the lost and found case. 65. I think watching TV is (无聊的).

C. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

66. (be) there a table and two chairs in the room? 67. He (not have) a bike.

68. Ge You and Li Lianjie are (act). 69. These are my family (photo). 70. Can you help (our)?



71. 我喜欢京剧。我认为我能了解有关中国的历史。 I







can . 72. 穿红衬衣的那个女孩是我女儿。

The girl a red is . 73. 现在是八点四十五分。

a nine now. 74. 绿色的短裤廉价出售只卖25美元。

The green shorts only 25 dollars.

75. 人们喜爱听朗朗弹钢琴。

People love LangLang the piano.



Scott has a 76 . He likes her very much. At meal time the cat sits 77 the table with him. Scott eats with a 78 and a fork, but the cat eats from her 79 .

Sometimes, Scott shares(分享) his meal with her.

One day, the cat is not at the table at meal time. But before lunch is 80 , the cat rushes into(冲进) the room and 81 up onto the chair quickly. She has two 82 in her month, and she drops(扔) one into her own(自己的) plate, and the other into 83 plate.

“Dear me!” cries Scott’s wife, “A mouse is on your plate!”


“Hush!” 84 Scott, “This shows(表明) she is a 85 cat. She wishes me to share her dinner with me.”


第16届广州亚运会(the 16th Guangzhou Asian Games)需要招聘志愿者(Volunteers),努力。3.擅长和人打交道。4.身体健康、强壮。请根据以上材料,写一则60词左右的招聘76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 具体要求如下:1. 爱好广泛,喜欢画画、唱歌、体育运动,能够说英语和汉语。2. 工作81. 82. 83. 84. 85.



Sun Music Club

Do you want to be a musician? Please come to our music club. We have many instruments(乐器). You can learn to play the piano, the violin, or the guitar. You can also learn to play the trumpet or the drums. The music teacher is Paul Miller. He’s from New York. The price is $25 for each lesson. Our telephone number is 331-6257. And our e-mail address is Ngx@126.com. If you have any questions, please call Alan at 336-5126 or send an e-mail to Alan. You can also come to our club for more information(信息).

Information Card

The name of the club 86. One of the instruments we have 87. The price of each lesson 88. The country that the music teacher is from 89. The e-mail address 90.


Volunteers Wanted for the 16th Guangzhou Asia Games

We want some volunteers for the 16th Guangzhou Asian Games. Can you


