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Starter Unit 1 Good morning

Ⅰ. 字母书写

A) 默写字母A至H的大小写形式(共20分)

B) 按字母顺序写出下列字母(每小题2分,共10分)

1. F D E

2. b a c

3. H F G E

4. d c b e

5. F G D E C

Ⅱ. 词汇

A) 根据提示选择正确的缩略词(每小题2分,共10分)

1. 电视机 A. CD

2. 硬黑笔 B. BC

3. 英国广播电台 C. TV

4. 唱片 D. BBC

5. 公元前 E. HB

B) 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词(每小题2分,共10分)

6. —Good e______, Dale!

—Good evening, Alice!

7. —H______, Grace!

—Hello, Frank.

8. —H______ are you?

—I’m fine, thanks.

9. My n______ is Helen.

10. —G______ afternoon, Mr Zhao.

—Good afternoon, Bob!

Ⅲ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)

1. 英语中共有______个字母,其中______个是元音字母,其余______个是辅音字母。

A. 26, 21, 5

B. 26, 5, 21

C. 48, 21, 5

D. 48, 5, 21

2. 字母Cc和Ff是______。

A. 元音

B. 辅音

C. 元音字母

D. 辅音字母

3. 下列字母按其在字母表中的顺序排列,错误的是______。





4. 下列字母与字母C含有相同音素的是______。

A. e

B. f

C. h

D. l

5. 下列选项与字母F含有相同音素的是______。

A. a

B. Helen

C. d

D. b

6. 大写字母A、E、F、H的笔划都是______笔。

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

7. 字母Aa和字母______含有相同的读音。

A. Bb

B. Cc

C. Gg

D. Hh

8. 表示铅笔笔芯“硬黑”的字母是“______”。

A. H




9. “Bob” is a ______.

A. girl

B. boy

C. pen


10. 与单词sea同音的字母是______。

A. Bb

B. Cc

C. Dd

D. Ee

11. 早上,熟人相见可以说“______”

A. Good morning.

B. Good afternoon.

C. Good evening.

D. Goodbye.

12. 下午,遇见他人可以说“______”。

A. Good morning.

B. Good afternoon.

C. Good evening.

D. How are you?

13. 晚上八点,遇见熟人说“______”,对方回答“______”。

A. Good morning; Good morning.

B. Good afternoon ;Good afternoon.

C. Good evening ;Good evening.

D. Good afternoon; Good evening.

14. 当Ann问你“How are you?”时,你应回答:______

A. Fine, thank you.

B. How are you?

C. Thank you.

D. Hello.

15.当你的同学Frank向你说“Hello, Bob!”时,你应回答:______

A. Fine, thank you.

B. Hello, Frank.

C. Good morning.

D. Good afternoon.

Ⅳ. 从B栏中找出能回答A栏中的答语(每小题2分,共10分)

1. Good afternoon!C A. I’m fine, thanks.

2. Hi, Frank!D B. Good evening.

3. Good morning!E C. Good afternoon.

4. How are you?A D. Hi, Cindy.

5. Good evening! B E. Good morning!

Ⅴ. 完型填空(每小题3分,共15分)

A: Good morning, Bob.

B: Good 1 , Alice.

A: How 2 you?

B: Fine, 3 . 4 are you?

A: I’m 5 .

1. A. afternoon B. hello C. morning

2. A. is B. are C. am

3. A. thank B. thanks C. a thank

4. A. How B. What C. Who

5. A. Alice B. Bob C. fine

Ⅵ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共10分)

A: Hello, Li Ming.

B: Hi, Zhang Xin.

A: How are you?

B: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

A: I’m fin e, too. How are your parents?

B: They are very well, thank you.

A: Which(哪个) school are you in, Li Ming?

B: I’m in No.12 Middle School(中学). And you?

A: I’m in No.2 Middle School.

B: What’s your mother’s name?

A: Her name is Liu Li. She works at No.12 Middle School.

B: Oh, I know her. She is my Chinese(语文) teacher. I like her a lot. A: It’s nice of you to say that.


1. Li Ming and Zhang Xin go to the same(同样的) school. F

2. Li Ming’s parents are in good health(健康). T

3. Liu Li is Li Ming’s mother.F

4. Liu Li is Zhang Xin’s English teacher.F

5. Li Ming likes his Chinese teacher.T

Ⅶ. 看图片完成对话(每小题2分,共 10分)


B: Fine, thanks.

A: Good morning, Mr Wang!


A: Good afternoon!


A: Hello, Jim!


A: Sit down, please.


Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English

Ⅰ. 字母书写

1. 在“四线三格”中,写出相应字母的大小写。(共5分)

2.在“四线三格”中写出Aa —Rr 中含元音E[i:]的大小写字母。(共5分)


. 根据句意和图画或首字母提示完成单词拼写(每小题2分,共20分) 1. It’s a r . 2. It’s a k . 3. It’s a m . 4. It’s j . 5. It’s an o . 6. It’s a . 7. What’s this in E ______? 8. Can you s______ it, please? 9. And w______ this? 10. Spell it, p______. Ⅲ. 单项选择(每小题2分,共30分)

1. “I”和“O”是______。

A. 元音

B. 辅音

C. 元音字母

D. 辅音字母

2. 字母“I”的笔划是______笔。

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

3. —Is it a key?


A. K-E-Y

B. No, that isn’t

C. Yes, it is

D. No, it is

4. —Your jacket is nice.

C. That’s OK

D. No, it isn’t

5. 与单词“eye”同音的字母是______。

A. Rr

B. Ii

C. Tt

D. Aa

6. What’s this ______ English?

A. on

B. in

C. to

D. for

7. 如果你想问一个美国朋友手中所拿物件的英文名称,你应该说______

A. How do you do?

B. How do you spell it?

C. What’s this in English?

D. How are you?

8. 听见对方说了“Fine, Thank you. And you?”后,你应该说______

A. Thank you.

B. I’m fine, too.

C. And you?

D. Are you OK?

9. 下列字母都是元音的一组是______。

A. a, e, i, k

B. e, i, o, n

C. a, i, o, j

D. a, e, i, o

10. My name ______ Tom.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. be

11. —______?

—It’s a Q.

A. What’s this

B. What color is it

C. How are you

D. This is what

12. —Good morning.


A. Fine

B. Thank you

C. Good morning

D. Good afternoon

13. —______ are you, Helen?

—I’m OK, thanks.

A. How

B. how

C. What

D. what

14. —Good evening, ______.

—Good evening.

A. cindy

B. to Cindy

C. Cindy

D. to cindy

15. —What’s this in English?

—______ a bike.

A. This is

B. Its

C. It’s

D. Is

Ⅳ. 完形填空(每小题2分,共10分)


W: Good morning, Frank.

M: Good 1 , Cindy.

W: How 2 you?

M: Fine, thank you. 3 are you? W: 4 OK, thanks.

W: What’s this?


B. afternoon

C. evening

2. A. is B. are C. am

3. A. What B. Who C. How

4. A. It’s B. I C. I’m

5. A. It B. Its C. It’s新|课|标|第|一|网Ⅴ. 从方框内选出合适的单词填空(每小题2分,共10分)

A: What’s this 1 English? in

B: It’s a ruler.

A: And what’s this?

B: It’s 2 orange. an

A: And what’s this?

B: It’s 3 quilt. a

A: Spell 4 , please. it

B: 5 . Q-U-I-L-T

Ⅵ. 补全对话(每小题2分,共10分)


A: Hi, Alice! How are you?

B: I’m fine. 1 B

A: I’m OK.

B: What’s this in English?

A: 2 C

B: Good. 3 E

A: R-U-L-E-R.

B: 4 A

A: It’s an orange.

B: Can you spell it?

A: Yes. 5 D

Ⅶ. 根据汉语提示,写出相应的英语句子(每小题1分,共10分)1. 早上遇到老师时你应说:

2. 下午遇到朋友时,你应说:

3. 晚上同他人道别时你应说:

4. 当你做错了事或说错了话时,你应说:

5. 当别人对你说“Sorry”时,你应说:

6. 当别人对你说“Sit down, please.”时,你应说:

7. 当你想打扰某人或者有求于人时,你应说:

8. 当别人高度赞扬你书法非常好时,你应说:

9. 当你想询问某物用英语怎样说时,你应说:

10. 当别人对你说“How do you do?”时,你应说:

X k b 1 . c o m

Starter Unit 3 What color is it ?

Ⅰ. 字母书写

1. 默写出二十六个字母的大小写(共26分)

2. 默写出五个元音字母的大小写(共10分)

Ⅱ. 词汇(每小题2分,满分24分)

A) 根据句意和汉语提示填空,每空一词。

1. ______ ______ is it(什么颜色)?

2. I’m ______(好), ______(多谢).

3. It’s ______ ______(一幅地图).

4. Let’s ______ ______(拼写“尺子”).

5. My key ______ ______(白色的).

B )从方框中选出正确的词完成句子。

A: 6 this in English? W hat’s

B: It’s a 7 . ruler

A: 8 it, please. Spell

B: R-U-L-E-R.

A: What 9 is it? color

B: It’s 10 . red

A: Red? It’s nice. 11 what’s this? And

B: A pen.

A: What color is it?

B: It’s 12 . yellow

Ⅲ. 单项选择(每小题1分,满分10分)

1. The first(第一) and the last(最后的) letter in the alphabet(字母表) are ______.

A. a, b

B. a, z

C. a, y

D. a, q

2. 英语中的五个元音字母分别是: ______

A. a, q, r, i, o

B. a, e, i, o, u

C. o, e, u, r, s

D. q, s, o, e, a

3. It’s ______ black. It’s ______ black ruler.

A. / ; / B .a ; / C ./ ;a D .a ;a

4. —______ is that quilt?

—It’s black.

A. How B .How color C .What color D .What’s color

5. —What color is it?

—It’s ______.

A. H

B. yellow

C. Grace

D. jacket

6. ______ is my mother.

A. John

B. Helen

C. Frank

D. Carl

7. ______ is big. and “g” is small.

A. G

B. C

C. D

D. P

8. —I’m Alice.



A. How are you?

B. Spell it, please.

C. Good morning.

D. Yes.

9. ______ is a boy(男孩).Betty is a girl.

A. Frank

B. Key

C. Ball

D. Eraser

10. —How are ______?

—I’m fine, thank you.

A. he

B. she

C. you

D. I

Ⅳ. 完形填空(每小题1分,满分10分)

1 morning, everyone.

2 Grace. Look. This is a

3 . It’s a nice q uilt. What

4 is it?

5 yellow and white. And

6 this in English? It’s

7 . It’s

8 jacket. That’s a ruler.

9 ruler is 10 .

1. A. Good B. good C. Hello

2. A. It’s B. I’m C. Hi

3. A. map B. pen C. quilt

4. A. color B. this C. quilt

5. A. Its B. Is C. It’s

6. A. How B. What’s C. What

7. A. a jacket B. jacket C. an jacket

8. A. orange B. a orange C. an orange

9. A. An B. The C. A

10. A. Blue B. blue C. a blue

Ⅴ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共10分)新课标第一网

Look at this. It’s a pencil case. It’s orange. It’s my pencil case. What’s in it? Look, this is a pen. It’s black. This is a pencil. It’s red. And this is a pencil, too. It’s yellow. This is an eraser. It’s blue and white. My pencil case is big and nice. I like it.


1. This is an orange ______.

A. pencil case

B. pen

C. pencil

D. bag

2. The pen is ______.

A. red

B. black

C. green

D. white

3. ______ pencils are in the pencil case.

A. Four

B. Three

C. Two

D. One

4. ______ is blue and white.

A. The pencil case

B. The pencil

C. The pen

D. The eraser

5. My pencil case is ______.

A. big

B. nice

C. good

D. A and B

Ⅵ. 把下列句子排序成一组对话(共10分)

( )1. It’s black. ( )4. What color is it?

( )2. Spell it, please. ( )5. It’s a pen.

( )3. What’s this in English?( )6. P-E-N.

Unit 1 My name’s Gina.


Ⅰ. 根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词(每小题1分,满分10分)

1. ________(她的) name is Gina.

2. What’s ________(他的) name?

3. I ________(叫) Amy.

4. Nice to ________(遇见) you!

5. What ________(颜色) is it?

6. My f________ name is Jenny.

7. Green is his f________ name.

8. L________! That’s a pen.

9. This is a boy. H________ name is Dale.

10. Three and four is s________.

Ⅱ. 单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分)

1. My name ________ Helen.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. be

2. —What’s his name?


A. I’m Bob

B. He name is Bob

C. Her name is Bob

D. His name is Bob

3. —Hello, Gina! Nice to meet you.


A. Nice to meet you, too

B. How are you

C. I’m fine, thanks

D. Thanks

4. My friend is a girl. ________ name is Mary.

A. She

B. He

C. Her

D. His

5. —What’s ________ telephone number?

—His telephone is 5673466.

A. my

B. your

C. her

D. his

6. His name is Jim Smith. His family name is ________.

A. Jim

B. Jim Smith

C. Smith

D. Smith Jim

7. Three and five is ________.

A. seven

B. eight

C. nine

D. six

8. —What’s your phone number?

—________ 908-7653.

A. It

B. Is it

C. Its

D. It’s

9. —________ do you spell watch?

—W-A-T-C-H, watch.

A. What

B. How

C. What’s

D. Where

10. —How ________ Jim and Gina?

—They are fine.

A. am

B. are

C. is

D. be

11. This is ________ ID card.

A. an

B. a

C. the

D. /

12. What is _______ name ?

A. you

B. he

C. your

D. she

13. —________ is your name ?

—My name is Lucy.

A. It

B. How

C. where

D. What

14. —Good afternoon !


A. Good morning

B. Good afternoon

C. Good evening

D. Hello

15. He is Peter Mark. His first name is ________.

A. Peter

B. Mark

C. Peter Mark

D. Mark Peter

Ⅲ. 选词并用适当形式填空(每小题1分,共5分)


—My name is Li Lei .

2. Nice to meet you. ________ name is Lucy.

3. My name is Jim Green. Jim is my ________ name.

4. Her last name ________ Brown.

5. ________ name is Tom.

Ⅳ. 句型转换(每小题2分,共10分)

1. His name is Tom . (对划线部分提问)

________ his name?

2. This is a car in English. (对划线部分提问)

________ this in English?

3. is, my, he, teacher. (连词成句)


4. I’m fine. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ you?

5. Tony’s phone number is 98657. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ ________ ________?

Ⅴ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子(每小题2分,共10分)

1. 你叫什么名字?我叫魏华。

—________ ________ ________?

—________ name is Wei Hua.

2. 他的电话号码是87965.

His ________ ________ is 87965.

3. 三加六等于九.

Three and ________ is ________.

4. 它是一个橘子。请拼写出来.

________ ________ orange. ________ ________, please.

5. 见到你很高兴!

________ ________ ________ ________!

Ⅵ. 完型填空(每小题2分,共10分)

I’m 1 Chinese boy. 2 name is Wang Hai. 3 thirteen. I have an English friend. 4 name is Tom. He is thirteen, too. Tom and I are in the same class. We are in Class

One, Grade One. Miss Zhang is our 5 teacher.

1. A. the B. an C. a D. /

2. A. My B. I C. Me D. His

3. A. I B. I’m C. I is D. I’am

4. A. He B. Her C. His D. Him

5. A. English B . english C. England D. england

Ⅶ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)


A: What’s your name?

B: My name is John.

A: How old are you?

B: I am eleven.

A: What’s your telephone number?

B: My phone number is 854-6297.

A: What’s her name?

B: Her name is Mary.

A: How old is she?

B: She is ten.

A: What’s her phone number?

B: Her phone number is 865-6418.

1. John is ________.

A. ten

B. eleven

C. twelve

D. thirteen

2. Mary is ________.

A. ten

B. eleven

C. twelve

D. thirteen

3. His name is ________.

A. Mary

B. Tom

C. Mike

D. John

4. His phone number is ________.

A. eight, six, five, six, four, one, six

B. eight, five, six, four, two, nine, seven

C. eight, five, four, six, two, nine seven

D. eight, four, five, six, six, one, eight

5. Her phone number is ________.

A. eight, five, four, six, two, nine seven

B. eight, six, five, six, four, one, eight

C. seven, five, six, four, one, eight, two

D. eight, four, five, six, four, one, eight



Look! This is my dog. His name is Cody. He is two years old. He is brown. This is his hair. It is gray. Isn’t it beautiful?

Hi, this is my telephone. It is called Mini. It is yellow. I like it a lot. You can call me at

Ⅷ. 补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)


1. Good morning, class. B A. Fine, thank you.

2. How are you? A B. Good morning, Miss Wang.

3. What’s your name? C C. My name is Kate.

4. Nice to meet you. D D. Nice to meet you, too.

5. What’s her telephone number ? H E. Hello, Kate.

F. Good bye.

G. Thank you, sir.

H. It’s 6238869.

Ⅸ. 书面表达(共15分)


_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Unit 2 Is this your pencil?


Ⅰ. 根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词(每小题1分,共10分)

1. That’s a gold(金的) ________(手表).

2. Is that her ________(橡皮)?

3. This is not his pencil ________(卷笔刀).

4. This is my ________(棒球).

5. That is a ________(电脑).

6. —Is t________ your pencil?

—Yes, it is.

7. How do you s________ “pencil”?

8. What’s this in E________?

9. I have a set of k________.

10. Is that a pencil c________?

Ⅱ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)

1. —Is this your pencil?

—Yes, ________.

A. it’s

B. it is

C. is it

D. it isn’t

2. —Is this ________ dictionary?

—Yes, it’s ________ English dictionary.

A. a; an

B. an; an

C. a; a

D. an; a

3. —________. Is that your notebook?

—Yes, it is.

A. Sorry

B. Excuse my

C. thanks

D. Excuse me

4. —What’s t his ________ English?

—It’s a card.

A. of

B. to

C. in

D. at

5. —How do you spell “key”?


A. A key

B. Red

C. K-E-Y

D. The watch

6. —Is that your baseball?

—________. That is her baseball.

A. Yes, it is

B. No, it isn’t

C. No, it is

D. Yes, it isn’t

7. Please call Alan ________ 495-3539.

A. in

B. to

C. at

D. of

8. —What’s that?


A. It’s a watch.

B. Is it a ruler?

C. No, it isn’t.

D. That’s a watch.

9. —Is this your backpack?

—No. It’s ________ backpack.

A. my

B. him

C. he

D. his

10. —________ a computer?

—No, it ________. ________ a TV.

A. Is it; isn’t; It’s

B. Is it; isn’t; It

C. Is it; is; It’s

D. It is; isn’t; It

11. —Your backpack is very nice .


A. Thank you

B. Sorry

C. You’re welcome

D. OH, no

12. —Look! What’s that?

—It’s a ________.

A. English book

B. orange

C. pen

D. ID card

13. —Is it a ________?

—Yes, it is. It’s my key.

A. clock

B. key

C. notebook

D. pen

14. —Excuse me. ________ you Miss Chen?

—Yes, my name ________ Chen Lin.

A. Is; is

B. Are; am

C. Are; are

D. Are; is

15. Is your key in ________ pencil case?

A. you

B. a

C. the

D. /

Ⅲ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共5分)

1. Is this __your_ (you, your) pencil?

2. _ What’s _( What, What’s) this in English?

3. This is a pen. Is __ that __(this, that) a pencil?

4. No, it _ isn’t _(is, isn’t).

5. It’s _ an _(a, an) eraser.

Ⅳ. 句型转换(每小题2分,共10分)

1. This is a pencil case. (变为一般疑问句)


2. Is that her key? (否定回答)


3. not, is, my, It, backpack (连词成句)


4. This is a pen in English. (对划线部分提问)


5. That is a ring. (变为一般疑问句)


Ⅴ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子(每小题2分,共10分)

1. 这是你的铅笔盒吗?


2. 你怎样拼写“铅笔”这个单词?


3. 这用英语怎么说?


4. 按照365-4639给Mike打电话。


5. 那是我的棒球。

________________________________________________ Ⅵ. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

A: Hello, Jim. What’s your 1 name?

B: Oh, Green.

A: 2 your phone number?

B: 3 531-7256.

A: Can you 4 me a question?

B: 5 , please. 6 is it?

A: What’s this 7 English?

B: 8 a ring.

A: How 9 you spell it?

B: R-I-N-G.

A: 10 .

B: That’s OK.(不用谢)

1. A. first B. family C. /

2. A. How B. What’s C. Is

3. A. That B. It C. It’s

4. A. spell B. write C. answer

5. A. Yes B. No C. Am

6. A. What B. What’s C. This

7. A. in B. on C. at

8. A. This B. It’s C. Is

9. A. are

B. do

C. is

10. A. Thank you B. Yes C. OK Ⅶ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)

根据短文内容,判断对(T )错(F )。

1. The watch is John’s.F

2. The ID card is Steve’s.T

3. Francisco lost his computer game.T

4. John’s phone number is 495-3536.F

5. Steve’s phone number is 685-6034.T


Look at this. It’s a pencil case. It’s orange. It’s my pencil case. What’s in it? Look, this is a pen. It’s black. This is a pencil. It’s red. And this is a pencil, too. It’s yellow. This is an eraser. It’s blue and white. My pencil case is big and nice. I like it.

6. This is an orange ________.

A. pencil case

B. pen

C. pencil

D. bag

7. The pen is ________.

A. red

B. black

C. green

D. white

8. ________ pencils are in the pencil case.

A. Four

B. Three

C. Two

D. One

9. ________ is blue and white.

A. The pencil case

B. The pencil

C. The pen

D. The eraser

10. My pencil case is ________.

A. big

B. nice

C. good

D. A and B

Ⅷ. 完成对话(每小题1分,共10分)



(G) 1. Is that a backpack? A. R-I-N-G.

(D) 2. What’s her family name? B. 542-6311.

(C) 3. What’s this in English? C. It’s an eraser.

(B) 4. What’s her phone number? D. Miller.

(A) 5. How do you spell it? E. No, it’s my book.

(J) 6. What’s her first name? F. Fine, thanks.

(I) 7. What color is it? G. Yes, it is.

(H) 8. Is this your ruler? H. No. It’s her ruler.

(E) 9. Is it her book? I. Red.

(F) 10. How are you? J. Jenny.

Ⅸ. 书面表达(共10分)


提示:1. keys: new 2. Name: Lucy 3. Telephone number: 928-673

Unit 3 This is my sister.


Ⅰ. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词(每小题1分,共10分)

1. My father’s mother is my g________.

2. My mother’s father is my g________.

3. My parents’ d________ is my sister.

4. I am a boy. I’m my parents’ s ________.

5. This is my f________ photo. These are my parents and this is me.

6. Your aunt’s daughter is your c________.

7. Kate is my daughter. I’m not her mother. I’m her f________.

8. Your father’s brother is your u________.

9. T________ for your pen.

10. Dave and Lin Hai are not brothers . They are good f________.

Ⅱ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)

1. ________ are my sisters.

A. This

B. She

C. Tom and Linda

D. These

2. Tom, ________ is Lucy. She’s my good friend.

A. she

B. this

C. it

D. her

3. —Is this your family photo?


A. Yes, they are

B. Yes, he is

C. No, he isn’t

D. No, it isn’t

4. Thanks ________ your photo of your family.

A. to

B. for

C. with

D. on

5. —Are ________ your friends?

—Yes, they are.

A. this

B. it

C. she

D. these

6. Linda is my aunt. Her daughter is my ________.

A. grandmother

B. sister

C. cousin

D. mother

7. —Here ________ my family photo, and here ________ your family photos.

A. is; are

B. are; is

C. are; are

D. is ;is

8. ________ are my parents, and ________ is my brother.

A. This; this

B. This; that

C. These; that

D. that; those

9. This is a photo ________ my family.

A. at

B. of

C. in

D. on

10. —Is Ma Li your sister?

—Yes, ________ is.

A. she

B. he

C. her

D. his

11. He and I ________ brothers.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. be

12. Are these ________ rulers?

A. you

B. he

C. I

D. your

13. —________?

—It’s a book.

A. What’s this

B. Is this a book

C. Is that a book

D. What are these

14. These are my ________.

A. parent

B. father and mother

C. father

D. mother

15. —This is Lucy and this is Kate.


A. Yes, they are.

B. How are they?

C. Nice to meet you.

D. What’s this?

Ⅲ. 根据题意从方框中选择适当的词, 并用其适当的形式填空(每小题1分,共5分)

1. _She_ is my sister, Angela.

2. How do you _ spell _“grandma”?

3. _ look _! This is my mother.

4.Are __ those______ your parents?

5. These __are_ my brothers and sisters.

Ⅳ. 句型转换(每小题2分,共10分)

1. This is a photo.(改为复数形式)

These__are__ photos.

2. Those are backpacks.(改为单数形式)

_That__ is__a_ backpack.

3. These are our rulers.(对划线部分提问)

_ What are ________ these?

4. This is my father. This is my mother.(合并成一句)

_These__are_ my __parents__.

5. This is his backpack.(改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)

—Is _this_ his backpack?

—_No_, _it__isn’t_.

Ⅴ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子(每小题2分,共10分)

1. 谢谢你给我看你的全家福。


2. Jim是你哥哥吗?


3. 她不是我表妹。


4. 她是你的姑姑吗?


5. 谢谢你借给我字典。


Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

This is a 1 of Jim’s family. This man 2 Mr Green. 3 is Jim’s father. 4 woman is Mrs Green. 5 is Jim’s mother. Who 6 this boy and 7 girl?The 8

is Jim. Mr Green’s son. The 9 is Kate, Mr Green’s daughter. Kate is 10 sister. Jim and Kate are brother and sister.

1. A. book B. photo C. map D. room

2. A. is B. am C. are D. be

3. A. She B. Her C. He D. His

4. A. A B. An C. These D. This

5. A. She B. Her C. He D. His

6. A. is B. am C. love D. are

7. A. a B. these C. this D. an

8. A. girl B. boy C. boys D. girls

9. A. girl B. boy C. boys D. girls

10. A. Jim B. Jims C. Jim’s D. Jims’

Ⅶ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)


Look at this. What’s this in English? Ah, it’s a photo. Who’s that in the photo?It’s Li Yan. Li Y an is my good friend. She is a beautiful girl. Who’s that? The boy in black? It’s Jim. He is an English boy. He is very cool. He is my friend, too. We are all in the same school. I like Jim and Li Yan.

1. What’s this? It’s ________.

A. a school

B. a friend

C. a photo

D. an English friend

2. Li Yan is ________.

A. a good boy

B.a cool boy

C. a beautiful girl

D. an English girl

3. What color is Jim in? _________.

A. Red

B. Yellow

C. Orange

D. Black

4. Who’s English? ________.

A. I

B. Jim

C. Li Yan

D. Jim and Li Yan

5. Who are in the same school? ________.

A. Jim and Li Yan

B. Jim and I

C. Li Yan and I

D. Jim, Li Yan and I


This is a picture of Mr Li’s family. The man in the middle(中间)is Mr Li, the father. The woman is the mother. They have two sons. One is Li Lei. He’s thirteen. The other is Li Ming. He’s eleven. Li Lei and Li Ming are in the same school, but not in the same grade. Li Lei is in Grade Two. Li Ming is in Grade One. They are good students.

6. There are________the picture.

A. three

B. four

C. five

D. six

7. Li Ming and Li Lei are in the same________.

A. school

B. class

C. grade

D. room

8. Mr and Mrs Li have________.

A. one boy and one girl

B. two boys

C. two girls

D. one boy

9. Li Ming is________brother.

A. We don’t know.

B. Mrs Li’s

C. Li Lei’s

D. Mr Li’s

10. How old are Li Lei and Li Ming? They are________.

A. 11 and 13

B. 11 and 12

C. 12 and 11

D. 13 and 11

Ⅷ. 完成对话(每小题1分,共5分)



(B) 1. Is this your sister? A. Oh, you have two cousins.

(D) 2. Are these her brothers? B. No, it isn’t. It’s my aunt.

(E) 3. Is Mary Jim’s friend? C. Nice to meet you.

(C) 4. Mum, those are my friends. D. Yes, they are.

(A) 5. They are my aunt’s son and daughter. E. Yes, she is.


假设你是Li Ming, 你给你的笔友Tom寄去了一张你的全家福,然后在信中向他介绍你的全家。信的开头和结尾已给出,字数在50词左右。

Dear Tom, Array _____________________________________








Your friend,

Li Ming

