高级英语 第一课资料
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词汇(用电子词典吧,生词放入生词本) a host of abolish abusive advocate affirmation allegiance allotted anemia anemic anticipate assert assertive audacious authoritarian bars batter
battering ram besubject to bewilderment bier
black sheep blast blatantly blot bosh
buoyancy capitol
charted course chastity commitment compelling confront consolation contend conviction cosmic councilor creed decay decent
degenerate demanding denunciation despise destiny devoid diminish dislocation distribution divine dreary dwell edifice elevate enhance etch ethereal excessively fatigue fig
fore-parents formula foul
frustration futility gains
get bogged downghetto grim
guarantee homicide hover idleness illogical implement in dire need of in proportion to incarcerate infant mortality
initiative integrated legitimate
Lincolnian Emancipation longing majestic
make a way out of no way manacles manhood meandering menial job metropolis mob
Nietzsche odds
Olympian manhood on the scale of outskirts perpetuate pin down plantation potent potential preacher preceding reap reckless regime resignation ridicule
righteousness ringing cry riot
sanitary secure segregate segregated self-abnegation sentimental setback shatter shattered sheriff snuff out soot sow sphere stand by status quo strain
stripsb ofsth stumble stumbling
substandard housing tear-drenched theologian thesaurus unassailable whim whimsical
When the Constitution was written, a strange formula to determine taxes and representation declared that the Negro was 60 percent of a person.Today another curious formula seems to declare he is 50 percent of a person. 当初拟定宪法时,一个奇怪的规则规定黑人在纳税和选举代表权方面只是一个完整人的60%。如今又一个奇怪的规则说黑人只相当于50%的人了。
Of the good things in life, the Negro has approximately one half those of whites. Of the bad things of life, he has twice those of whites.
One twentieth as many Negroes as whites attend college. Of employed Negroes, 75 percent hold menial jobs.
We must stand up amidst a system that still oppresses us and develop an unassailable and majestic sense of values.
The job of arousing manhood within a people that have been taught for so many centuries that they are nobody is not easy.
Even semantics have conspired to make that which is black seem ugly and degrading.
In Roget's Thesaurus there are 120 synonyms for blackness and at least 60 of them are offensive, as for example, blot, soot, grim, devil and foul. And there are some 134 synonyms for whiteness and all are favorable, expressed in such words as purity, cleanliness, chastity and innocence. 罗杰特同义词词典中与黑色相关的同义词有120个,其中至少60个是令人讨厌的,如污渍、煤烟、可怕的、魔鬼或污秽的。而与白色相关的同义词约有134个,全部都是令人愉快的,如纯洁、洁净、贞节和清白。
Ossie Davis has suggested that maybe the English language should be reconstructed so that teachers will not be forced to teach the Negro child 60 ways to despise himself, and thereby perpetuate his false sense of inferiority, and the white child 134 ways to adore himself, and thereby perpetuate his false sense of superiority.
The tendency to ignore the Negro's contribution to American life and to strip him of his personhood, is as old as the earliest history books and as contemporary as the morning's newspaper.
To upset this cultural homicide, the Negro must rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood. Any movement for the Negro's freedom that overlooks this necessity is only waiting to be buried.
No Lincolnian Emancipation Proclamation or Johnsonian Civil Rights Bill can totally bring this kind
of freedom. The Negro will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen and ink of assertive manhood his own Emancipation Proclamation. 林肯的《解放宣言》和约翰逊的《人权法案》都不能完全带来这种自由。黑人惟有发自内心并用坚定的人格的笔墨签下解放自己的宣言才会得到解放。
Stripped of the right to make decisions concerning his life and destiny he has been subject to the authoritarian and sometimes whimsical decisions of this white power structure. 由于被剥夺了决定自己生活和命运的权利,黑人只能屈从于白人权力机构做出的专横的、有时是反复无常的决定。
The problem of transforming the ghetto, therefore, is a problem of power---confrontation of the forces of power demanding change and the forces of power dedicated to the preserving of the status quo.
You see, what happened is that some of our philosophers got off base. And one of the great problems of history is that the concepts of love and power have usually been contrasted as opposites --- polar opposite that love is identified with a resignation of power, and power with a denial of love.
问题是有些哲学家曲解了它, 而且历史上的一大问题就是常把爱和权力的概念完全对立起来---把它们看作两极化的对立面---结果,爱被看成是放弃权力,而权力被看成是不要爱。
Now, we've got to get this thing right. What is needed is a realization that power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.
This is leading a few extremists today to advocate for Negroes the same destructive and conscienceless power that they have justly abhorred in whites. It is precisely this collision of immoral power with powerless morality whichconstitutes the major crisis of our times. 这就导致少数极端分子向黑人宣扬危害性的、没有良知的权利,这种权利恰恰是黑人深恶痛绝的白人权利。正是这种不道德的权力和无权力的道德的冲突构成了我们这个时代的主要危机。
We must develop a program that will drive the nation to a guaranteed annual income. Now, early in this century this proposal would have been greeted with ridicule and denunciation, as destructive of initiative and responsibility.
Now we realize that dislocations in the market operations of our economy and the prevalence of discrimination thrust people into idleness and bind them in constant or frequent unemployment against their will.
现在我们懂得是我们的经济市场运行混乱、歧视盛行才使得人们(black people)无事可干,使他们深陷违背自己的意愿的持续的或经常性的失业。
It is not the work of slaves driven to their tasks either by the task, by the taskmaster, or by animal necessity. It is the work of men who somehow find a form of work that brings a security for its own sake and a state of society wherewant is abolished. 这不是奴隶做的工作,奴隶干活儿不是被工作本身所驱使,就是被工头所驱使或是迫于动物本能。这是人的工作,是能带来保障,并使社会消除贫困的工作。
Work of this sort could be enormously increased, and we are likely to find that the problems of housing and education, instead of preceding the elimination of poverty, will themselves be affected if poverty is first abolished.
Beyond these advantages, a host of positive psychological changes inevitably will result from widespread economic security.
The futility of violence in the struggle for racial justice has been tragically etched inall the recent Negro riots.
Occasionally Negroes contend that the 1965 Watts riot and the other riots in various cities represented effective civil rights action. But those who express this view always end up with stumbling words when asked what concrete gains have been won as a result.
They fail to see that no internal revolution has ever succeeded in overthrowing a government by violence unless the government had already lost the allegiance and effective control of its armed forces. Anyone in his right mind knows that this will not happen in the United States.
What is needed is a strategy for change, a tactical program that will bring the Negro into the mainstream of American life as quickly as possible. So far, this has only been offered by the nonviolent movement.
And when one is concerned about these, he can never advocate violence. Forthrough violence you may murder a murderer but you can't murder murder. Through violence you may murder a liar but you can't establish truth. Through violence you may murder a hater, but you can't murder
hate. Darkness cannot put out darkness. Only light can do that.
And I say to you, I have also decided to stick to love. For I know that love is ultimately the only answer to mankind's problems. And I'm going to talk about it everywhere I go. I know it isn't popular to talk about it in some circles today. I'm not talking about emotional bosh when I talk about love, I'm talking about a strong, demanding love.
Let us be dissatisfied until America will no longer have a high blood pressure of creeds and an anemia of deeds.
Let us be dissatisfied until the tragic walls that separate the outer city of wealth and comfort and the inner city of poverty and despair shall be crushed by the battering rams of the forces of justice.
Let us be dissatisfied until those that live on the outskirts of hope are brought into the metropolis of daily security.
让我们保持不满, 直到那些生活在渴望边缘的人们回到有日常保障的生活中来。
Let us be dissatisfied until integration is not seen as a problem but as an opportunity to participate in the beauty of diversity.
Let us be dissatisfied until every state capitol houses a governor who will do justly, who will love mercy and who will walk humbly with his God.
Let us be dissatisfied until that day when the lion and the lamb shall lie down together. and every man will sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid. 让我们保持不满直到有一天狮子将与羔羊同卧一处,所有的人都会坐在自家的葡萄藤和无花果树下,不再有恐惧。
I must confess, my friends, the road ahead will not always be smooth. There will still be rocky places of frustration and meandering points of bewilderment. There will be inevitable setbacks here and there. There will be those moments when the buoyancy of hope will be transformed into the fatigue of despair. Our dreams will sometimes be shattered and our ethereal hopes blasted.
We may again with tear-drenched eyes have to stand before the bier of some courageous civil-rights worker whose life will be snuffed out by the dastardly acts of bloodthirsty mobs. Difficult and painful as it is, we must walk on in the days ahead with an audacious faith in the future.
When our days become dreary with low hovering clouds of despair, and when our nights become darker than a thousand midnights, let us remember that there is a creative force in this universe, working to pull down the gigantic mountains of evil, a power that is able to make a way out of no way and transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.
V. Paraphrase (英文解释):
1. It is no easy job to educate a people who have been told over centuries that they were inferior and of no importance to see that they are humans, the same as any other people.
2. If you break the mental shackles imposed on you by white supremacists, if you really respect yourself, thinking that you are a Man, equal to anyone else, you will be able to take part in the struggle against racial discrimination.
3. The liberation of mind can only be achieved by the Negro himself/herself. Only when he/she is fully convinced that he/she is a Man/Woman and is not inferior to anyone else, can he/shethrow off the manacles of self-abnegation and become free.
4. Power in the best form of function is the carrying out of the demands of justice with love andjustice in the best form of function is the overcoming of everything standing in the way oflove with power.
5. At that time, the way to evaluate how capable and resourceful a person was was to see
howmuch money he had made (or how wealthy he was).
6. A person was poor because he was lazy and not hard-working and lacked a sense of right
7. This kind of work cannot be done by slaves who work because the work has to be done,because
they are forced to work by slave-drivers or because they need to work in order to befed and
8 ....when the unfair practice of judging human value by the amount of money a person has
isdone away with.
9. Those who harbor hate in their hearts cannot grasp the teachings of God. Only those whohave
love can enjoy the ultimate happiness in Heaven.
10. Let us be dissatisfied until America no longer only talk about racial equality but is unwillingor
reluctant to take action to end such evil practice as racial discrimination.
VI. 英译汉:
1. 一个无关紧要的谎言总比一个恶意的谎言要好。
2. 为了挫败这种文化扼杀,黑人必须直起腰来宣布自己高贵的人格。 3. 黑人必须以一种竭尽全力自尊自重的精神,大胆抛弃自我克制的枷锁。
4. 必须懂得没有爱的权力是毫无节制、易被滥用的,而没有权利的爱则是多愁善感、脆弱
5. 正是这种邪恶的权力和没有权势的道义的冲突构成了我们时代的主要危机。
6. 在本世纪之初,这种建议会受到嘲笑和遣责,认为它对主动性和责任感起负面作用。 7. 事实上,人们从事改善人类处境的工作,从事传播知识、增强实力、丰富文学财富以及
8. ……它能够花费几十亿美元帮助上帝的孩子自立于这个世界。
9. 除非主张暴力的少数人得到大多数人的同情与支持,不和他们对抗,否则,暴力革命很
10. 让我们铭记道德的苍穹尽管很长,但它终将倾向正义。
高级英语 第一课资料01-17
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