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不可数名词: Cotton cloth steel iron weather pork Chalk coal grass grain wheat equipment A coal a cloth an iron a paper A coffee a beer a glass a drink Reefs safes griefs proofs gulfs

Ox-oxen goose-geese criterion-criteria phenomenon-phenomena Basis-bases crisis-crises thesis-theses analysis-analyses Bacterium-bacteria Means,deer,works 只用many,lots of,不用数词-outskirts,greens,earnings,ashes,pains,savings,damages,arms

只能成对或成套使用 pajamas,drawers,shears,socks,tweezers。 Go to bed go to sea by day at table in open In the sight of on watch be of age be of an age

In office take advice take the advice smile a forced smile Turn teacher on fire in ink leave school take shape Come to power take office by post at work By hand heart and soul step by step 特指的季节,日期,传统节日前用定冠词 The spring festival

On the air in the habit of on the phone on the decrease To the point Mount前零冠词

By the pound by the dozen by the foot by the thousand Hit sb in the face pat sb on the shoulder lead sb by the hand In the 1970s the Browns

只有单数形式的集体名词;the gentry绅士 the aristocracy贵族 有些物质名词的复数形式有特殊的含义,如

Winds多场风 waters大片水域 sands沙堆沙丘 snows多场雪,雪堆 Death可数时意思是死者,shame可数时意思是令人感到可惜的人或事 Spare no efforts不遗余力 answer the door开门 A spectacles case眼镜盒 a glasses store

A goods train a sales manager销售经理 Make a spectacle of oneself出洋相

At one”s wit”s end穷鹿技穷,不知所措 by a hair”s breath差一点

At arm”s length 疏远地 in one”s mind”s eye在某人心目中 To one”s heart”s content尽情地 within a stone”s throw在很近的距离 Burst into tears 大哭起来 break down in heavy rains Time and tide wait for no man岁月不等人

It代指婴儿,时间,天气,环境,距离,不明确的人 The baby is crying,it might be hungry.

To oneself独自享用 among oneself 相互之间 by oneself独自 For oneself亲自 in oneself本质上 of oneself自动地

Feel oneself觉得舒服正常 behave oneself有礼貌 say to oneself心里想

Say for oneself为自己找借口 come to oneself苏醒 think to oneself心中想 Seat oneself坐下

询问职业What be+主语? What for为什么

What do you mean by…..表示愤怒和不满,意为你。。。究竟是什么意思 Make of懂得了解 make believe假装 keep… on file归档

Keep to promise守约 keep back隐瞒阻止扣留退缩keep down蹲下控制使留级 Go about着手做忙于处理 go along进展,合作,赞同 go in for喜欢

Go on doing继续做同一件事 wait up熬夜等候 hold out伸出拿出呈现 Wait on伺候,拜访,招待顾客 drink up痛饮,大口地喝 tidy up整理 Hold up抢劫,延误阻止,举起 put on上演

Get through to接通电话 make a bed整理床铺make fashion做做样子 Take power当权 make contributions to make peace with讲和 Take command of控制 take hold of抓住握住 take sb by surprise Come into power执政 come to the point言归正传 fall into pieces崩溃 Bear in mind 牢记 set…on fire点火 make me a kite Make a movement 活动 much as尽管make progress in在,取得进步 Put on weight长胖 make the acquaintance of熟悉 under repairs在修复中 Writer alive当代作家 the responsible man可依赖的人

The man responsible应负责的人 the concerned students忧心忡忡的学生们 小圆旧白法国木头写字台-the first beautiful little white chinese stone bridge Deep in thought沉思 it is just as well也是好事倒也不错 just the thing正是想要的正是这个意思

Just 1正好恰恰2勉强地,只好 justly公正地 A is to B what C is to d ……对于,,,犹如,,,,对于。。。。 一方不及另一方-less+原级形容词/副词 than No+比较级+than表示和。。。一样不 no more than仅仅

Not more than不超过 any other 单数名词 all the other 复数名词 Any of the other 复数名词

倍数+what 从句 比较级 than sth by 倍数 主语+ 否定式谓语+ 比较级表示最高级意义 意为没有比这更。。。的了 例句 l have never heard a better voice than yours.

To cut a long story长话短说 to be sure毋庸置疑 to sum up总之

To cap it all更加更有甚to put it briefly简而言之to put it another way换句话说 The chance to机会 the chance of可能性 Be made to do be heard to do Pretend to be doing seem to de doing

Be reported/said to have done cannot but do sth只好做 Catch the meaning理解领会意思 a catch in。。有蹊跷 catch[被]勾/卡住 it’s useless/fun doing a returned overseas chinese归国华侨 Sth deserve doing/to be done需要 faded flowers凋谢的花 Departed friends离去的朋友 a retired teacher退休教师 shop remain shut商店关门 fallen leaves落叶

The sun is set太阳下山 cooked food熟食 furnished rooms有家具的房子

The setting sun落日 promising有前途的 seeing is believing眼见为实 On second thought三思 commit sb to doing使。。。承诺做某事 Anyone’s guess谁也说不准 operate 1经营2操作纵 3运行 Closing speech闭幕词 the sun sets in the west

按时间表,计划要发生的动作用一般现在时-the train arrives at 10 Be going to do-根据客观现象推断某事将会发生-it’s going to rain 现在进行时表将来-go,come,leave,start等词-l am leaving the house. Be to do责任义务要求计划去做

在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中用现在完成时表将来完成时 Once you have promised,you should keep it.

Had hoped to do had meant to do had intend to do Before long,he will have forgotten all the matter.。

主表背Feel摸起来 taste尝起来 prove证明 appear似乎 Lock ,wash,write,sell,shut,translate,clean,read主表被 有时现在完成进行时表示动作在断断续续地重复

例you have been saying for a year that you will study abroad. 现在完成进行时有时带有强烈的表扬或厌恶等感情色彩

例you know,you really have been making things difficult for him. See/feel/know/love等不可用于现在完成进行时。 例l have known her for a long time.

Can有时会,可能/可以 can’t 不可能 would过去常常 be able to do成功地做某事 can’t be too adj越。。越好 Should竟然,按道理常理上

At the east of in the east of Rest easy free and easy Educate well receive an education 引导目的状语从句的连词有in order that,so that,for fear that,lest,in case,从句中谓语动词形式为should等情态动词加动词原形。 Bring some money in case you might use it later.

Wish后面的从句中表示过去不能实现的愿望时,用could have done She wishes that he could have called her yesterday.

表示将来不能实现的愿望,从句谓语用would、could加动原 L wish you could come to the party tomorrow..

Every second day每隔一天 come out first获得第一名 That’s a big deal只是大人物、大事。 It is a deal一言为定

You get a deal成交,就这么定了。 That is not a big deal没什么大不了 Oh,my fault.奥,是我的错。 It’s my pleasure不用谢 not at all不用谢 Don’t mention it 1不用谢2别再提了 it’s all right没关系

That’s all right别客气,没关系。 That’s just what l think是的我也是这么想的 What a shame真可惜 l do feel sorry for him我真为他难过

Let’s fix another time.ok?我们另定时间好吗 wait for a second等一下 In the air悬而未决 a power failure停电 take advantage of利用

频道,职位,头衔,学科前零冠词 space,nature,man【人类】,room,society前零冠词

People from all walks of life各行各业 it be great fun【fun前永远不加a】 Follow up追究【到底】contact联系,交往,接触,受感染者。Make contact with联系

Take sb for sb把错认为 drop out1退出,不参加2因不满传统制度而隐退 Drop off1减少2打瞌睡 pull through克服困难,渡过难关。 Crack down on采取措施制裁 make for1有利于2朝。。移动 Go for it大胆一试 go for 1去买2试图得到,争取[l will go for that job]3适用于4对。。有好感,喜欢5支持,赞成 put in入港,靠码头,插嘴 Put through 1完成做好2接通电话3使【议案】通过4戳穿

Go around流传 come around 1苏醒恢复2顺便来访3改变立场he will come around to our way of thinking

Agree with一致,适应 pay off向。。。报复2还清 pay back报答 Bring out 1生产,出版2显示出,呈现出3激发【bring out potential】 4鼓励 bring sb out in sth使某人浑身都有某事物

Bring in获利,引进 pick out了解领悟 pick pocket扒手 Come off成功 come out照片冲洗,真相大白 it’s a deal成交 That is a good point你所说的是合情合理的 just my luck真倒霉 Wear a smile面目带着微笑 never mind别担心,没关系

Hang-hanged-hanged上吊 wear off【犹指不好的感觉或后果】消退,消逝 The drug wore off药效渐渐消逝 hold out坚持,伸出,提供

More than one can help尽量不 take off开始新事业,成功,离开

Correspond to相当 push 【敦促,逼迫】sb too hard cut out for Cut out剪报,剪除,【马达】突然熄火。 Guard against避免,防止 Promise有。。的可能,【有】希望,【有】前途 promise well大有希望,显示成功的迹象 the clear sky promises fine weather。 Keep to保持坚持,遵守

Question议题,难题-it is no longer a question now that man can land on the moon

The majority of后的动词取决于of后的名词 As the name indicates正如其名称所示

Slip 1错误2偷偷地塞给 slip out of溜出去 let。。slip错过失去 Keep up 1使熬夜2【使】不倒下3保存维修 move in搬进迁进 Mark out 1规划2选拔定 mark down打折,降价 cut in干预插嘴 Take apart轻易打败 take back收回说过的话,使。。。回忆 Take up with和。。。交好 take up继续【中断的话】,接下去讲 Masses of和plenty of既加可数又加不可数 Fit for 1适于、合 2给。。。量尺寸以便做。。 cast down使沮丧,抛、丢下 Live out 1实践 2度过,活过【某段时间】 live with忍受容忍 例-l doubt if the old man will live out this winter.

Iron 坚强刚强冷酷-there is more iron to her than l supposed

Iron out解决处理 ask for it自找麻烦自找苦吃=ask for trouble Cry for急需 put sb to trouble给,,增添麻烦 one and a half hours一个半小时 Sick 1腻烦的讨厌的-l feel sick at my work 2心烦意乱不高兴的-she is sick at heart 3呕吐物

Iron 坚强刚强-there is more iron to her than l supposed.

Otherwise 1不同地-we think otherwise 2在其他方面,除此以外

Or otherwise 1或相反 2或用其他方法 pay off 1付清工资后解雇 2报复 To be true无疑 stay connected保持联系 get hold of找到,学会 Make mention of提到 you are not alone不只是你【这样】 Close down【使】停业倒闭 run over超过【预期的限额】

Fade away消失,凋谢,衰弱 blessing好事有益之事,因祸得福 L am stuck我被难住了 you can’t be serious你一定是在开玩笑吧 Be on to找茬 compliment赞美 that is that就这么定了,就这样吧 Do away with废除 let go松开

