
更新时间:2024-05-15 21:00:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



一.词汇 写出下列单词(20分)

1.很少________ 2. ['la?br?ri]________ 3.星期三________ 4.一月_________ 5.物理________ 6.难的________ 7. ['s?bd??kt]________ 8.厨房________ 9. ['bju:t?fl]______ 10.邻居_______ 11.服务_______ 12.交通________ 13.桥________ 14. [d?'semb?]_________ 15.形状_______ 16.贫穷的______ 17. ['m?n?t]_______ 18.天气________ 19.温度_________ 20.忙的_______ 二. 单项选择。(20分)

( )1.Many people like living in the countryside, they think the air is _______.

A. quiet B. fresh C. noisy ( )2. The sign

means “ _____.”

A. No parking B. No U-turn C. No left turn ( )3. — _____ is the computer? —About 40 centemeters.

A. How long B. How far C. How often ( )4. —Lily, here are your pens. Please _____ . —OK, Mom.

A. put away it B. put it away C. put them away ( )5. There _____ a ticket, a purse and some keys on the desk.

A .are B. is C. have ( )6. There are many children______ in our community.

A. live B. lives C. living

( )7. Kangkang often _______ after school, but now he ________.

A. plays soccer, plays basketball B. plays soccer, is playing basketball C. is playing soccer, plays basketball

( )8. —Where is Jane? —She is looking for a ________. She wants to keep some money. A. bank B. supermarket C. library ( )9. — What’s the date today? —It’s _________.

A. April 21 st, 2011 B. Thursday C. 15:00 in the afternoon ( )10. The National Day is coming. We are happy to enjoy a ________ holiday. A. seven days B. seven-day C. seven-day ( )11.There ______ a lamp, an eraser and some books on the desk.

A. are B. has C. is

( )12_____ late for the meeting. I want to tell you an interesting story

A. Be B. Don’t be C. Don’t

( )13. The tall building has ______ floors, I live on the _____ floor. A. eight, eight B. eighth, eight C. eight, eighth ( )14.—You must _____ those trees and flowers in the garden.

A. look for B. look after C. look like

( )15. —When was your father born? —He was born _______December, 1972. A. at B. on C. in

( )16.—_______ is your present for Kangkag? —It’s a square. A. What color B. what shape C. How wide ( )17—Can you see many apples _____ the tree?

—No, there are a few birds _____ the tree.

A. in; in B. on; in C. in; on

( )18. There is a beautiful garden _____ Kangkang’s house.


A. in the front of B. in the front C. in front of ( )19.Michael fell down his bike and hurt _______ . A. myself B. himself C. ourselves ( )20.-____________, Linda? -It’s windy.

A. What’s the temperature? B. How is the weather like? C. What’s the weather like?


There are four seasons in a year. I think I like winter 1_______. In China, winter lasts from November to January. Someone says people don’t like winter, because it is too cold outside. 2______ many young people and children like it very much. In winter, people are 3_______ warm clothes. When it 4______, the trees are white, and the houses are white, too. They 5______ white. Most children don’t stay at home when it is snowing. They 6_____ their houses and play outside. The children are busy 7______ snowmen. Soon, there are 8______ snowmen standing outside the houses. They have 9_______ in the white cold winter. It’s a world of white.

I like winter. What’s your favorite 10_______?

( )1.A. best B. favorite C. better ( )2.A. So B. And C. But

( )3.A. wearing B. putting on C. having ( )4.A. rains B. snows C. blows ( )5.A are all B. all are C. are both ( )6.A. stay up B. knock on C. go out of ( )7.A. doing B. working C. making ( )8.A. no B. a few C. much ( )9.A. fun B. air C. traffic ( )10.A. month B. subject C. season 四. 阅读理解。(30分)

( A )

You have a first name to tell you who you are. You have a last name to tell which family you are from.

But a long, long time ago, people didn’t have last names. Their names were short. They had to invent last names because there were too many Charlies, too many Roberts, and too many Marys, people started to ask, which Charlie? Which Robert? Which Mary?

So if a Charlie was a carpenter(木匠), he became Charlie Carpenter. If a Robert was a son of Peter, he became Robert Peterson. If a Mary lived near the woods, she became Mary Woods. This is the way that some last names started long, long ago. Do you know what your last name means?

( ) 1. One’s last name can also be called the .

A. parent’s name B. second name C. family name

( ) 2. Long, long ago, people didn’t have last names because________ . A. they didn’t know how to invent last names B. they didn’t want to make their names too long C. there was not a need

( ) 3. what was the first name of David Johnson’s forefather(祖先)?

A. David B. John C. Peter

( ) 4. Which of the following last names were invented by places? A. John Smith B. Jack Long street C. Amy White


( ) 5. Which of the following last names were invented by jobs? A. Lily Wood B. Kim Jackson C. Nick Cook ( B )

2.26-meter-tall Yao Ming made his NBA debut(初次登台)on October23, 2002 and got 6 points for the Houston Rockets in the game. The next day, he got 13 points in another game.

Most people think that Yao Ming is a born basket-ball player. But Yao said, “When you watch it on TV, it looks very easy. But when you are playing in the NBA, it is really not so easy.” He asked that joining the Houston Rockets was a new start and a new challenge. “I hope that through very hard work I can make everyone happy and help the Rockets win more games,” he said. Yao Ming speaks some English. Both he and his teammates can understand each other. They don’t think there is a language problem. While Yao Ming faces this new challenge, the people of Houston have shown great interest in him and they hope Yao Ming will bring new energy to the Rockets. The team has started having lessons to learn more about China, and many people who work for the Rockets have learned to speak some Chinese.

( ) 6. Yao Ming got13 points on October_______ , 2002.

A.22 B.23 C.24

( ) 7. Yao Ming said that_________ .

A. playing in the NBA was difficult B. it was hard to watch NBA games on TV C. he was an NBA star

( ) 8. The people of Houston hope Yao Ming will ___________.

A. speak excellent English B. bring new energy to the Rockets C. face new challenge

( ) 9. From the passage we can know that Yao Ming __________. A. will work hard for his team

B. made the highest score in his first NBA game C. can’t understand his teammates

( ) 10. The passage is probably_________ .

A. a notice B. a news report C. an instruction

( C )

Have you ever heard your own voice? “Of course,” you say.

Has anyone else ever heard your voice? Again you say, “Of course.”

But that’s not quite true. Nobody else has ever heard your voice—the way you hear it. When you talk, you set up sound waves(声波). The air outside your head carries the sound waves to your outer ears. But, of course, the sound of your voice begins inside your head. The bones(骨头) of your head pick up the sound waves, too. They carry the sound waves straight to your inner ears. You get the sound from the outside and the inside too. Other people get just the sound waves from the outside. That’s why they don’t hear your voice the way you do. ( ) 61. Sound travels in the form(形式) of __________. A. bones B. air C. waves ( ) 62. The sound of your voice begins ________.

A. inside your head B. outside your head C. in your inner ears ( ) 63. When you talk, other people hear your voice _______.

A. through the bones of your head B. from the outside C. from the inside ( ) 64. The phrase “pick up” here means ________. A. to raise B. to get C. to choose ( ) 65. The passage is mainly about _________.


