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Epstein:, E. L. Language and Style. London: Methuen & Co ltd, 1978.
Freeborn, Dennis. Style: Text Analysis and Linguistic Criticism. London: Macmillan, 1996.
(1.What is style? 2. Words
2.1 Choice of words – ?rules of good writing‘
2.2 Choice of words in speaking and writing – formal and informal 2.3 A claim for Latin
2.4 Thomas Hardy‘s – The Woodlanders – formal words 3. New words for old
3.1 Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban
3.2 A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess 3.3 Fennegan’s Wake by James Joyce 4 Words and grammar in Prose Texts I 4.1 George Orwell on good writing
4.2 Orwell‘s vocabulary and the Fowlers‘ rules 4.3 Academic writing and nominalization 4.4 More on NPs and PrepPs. 5 Words and grammar in prose texts II
5.1 Style and grammar in William Faulkner‘s The Bear 5.2 Style and grammar in James Joyce‘s Eveline 6 Traditional rhetoric
6.1 The medieval Art of Rhetoric 6.2 Tropes and figures 6.3 Rhetoric and style
7 Rhetorical style
7.1 Structure and rhetoric in Dr. Johnson‘s prose 8 Writing without style
8.1 Roland Barthes‘s Writing Degree Zero and Albert Camus‘s The Outsider 8.2 Vikram Seth‘s A Suitable Boy
8.3 Gorge Orwell‘s Animal Farm
9. Words and grammar in prose texts III – Two nineteenth-century classics 9.1 Fenimore Cooper – The Last of the Mohicans (i) 9.2 The Last of the Mohicans (ii)
9.3 Sir Walter Scott The Bride of Lammermoor (i) 9.4 The Bride of Lammermoor (ii) 10 Words and grammar in verse 11 Prose translations
11.1 The Swiss Gamily Robinson
11.2 Translations of the Bible
12 Rhyme, rhythm and sound I – patterns of stress and rhythm 13 Rhyme, rhythm and sound II –heightening and foregrounding
14 Rhyme, rhythm and sound III
14.1 Free verse 14.2 Doggerel
14.3 ?Energetic rhythms and grisly rhymes‘ 14.4 ?Thumping‘
14.5 Verse and music – Edith Sitweell‘s ?Fa?ade‘ 14.6 Games with words – ?concrete poetry‘ 14.7 Six poems 15 Poetic prose Prose and verse 16 Verse translation 17 First person narrative
17.1 The Catcher in the Rye and David Copperfield 17.2 Joseph Conrad‘s Heart of Darkness 18 The spoken voice 18.1 Dialogue
18.2 Dialectal speech in novels 18.3 The spoken voice in letters
18.4 The unspoken voice – interior monologue 19 Original and simplified texts 20 Parody and pastiche
21 Styles of news reporting
Jucker, Andreas H. Social Stylistics: Syntactic Variation in British Newspapers. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1992.
Leech, Geoffrey N, and Michael H. Short. Style in Fiction.: A Linguistic Introduction to English
Fictional Prose. London and New York: Longman, 1981. Thornborrow,Joanna, and Shan Wareing, 2000.8 Patterns in Language: Stylistics for Students of
Language and Literature, 语言模式:文体学入门(刘世生 导读)外语教学与研究出版社,劳特利奇出版社(Routledge)(偏文学,尤其是诗歌,第七章谈通用语篇) Toolan, Michael. Language in Literature: An Introduction to Stylistics. 文献中的语言:文体学导论。申丹 导读Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press; Hodder Arnold,
2008.(1. Getting started 2. Cohesion: making text 3. Modality and attitude 3. Processes and participants 5 Recording speech and thought 6. Narrative structure 7. A few well-chosen words 8. Talking: acts of give and take 9. Presupposition References and recommended further reading)
Widdowson, H. G., 2000.6 Practical Stylistics实用文体学 上海外语教育出版社 (诗歌及教学) Wright, Laura, and Jonathan Hope, 2000.8 Stylistics: A Practical Coursebook, 实用文体学教程
(秦秀白 导读), 外语教学与研究出版社,劳特利奇出版社(Routledge)(从词组到分句,较基础)
封宗信 著 2002.11 文学语篇的语用文体学研究Pragmatics of Dramatic Texts: The Play off the Stage 清华大学出版社
冯庆华 主编 2002.11 文体翻译论 上海外语教育出版社
胡壮麟 著 2000.9 功能主义纵横谈 外语教学与研究出版社
胡壮麟 编著 2000.10 理论文体学 外语教学与研究出版社
黄国文 2001.10 语篇分析的理论与实践—广告语篇研究 (Theory and Practice Of
Discourse Analysis: A Study in Advertising Discourse) 上海外语教育出版社 刘宓庆 1998.8 文体与翻译 中国对外翻译出版公司
刘世生,吕中舌,封宗信 主编,文体学:中国与世界同步 ——首届国际文体学学术研讨会暨第五届全国文体学研讨会文选。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2008。 秦秀白编著,文体学概论,湖南教育出版社1987. 裴文 裴文
2000.6 现代英语语境学 安徽大学出版社 2000.8 现代英语语体学 安徽大学出版社
王守元 2000.7 Essentials of English Stylistics 英语文体学要略
文体,变异、选择、突出,语篇连结,言语行为、合作原则、话轮替换;习题,英汉王佐良,丁往道 主编 1998.9 英语文体学引论 外研社
詹姆斯.费伦著 陈永国 译 2002..5作为修辞的叙事:技巧、读者、伦理、意识形态(James Phelan, Narrative as Rhetoric: Technique, Audiences, Ethics, Ideology)北京大学出版社 申丹 2001.5 叙事学与小说文体学研究(Narratology and the Stylistics of Fiction)北京大学出版社
戴卫.赫尔曼 主编 马海良 译 2002.5 新叙事学(Narratologies ed. by David Herman)北京
大学出版社 苏珊.S.兰瑟 Susan Sniader Lanser著 黄必康 译 2002.5虚构的权威:女性作家与叙述声音
(Fictions of Authority: Women Writers and Narrative Voice)北京大学出版社 张健 编著 2001.2 新闻英语文体与范文评析Journalistic English: Stylistics & Exemplications 上海外语教育出版社 徐有志 英语文体学教程 高等教育出版社
张德禄 英语文体学教程 高等教育出版社 ―十一五‖国家级规划教材
刘承宇 2002.4 语法隐喻的文体价值 (厦门大学)
刘家荣 2002.4文体学方法论 第三届文体学研讨会论文 罗益民 2002.4 突出、变异隐喻化—英语诗歌文体的语用策略
申丹 2002.4 对功能文体学的再思考
王勇 2002.4 翻译 文学 文体—漫话《静夜思》的几种英文版本(山东大学)
徐有志 2002.4 文体学流派区分的出发点、参照系和作业面 (河南大学)
张德禄 2002.4 衔接与文体—指称与词汇衔接的文体效应(青岛海洋大学外国语学院) 郑延国 2001.10何妨联手出击—解决两张皮问题之我见 《外语与外语教学》年第10期
1 引言
文体学主要流派(Carter and Simpson,1989)形式文体学,功能文体学,话语文体学,社会文化文体学,普通文体学,文学文体学 文体分析的方法:多样性与综合性 2 结构主义
文体分析的三个步骤(Short, 1984):
1)描写 2)解释 3)评价
2.4 分析的层次:语音,词汇,句法,语义 2.5 理论支撑 A: 投射说(Jakobson)
B: 变异说(Leech) C: 转换说(Ohmann)
2.6 实例分析(Leech, 1969): I kissed thee ere I killed thee. 2.7 评价
3 功能主义(Halliday) 三种纯理功能
A: 概念功能与及物性
B: 人际功能与社会符号系统
C: 语篇功能与衔接理论 实例分析
A: The Inheritors 继承者(Halliday, 1971)见王佐良p.519, Leech P31-32
B: Leda and Swan(Widdowson, 1975)
4.1 主要论题:合作原则,礼貌原则 4.2 合作原则
A: 理论模式
B: 会话含义
C: 实例分析(侯维瑞,1984)
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. 4.3 面子理论与礼貌原则
A: 理论框架 B: 语言表达
C: 实例分析(张红,1995) 话语分析与叙事学
5.1 信息结构:小句与语篇 5.2 话语结构
5.2.1 5.2.2
话轮转换:话轮转换机制;相邻对 话题推进
句子话题与话语话题 话题框架(Brown and Yule) 语篇模式
篇章结构:议论、描写、说明与叙事 思维模式:列举(enumeration),叙事(narration),描写(description),
举例(exemplification),推理(reasoning),比拟(analogy), 解说(illustration),对照(contrast)等
5.2.4 实例
A: 拉波夫(Labov,1922)对于口述故事的会话结构分析
B: 以辛克莱(Sinclair,1975)等为首的伯明翰学派对于课堂上教师与学生
C: Linde和Labov在纽约调查了一百个人描述他们住所公寓的方式,97%的
5.3 叙事结构
5.3.1 5.3.2
叙事角度:一人称;三人称 会话角色:Wuthering Heights
1801-I have just returned from a visit to my landlord---the solitary neighbour that I shall be troubled with. This is certainly a beautiful country! 〔Ch 1〕 About twelve o‘clock, that night, was born the Catherine you saw at Wuthering Heights: a puny, seven months‘ child; and two hours after the mother died, having never recovered sufficient consciousness to miss Heathcliff,or know Edgar. 〔Ch 16〕 ① Emily与读者
② 含蓄作者与含蓄读者(Implied author―Implied reader) ③ ④
Lockwood先生与Lockwood先生 Nellie Dean与Lockwood先生
5.3.3 事件组织(sequencing)
A: 时间(chronological)顺序 B: 心理(psychological)顺序 C: 逻辑(logical)顺序
6.1 语域理论(Register Theory)理论
权力关系(Power relation)理论 控制(Dominance)理论 协商(Negotiation)理论
6.2 实例分析
Turn-taking as Power Relation(王守元,2000)p.205 6.3 批评语言学
6.3.1 三个基本问题
A. 话语与意识形态
B. 话语、控制与权势 C. 话语与社会 6.3.2
A. Sinclair Coulthard (1975) B. 辛斌(1996)
7.1 修辞学与文体学的关系 7.2 修辞格与修辞手法
比喻与格局(Tropes and schemes)
7.3 三风格说:平白体(Plain style);中间体(Middle style);庄重体(Grand style)
On First Looking into Chapman‘s Homer (Keats)
Paradise Lost (first stanza) (Milton)
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Coleridge)见Widdowson pp.40-41 Early Evening Quarrel
普通 奇特
标准:选择、句法、题材、用典、意象、隐喻 7.4 崇高体 On the Sublime (Longinus) 结语
The Creation of the World (Old Testament,Gen. I)
翻译 文学 文体—漫话《静夜思》的几种英文版本
对学生要求: 评价下列三种《静夜思》的译文,从中选出你认为最好的,并说明理由。 论文主要论点:
译文和评论选自钟叔国《英汉翻译手册》中的10种译文,以及其印象式点评。 译文一:
The Moon Shines Everywhere
Seeing the moon before my couch so bright, I thought hoar-frost had fallen from the night, On her clear face I gaze with lifted eyes Then hide them full of Youth‘s sweet memories.
钟氏点评: 1 2 3
The rendition seems too wordy.
The 4th line is not what the original ever says, but the translator‘s idea or feeling of the translator‘s --- an ―error of commission‖ in translation. The title is not right.
具有19世纪英国浪漫主义诗风,与Blake 相近,采用iambic pentameter,foregrounded features 较明显
Moonlit Night
Over my bed the moonlight streams, making it look like frost-covered ground; lifting my head I see the brightness, then dropping it,
and I am filled with the thoughts of home.
1 As a great friend of the Chinese people, Rewi Alley has mead commendable efforts in
introducing China, in various dimensions including Chinese culture, to the English-speaking public. And he speaks very fluent Chinese—this is an asset to a non-Chinese translator, 2
conducive to understanding the Chinese language in everyday use, oral or written.
As a piece of poem translation, this rendition seems to have not been able to convey the flavor, the nuance and the style of simplicity of the original.
译文语言采用plain, colloquial words,全诗只有一个词大写,其意象更清晰,无明显节奏,结尾词较舒展,有phonological beauty。译文的imagery具有20世纪初以Ezra Pound为代表的意象派的特征。
Quiet Night Thoughts Moonlight before my bed; Could it be frost instead? Head up, I watch the moon; Head down, I think of home.
钟氏点评: 1
Once again, Prof. Zhao has been able to retain the style of brevity and simplicity in translating classical Chinese poems, using only 21 English words to translate the 20 Chinese characters of 《静夜思》. This is highly commendable.
Moreover, this rendition has retained the parallelism in the 3 and 4 lines of the original poem—举头and 低头—in a simple language that is typical of the original poem.
In his own comments, Prof. Zhao says that in the last 2 lines the rhyme ―home‘ with ―moon‖ is rather imperfect in the translation, adding that ―I think I had better leave it as it is, so as not to use rather ponderous words for rhyming at the expense of the brevity of style‖. As a matter of principle, I cannot agree to this more. ―Rhyming‖ is, indeed, a very great difficulty in poem translation, in C-E or in E-C.
2 3
译文3字数与原诗最接近,但与英语诗歌比,不知属于哪一派,显得不入流,像打油诗doggerel,We can‘t locate it in the development of English literature。bed 和instead 押韵,读起来很突兀(abrupt),无音乐感。moon和home构成half-rhyme(又称semi-rhyme),这种手法属于19世纪以前诗歌的主流,4、5音步,但此译文用词太colloquial,不宜押韵。(余曼筠:原诗的“光”“霜”“乡”同意这种意见,head up、 head down太突兀,缺乏音乐感,不适宜表现思乡的缠绵情感。)
杨云红提问:找不到位置,是否正好体现另一种文化?李白的这首诗在唐代是否本来就像儿歌?正好体现了Nida的dynamic equivalence?
长沙交通学院外语系,湖南长沙 410076 (外语与外语教学2001年第10期36—37页)
清明 杜牧
It drizzles thick on the Pure Brightness Day; I travel with my heart lost in dismay.
―Is there a public house somewhere, cowboy?‖
He points at Apricot Bloom Village faraway. 译文无论从形式到内容都一如原作。但我在赞叹之余,总觉得译文缺乏点原作者的那种浪漫情怀。我们不妨读读《清明》的今译: 茸毛般的细雨像多情的手, 给原野换上了嫩绿的新装。
我的心,在清明梦一般的烟雨中荡漾。 是谁担簦负笈从我身旁踽踽走过, 一声叹息,那么轻, 却引起我心魂的激荡。
请告诉我,村里可有酒卖,好让我浇一浇胸中的惆怅。” “想喝酒吗?先生,
瞧,那边杏花铺成红云的村庄。” 清脆的童音刚落, 牛背上又响起了短笛, 好不悠扬。
The Moon Shines Everywhere Seeing the moon before my couch so bright, I thought hoar-frost had fallen from the night, On her clear face I gaze with lifted eyes Then hide them full of Youth‘s sweet memories.
Moonlit Night Over my bed the moonlight streams, making it look like frost-covered
ground; lifting my head I see the brightness, then dropping it,
and I am filled with the thoughts of home.
Quiet Night Thoughts
Moonlight before my bed; Could it be frost instead? Head up, I watch the moon; Head down, I think of home.
It drizzles thick on the Pure Brightness Day; I travel with my heart lost in dismay.
―Is there a public house somewhere, cowboy?‖ He points at Apricot Bloom Village faraway. 茸毛般的细雨像多情的手, 给原野换上了嫩绿的新装。
我的心,在清明梦一般的烟雨中荡漾。 是谁担簦负笈从我身旁踽踽走过, 一声叹息,那么轻, 却引起我心魂的激荡。
请告诉我,村里可有酒卖,好让我浇一浇胸中的惆怅。” “想喝酒吗?先生,
瞧,那边杏花铺成红云的村庄。” 清脆的童音刚落,
牛背上又响起了短笛, 好不悠扬。 文体学的运用 Literary comparison: 1 2 3 4
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