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66. He is looking for a job that will give him greater _____ for initiative.

A. place B. scope C. space D. suitability

67. We’ll _____ you as soon as we have any further information. A. relate B. communicate C. make known D. notify

68. She is so _____ that she cried for days when her pet rabbit dies. A. sensible B. sentimental C. sensational D. senseless 69. As I was in a hurry, I _____ my way through the crowd. A. kneed B. fingered C. nosed D. elbowed

70. The motorist was _____ $ 100.00 for driving after drinking. A. fined B. punished C. penalized D. charged 71. The train ticket is ______ for three months. A. valid B. usable C. serviceable D. valuable

72. He ______ the vase with such force that it was broken into pieces. A. dropped B. pulled C. pushed D. hurled

73. A week after the operation she was ______ from hospital. (2004) A. discharged B. relieved C. let out D. liberated

74. Because he wore a queer collection of clothes and talked to himself, his neighbors considered him ______.

A. ecstatic B. electronic C. eccentric D. eclectic 75. To sail round the world single-handed is quite ______.


A. a fate B. a fame C. a feat D. an athlete

76. We are sorry to hear that you application for the job has been ______.

A. turned down B. turned away C. turned back D. turned in 77. Fortunately, their attempt to rob the bank did not ______. A. come on B. come to C. come off D. come over 78. He ______ his new job with confidence. A. set out B. set about C. set off D. set down

79. David prefers country life to town life, so he has decided to ______ farming.

A. go out of B. go out for C. go in for D. go over to

80. The class were so slow that it seemed impossible to ______ them by mere language.

A. get through to B. get out of C. get over with D. get across to

Keys and analyses: 红色正确答案 紫色错误答案 66~70 B D B D C

70 C penalized usually presupposes a violation of an order, rule, or law intended to maintain discipline or ensure propriety; A. fined implies a monetary penalty fixed within certain limits by law 71~75 A D A C C 76~80 A C B C D



1. That new production of Othello is very ambitious and extremely interesting, but somehow it doesn’t quit ______ .

A. come off B. Come through C. come out D. come around 2. On the way to school yesterday the road was blocked by a fallen tree, so we had to make a _____. A. deviation B. digression C. detour D. departure

3. Shortly after the boat docked, the passengers ________ . A. dismounted B. disembarked C. dispersed D. discharged 4. How do you ______ these latest instruction? A. mean B. solve C. interpret D. deduce

5. Unfortunately I must have moved the camera, because the picture is rather ______.

A. vague B. confused C. scratched D. blurred

6. In the blazing heat of midday, the dog lay by the side of the road, its mouth open, ______.

A. yawing B. panting C. sighing D. sniffing 7. The child began to cry and tears _____ down her face. A. trickled B. oozed C. dribbled D. leaked (2006) dribble 专指口边流口水 Babies often dribble on their bibs. 8. Everyone present considered his conduct _____.

A.contemptuous B. contemptible C. contemporary D. contemplative


9. Being given a B.A. degree marked a ______ in his career. A. milestone B. yardstick C. millstone D. signpost

10. The recipe said to use butter, but as we’d run out of butter we had to _____ with margarine.

A. make do B. do it up C. made up to it D. make up

11. The rules stated that anyone who had held office for three years was not ______ for re-election.

A. inclusive B. permissible C. eligible D. admissible

12. A group of agitators _____ the mob to break down the exhibition door.

A. excited B. promoted C. shouted D. incited

13. Her parents tried to _____ some pressure on her to marry someone who could carry on the family business. (1997) carry responsibility

A. bring B. employ C. bear D. exert

14. Some people criticize family doctors for _____ too many medicines for trivial complaints.

A. ordering B. prescribing C. proposing D. advising

15. All our efforts to persuade her to come and stay with us were of no _____.

A. result B. avail C. effect D. purpose

16. Once you give in to a blackmailer’s demands, it’s very difficult to


get out of his _____.

A. grasp B. claws C. clutches D. grip (1998) obtain/ grasp/ catch/ make

17. The term toad and frog refer to two different animals belonging to different species, and only careful students are able to _____ the two.

A. discern B. dissociate C. distinguish D. dispute (2001 N.) distinction/ difference/ comparison/ division (2000 N.) distinction/ separation/ division/ difference

18. If we continue to consume our fossil fuel supply without restraint, some day it will be _____.

A. replenished B. exterminated C. extinguished D. exhausted

19. The public debates were often _____, finally deteriorating into personal attacks. (2000 uninformative)

A. informative B. bitter C. theoretical D. inspiring

20. The ascent of the mountain is _____, but anyone who makes it to the top is rewarded by a spectacular view.

A. helpful B. assiduous C. arduous D. unique

Keys and analyses: 字体不一样的是正确答案 斜体错误答案 1 A come off: succeed, have the intended effect to be publicly renown 2 C detour: a way around sth. / They made a detour to avoid meeting


this affected girl;

A. deviation 偏离 turn away from what is usually agreed, right or customary

3 B disembarked: people or to put people to go on shore from a ship; A. dismounted from one’s horse or bicycle; D. discharged: unload a ship or allow sb. to leave 4 C

5 D blurred: make sth. unclear, confused in appearance;

A. vague: implies a lack of clear definition or formulation because of inadequate conception or consideration/ antonym definite, specific, lucid 6 B panting

7 A trickled: flow in drops or in a stream/ a tear ~ down her cheek; C. dribbled: flow drop by drop or in a slow trickle (esp. from the side of the mouth) 8 B contemptible 9 A milestone 里程碑

10 A make do with/ without sth. 将就某物/没有某物,将就着 11 C eligible: qualified for 任期满三年者,无再次竞选资格 12 A/D incited: stir up, arouse;

A. excited sb. to sth./ to do sth. : stir up the feelings of 13 D exert /exercise pressure on sb. 14 B


15 B be of no avail, without avail, to no avail

16 C clutches implies a seizing and holding with or as if with the avidity (贪婪)or rapacity (贪心)of a bird of prey: stay out of the extortioner’s (勒索者) clutches;

D. grip regularly suggests a firm or tenacious (抓紧的) hold;

A. grasp differs from grip chiefly in suggesting a power to reach out and get possession or control of something 掌握,领会,学会

17 C. distinguish one thing from another 强调两个事物之间的区别

A discern 辩明,用肉眼区分某物implies the powers of deeply perceiving and of distinguishing or discriminating what the senses perceive ;

18 D exhausted stresses a complete emptying or using up; B. exterminated implies complete and immediate extinction by the act of killing off;

C. extinguished suggests ending something as abruptly and completely as putting out a flame

19 B “deteriorating into personal attacks” answers to “being bitter”

20 C arduous: effort-taking



61. He used so much jargon that I hadn’t a ____ what he was talking about.

A. query B. hint C. thought D. clue

62. Isn’t it time you _____ some serious work before the examination? A. got down to B. took up with C. got off with D. put down to

63. Please put your empty cigarette packets and paper bags in the _____ bins. (2003 scraps/ sheets/ pages/ slices) A. junk B. litter C. scrap D. deposit

64. The service was held to _____ the sacrifice of those who died in the war.

A. commemorate B. memorize C. remember D. remind

65. His _____ of the basic structures is good but his vocabulary is limited.

A. hold B. grip C. grasp D. seizure

66. The horses have returned to their ____ after the morning exercise. A. barns B. stables C. kennels D. sheds

67. I couldn’t sleep because the tap in the bathroom was ____. (2004 一模一样1题)

A. draining B. dropping C. spilling D. dripping

68. “It’s hot, isn’t it?” he said, _____ his brow with a handkerchief.


A. rinsing B. wiping C. sweeping D. scrubbing

69. He was so ____ in his work that he didn’t hear her come in. A. absorbed B. attentive C. consumed D. intent 70. I ____ with him to abandon the ship before it was too late. A. appealed B. claimed C. begged D. pleaded

71. I was about to say something, but ____ the temptation. A. challenged B. obstructed C. resisted D. struggled

72. We will accept your cheque, although it is not our normal ____.

A. practice B. intention C. state D. occasion (1997) intention

73. Following the elections, a completely new situation is likely to ____.

A. arouse B. arise C. raise D. rise

74. Production has been delayed because of a shortage of ____ materials. A. base B. prime C. raw D. rough

75. Susan found that her new job did not provide her with sufficient ____ for her ability.

A. capacity B. opening C. range D. scope Keys:

61—65 DABAC 66—70 BDBAD 71—75 CABCD



43. I cannot give you ___ for the type of car you sell because there is no demand for it in the market.

A. an expense B. a purchase C. a charge D. an order

46. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ___ any further responsibilities.

A. take on B. put up C. get on D. look up

49. Not ___, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture.

A. obviously B. surprisingly C. particularly D. normally

51. In the experiment we kept a watchful eye ___ the developments and recorded every detail. A. in B. for C. at D. on

52. There’s little chance that mankind would ___ a nuclear war. A. retain B. maintain C. endure D. survive

53. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people ___ harm them.

A. more than B. other than C. rather than D. better than

56. The French pianist who had been praised very highly ____ to be a great disappointment.

A. turned up B. turned in C. turned out D. turned down

57. Many difficulties have ____ as a result of the change over to a new


type of fuel.

A. risen B. arisen C. raised D. arrived

58. He made such a ___ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings after him. A. genuine B. minimum C. modest D. generous

60. In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly ____.

A. gaps B. intervals C. length D. distance

63. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are ____. A. out of work B. out of stock C. out of reach D. out of practice

64. Our company decided to ____ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.

A. destroy B. resist C. assume D. cancel 65. She is ____ a musician than her brother. A. much of B. much as C. more of D. more as

66. Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe ____ by the judge.

A. service B. sentence C. crime D. crisis

69. You can’t afford to let the situation get worse. You must take ____ to put it right.

A. decisions B. directions C. sides D. steps

43D 46A 49B 51D 52D 53C 56C 57B 58D 60B 63B 64D 65C 66B 69D



66. Please dispose _____ those old newspapers while you’re cleaning up the room. A. out B. of C. away D. in

67. One can ____ even from one’s unpleasant experiences. A. obtain B. improve C. benefit D. continue 68. This automobile plant has a monthly ____ of 500 cars. A. proficiency B. capability C. strength D. capacity

69. At present there is a ____ of iron and steel and more must be produced. A. limit B. loss C. poverty D. scarcity

70. He was ____ admittance to the concert hall for not being properly dressed.

A. rejected B. denied C. withheld D. deprived

71. Because of the strong sun the new sitting-room curtains have ___from dark blue to gray.

A. fainted B. paled C. bleached D. faded 72. My new sweater ___ when I washed it.

A. shrank B. shortened C. contracted D. condensed 73. He was so ____ on his work that he didn’t hear her come in. A. intent B. absorbed C. engrossed D. involved

74. George has a big coffee ___ on the front of his jacket. A. spot B. mark C. stain D. patch

75. The problem has ____ simply because you didn’t follow the


instructions in the handbook.

A. assembled B. arisen C. risen D. resulted

76. Try not to say anything hurtful to her. She is a very ___ person. A. sensible B. sensitive C. tough D. reasonable

77. The ____ driver thinks accidents only happen to other people. (2002)

A. average B. common C. usual D. normal

78. The boxer ___ his opponent as hard as he could. A. punched B. slapped C. knocked D. whipped 79. The Christmas presents were all _____ in shiny paper. A. done over B. done with C. done out D. done up

80. In the next few years major changes will be _____ in China’s industries.

A. brought forward B. brought about C. brought on D. brought up Keys:

66~70 B C D D B 71~75 D A A C B 76~80 B A A D B



66. The local council has decided to take the ____ of the hotel to court. A. landlord B. tenant C. client D. proprietor

67. Swarms of wasps are always invading my garden. They are a thorough_____.

A. nuisance B. disturbance C. trouble D. annoyance 68. The cold drink ___ him after his long hot journey. A. reduced B. refreshed C. released D. recovered (2006 2题) (2004)

69. For years she suffered from the ____ that her husband might come back to her.

A. vision B. idea C. imagination D. illusion

70. He went to Australia hoping to find a teaching ____ without too much difficulty.

A. work B. career C. post D. employment 71. The accusation left him quite ___ with rage. A. quiet B. silent C. mute D. speechless 72. As the drug took ____ the patient became quieter. A. force B. effect C. action D. influence

73. From time to time, there have been ___ demands that the basic wage be increased. (2001 consistent)

A. insistent B. persistent C. consistent D. resistant


74. Notebooks, textbooks and school magazines were accidentally ___ all over the floor.

A. spread B. separated C. splashed D. scattered

75. An ____ degree was conferred on the distinguished professor.

A. honest B. honored C. honorary D. honorific

76. Mr. Brown’s condition looks very serous and it is doubtful if he will pull _____.

A. up B. through C. out D. back

77. The purpose of the survey was to _____ the inspectors with local conditions.

A. inform B. notify C. instruct D. acquaint

78. Because of his poor health, it took him a long time to throw ___ his bad cold.

A. off B. away C. down D. over

79. Though badly damaged by fire, the palace was eventually ___ to its original splendor. (2006 2题) (2004)

A. recovered B. renewed C. restored D. replaced 80. They had a pleasant chat ____ a cup of coffee. A. for B. with C. during D. over Keys:

66~70 D A B D C 71~75 D B B D C 76~80 B D A C D



53. If he ____ in that way for much longer he will find himself in the bankruptcy court.

A. carries on B. carries off C. carries by D. carried away

54. Although the false banknotes fooled many people, they did not ____ to close examination.

A. look up B. pay up C. keep up D. stand up

55. He must give us more time, ____ we shall not be able to make a good job of it.

A. consequently B. otherwise C. therefore D. doubtlessly

56. When there was a short ____ in the conversation, I asked if anyone would like anything to drink. A. blank B. space C. pause D. wait

57. You can do it if you want to, but in my opinion it’s not worth the ____ it involves.

A. effort B. strength C. attempt D. force

58. The main road through Littlebury was blocked for three hours today after an accident ____ two lorries.

A. involving B. including C. combining D. containing

59. Very few scientists ____ with completely new answers to the world’s problems.


A. come to B. come round C. come on D. come up

60. Hotel rooms must be ____ by noon, but luggage may be left with the porter. ( 2003 vacant/ empty/ blank/ deserted) (2002) A. departed B. abandoned C. vacated D. displaced (1998) abandoned

61. Half the excuses she gives are not true, but she always seems to ____ them.

A. get on with B. get away with C. get up from D. get in on 62. The ____ physicist has been challenged by others in his field. A. respectable B. respectful C. respective D. respecting

63. With hundreds of works left behind, Picasso is regarded as a very ____ artist.

A. profound B. productive C. prosperous D. plentiful 64. The city suffered ____ damage as a result of the earthquake. (2006)

A. considered B. considerate C. considerable D. considering 65. Undergraduates students have no ____ to the rare books in the school library.

A. access B. entrance C. way D. path

53~55 A D B

56~60 C A A D C 61~65 B A B C A


