专题2 动词的时态

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专题2 动词的时态


十年前她是个学生。 She was a student ten years ago. (过去) 时间 我昨天玩篮球了。 I played basket yesterday. 他明天会来学校。 He will come to school tomorrow.


现在:be/ V(s) e.g. She is a student. She often goes shopping after work. 过去:be过/ V(ed) e.g. We were at school last evening. 常态(一般状态) He went to the park everyday when he was young. 将来:will +V原(be)/be going to do... E.g. 状态

进行状态: “(正)在” be+V-ing am/is/are +V-ing (现在进行) was/were +V-ing (过去进行) E.g. She (listen) to the music right now. I (sleep) when you called me.

have/has + V-ed (现在完成) 完成状态:“已经,完成” had + V-ed (过去完成) E.g We have finished all the work so far.

She has studied English for ten years. (到现在,目前为止) She has played piano since she was young. She had remembered 3000 words by the end of last week. (到过去为止) 总结:(在时间轴上分析讲解各个时态) 状态 时间 现在 一般 进行 am/is/are +doing 现在(正)在: right now, now 完成 完成进行 do/does/be(am, is, are) 现在(是):经常;总是 nowadays,always,every-, often, always, did/be (was/were) 过去(是):经常;总是 yesterday, last-,...ago will/shall (第一人称)+do/be; be going to do; have/has+done have/has been doing 到目前,现在为止完成,已经:so far, until 到目前,现在now, for/since... 为止“一直,持续不断” 过去 was/were +doing had +done 过去(正)在:then, 到过去为止完成,已right at that 经:by/until/before+moment,just now 过去时间 will/shall be +doing 将来 (正在): will/shall have+done 到将来为止完成,已经:by+将来时间 将来 1

be about to do; 将,要,会:tomorrow, in the future, next..., be about to do... 过去将来 should/would +V; was/were going to do; was about to do; 过去的将来: EX.

1.The three of us around Europe for about a month last summer. A.travelled B.have travelled C. had travelled D. travel A.had started B.has started C.started D.starts

2. In order to find the missing child, villagers all they can over the past five hours. A.did B.do C.had done D.have been doing 3. I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning I to Shanghai. A.will be flying B.will fly C.have been flying D.have flawn 4. --I hear that Jason is planning to buy a car.

-- I know. By next month, he enough for one.

A.will have saved B.will be saving C.has saved D. Saves

5. It is the most interesting lecture that I since I came to this school. A. attended B.had attended C.am attended D.have attended 6. We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody into the office during the night. A.broke B. had broken C. has broken D.was breaking

7. My parents in Hong Kong. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. A. live B.lived C.were living D.will live

8. I called you many times yesterday evening, but I couldn?t get through. Your brother on the phone all the time.

A.was talking B. has been talking C.has talked D. Talked. 9.She?ll go to the library when she her work.

A. finished B.will finish C. finishes D.have finish

10. He said that many students up for the dance competition. A. would sign B. signed C.have signed D. had signed 11. Come here immediately, or you the show. A. miss B.will miss C.have missed D. missed

12. Do as you are ordered and you a grogress. ( make)


一、一般现在时:表示现在的常态,一般状态(经常会和表示经常性的时间状语连用,everyday, usually, often, always, sometimes等) 注意:动词的单三形式变化


ask-asks; work-works; get-gets; stay-stays; hope-hopes (2)以字母s, x, ch, sh或o结尾的动词,在词尾直接加-es.

watch-watches; wish-wishes;wash-washes; fix-fixes; do-does; go-goes; pass-passes; (3)以“辅音字母加 - y”结尾的动词,要先变y为i再加-es.

try-tries; study-studies; cry-cries; fly-flies;carry-carries; marry-marries 重点:用现在时表将来的情形

1.主将从现:即主句表将来(可以是一般将来时态,祈使句、“情态动词+动词原形”也可表将来),从句(包括时间,条件,让步状语,定语从句)用现在时(不一定是一般现在时,还包括现在进行时和现在完成时)表示将来。 E.g. I’ll write to her when I have time. Turn off the lights before you leave. If we hurry, we may catch the bus. Tell me in case you get into trouble. The more you eat, the fatter you will become.

I’ll follow him wherever he goes. Whatever you say, I won’t pay. Whether we help him or not, he will fail. I’ll have a good time whether I win or lose. I’ll give you anything you ask for. You can have anything I find. Everyone who comes first will get a present.

2.用于某些短语后在make sure/certain(弄清楚),take care(注意,当心),注意,当心be careful(注意,当心),mind(注意),watch (注意), see(to it)(注意,当心)+that...(that从句通常也只用一般现在时)表示将来意义。 E.g. Take care that it does not occur again. We must take care that no one sees us. Be careful that you don’t hurt her feelings. Watch that the baby doesn’t go near the heater. Mind that you read the examination questions carefully before you begin to answer them. See (to it) that children don’t catch cold. I’ll see that nobody disturbs [will disturb] you.


3.it doesn’t matter, I don’t care, I don’t mind +名词性从句也通常用一般现在时表示将来意义。 E.g. It doesn’t matter where we go on holiday. Does it matter who goes first? I don’t care whether we win or lose. Don’t you care what happens to them?

二、一般过去时:(过去的常态)表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,或者过去的习惯动作。常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如then, just now, yesterday, last Sunday等。 注意:动词过去式的变化 1. 规则变化

1)直接加ed:work— worked; look—looked;

2)以不发音e结尾的单词,直接加d:live —lived; hope—hoped; use—used; move-moved; 3)以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i加ed:study—studied; carry—carried; worry——worried; try-tried; (对比enjoy;stay; play; buy)

4)以重读闭音节结尾的,双写最后的辅音字母+ed:stop— stopped; plan—planned; nod-nodded)

重读闭音节体现形式为辅-元-辅结构,例如nod,n为辅音,o为元音,d为辅音。 5) 以ic结尾的动词,要把ic变成ick再加ed,如picnic→picnicked,traffic→trafficked 2.不规则变化的动词过去式:

have---had are---were get---got say---said feel---felt do/does---did is---was go---wentdrink--drank eat--ate bring----brought think----thought buy----bought catch---- caught teach ---- taught sit----sat wear----wore cut----cut sweep----swept sleep——slept become----became 一般过去式的特殊用法:

1. would rather/would prefer +(that) sb. did(not) sth. 但愿。。。(虚拟与现在事实相反)/would rather (not)do ...(than do...).宁愿。。。

E.g. I would rather he didn?t tell her about it.

My wife would rather they didn?t talk about the matter anymore. I would rather go fishing (than stay at home.)

2. It is time(that)sb did sth. / It is time (for sb) to do sth. Eg. It?s time he went home. It?s time for him to go home.

3. Since 后面的从句要用一般过去时

E.g. It has been a long time since we met last time.

4. She told me that she would not go with us if it rained the next day. (一般过去时可以用在时间或条件状语从句中代替过去将来时,即把“主将从现”退一格) She will not go with us if it rains next day.

三、一般将来时:表示将要或将来发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, next month, in the future等。 一般将来时的其他表示方法:


1. be going to do sth ① 预报某事即将发生或有迹象表明即将发生的动作。 E.g. It’s going to rain tomorrow.

Listen to the loud crash of the thunder. It’s going to rain. ②表示说话人的意图或打算,或者计划安排好要做的事情。 E.g. A new power station is going to be built there. 2. will/shall +V原:主要表示主观意图 Ex. --Ann is in hospital.

--Oh, really? I didn?t know. I go and visit her. (will/ am going to:临时决定,没有提前安排和计划,所以只能用will)

3.be about to do...:表示即很快,马上将发生的动作,表示 “正要,即将” 一般不带表示将来的时间状语,但可以和when引导的时间状语连用 E.g. She is about to leave.


e.g.We are leaving for Beijing after the performance .

5. 用一般现在时表示将来:根据规定或时间表预计要发生的动作(多用于交通工具),在时间和条件状语从句中,都可用一般现在时表示将来时。如:

e.g.The new term starts (begins) on August 29th. The train starts at eight tonight.

If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we will go out for a picnic.

难点:现在进行时表将来 VS一般现在时表将来,两者的区别是:用现在进行时表示将来,其计划性较强,并往往暗示一种意图;而一般现在时表示将来,则其客观性较强,即通常被视为客观事实,多指按时刻表或规定要发生的情况。 比较:I'm not going out this evening. 今晚我不准备出去。 What time does the train leave? 火车什么时候开?

如果主语是train, concert, programme等表示事物的名词,动词通常一般现在时表将来,而不用进行时。如:

What time does the train leave? 火车什么时候开?

The program begins at 4. 这个节目四点开始。 6. be +不定式表将来:

E.g. If a man is to succeed, he must work hard.

过去将来时态 (would+V原)

E.g. He said he would go to Beijing the next week.

四、现在进行时:表示现在,此刻,现阶段正在进行的动作。( am/is/are +doing) 现在分词加ing的规则:


(2)去掉词尾不发音的e+ing: leave-leaving,dine-dining.come-coming, move-moving

注意:如果单词结尾的e发音,则不能去掉,也直接加ing. 例如:see -seeing/agree - agreeing . 有少数动词比较特殊,请用心记住:例如:lie - lying/die - dying/tie - tying/picnic - picnicking.


