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1.have the ability to do sth.有能力做某事

2.be able to do sth有能力做某事

3.above all尤其是,最重要的是

4.go abroad去国外

5.at home and abroad在国内外

6.in sb's/during sb's absence…不在时,缺席

7.be absent from缺席,不在

8.be absorbed in 专心致志于

9.be generally accepted 被普遍接受

10.have access to 可以进入…

11.by accident 偶然地

12.accomplish goals 实现目标

13.according to 根据

14.account for 解释;说明;占

15.take… into account 考虑…

16.on account of 因为

17.accuse sb. of sth. 指控

18.be accustomed to sth/doing sth习惯于…

19.go across 穿过

20.act as 充当

21.be active in/take an active part in 积极参加

22.acquire knowledge获得知识

23.take action 采取行动

24.be adapted to sth/adapt oneself to sth 适应

25.in addition to 除了

26.add up to 总计

27.add to 增加

28.add A to B 把A加到B

29.in advance 事先

30.admire sb. for钦佩…的…

31.admit sb into/to sp允许某人进入某地

32.admit doing 承认做过某事

33.advanced technology 先进的技术

34.take advantage of 趁机利用

35.advise doing. 建议做某事

36.advise sb. to do. 建议某人做某事

37.advise sb against doing 建议某人不要做某事

38.have affection for sb. 对某人有感情/喜爱某人

39.afford+n./afford to do sth买得起

40.after all毕竟

41.ask after向…问好

42.be of an age都是同年的

43.aged people上了年纪的人

44.home for the aged 老人院

45.agree to do sth答应做某事

46.agree with sb同意某人

47.agree to one's suggestion同意某人的建议

48.agree on 对…意见一致

49.ahead of 在…前面

50.ahead of time 提前

51.first aid急救

52.aim at/take aim at 瞄准

53.on the air广播着,播送着

54.in alarm 惊慌地

55.alarm clock 闹钟

56.all day long整天

57.all one's life…的一生

58.all the way一路上,一直

59.all the same仍然,(虽然…)还是

60.all in all全部地;整个地;一切的;最重要的是

61.in all/ altogether 总共

62.allow sb to do允许某人做某事

63.allow doing 允许做某事..

64.alternative methods 供选择的方法

65.be amazed at惊讶

66.have an ambition for 有…的志向

67.a large amount of大量的(修饰不可数名词)

68.amuse sb with sth拿…来消遣

69.and so on 等等

70.be angry with sb 对某人生气/发火.

71.be angry at sth. 对某事生气

72.be anxious about 对…担心/忧虑

73.be anxious for sth. 渴望得到某物

74.answer for 负责

75.anything but根本不,决不,一点也不

76.apologize to sb for (doing) sth因…向某人道歉

77.make an apology 道歉

78.It appears that.. 似乎

79.sb./ sth appears to do 似乎做…

80.apply to do 申请做…

81.apply for sth 申请…

82.apply A to B 把A应用于B中去

83.be appointed as/to be. 被任命为…

84.an approach to (doing) sth. 一种做…的方法

85.stimulate /spoil appetite 刺激/破坏胃口

86.make/keep an appointment 约会/ 守约

87.appreciate (doing) sth 欣赏(做)某事

88.appreciate your kindness in doing…感激某人的好意做某事

89.arouse curiosity引起好奇心

90.artificial flowers 人造花

91.argue with sb. 与某人辩论

92.argue for 赞成

93.arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事

94.make arrangements to do sth. 安排作某事

95.under arrest/ attack 逮捕/ 受攻击

96.on one's arrival当某人到达时

97.be ashamed of 对…感到羞耻的

98.associate A with B联系/联想(抽象)

99.ask about 询问

100.ask for sth.要求得到某物

101.ask for leave请假

102.ask sth of sb要求,期望

103.fall asleep 睡着

104.be fast/sound asleep 睡得很熟

105.be wide awake 脑子非常清醒睡不着

106.in this aspect/respect 在这个方面

107.assure sb. of sth. 向某人保证…


109.attach importance to 重视

110.pay attention to (doing) sth.注意

111.make an attempt to do sth/ attempt to do sth.企图做…尝试做…

112.have a different attitude towards/to…对…有不同的态度

113.be attracted by 被…吸引

114.a large/small audience 很多/少听众

115.arise from/ out of …由…发生;产生于;升起;出现

116.approve of (doing)sth 赞成(做)某事

117.avoid doing 避免做

118.sth. be available to 某人可以得到某物

119.on (the) average 平均

120.award sb. for doing sth. 因…而授于某人

121.be aware of意识到

122.keep balance 保持平衡

123.keep the balance of nature 保持自然平衡

124.ban smoking禁止吸烟

125.be based on 基于,以…为基础

126.begin with 由…开始/结束

127.hold a belief 持有信念

128.believe in 信任、信仰

129.belong to 属于(主动)

130.bear sth in mind牢记

131.bear a baby生孩子

132.behave yourself 守规矩

133.fall behind落后

134.leave sth. behind 遗留某物; 把某物落在某地

135.sth. benefit sb./sth be beneficial to sb 某物使某人受益

136.sb. benefit from某人从…中得益

137.beyond my power超过我的能力

138.beyond my comprehension/ me 我无法理解

139.be bitterly punished 受到严厉的惩罚

140.bitter memory 痛苦的回忆

141.blame sb for sth. 因…责备某人

142.blame sth on sb 把某事归咎在某人身上

143.sb be to blame for sth.某人因…而应受到责备

144.be blind to 盲目, 对…视而不见

145.turn a blind eye to 对…视而不见

146.be blind in the left/right eye 左/右眼瞎了

147.be blocked=be held up 被堵了

148.a block of ice 一大块冰

149.blood type/group血型

150.make a blood test验血

151.aim a blow at sb对某人猛烈一 击

152.blow off 吹走 I had m hat blown off

153.black and blue all over浑身青一块紫一块

154.notice board 通知栏

155.on board 在船上/飞机上...

156.join the board/the army/the party参加董事会/参军/入党

157.boast of /about sth 吹嘘/夸耀

158.body and soul 身心

159.build up one's body/character健全体魄/培养性格

160.book a ticket for 预定一张...的票

161.place an order for sth with ...向...预定....

162.booking office售票处

163.on the border of China and Russia在中俄边界

164.be bored with/be fed up with/ be tired of 对于…感到厌倦

165.be bored to death厌烦得要死

166.be born of poor parents出生于贫苦家庭

167.be born in a poor family出生于贫苦家庭

168.be born with sth天生具有...

169.a born musician 一天生音乐家

170.borrow sth from sb/sp从..借...

171.bother oneself about sth担心某事

172.bother sb with sth 用...纠缠/烦扰某人

173.at the bottom of sea在海底

174.thank sb from the botoom of one's heart从心底里感激某人

175.bottom up 干杯

176.bow one's head 点头

e one's brains动动脑筋

178.have good brains很有头脑

179.a brain worker脑力工作者

180.a branch bank/school/office分行/分校分部

181.brand name品牌

182.brand-new 崭新的

183.bread and butter is my breakfast

184.break down (汽车)的坏掉

185.break into 破门而入

186.break in闯入,插嘴

187.break up 破裂

188.break away from 从…脱离,与…断绝关系, 从…逃脱

189.break out 暴发(用于主动)

190.have a break/ rest休息一下

191.take a deep breath 深呼吸

192.be out of breath 上气不接下气

193.hold one's breath屏住呼吸

194.breathe fresh air呼吸新鲜空气

195.a rare breed of butterfly 一种稀有种类的蝴蝶

196.a brief introduction 简短的介绍

197.in brief/in detail简短的/详细的

198.a fire brigade 消防队

199.have a bright future有光明的前途

200.bring about=lead to =cause=result in引起,导致

201.bring ...to an end结束

202.bring ... to life使...苏醒

203.broad question 广泛的问题

204.a broad-minded person一个心胸宽阔的人

205.broadcast sth live现场广播...

206.browse through/over 浏览

207.build up one's strength after an illness病后恢复体力

208.bump into sb.=come across=run into=meet with 撞上某人/偶然遇到

209.a bunch of flowers/keys/grapes一束花/一串钥匙/葡萄

210.be burdened with 负担着

211.put a heavy burden on sb 给某人施加重压

212.be burnt to death被烧死

213.burst into tears/ laughter 突然大笑/大哭=burst out crying/laughing

214.be buried in books/study/thought埋头读书/学习/沉思

215.beat around/about the bush旁敲侧击

216.be on business/holiday在出差/度假

217.open/close a business开业/歇业

218.be busy with 忙于做某事

219.be busy in doing忙于做某事

220.have no choice but to do sth=can do nothing but do sth别无选择只能做...

221.cannot but do sth不得不,不禁

222.anything but根本不

st but not the least最后但不是最不重要的

224.but for=without要是没有(勇于虚拟语气)

225.buy sth for 5 yuan 5块钱买了...

226.buy sth for sb =buy sb sth为某人买...

227.be paid by the hour按小时计酬

228.by weight/length/the dozen/dozens/the meter以重量/长度/打/米计算

229.do sth by mistake由于出差错做了...

230.by and by=soon不久以后

231.pocket calculator袖珍计算器

232.call on sb.=drop in on sb 拜访某人

233.call at some place=drop in at sp 拜访某地

234.call on sb to do sth号召某人做某事

235.call up one's memory of 使回忆起

236.call in 叫…进来

237.call for=need 需要/ 要求

238.go camping/skiing./skating/shopping 去野营/去滑雪/去滑冰/去购物

239.on the campus 在校园里

240.be capable of doing sth/a capable man能够做某事/一个有能力的人

241.care for关心,喜欢/care about 在意

242.take care of 照看

243.be careful of rats 当心老鼠

244.be careful with spelling 当心拼写

245.be careful in doing sth 在做…时要当心

246.carry out a plan/duty 执行计划/履行义务

247.carry on ( with ) sth. 继续做…

248.in case/for fear that/lest +从句 万一

249.in case of +sth. 万一

250.just in case 万一

251.in no case 绝不, 在任何情形下都不

252.in any case 无论如何

253.in this/that case 在这种/那种情况下

254.pay in cash/by credit card 用现金/信用卡支付

255.cast a net撒网

256.cast/throw a shadow over投下一片阴影

257.be caught on the spot 当场被抓到

258.be caught in the rain 淋雨

259.catch sb. Doing sth 逮到某人做某事

260.catch a cold感冒

261.catch fire 着火

262.catch up with追上,赶上

263.catch sb by the arm抓住某人的手臂

264.catch one's eye引起某人的注意

265.cause sb. to do 使某人做某事

266.the cause of sth....的起因

267.cause and effect因果

268.the cause of education/revolution教育/革命事业

269.cease doing 停止做某事

270.on the ceiling在天花板上

271.at a (closing/opening)ceremony/on a ceremony occasion 在(开/闭)仪式上

272.be certain/sure to do 肯定做某事

273.be certain/sure of/about (doing )sth 对…有把握

274.It is certain that… 肯定会

275.for certain 必定

276.a chain of reaction 连锁反应

277.accept the challenge接受挑战

278.win a championship赢得冠军称号

279.do sth by chance碰巧

280.There is little chance/possibility of doing sth做...的希望/可能性很小

281.Chances are that=It is likel that cl.很有可能会...

282.change for the better变得更好

283.change buses /trains for换车/火车到...去

284.charge sb with sth指控...犯..罪

285.charge sb money for sth为...向某人要价/收费多少

286.free of charge免费

287.be in charge of负责,掌管某人

288.be in the charge of sb由某人负责

289.chat with和..聊天

290.check in住店登记/check out 结帐离开

291.cheer up使高兴起来/使振作起来

292.editor-in-chief=chief editor主编、chief engineer/judge 主工程师/审判长

293.at Christmas在圣诞节

294.on Christmas Eve在平安夜

295.go to church去教堂

296.in /under no circumstances决不,无论如何也不

297.civil rights.公民权, 民权

298.a civil war内战

299.civil law/civil duties 民法/公民的义务

300.claim to be 宣称是

301.claim the book认领书

302.be fond of classical music 古典音乐

303.clear up 解答,放晴,整理

304.make sth clear to sb向某人说清某事

305.advance/set back the clock one hour将闹钟拨快/慢一小时

306.be close/next to靠近

307.take a close look at sth仔细看....

308.find a clue to…找到..的.线索

309.food ,clothing,transportation and shelter/building衣食住行

310.on the coast在沿岸/off the coast 远离海岸

311.A building collapsed房子倒塌了

312.He collapsed 他由于生病而病倒了.

313.What a coincidence! 多么巧啊

314.a large collection of sth 一大批

bine A with B和..结合

316.with combined/joint efforts经过共同的努力

e to共计/come to (oneself)恢复知觉,苏醒

e on快点

319.be comfortable with 和某人相处自在

320.live in comfort生活舒适

321.have a good command of sth掌握,精通...

mand one's respect博得尊敬

ment on sth/ make comments on对某事作评论

mit a crime/suicide 犯罪,自杀

325.be committed/devoted to致力于

326.have sth. in common有…共同点

327.have a lot/much /nothing in common 有很多/没有共同点

municate with和..交流

municate/convey sth to sb把...传达给某人

330.means of communication交流手段

331.keep sb company陪伴某人

332.a traveling/a lifelong companion旅游/终身伴侣

pare ... with与...相比

pare ...to把...比作

335.by/in comparison with 和…比较

pete with sb for sth为...和…竞争

plain to sb. about/of sth. 向…抱怨…

pliment sb. on sth.恭维某人某事

339.pay sb a complement on sth恭维某人某事

340.be composed of=consist of=be made up of由...组成的

341.conceal sth from sb向...隐瞒某事

342.concentrate/focus (one's attention) on 把注意力集中在…

343.concentration camp集中营

344.show concern for…关心

345.be concerned with 使…有关系,使干涉

346.be concerned about 担忧

347.as far as… be concerned. 就…而言

348.Anyone concerned should arrive 任何有关的人都要来

349.form/reach/draw/come to a conclusion得出结论

350.under the condition of在…条件下

351.improve the living/working conditions改善生活/工作条件

352.on condition that=as long as=so long as 只要

353.confess to doing 承认做某事

354.have confidence in =be confident of对..有信心

355.confirm your telephone message 证实你的电话内容

356.be confused about对…感到混淆/confuse A with B把..和..混淆起来

357.congratulate sb. on (doing) sth.向某人祝贺某事

358.congratulations on sth.对..的祝贺

359.be connected with和…连接着/有关的

360.have a clear/good(bad/guilty)conscience问心无愧/有愧

361.be conscious of意识到

362.be considered to do被认为是/be considered (to be)+n/adj.被…认为是…

363.consider doing sth.考虑做某事

364.take sth into consideration把...考虑在内

365.It is considerate of sb to do sth对某人来说做某事考虑周到

366.conduct a research/a survey/ an experiment进行研究/调查/实验

367.conquer/get over fear 克服恐惧

368.construction site 建筑工地

369.consult a doctor/the dictionary向医生/字典查询求教

370.make contact with sb. /contact sb 和某人联系

371.contemporary society/writers 当代社会/作家

372.be content with 对…感到满足

373.in this context 在这个上下文中

374.out of context 出于上下文

375.the Continent 大陆

376.sign a contract with sb. 与某人签订合同

377.on the contrary 相反

378.contrary to my opinion 和我的意见相反

379.by contrast 对比之下

380.contribute to sth./doing sth.

381.make contributions to sth./doing sth.对…有贡献/有助于

382.have control over 控制…

383.lose control of sth. 对....失去控制

384.bring/put /get sth. under control 把…控制住

385.sth. be under control …在控制之下(状态)

386.at one's convenience 在某人方便的时候

387.If (it is) convenient 如果方便的话

388.have a conversation with sb. 与某人谈话

389.convey one's feelings 表达某人的情感

390.convince sb. of sth.

391.convince sb. that +clause 说服某人相信某事

392.cooperate with 和…合作

393.cope with 应对,对付

394.sth. be around the corner 某事临近了

395.correct one's mistakes 纠正某人的错误

396.cost sb. sth. 使某人失去某物

397.at any cost/at all costs 以任何代价

398.at high/low costs 以高/低成本

399.at the cost of one's lives 以某人的生命为代价

400.count on sb doing sth. 依靠某人做某事;盼望;期待

401.in the country/countryside 在乡下

402.a young couple 一对年轻夫妇

403.a couple of days 几天

404.have the courage to do sth. 有勇气做某事

405.keep/screw up one's courage to do sth. 鼓起勇气做某事

406.in/during the course of 在…的过程中

407.take the course of 选修....课程

408.the main course 正餐

409.in court 在法庭上

410.on the court 在(网、篮)球场上

411.be covered with/by 覆盖着/被…覆盖着

412.read from cover to cover 从头看到底,一页不漏地读完

413.art and craft 工艺美术

414.be crazy about 对…痴迷/疯狂

415.Create jobs 提供就业机会

416.credit card 信用卡

417.pay...by credit 用信用卡付费

418.buy/sell sth. on credit 赊购/赊售东西

mit a crime 犯罪

420.economic crisis 经济危机

421.criticize sb. for doing sth. 因为某事批评某人

422.at a crossroads 在十字路口

423.cross talk 相声

424.the Red Cross 红十字会

425.be crowded with 挤满;拥塞

426.crowd into=flock into 拥入

427.be cruel to 对…残忍

428.cure sb. Of a disease 治疗某人疾病

429.be curious about sth. 对...感到好奇

430.be curious to do sth. 很想做某事

431.current issues/magazines/account/events 当前的问题/最新的期刊/实事

432.draw the curtain 拉上窗帘

433.raise/drop the curtain开/闭幕

434.a curve in the road 道路的拐弯处

435.the Customs/Customs Office 海关

436.cut down 减少,砍到,裁减经费

437.cut in 插嘴

438.cut the price by half 减半价

439.cut one's name on a tree 在树上刻名字

440.the cycle of the seasons 四季的周而复始

441.the People's Daily 人民日报

442.daily life 日常生活

443.do/cause great damage to 造成很大损害

444.damage one's name 毁坏某人的名声

445.be in danger 处于危险中

446.be out of danger 脱离危险

447.in the darkness 在黑暗中

448.be in the dark about 完全不知道,蒙在鼓里

449.dash for/make for 向…猛冲/向…走去

450.have a date with ... 和某人有个约会

451.out of date 不合时宜;过时的

452.at dawn/at dusk 在黎明/黄昏的时候

453.the other day 前些天

454.all day long 整天

455.in the days to come 将来

456.be deaf to advice 不听劝告

457.turn a deaf ear to 对...置若罔闻

458.deal with 处理;对待;与.......打交道

459.how to deal with= what to do with 如何处理

460.fight to the death 战斗到底

461.debate on/upon 辩论,争论

462.a heated debate/discussion 激烈的辩论/讨论

463.pay off the debts 还清债务

464.be in debt/get into debt 偿还债务

465.in/over the past/last decade 在过去的十年中(时态用现在完成时)

466.the decay of teeth, wood, vegetable 牙齿/木头/蔬菜的腐烂

467.take in/deceive oneself 欺骗自己

e to/arrive at/reach/make a decision 作出决定

469.declare war on 向...宣战

470.declare peace 宣布和平

471.decline to answer 拒绝回答

472.decline in price 物价下跌

473.decorate sth. with sth. 用...来装饰...

474.be on the decrease 数目减少

475.do a good deed 做一件好事

476.defend one's country 保卫祖国

477.defend oneself 自卫

478.defend against 防御

479.a definite purpose /idea 一个明确的目的/想法

480.by definition 按照定义

481.define...as... 将...定义为...

482.take a degree 取得学位

483.to a high degree 非常;极度

484.delay doing sth.=postpone doing sth. 推迟做某事

485.without delay 毫不耽搁

486.delegate to the conference 参加会议的代表

487.a delicate work of art 一件精致的艺术品

488.be delighted with/at 由于…而高兴

489.take delight in 以 为乐

490.to one's delight 令人高兴的是

491.deliver milk/letters/newspapers/messages 送牛奶/信/报纸/传话

492.deliver/give/make a speech 做讲座

493.be in great demand 非常需要

494.demand sth. of sb. 要求某人某事

495.meet one's demands 满足某人的要求

496.a demanding job 要求高的工作

497.deny doing否认做某事

498.There is no denying (the fact) that...不可否认的是

499.depend on sb. to do sth. 依靠某人做某事

500.be independent of 不依赖于

501.be dependent on 依靠

502.deposit money 存钱

503.current deposit 活期存款

504.in depression 沮丧地

505.the Great Depression 美国的大萧条事情

506.in depth=deep 深 in width=wide 宽

507.in length=long 长 in height=high 高

508.describe…as 把…描述成/说成

509.desert a friend/a family/a ship 离弃朋友/家庭/一艘船

510.a deserted street 一条无人的街

511.deserve punishing/to be punished 应受处分

512.have a desire for 对…有一种欲望

513.have a strong desire to do sth. 急切地想做某事

514.desire to do 很想做某事

515.be in despair 处于绝望中

516.cry in despair 绝望地哭

517.despite /in spite of /regardless of+n./the fact that 不管/不顾

518.in detail 详细地

519.the details of …的细节

520.determine to do=decide to do=make decisions to do 决定做某事

521.be determined to do =make up one's mind to do sth. 下定决心做某事

522.develop a film 冲洗底片

523.with the development of...随着....的发展

524.be devoted to=devote oneself to 奉献于

525.a devoted scientist 一个忠诚的科学家

526.keep a diary 记日记

527.die of cold/ hunger/grief 冻死/饿死/悲伤而死

528.die from (accidents) 死于外部原因 (事故)

529.die away 逐渐停止,逐渐消失

530.die down 逐渐减弱,逐渐模糊

531.die off 相继死去

532.die out 灭绝;逐渐消失

533.be/to on a diet 节食

534.differ from sth. in sth. 在…和…不同

535.tell the difference between A and B =tell A and B apart 区分A和B

536.be different from 和…不同

537.without difficulty 毫不困难地

538.have difficulty/trouble in doing sth. 做某事有困难

539.overcome the difficulties in ... 克服某一方面的困难

540.dig out 挖出

541.digest a book 理解一本书

542.with dignity 有尊严

543.be diligent in/at 在某方面勤奋

544.dim room/light/ shape of an animal 昏暗的房间/光线/模糊的动物的影子

545.dine out with sb. 和…外出一起吃饭

546.dip into a book 浏览书籍

547.direct sb. to do sth. 指点某人做某事

548.direct sb. to a place 指点某人去某地

549.in the direction of 朝…方向

550.in this/that direction 朝这个/那个方向

551.in all directions 朝四面八方

552.the disabled 残疾人

553.be disagreeable to sth 对...不合意

554.be disappointed to do sth. 失望做某事

555.be disappointed about sth. 对...感到失望

556.to one's disappointment 令人失望的是

557.disapprove of 不赞成

558.shake one's head in disapproval 摇头表示不赞成

559.a sense of discipline 纪律意识

560.have good discipline 纪律好

561.keep/maintain discipline 守纪律

562.at a discount 打折扣

563.discourage sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人不要做某事

564.have a discussion on 对...进行讨论

565.discuss sth. with sb. 与某人商讨某事

566.under discussion 还在讨论中

567.You are dismissed. 你被解雇了

568.be in disorder 乱七八糟

569.on display 展览着

570.dissolve in water溶解在水里

571.at a distance 以一段距离来看

572.in the distance 在远处

573.a distinct improvement 明显的进步

574.be distinguished for 由于…而出名

575.be distinguished as 作为…而出名

576.be distressed about/over 为...而苦恼

577.disturb the peace 扰乱治安

578.dive into water 跳入水中

579.dive into books 埋头读书

580.divide ...in two/in half/into halves 把东西分成两半

581.divide sth. from sth. 把....同...分隔开

582.divorce one's wife 与妻子离婚

583.be/feel dizzy 头晕目眩

584.do away with 除去,废除

585.do one's best to do... 尽力去做某事

586.do shopping 购物

587.live a dog's life过着牛马不如的生活

588.from door to door 挨家挨户

589.close the door behind one 随手关门

590.dormitory building 宿舍大楼

591.domestic science lessons 家政学

592.domestic animals/birds 家养的动物/鸟

593.domestic news /market 国内新闻/市场

594.(There is) no doubt that…毫无疑问

595.I don't doubt that 我不怀疑…

596.Do you doubt that…?(doubt用在否定和疑问句中用that)

597.I doubt whether 我怀疑…(doubt用在肯定句中用whether)

598.be down with 由于…而病倒了

599.fall down to the ground 落到地上

600.download a passage 下载一篇文章

601.go downstairs 下楼

602.downtown traffic 市区交通

603.two dozen eggs 两打鸡蛋

604.dozens of 许多

605.be a great drain on... 对…极大消耗

606.dream of doing sth. 梦想做某事

607.be dressed in=dress oneself in 穿着

608.dress up 化妆,穿着盛装

609.drill pupils in grammar 训练学生学习语法

610.drive sb. mad 使某人发疯

611.drive sb. to do sth. 逼得某人做

612.drive off 驱逐

613.drop in on sb. 顺便拜访某人

614.drop in at some place 顺便拜访某地

615.dry out 完全变干

616.due to/owing to 由于

617.be on duty 值班

618.be eager/anxious to do 渴望做某事

619.be eager/anxious for渴望得到某事物

620.ear in ear out 一只耳朵进一只耳朵出

621.as early as the 9th century 早在公元九世纪

622.earn one's living by doing... 通过做某事谋生

623.earn fame/a prize/many friends 谋生/获得奖金/赢得名望/赢得许多朋友

624.on earth 究竟

625.on the earth 在地球上

626.feel at ease 感到心安理得

627.with ease 轻易地

628.take it easy 别紧张,放轻松

629.economic reforms 经济改革

630.economy class 经济舱

631.on the edge of death 在死亡的边缘

632.a cheap/popular edition 廉价本/普及本

e into effect 生效,实行

634.have an effect on 对...有影响

635.take effective measures to do... 采取有效措施做某事

636.be efficient in one's work 工作效率高

637.spare no effort to do sth. 不遗余力做某事

638.make efforts to do.../make an effort to do... 努力做某事

y eggs 生蛋

640.go by either road 两条路随便哪条都可以走

641.elect… as/to be 选…为

642.electric light/current 电灯/电流

643.an electrical engineer 电机工程师

644.simple or basic element 基本元素

645.elementary school 小学

646.eliminate poverty 消除贫穷

647.where else 其他什么地方

648.or else 否则,要不

649.feel embarrassed 感到尴尬

650.emergency meeting/repairs/exit紧急会议/急修/应急出口

651.put/lay emphasis on 着重于

652.enable sb to do 使某人能做。。

653.encourage sb to do鼓励某人做。。

654.with the encouragement of sb在。。的鼓励下

655.be engaged to sb 和某人订婚

656.be engaged in 参与/忙于

657.enjoy doing 喜欢做。。

658.enjoy good health/ good pay/ good fame享用健康/薪水高/名声好

659.more than enough =enough

660.ensure sb sth向某人保证

661.ensure that -保证

662.entertain sb with sth 用。。来招待某人

663.entitle sb to sth 赋予某人。。

664.entitle sb to do sth 给/赋予某人做某事的权利

665.A equals B A 和 B相等/同

666.A is equal to B A 和 B相等/同

667.be equipped with 装配着

668.escape doing 逃脱做。。

669.escape from some place从。。地方逃走

670.have a narrow escape九死一生

671.sth escape one's notice/ attention/sb。。逃脱某人的注意

672.an escaped prisoner 一个逃犯

673.it is estimated that 椐估计

674.according to the estimate根据估计

675.on New Year's Eve在除夕夜

676.every few lines/days每几天

677.every other lines/days每隔一天

678.every five/ four years每4/5年

679.to be exact精确(的说)

680.take an exam参加考试

681.medical examination体检

682.set an example to sb 给。。树立榜样

683.take sth for example以。。为例

684.take sth as an example 以。。为例

685.exchange A for B 用A 换B

686.in exchange for作为交换

687.culture exchange文化交流

688.exchange rate兑换率

689.go on an excursion去远足

690.excuse sb ( for)doing 原谅某人做。。

691.excuse sb from sth/doing sth免除某人做。。

692.make/find an excuse找借口

693.take/do physical exercise做体育锻炼

e into existence产生,存在

695.heart failure心脏衰竭

696.power failure断电

697.have/lose faith in sb对某人有/失去信心

698.be familiar with sth某人熟悉。。

699.be familiar to sb。。为某人熟悉

700.fancy doing 喜欢做。。

701.have a fancy for 喜欢

702.farewell party告别晚会

703.be in fashion/ be out of fashion 时尚/过时

704.follow the fashion追随时尚

705.be fast /sound asleep酣睡

706.be in favor of支持

707.do sb a favor 帮某人忙

708.do sb the favor to do sth 帮某人忙做。。

709.for fear of sth惟恐。。

710.for fear that-惟恐

711.be in fear 害怕(表状态)

712.feed on 以。。为主食

713.feed sb on sth 喂某人。。

714.hurt one's feelings伤害某人的感情

715.only a few只有少数

716.quite a few相当多

717.be filled with充满

718.develop a film冲印胶卷

719.financial crisis金融危机

720.find fault with sb找茬

721.catch fire 着火(表动作)

722.make a fire 生火

723.be on fire 着火(表状态)

724.put out the fire灭火

725.keep fit保持健康

726.fit in with适应

727.lie flat躺平

728.focus sth on 把。。集中于

729.folk music明间音乐

730.follow one's advice听从某人的建议

731.as follows如下

732.force sb to do sth/ into doing 强迫某人做。。

733.force on sth 把,。。强加于某人身上

734.forbid doing 禁止做。。

735.forbid sb to do禁止某人做。。

736.look forward to期望

737.put forward 提出

738.to be frank with you坦白对你说

739.freeze to death冻死

740.freezing cold极寒冷

741.be free of charge免费

742.be free of/from (noise)没有。。

743.fresh water/ air淡水,新鲜的空气

744.add up to总计

745.add to 添加

746.add A to B把 。。加入到。。

747.for fun玩玩而已

748.relief funds救济金

749.furnish A with B 用B来布置A

750.have a further discussion about sth进一步讨论

751.further one's study进修

752.discuss sth further 进一步讨论

753.in the future在将来

754.in the near future在不久的将来

755.in future从今以后

756.generation gap代沟

757.get together聚会

758.gaze at(因崇拜,佩服等)凝视

759.in general 总体上

760.generally speaking 总的来说

761.make a gesture 做手势

762.get across穿过

763.get sth across to sb 把。。传递给。。(使。。懂)

764.get along ( well) with sb与某人相处(好)

765.get over克服;恢复

766.be gifted with有。。的天赋

767.have a gift for有。。的天赋

768.glance at瞥一眼

769.be glued to 粘上。。

770.go down 下沉

771.go over复习

772.go round(疾病)传播;参观访问;到处走访

773.go wrong出错

774.achieve/ accomplish/reach the goal 达到目标

775.be good for对。。有好处

776.do good to对。。有好处

777.after graduation ( from) 从…毕业后

778.take it for granted that +从句 认为…是理所当然

779.take sth for granted 同上

780.be grateful to sb for sth 因为某事而向某人感激

781.show gratitude to sb for sth感激,感谢

782.be greedy for 对…贪婪

783.a green hand 新手

784.guarantee sth to sb 向某人担保某事

785.guarantee to do sth 保证做某事

786.be guaranteed to do sth 必定做某事;准做某事

787.be guilty of 犯有…罪

788.form/ develop/ cultivate a habit of 养成…的习惯

789.get out of a habit of摆脱…的习惯

790.give up halfway 半途而废

791.hang out 闲逛

792.hang up 挂断电话

793.hang on抓紧,坚持,不挂断

794.hang back 犹豫,畏缩

795.hardships and difficulties 艰难险阻

796.go through hardships 经历磨难

797.bear hardships 吃苦

798.do harm to 对…有害

799.be harmful to 对…有害

800.harmonious society 和谐社会

801.be in harmony with 与 ... 调和/融洽,符合于

802.have sb do 让某人做某事

803.have sb doing 让某人不停做某事

804.have sth done 使某事被做

805.head for 朝…方向去

806.head office 总社;总机构

807.health care 卫生保健

808.health check 健康检查

809.help out 帮助解决难题,救出

810.help to do 帮助,促进

811.help sb with sth 帮某人某事

812.help oneself 自取所需(食物等)

813.be helpful to sth/ do 对…有帮助

814.hesitate to do 犹豫做某事

815.without hesitation 毫不犹豫

816.speak highly of 称赞

817.think highly of 认为 ... 好;对…评价高

818.historic site 古迹

819.historical background 历史背景

820.historical data 史料

821.hold on 别挂断;抓牢;坚持

822.hold out 提供

823.hold up 举起;阻挡;使停顿

824.hold back阻碍,退缩,隐藏

825.home page 主页,起始页

826.be at home and abroad 在国内外

827.honestly speaking 老实说

828.honour guard 仪仗队

829.in honour of/in one's honour 向…表示敬意

830.be hooked on 迷上了…; 对…上瘾

831.widen one's horizon 开阔眼界,长见识

832.Pleasant hours fly fast. 欢快的时刻过得特别快

833.a household name 家喻户晓的事或人

834.sense of humour 幽默感

835.hunt for 搜寻;寻找

836.hurry up 赶快

837.hurry off 匆匆离开

838.in a hurry 匆忙

839.hurt one's feeling 伤害某人的情感

840.have a clear idea of 对…有明确的了解

841.ideal world 理想世界

842.ideal condition 理想条件

843.be ignorant of 对…无知

844.imagine doing 想像做某事

845.an immigrant from来自 ... 的移民

846.an immigrant to迁居 ... 的移民

847.immigrate to 移民到…

848.be impatient with 对…不耐烦

849.impose on把 ... 强加于

850.impress sb with sth 用…给某人深刻印象

851.impress sth on sb 使某人铭记

852.be impressed by/with对 ... 印象深刻,被 ... 所感动

853.leave a good impression on sb 给某人留一个好印象

854.improvement programs 改良方案

855.income tax 所得税

856.be on the increase 在不断增加

857.be independent of独立于,不受 ... 的支配

858.industrial park工业园区

859.be infected with 被…感染

860.be inferior to 次于/ 劣于

861.inherit from 从…继承

862.inherit property 继承财产

863.be badly injured 受伤严重

864.be innocent of 没有或缺少某事物

865.inquire about查问,询问

866.inquire into调查,查问,探究

867.inquire after sb 问候某人

868.insist on sth/ doing 坚持(做)某事

869.for instance 例如

870.instead of 而不是6

871.by instinct 凭本能

872.be intended to do 意图,是用来

873.be intended for sth 打算供 ... 用,想用于

874.have/ take an interest in 对…有兴趣

875.be interested in 对…感兴趣

876.Internet Café 网吧

877.surf the Internet 上网

878.at intervals 时常,不时; 偶尔地

879.invest in 投资于,买进

880.isolate … from 使脱离,使孤立,使隔离

881.be jammed in陷入窘境

882.be jealous of嫉妒

883.make a journey旅行

884.high jump 跳高

885.long jump 跳远

886.be junior to 比…年级小

887.junk food 垃圾食品

888.just a minute 等一下

889.be keen on渴望,喜爱,爱好

890.be keen to do热衷于做

891.keep doing sth 连续不断做某事

892.keep … from 防止,阻止

893.keep to 遵守,坚持

894.keep up with 跟上

895.kick off 开始

896.knock down击倒,撞倒

897.knock at 敲(门、窗等)


899.sb. lack sth. 某人缺少某物

900.sb. be lacking in sth. 某人缺少某物

901.for lack of sth. 因为缺少某物

902.at large 未被捕获的;不受约束的

ter on 后来,以后

ugh at sb. 嘲笑某人

905.burst into laughter 纵情大笑

w and order法治

907.lead sb. to do sth. 促使某人做某事

908.lead sb. to sp. 带领某人去某处

909.lead to…导致;通往…

910.lead the way 带路

911.take the/a lead 带头;起带头作用

912.be in the lead 在前面带头

913.under the leadership of…在…的领导下

914.lean on/against sth. 靠在某物上

915.leave Shanghai for Beijing离开上海去北京

916.leave for sp.前往某处

917.ask for leave请假

918.on one's left在某人的左面

919.at leisure 从容地;不慌不忙地

920.at one's leisure在空闲时;在方便时

921.lend sb. a hand帮某人一把;助某人一臂之力

922.learn a lesson from…从…中吸取教训

923.let out 放出

924.let out a cry of surprise 发出惊讶声

925.let in 让进来

926.light up 照亮;(脸或眼睛)顿时露出喜色

927.sb. be likely to do sth./It is likely that…某人有可能做某事

928.limited 有限的

929.in line 成一直线;协调

930.be linked to…和...接上,连接

931.be linked with…和…有关联的

932.make a list of….列出…

933.live up to 遵守,符合,不辜负

934.be televised/broadcast live 现场电视转播/广播

935.be located in/by/near…坐落在..

936.sth. be under lock and key 某物被严密保存

937.look after照顾

938.look around环视

939.look back回顾

940.look down on/upon轻视

941.look forward to 盼望

942.look into调查

943.look out 注意,留神

944.look over 察看

945.look through浏览;看穿

946.be lost in.沉湎于,专注于…

947.lose heart灰心

948.be at a loss茫然不知所措

949.be loyal to 忠诚于…

950.one's loyalty to…某人对…的忠诚

951.try one's luck 碰运气

952.major in…主修…

953.the majority of…的大多数

954.make for走向

955.make off匆匆离开

956.make out辨认出

957.make up编制,杜撰

958.make up for 弥补

959.manage to do 设法做到

960.A marry B A娶B

961.A be married to B A和B结婚

962.sb. mean to do sth. 某人意欲做某事

963.doing A means doing B做A 意味着做B

964.by means of doing sth. 通过做某事

965.try every means to do sth.想方设法去做某事

