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I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (2%×10=20%) 1. According to Saussure, _______ refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to abide by.
A. language
B. langue
C. parole
D. competence
2. V owels can be classified in terms of each of the following ways EXCEPT _______.
A. position of the tongue
B. openness of the mouth
C. manner of articulation
D. shape of the lips
3. In terms of manner of articulation, the English consonants [s]and [z]are classified as ______.
A. liquids
B. affricates
C. stops
D. fricatives
4. There are _______ morphemes in the word “frightening.”
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
5. Semantically, the sentence “I regret stepping on your book” ______ the sentence “I stepped on your book.”
A. presupposes
B. entails
C. contradicts
D. is synonymous with
6. According to John Austin’s speech act the ory, a(n) ______ act is the act performed by saying something.
A. prelocutionary
B. locutionary
C. illocutionary
D. perlocutionary
7. All the following words EXCEPT ______ are the examples which can be used to illustrate semantic narrowing.
A. aunt
B. wife
C. hound
D. fowl
8. In many cultures, words relating to sex, sex organs, and natural bodily functions make up a larger part of ______ vocabulary.
A. gender
B. euphemism
C. slang
D. taboo
9. Speaker A: I’m out of petrol.
Speaker B: There’s a garage round the corner.
Speaker B is violating the maxim of _______.
A. quantity
B. quality
C. relation
D. manner
10. A typical example of a _______ community is an ethnic ghetto where most, if not all, of its inhabitants are either immigrants or children of immigrants.
A. diglossic
B. bilingual
C. pidginized
D. creolized
II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%)
11. Cultural t refers to the fact that the details of the linguistic system must be learned anew by each speaker, and they are not simply biologically passed on from generation to generation.
12. The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments are called s features, which are the phonological properties of such units as the syllable, the word, and the sentence.
13. D affixes are added to an existing form to create a word. This is a very common way to create new words in English.
14. A c sentence contains two or more clauses, one of which is incorporated into the other.
15. If we say “The baby is crying,” we must be talking about a certain baby crying in a certai n situation; the word “baby” means a baby known to both the speaker and the hearer, which is the r of the word “baby” in this particular situation.
16. The relationship between the words in such pairs as “buy” and “by,” “stationary” and“stationery” c an be labeled as h_____.
17. In an a process, successive sounds are made identical, or more similar, to one another in terms of place or manner of articulation, or of haplology.
18. In sociolinguistic studies, a pidginized dialect may expand and eventually become the native language of a certain population, which is known as c .
19. A linguistic t ______ refers to a word or expression that is prohibited by the “polite” society from general use.
20. Speech v_________ refers to any distinguishable form of speech used by a speaker or group of speakers.
III. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false on the Answer Sheet. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why you think so and then give the correct version. (2%×10=20%)
21. Speech and writing are the two major media of communication. In linguistic evolution, however, speech is prior to writing, therefore, the spoken language rather than the written should be given priority in modern linguistics.
22. There are two ways now available to transcribe speech sounds: broad transcription and narrow transcription, of which the really required and used by
popular textbook and dictionary writers is the latter.
23. Prefixes are added to the beginning of stems; they modify the meaning of the stem, but do not change the part of speech of the original word.
24. Compounds have different stress patterns from non-compounded word sequences. In general, the stress of a compound always falls on the second word, while the first word receives secondary stress.
25. Sentence is usually conceived as the largest unit of grammar. Normally, a sentence contains at least a subject and a finite verb or a verb phrase as its predicate.
26. The pair of words, “husband” and “wife,” are complementary antonyms.
27. One linguistic symbol can have different references while bearing the same sense. There are also occasions, though less frequent, when linguistic forms with the same reference might differ in sense.
28. Contextualism is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from or reduce meaning to observable contexts.
29. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning the context of use is considered.
30. The most distinguishable linguistic feature of a regional dialect is its grammar and uses of vocabulary.
Ⅳ. Directions: Explain the following terms and give examples for illustration where appropriate. (3%×10=30%)
31. arbitrariness 32. parole
33. consonants 34. bound morpheme 35. back-formation 36. syntax
37. sense 38. pragmatics
39. hyponymy 40. sociolect
V. Directions: Answer the following questions. (10%×2=20%)
41. Draw a tree diagram of constituent structure for each of the following two sentences.
(1) A boy found the book.
(2) The guide suggested the tourists take a rest.
42. State briefly Cooperative Principle and its four maxims and then use it to explain the following conversation:
(1) A: How do you like my painting? B: I don’t have an eye for beauty, I’m afraid.
(2) He is made of iron.
Ⅰ. Directions:Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement.
1-5 BCDBA 6-10 BADCB
II. Directions:Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%)
11. transmission 12.suprasegmental 13. derivational 14. complex 15. reference 16. homonymy 17. assimilation18. Creole 19. taboo 20. variety
Ⅲ. Directions:Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write a “T” for true or “F” for false on the Answer Sheet. (2 % ×10=20% )
21-25 TFTFT 26-30 FTTTF
Ⅳ. Directions:Explain the following terms and give examples for illustration where appropriate. (3%×10=30%)
31.arbitrariness: there is no intrinsic connection between the word and the thing it denotes, e.g. “pen” by any other name is the thing we use to write with.
32. parole: Parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use; parole is the concrete use of the conventions and the application of the rules; parole varies from person to person, and from situation to situation.
33. consonants: consonants are sounds produced by constricting or obstructing the vocal tract at some place to pert, impede or completely shut off the flow of air in the oral cavity.
34. bound morpheme: it refers to those morphemes which cannot occur alone. They must appear with at least another morpheme.
35. back-formation: It refers to an abnormal type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from a longer form already in the language.
36. syntax: It refer to the study of the rules governing the way words are combined to form sentences in a language, or simply the study of the formation of sentences.
37. sense: sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of linguistic form; it is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form; it is abstract and de-contexualized.
38. pragmatics: The study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication.
39. hyponymy: Hyponymy is a matter of class membership. The upper term in this sense relation, i.e. the class name, is called superordinate, and the lower term, the members, hyponyms.
40. sociolect: it is a kind of social variation of language which can reflect a person’s socioeconomic, educational, occupational and ethnic background, as well as their sex and age.
Ⅴ. Directions:Answer the following questions. (10% × 2=20%)
41. Omitted.
42. Speech act theory tells us that a speaker can mean a lot more than what is said. The problem is to explain how the speaker can manager to convey more than w hat is said and how the hearer can understand the speaker’s meaning. H.P. Grice believes that there must be some mechanisms governing the production and comprehension of these utterances. He suggests that there is a set of
assumptions guiding the conduct of conversation. This is what he calls Cooperative principle:
Make your conversational contribution as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the exchange in which you are engaged.
There are four maxims of CP:
1.The maxim of Quality
2.The maxim of Quantity
3.The maxim of Relation
4.The maxim of Manner
Simply speaking, we assume that people are normally going to provide an appropriate amount of information, and that they are telling the truth, being relevant, and trying to be as clear as they can.
(1)The conversation violates the maxim of relation and the conversational
implicature is “I don’t like your painting at all”.
(2)This utterance violates the maxim of quality. At a superficial level, it is
uninformative because a man cannot be made of iron. At a deeper level, it has implication. The implication of this sentence is “He has the characteristics of iron. He is strong, just like iron.”
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