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2016- 2017学年度第一学期期中质量检
H I Will think of it.,,It is easy to Say this, but do you know What great things have COme from thinking?
ISaaC NeWtOn WaS Seating in his garden On a SUmmer evening When he SaW an apple fall from
a tree? He began to think, and tried to find OUt Why the apple fell. Then he discovered how the earth, sun, moon,
and StarS are kept in their PIaCeS?
A boy named JameS WaIt Sat quietly by the fire, WatChing the Iid Ofthe kettle move UP and
down. He Wanteel to find OUt Why the Steam (蒸汽)in the kettle moved the IicL FrOm that time he Went On thinking and thinking. And When he became a man, he improved the Stearn engine SO much that it COUId easily do the WOrk Of many horses?
JameS FergUSOn WaS a POOr boy. Once, Seeing the inside Of a watch, he wondered, n Why ShOUId
I not make a watch?π BUt how COUId he get the materials to make the mainspring (发条)? He
SOOn found he COUId make it With WhaIebOne? He then made a WOOden CIOCk WhiCh kept good time.
HiS motto WaS “ I Will think Of it ? he made n AndhiS thought useful to himself and the world.
BOyS and girls, When you have a difficult IeSSOn to learn, don ' tlose heart and don ' task SOmeOne for help before helping yourselves? Think ,and by thinking you WilI Iearn how to think to SOme purpose.
1.From the PaSSage ,we know SOme great things COme from __________ .
B. reading
C. thinking
2.The idea OfISaaC NeWtOn , S discovery WaS IrOm ____________ ?
A? the falling Ofan apple B. the falling Ofa tree C. the CIeaning Of a garden
3.The right Order Of the following SentenCeS is ___________ .
a.JameS FergUSOn made a WOOden CIOCk ?
b.JameS FergUSOn SaW the inside Of a WatCh.
英语试题第1页(共4 页)
c.JamCS FergUSOn made the mainspring With WhaIebone.
A. a-b-c
B. b-a-c
C. c-a-b
4.The achieVement OfJameS Watt WaS that he ______________ ?
A.found the Steam in the kettle
B.improved the Steam engine much
C? WatChed the Iid move UP and down
5.What is the main idea Ofthe passage?
A.Think ,and by thinking you Will Iearn how to think to SOme PUrPOSe?
B. A difficult IeSSOn to learn.
C.It is easy to Say " I WilI think of it. ”
In many countries, tattoos are in i?shion (时?尚).On TV you Can Often See a famous actor Or musician With a tattoo On his arm Or foot. Many SPOrtS PIayerS have them, too. In the US, tattoos are Very POPUIar ? Forty PerCent OfAmeriCanS aged between 26 and 40 have a tattoo, and 60 PerCent Of CUStOmerS in US tattoo ParIOrS are women. TheSe PeOPIe are Often PrOfeSSiOnaI PeOPIe Iike doctor, teachers and IaWyers.
HOWe ver, tattoos are not moder n. In fact, they are Very Old in human his tor y. FOr example, archaeologists (考古学家)found a human in ice from 5,000 years ago. He had 57 tattoos On his back, ankles, legs, knees and feet. TattOOS Were USed for many di∩erent reasons? In ancient Egypt, PeOPIe got tattoos because they Were “ beautiful V . BUt in ancient Rome, tattoos Were negative (消极的)and PUt On CriminaIS and prisoners. In India, tattoos Were reIigiOUS (宗教的)?In the 16th and 17th century, EUrOPean SaiIOrS arrived On the islands OfPolynesia. They SaW tattoos for the first time. The PeOPIe On the islands had tattoos On their shoulders, chests, backs and IegS? Oiten the tattoos Were Of animals Or natural features Iike a river Or a mountain. The EUrOPean SailOrS Iiked them and made their OWn tattoos, SO the idea traVeIed to EUrOPe? TattOOS in POIyneSia are StilI important today? They ShOW information about a PerSOn , S history, their isIand
Or their job.
SO is there a COnneCtiOn (联系)between traditional tattoos and fashionable tattoos ? And Can you CaIl tattoos a fashion ? ChriS Rainier is an expert in tattoos and his book AnCient MarkS
has PhOtOS OftattOOS IrOm all OVer the WOrId?He thinks PeOPIe in modern SOCietieS Often have
tattoos because they are a COnneCtiOn to the traditional WOrld?BUt tattoos aren ' at ∩ιshion Iike CIOtheS Or a haircut because you Can , t PUt them On and take them Olf again Iike a jacket Or a hat. They are Permanent and for lif?.
6.What are tattoos?
7.When Were tattoos brought to EUrOPe
A. 5,000 years ago.
B. 60 years ago.
C. In the 16th and 17th century.
8. What does the Underlined WOrd “ ParIOrS n mean
B. Stores.
9. What , S the Writer , S OPiniOn about tattoos
A. TattOOS are religious in modem SOCietieS?
B. TattOOS COnneCt tradition With fashion.
C. TattOOS are a fashion among tamous people.
10. What WOUId be the best title Ibr the PaSSage
C. TattOOS in FaShiOn and for Life.
A. TattOOS l HiStory?
B. TattOOS in Polynesia.
An important Part OfIearning SOmething is making SUre you PIan your time and USe it We 11. If you Want to remember things well, you need to reVieW information you , Ve Iearned? Try to follow the advice:
英语试题第2页(共4 页)
( )11 ?When Iearning something, you ' d better make a PIan first.
( )12.Make SUre to reVieW as much as POSSibIe every time.
( )13.You ,∏ feel more awake after a 45-minute break WhiIe StUdying.
( )14.If you WOrry too much, you Can , t IIearn. Wel
( )15.You ShOUId Stay UP Iate the night before exams.
A.PUtin , WhO has been married for 30 years , Said On RUSSian State television , “ Iam SingIe again , and We are no IOnger IiVing together. BUt We are always going to be Very CIOSe to each Other?
Γm sure. ”
B.RUnnerS in the MarathOn Of the NOrth took the WrOng route in SUnderIand because they
Were given the WrOng directions? It meant OnIy One Of the COmPetitOrS COmPIeted the full marathon.
Jake HarriSOn WOn the event.
C.AS the IightS Came On and music Started , XU Tianqi , 22, appeared On the CatWaIk? He is
majoring in t?shion PerformanCe now. LaSt month , he flew to AmeriCa for the COinPetitiOm He Came second. XU knows how much he has WOrked for his dream?
D.The director OfThe DaiIy Meal Said that they just Wanted to ChOOSe a restaurant Where
food WaS COOked PerfeCtly. ATaiwanese restaurant WOn the first PIaCe in ASia at last. The restaurant named Din TaiftIng IieS in TaiPei and it,s famous for ChineSe traditional food — dumplings ?
E. A simple act OfCharity Started in a co∩ee ShOP in Ita Iy .It is SPreading around the WOrld
and has become a trendy topic? Ifs CalIed “ SUSPCndCd 待用咖COffeC 啡).At certain” ( CafeS , you Can Pay for your OWn COfiee as WelI as a SeCOnd One , WhiCh Can then be Offered to SOmeOne in need Ofit?请根据下面的新闻标题,从上面所给的报道中找出与其相匹配的选项。
16.Student RealiZed HiS DreaITl _____________
17.Taiwan ReStaUrant BeCame ASia r S BeSt ______________
18.Marathon RUnnerS TOOk WrOng ROUte ___________
19.Suspended COffee ____________
20.Putin IS SingIe Agairl _____________
Adarn BraUn Set UP the OrganiZation(组织)PenCiIS OfPrOmiSe in2008? Its goal (目的)is to make SUre all Children have a ChanCe for education. SiX years Iater , the non-profit OrganiZatiOn is building a new SChOOl SOmeWhere every 90 hours? It has helped more than 22.000 Children in AfriCa, ASia and Latin AmeriCa.
It all StarteCl When Adam BraUn WaS a COlIege student. He WaS ViSiting India When a boy StOPPed him and asked for money On the Street, Mr. BraUn asked the boy What he WOUld
want, if he COUId have anything in the WOrId ?
U I thought the answer WaS going to be ' a house ' Or " a Car , Or ' a boat PenCil ' SO I gave him my PenCil and he WaS just happy and excited ? I realized he never had been to
英语试题第3页(共4 页)
SChOOl before ,and that WaS the re a Iity (现实)for 57 million ChiIdren around the world.
BraUn Said ?
Adam BraUn Started WOrking in finance(金融)after he graduated from college, BUt he never forgot the boy and the PrObIem he realized.
“ We IiVe in a WOrld in WhiCh every Child Can have a ChanCe to get a good education , because We have everything necessary already? We are able to educate every ChiId ? SO I PrOmiSed to help Create that WOrId . ” BraUn Said?
Mr. BraUn raised money for his project. He Paid for building the first PenCilS OfPrOmiSe SChOOL in Laos, five years ago. SinCe then ,his OrganiZatiOn has helped Pay for more than 200 SChOOIS in the COUntrySide OfLaOs, Nicaragua, GUatemaIa and Ghana.
21 ? When did Adarn BraUn Set UP the OrganiZatiOn PenCilS OfPrOmise?
22.HOW Often is the OrganiZatiOn building a new SChOOl SOmeWhere SiX years Iater?
23.What WOUld the boy in India Want if he COUId have anything in the world?
24.What did the boy, S answer make Adam realize ?
25? Why did Adarn BraUn Set UP the OrganiZatiOn PenCiiS OfPrOmiSe ?
26? SOmetimeS __________________ / miz, en?/Can be turned into friends?
27.The fridge is OUt Of ___________________ / Sta 71∕.Why not buy a new one?
28.He remembers being ∕ρreizd / by the teacher.
29.Entering UniVerSity is no t the OnIy ______________________ / p?:P ?s‘ /forteenagers?
30.The WebSite is SO ______________________ / bΓ / v?lju?thatit is WOrth ViSiting again.
3 1 .In the modem ____________________ / S ? , si?ti a /, PeOPle have Plenty Of PreSSUre?
32.1 ________________________ ∕ρri , f?: (r)d / to IiSten to IOUd music When I WaS a child.
33.lt Often SnOWS in____________________ ∕,n ?:e?n / Part Of China in winter.
.HiS answer WaS ' a
LOtS Of US have dreams OfdOing big business When We grow up. However, MOZiah Bridges, a
young boy in the US, is now the CEO OfhiS OWn company. He 34 ___________________(SelI) $200,000 bow
ties (领结)SinCe 2011.
One day about four years ago, Wherl BridgeS 35 _________________ (ShOP) for bow ties, he found they
Were Only in “ UgIy M black and red? He Wanted a change. SO he asked his grandma
36 ______________ (teach) him how to make a tie, and finally deveIOPed the taIent OfCreating bow ties. HOWever, his first bow tie 37 ___________________ (not IOOk) nice. The boy never gave UP and kept On
38 _______________ (PraCtiCe)? He USed COlOrlUl CIOth With different pictures. And his ParentS and
friends Started to Iike his WOrkS? HC tried to SeII them Online to SeVeral StOreS in the south. MO
bow ties SOOn 39 _____________ (become) popular.
NOW the young boy , S business has increased quickly. AS BridgeS , mother said, have to Wait UntiI you 40 _____________________ (be) Older? If you have a dream, go for it. Then it
41 _______________________ (achieve) One day ” .
34. __________________ 35. __________________ 36. __________________ 37. _____________________
38. __________________ 39. __________________ 40. _______________ 41. ________________________
英语试题第4页(共4 页)
One day, all feelings Were On VaCatiOn On an is land, and each WaS having
a good time.
Suddenly, there,s a Warning Ofa StrOng storm, SO all 48 ________________ to their boats. Yet, LOVe didn,t
WiSh to run away quickly. BUt as the CIOUdS darkened, LOVe realized it WaS time 49________________ . BUt
there Were no boats to USe. LOVe IOOked around With hope?
JUSt then RiChneSS WaS PaSSing by? Love asked, n Richness, Can you take me With you?11 RiChneSS answered, πNo, I can,t? There,s a IOt Of gold in my boat. There,s no PIaCe here 50 _______________ you. ”
SOrrOw(悲伤)PaSSed by after a while. Again, LOVe asked for help? BUt it was51 ______________ . πNo,
I can,t take you With me. I am SO Sad. I Want to be by 52 __________________ .π
When HaPPineSS PaSSed by a few minutes 53 _____________ , LOVe again asked for help. BUt HaPPineSS WaS SO happy that it COUIdn,t Care about anyone else?
YOU don ' t
LOVe WaS growing hopeless. JUSt then SOmebOdy54 ___________________ ,n Come, Love, I Will take you With me.” LOVe didn't know WhO WaS SO kind, but jumped OntO the boat 55 _______________ ?
Aiter getting Off the boat, LOVe met KnOWledge? LOVe asked, H KnOWIedge, do you know WhO WaS SO kind to give me a Iift 56 ___________ n o One else WiShed to help?”
KnOWIedge smiled, n That WaS Time.π
n Time?u asked Love. n But Why did Time help me?n KnOWIedge Smiled and answered, U BeCaUSe OnIy Time is able to UnderStand 57 ___________ VaIUabIe LOVe is.π
48.__________ 49. _______________ 50. __________________ 51. __________________ 52. _________________
53. _______________ 54. _______________ 55. __________________ 56. ________________ 57. _________________
58.假如你叫LiU LU ,你的一位外国笔友LiSa即将作为交换生来到中国,请以书信的形式向
要求:1.字迹工整2.语言流畅,语法规范 3.字数为IOO左右
Dear Lisa,
BeSt wishes,
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