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Part I Vocabulary and grammar(40 points)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes each sentence ,and then write the choice in the brackets.

1. You' ve just missed your ________, and you will have to wait for the next round.

A. chance B. turn C. time D. part 2. The headmaster asked me to him at his office. A. drop in B. call in C. drop in on D. call on in 3. Sarah hopes to become a friend of shares her interests. A. anyone B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter who 4. The book, the cover has come off, is hers. A. whose B. of which C. in which D. on which 5. Unfortunately, when I dropped in, Doctor Li ________ for Beijing to join in the fight against SARS, so we only had time for a few words.

A. just left B. has just left C. is just leaving D. was just leaving 6. Good technique means less pain and fewer deaths, and it is our duty to master it. A. altogether B. therefore C. otherwise D. however 7. The ground is all wet. It last night.

A. must being rained B. must been raining C. must have rained D. must having rained 8. This is a foreign product. it operates is unfamiliar and confusing. A. The way B. The way how C. The way of D. By the way 9. It is not until you have lost your health ________ you know its value.

A. that B. when C. what D. Which 10. It is impossible for so _____ workers to do so _____ work in just one day.

A. few, much B. few, many C. little, much D. little, many 11. One of his novels is said into English in two months’ time.

A. to have been translated B. having been translated C. being translated D. to translate 12. Amelia Earhart, the first woman a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean, was born in 1898. A. makes B. made C. making D. to make 13. When we reached the office, the clock on the wall was eight. A. beating B. hitting C. striking D. ringing 14. it is done on purpose is beyond doubt. A. What B. Who C. That D. Whoever

15. The police are offering a to anyone who can give information about the lost boy. A. price B. prize C. reward D. money

16. Only through free open debate in newspapers, on television and on radio to better

understand what we wish to represent. A. we will be able B. we can C. will we be able D. can we 17. He bought a telescope he could see the other side of the river. A. so as B. because C. so that D. such that


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18. As soon as the experiment was over, he to write his paper. A. set up B. set on C. set in D. set out 19. He wanted to know how much the suit _____.

A. had costed B. is costed C. costs D. cost 20. She was very sad. You her feelings. A. ought not to hurt B. ought not to have hurt C. ought to have not hurt D. not ought to hurt

21. We consider we should communicate with others by all means. A. that it necessary B. necessary that C. necessary of it that D. it necessary that 22. He sent me an e-mail, _______ to get further information.

A. hoping B. hoped C. to hope D. hope

23. The news has that a heavy storm will arrive before daybreak. A. got out B. got round C. got off D. got up 24. He scarcely cares for anything but money, ? A. doesn’t he B. isn’t he C. does he D. is he 25. The passengers on the bus were robbed ____ all their money.

A. of B. off C. from D. Away 26. She was sure that knowledge practice. A. begin with B. come from C. led into D. lies in 27. Have you got time for a glance _____ the report?

A. round B. on C. at D. Off 28. Can you remember the date he wrote down in his notebook. A. that B. when C. on which D. on that 29. , or you will fail to pass the coming examination. A. Work hard B. Work hardly C. To work hard D. working hard 30. He will call you the moment he his work. A. will finish B. is finishing C. has been finishing D. finishes 31. The price of this kind of fan is reasonable. A. electricity B. electric C. electrical D. electrify 32. She stopped and the price of the diamond necklace. A. inquired B. asked for C. wanted D. questioned

33. Some people hope to be more successful while simply want to feel more comfortable. A. to others B. others C. the other D. another 34.Whether you go or not is entirely _____ you.

A. as to B. about to C. due to D. up to 35. Is this book you borrowed from the library last week? A.that B.× C.the one D.which 36. The professor last week will give us a report this Saturday afternoon. A. returning B. returned C. who returned D. having returned 37. About of the workers in that steel works are young people. A. third fifths B. three fives C. three fifths D. three fifth

38. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ________ in 2001 as the year before.


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A. as twice many machines B. twice many as machines C. twice as many machines D. as many machines twice 39. Coal burning ______ a lot of smoke and pollutes our air.

A. gives off B. gives up C. gives away D. gives in 40. —Why are you looking pleased?

—Oh, I've just had a job _______

A. offered B. offering C. to offer D. being offered Part II Cloze(1x20)

Directions: There are 20 blankets in the following passages. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.

I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and some homeless people frequent the stoplights. I often gave money to the homeless, feeling 41 for their bad luck. But later I became a single

mom with no home, a huge debt. As a result, I 42 giving and became very 43 .

Things started to 44 for me. Again I had a home, and plenty of food, and I started to 45 myself out of debt. One day we saw a homeless person with the 46 , “Will work for food.” I 47 . My daughter commented, “Mommy, you 48 to give to those people in 49 .’’ I replied, “Honey, they just use that money for alcohol or other 50 things.” She didn’t respond. But when I said that, it didn’t feel right.

Three days later, I was driving to 51 up my daughter from school. A man was standing on the corner, and something deep 52 me said, “Just help him.” 53 I rolled down my window, and he ran over with enthusiasm, saying “God bless you, I only need 77 cents.” I 54 into my ashtray and strangely enough, there sat three quarters and two pennies.

I scooped(抓起)it up and gave it to him. He 55 with joy and tears in his 56 , “Wow, you just made it 57 for me to see my mom for Christmas! Thank you; the bus that had this great sale is 58 in 20 minutes!” It was a moment I’ll never forget. I think that man won’t forget it either, 59 I was the one who got the best 60 in life -- GIVING. 41. A. pleased B. sorry C. nervous D. notable 42. A. stopped B. refused C. considered D. continued 43. A. bitter B. disappointed C. satisfied D. happy 44. A. reform B. decline C. end D. change 45. A. pull B. drive C. persuade D. concern 46. A. gesture B. symbol C. sign D. sentence 47. A. passed by B. gave in C. stood up D. held on 48. A. expected B. attempted C. promised D. used 49. A. shock B. happiness C. comfort D. need 50. A. dim B. bad C. exciting D. anxious 51. A. pick B. look C. ring D. beat 52. A. beside B. inside C. behind D. above 53. A. So B. Otherwise C. However D. Moreover 54. A. climbed B. jumped C. saw D. reached 55. A. turned around B. broke down C. burst out D. spoke up 56. A. eyes B. face C. nose D. mouth 57. A. necessary B. possible C. important D. nice


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58. A. taking B. operating C. leaving D. driving 59. A. but B. or C. and D. nor 60. A. award B. message C. gift D. lesson Part III Reading Comprehension (2x20)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet .

Passage 1

Having finished her homework, Ma Li wants some music for relaxation①. As usual, she starts her computer and goes to Baidu.com to download music files. But this time she is surprised when an announcement about protecting songs’ copyright bursts onto the screen. The age of free music and movie downloads may have come to an end as Web companies like Baidu are accused of pirating copyright. Lawsuits have been filed against four websites offering free downloads. In September 2005, a Beijing court ordered Baidu to pay recording company Shanghai Push compensation for their losses. Baidu was also told to block the links to the pirated music on the website. This caused a heated discussion on Interact file sharing.

“Baidu’s defeat in the lawsuit shows it is not right to get copyrighted songs without paying. Downloaders may face lawsuits or fines,” said an official.

Like many teens, Huang Ruoru, an 18-year-old girl from Puning in Guangdong Province, doesn’t think that getting music from websites is wrong. She always shares her favourite songs downloaded from Baidu with her friends. When told about the lawsuit, she began to feel a little guilty about obtaining others’ work without paying.

However, other teenagers have different ideas. Wang Yafei, a Senior 2 girl from Jinan, Shandong Province pointed out that file sharing is a good way to promote pop singers. “If I download a song and really like it, I will buy the CD,” she said. “So what the recording companies really should concentrate on is improving their music, rather than pursuing file-sharers.” 61. Which of the following best describes the passage?

A. Music on the Internet is of better quality. B. Downloading material can be illegal. C. It’s good to get free music on the Internet. D. Baidu is a popular web company. 62. The four web companies were put to court because _________.

A. they got copyrighted songs without paying B. they downloaded copyrighted music for people C. they make copyrighted files for free downloads D. they offer free music on line 63. How do some of the teenagers feel while downloading free music after the lawsuit? A. A bit guilty. B. A little sad. C. Extremely angry. D. Awfully sorry. 64. What’s the advantage of tile sharing for recording companies?

A. Getting more money from web companies. B. Enabling people to download favorite songs. C. Helping to improve the music. D. Making pop singers more popular. 65. It can be inferred from the text that _________. A. Web companies are still ignoring the copyright laws. B. Teenagers haven’t got money to buy CDs.

C. Teenagers are probably still downloading free music. D. Teenagers prefer CDs with copyright to pirated music.

Passage 2

Internet dating has become one of the biggest and most successful business ventures on the


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Internet.Basically, Internet dating is a way to meet people for either friendship or dating without actually having to meet them in person first.

The first thing to do it you decide to try Internet dating is to build your profile (简介) which can include your hobbies, hopes for the future, and so on.A photograph is optional, but many sites claim that a photograph increases the number of people who look at your profile.Many Internet dating sites will charge a one-lime registration fee to use their services.

Internet dating makes it possible to meet people from all over the world.You can even narrow the search down to your area by zip code.Another advantage is that you can communicate by e-mail before you meet in person.Thousands of people have met, fallen in love, and married through Internet dating.It is an excellent way for shy people to meet.It is also a way for people with busy lives to connect with others, and an easy way to meet people who share your interests.

Just as in traditional dating and love, there are some pitfalls to be aware of in Internet dating.The person you have been talking to on the Net may not be who they say they are, Be very aware that there are some people who misrepresent their appearance or private details, such as marital status, income, and so on, for their own reasons.It would not be the first time that someone has been taken in, and talk shows are full of cheating partners who have been caught dating over the Internet in their spare time.Nevertheless, taking a few simple precautions should help ensure that your Internet dating experience is fun. 66.The purpose of writing the passage is to _____. A.persuade readers to go dating on the Internet B.inform us how to date on the Internet C.warn readers against web love D.introduce Internet dating to us 67.Which of the following is a must to make an Internet dating possible? A.A photo. B.A profile. C.Money. D.Business experience. 68.One advantage of Internet dating is that _____. A.you can avoid a face-to-face meeting in the beginning B.you're sure to find a partner with the same interests C.you'll find absolutely dependable information of others D.you'll gain fame and money overnight

69.What is probably talked about following the last paragraph? A.Traditional dating. B.Hidden advantages C.Safety measures. D.Romantic love. 70.The underlined word \ 4 most probably means ______ A.rules B.trends C.problems D.skills

Passage 3

The drug store was closing for the night and Alfred Higgins was about to go home when his new boss approached him. “Empty your pockets please, Alfred,” Sam Carr demanded in a firm voice.

Alfred pretended to be shocked but he knew he’d been caught. From his coat he withdrew a make-up kit, a lipstick and two tubes of toothpaste. “I’m disappointed in you, Alfred!” said the little gray-haired man. “Sorry, sir. Please forgive me. It’s the first time I’ve ever done such a thing,” Alfred lied, hoping to gain the old man’s sympathy.

Mr Carr’s brow furrowed as he reached for the phone, “Do you take me for a fool? Let’s see what the police have to say. But first I’ll call your mother and let her know her son is heading to jail.”


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“Do whatever you want,” Alfred shot back, trying to sound big. But deep down he felt like a child. He imagined his mother rushing in, eyes burning with anger, maybe in tears. Yet he wanted her to come quickly before Mr. Carr called the police.

Mr. Carr was surprised when Mrs Higgins finally arrived. She was very calm, quiet and friendly. “Is Alfred in trouble?” she asked.

“He’s been stealing from the store,” the old man coolly replied.

Mrs. Higgins put out her hand and touched Mr. Carr’s arm with great gentleness as if she knew just how he felt. She spoke as if she did not want to cause him any more trouble. “What do you want to do, Mr. Carr?”

The woman’s calm and gentle manner disarmed the once-angry store-owner. “I was going to get a cop. But I don’t want to be cruel. Tell your son not to come back here again, and I’ll let it go.” Then he warmly shook Mrs. Higgins’s hand.

Mrs. Higgins thanked the old man for his kindness, then mother and son left. They walked along the street in silence. When they arrived home his mother simply said, “Go to bed, you fool.”

In his bedroom, Alfred heard his mother in the kitchen. He felt no shame, only pride in his mother’s actions. “She was smooth!” he thought. He went to the kitchen to tell her how great she was, but was shocked by what he saw.

His mother’s face looked frightened, broken. Not the cool, bright face he saw earlier. Her lips moved nervously. She looked very old. There were tears in her eyes.

This picture of his mother made him want to cry. He felt his youth ending. He saw all the troubles he brought her and the deep lines of worry in her grey face. It seemed to him that this was the first time he had ever really seen his mother.

71..Which of the following is true according to the passage? A.Alfred tried to sound big to hide his fear. B.It was the first time Alfred had stolen anything. C.Mr. Carr set a trap to catch Alfred stealing.

D.Mr. Carr had planned to forgive Alfred from the beginning. 72..What does the underlined word “disarmed” probably mean? A.annoyed B.convinced C.got over D.made less angry 73..What impressed Alfred most about his mother at the drugstore was ______. A.how angry she was B.how effectively she handled Mr.Carr C.that she didn't cry D.that she was able to save him 74..What was the mother's attitude toward Alfred? A.She was very strict with him. B.She was supportive of him. C.She felt disappointed with him. D.She was afraid of him. 75..From the last paragraph, we know that Alfred ______. A.was no longer a youth B.felt proud of his mother C.felt guilty and regretful for his deed D.wanted his mother to be happy

Passage 4

Most Americans get what money they have from their work; that is, they earn an income from wages or salaries. The richest Americans, however, get most of their money from what they own — their stocks, bonds, real estate, and other forms of property, or wealth. Although there are few accurate statistics to go by, wealth in American society appears to be concentrated in very few hands. More than 20 percent of everything that can be privately owned is held by less than one


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percent of the adult population and more than 75 percent of all wealth is owned by 20 percent of American adults. The plain fact is that most Americans have no wealth at all aside from their homes, automobiles, and a small amount of savings.

Income in the United States is not as highly concentrated as wealth. In 1917 the richest 10 percent of American families received 26.1 percent of all income, while the poorest 10 percent received 17 percent, mainly from Social Security and other government payments. The most striking aspect of income distribution is that it has not changed significantly since the end of World War II. Although economic growth has roughly doubled real disposable (可自由使用的) family income (the money left after taxes and adjusted for inflation) over the last generation, the size of the shares given to the rich and the poor is about the same. By any measure economic inequality is great in the United States.

The reality behind these statistics is that a large number of Americans are poor. In 1918, 14 percent of the population was living below the federal government’s poverty line, which at that time was an annual income of $ 9 287 for a nonfarm family of two adults and two children. In other words, about one out of seven Americans over 31 million people was officially considered unable to buy the basic necessities of food, clothes, and shelter. The suggested poverty line in 1981 would have been an income of about $11, 200 for a family of four. By this relative definition, about 20 percent of the population or more than 45 million Americans are poor. 76.What does the majority of the Americans have in terms of wealth?

A.Their income and savings. B.Their house, cars and small amounts of savings. C.Everything they own in their homes. D.Actually, they have no wealth at all. 77.What is the percentage of wealth that is in the hands of most Americans? A.Less than 25%. B.More than 25%. C.More than 75%. D.Less than 20%. 78.Why is economic inequality still great in the US in spite of the economic growth? A.Because the economic growth has widened the gap of the family income between the rich

and the poor. B.Because income in the US is still concentrated in the hands of the richest 10% of

American families. C.Because the proportion of income received by the rich and the poor remains almost the

same as in 1917. D.Because some Americans made great fortunes during the Second World War. 79.What can we learn from comparison of the two poverty lines in the last paragraph? A. The poverty line of 1918 is more favorable to the poor than that of 1981. B. The 1981 line didn’t leave much to the poor. C. There were more Americans who were officially poor by the 1918 line. D. There were more Americans who were officially poor by the 1981 line.

80.From the last two sentences we can see that 1981 government’s poverty line _______. A.was of no good for the poor B.was officially approved C.was not helpful to the poor D.was not put into operation then

Part IV Translation (2×10)




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86、The nation’s population continues to rise at a rate of 12 million per year.

87、The finding of this study failed to take account of the quality of human's sleep.

88、Since my childhood I have found that to me, nothing is more interesting than reading.

89、Though a skilled worker, he was fired by the company last week because of the economic crisis.

90、My neighbor, who went to Tokyo for a holiday, couldn’t return home because he didn’t have enough money.

Part V Error correction (1×10)

Directions: There are 10 sentences. Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C, D. You are required to identify the incorrect part, then write the corresponding letter and the correct answer on the Answer Sheet.

91. Many Americans love camping in the National Parks and the number of visitors are rising. A B C D 92. After his graduation from the university, he has worked in a famous computer company. A B C D 93. I had spoken to him for some time before I know who he was.


94. The social customs in my country are different from here, because I’m afraid that I may make mistakes. A B C D 95. Only when it started to rain he noticed that he had left his raincoat somewhere. A B C D 96. Two woman teachers and four girl students were praised at the meeting yesterday. A B C D 97. The reason why he was late was because he had missed the bus. A B C D 98. It was hard to believe that a 2-months-old bike could have broken down so many times. A B C D

99. As matter of fact, he has tried every means he can to solve the problem. A B C D


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100. Zhang Dong visits Mr Baker every time that he is on a visit to America. A B C D Part VI Writing(20 points)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should

Universities Lower Admission Requirements for Celebrities.You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:


2. 一些人强烈反对这样做,但也有不少人认为这很正常 3.我的看法


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专英预测六 参考答案

I. 答案及解析

1.答案:B. 解析:D项意思是“部分,角色”,在这里很明显不合适;A、B、C根据汉语意思似乎 都可以,但后面有round“轮”一词,所以B项正好与之呼应。

2.答案:C 解析:根据句子意思,要选“拜访”的搭配,而只有call on/drop in on sb可以表示。 3.答案:C 解析:根据句子分析,of后要跟宾语,因此要考查的是宾语从句,这样可以先排除A、D,又因为选项要做shares的主语,只能选whoever。 4.答案:B 解析:根据句子意思,此题考查定于从句,先行词是the book,而the cover与the book是所属关系,所以介词只能用of。

5.答案:D解析:此题考查的是时态。整个句子的时态是过去,所以先排除B、D,又因为后面说we had time for a few words,说明当时Doctor Li还没走,故又排除A。 6.答案:B 解析:根据句子意思,选项应为顺接的因果关系,故选C。 7.答案:C 解析:must have done 表示对过去推测。

8.答案:A 解析:根据句子意思,选项应该能够引导从句,故选A,构成the way it operates。 9.答案:A 解析:此题考查强调句式it is/was + 被强调部分+that+其他, 故选A。 10.答案:A 解析:few、many修饰可数名词;little、much修饰不可数名词,故选A。

11.答案:A 解析:此题考查非谓语结构sb/sth be said to do。。。,故先排除B、C,又因为非谓语动词发生在谓语动词之前,故选A。

12.答案:D 解析:此题考查非谓语动词,而序数词后要接to do,故选D。 13.答案:C 解析:只有strike可以指钟表的“敲打”。

14.答案:C 解析:根据句子意思,此题考查主语从句,而从句已经完整,故先排除A、B、D。

15.答案:C 解析:根据句意,要选可数名词,先排除D,A意思为“价格”,B意思为“奖品”,C意思为“奖赏”,故选C。

16.答案:C 解析:此题考查倒装结构,故先排除A、B,C含有be able to 结构,故选C。 17.答案:C 解析:此题考查目的状语从句,故选C。

18.答案:D解析:A、B、C三项里面都有介词,不能与后面的to do不定式连用,只有D项out为副词,可以构成set out to do sth“开始干某事”。

19.答案:D 解析:cost的过去式、过去分词分别是cost、cost,故先排除A、B,时态是过去,故选D。

20. 答案:B 解析:ought not to have done 意为“本不该干某事”。

21.答案:D 解析:此题考查it作形式主语。后面that从句是真主,故选D。

22.答案:A 解析:此题考查非谓语动词,根据句子意思,可先排除B、D,又因为是表示主动伴随的动作,故选A。

23.答案:B 解析:A意思是“出版”;B意思是“传播”;C意思是“下车”;D意思是“起来”。 24.答案:C 解析:此题考查反义疑问句。因前面陈述部分有否定词scarcely,后面疑问要用肯定,又因为动词是care,故用助动词呼应,选C。

25. 答案:A 解析:此题考查被动结构。Sb be robbed of sth 固定搭配。

26. 答案:D 解析:根据句子意思,先排除A、B,因为knowledge是不可数名词,C意思和形式都不对,也排除,D意思是’“在于”,符合题意。

27. 答案:C 解析:句子中glance是“一瞥”(看的意思),故要与at连用。

28. 答案:A 解析:此题考查定语从句,而从句又不缺成分,故选关系代词that。


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29. 答案:A 解析:句中or为连词,故前后都得是句子,所以选A,B项hardly意思是“几乎不”。

30.答案:D 解析:句中the moment相当于连词,引导时间状语从句,从句用一般现在时表将来。

31. 答案:B 解析:根据题意要选形容词来修饰fan,先排除A、D,B意思是“用电的”,C意思是“与电有关的”,故选B

32. 答案:A 解析:根据句子意思。应该选“询问”的意思,只有A符合,B、C都是“想要”的意思,D是“质疑”的意思。

33. 答案:B 解析:此题考查不定代词some和others连用,“一些。。。,另一些。。。”。 34. 答案:D 解析:be up to sb 固定搭配,“。。。由某人决定”

35.答案:此题考查定语从句。 解析:由于主句缺少先行词,所以只能选the one做先行词。 36.答案:C 解析:因为句中时间是last week,所以A、D都不合适,B表被动也是错的,只有C用作定从,时态也是一致的,故选C。

37. 答案:C 解析:此题考查分数的表达方法:“分子基数词,分母序数词,分子大于1,分母加s”。

38. 答案:C 解析:此题考查倍数的表达方法:“倍数+as+adj + n + as”

39. 答案:A 解析:A意思是“发出、放出”;B意思是“放弃,C意思是“赠送”,D意思是“屈服”。

40. 答案C 解析:have sth done“让某事被别人做了” II. 完型答案与解析

41.B. 根据前面的money,可知,“我”好对于那些无家可归的人是感到同情的,故选B项sorry。

42.A. 根据上文,“我”没有了家,并负了大笔的债可推测出A项stopped正确。而且,下文也有提示。

43.A. 根据上文,既没有了家,又负了债,这样的生活是凄苦的。故 A选项bitter最合适。其他三选项与此时“我”的心情不相符。

44.D. 从下文的提示again可推知,“我”又一次有了家,故生活发生了改变(change)。 45.A. 从上文可知,“我”原来负债,现在还清了。只有pull最合适。

46.C. 从下文的 “Will work for food.”可知,那人手里拿着的是一个招牌,故选C项sign。 47.A. 从下文“我”说的话可知,“我”不想帮助那些无家可归的人,认为他们不过是买酒喝,因此“我”没就没有停车,而是passed by。 48.D. 从第一段可知,“我”过去常常帮助那些无家可归的人,故选D项used,构成词组used to,过去常常。

49.D. in need指需要帮助的人,与上文homeless people对应,故选D项。

50.B. 从上文的alcohol可知,“我”认为他们会用给的钱买酒喝,这些是bad things,故选B项bad.

51.A. 从下文from school 可知是到学校接女儿。Pick up用车接……;look up在……查找;ring up给……打电话;beat up痛打……。

52.B. 从上文I said that, it didn’t feel right和something deep可知,作者心地善良,上次没有帮助那些需要帮助的人,感到愧疚,所以这次一看到这些无家可归的人,内心深处在呼喊,一定要帮助他们。所以B项正确。

53.A. 从上下文可知,“我”按照自己的想法拉下窗子,和上文是顺接关系,故选A项so。 54.D. 从上文可知,作者是伸出手拿钱,只有reach符合此意。

55.C. 从上下文,此人只想要77cents,却意外的得到three quarters and two pennies,所以


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高兴和感激地泪都出来了。Turn around转身;break down(身体)垮下来、(机器等)出毛病;burst out突然……;speak up大声点说。只有burst out符合文意。 56.A. 由前文tears一词可知为eyes。

57.B. 由上下文可推测,这些钱使他回家看望母亲、过圣诞成为可能。故选B项possible。 58.C. 前文提到他要回家,四个选项中只有leaving和bus搭配能表达此意,注意take和drive的主语是人,bus只能作其宾语。

59.A. 由上文和下文的got the best可知,作者认为自己的善举对于二人对很难忘,而对自己尤其如此。两句之间是转折关系,选A项but符合文意。

60.C. 由上文可知,作者自己给了别人帮助,自己也收到了最好的馈赠(gift)。其它三选项均不符合文意。 III 阅读理解解析

61. B。主旨大意题。其他选项都太片面,只有B能较好概括文章的内容。

62. C。细节理解题。根据第一段的句子Lawsuits have been filed against four websites offering

free downloads.可知这四家网络公司被起诉的原因。 63. A。细节理解题。从第三段最后一句可知正确答案。

64. D。细节理解题。从最后一段第二句…pointed out that file sharing is a good way to promote

pop singers.可知正确答案。

65. C。推理判断题。其他选项与文章内容不符。 66.答案:D,主旨大意题,从第一段第一句话可知。 67.答案:B,事实细节题,从第二段第一句可知。

68.答案:A,事实细节题,从第一段最后一句话可知。 69.答案:C,推理判断题,从最后一段推理可知。 70.答案:C,词义猜测题,从第四段本句推理可知。

71.答案:A,事实细节题,由“Alfred shot back, trying to sound big. But deep down he felt like a


72.答案:D,词义猜测题,由“The woman’s calm and gentle manner disarmed the once-angry store-owner.”可知。

73.答案:B,事实细节题,由“His mother’s face looked frightened, broken.”可知。

74.答案:C,事实细节题,由“He felt no shame, only pride in his mother’s actions.”可知。 75.答案:C,推理判断题,由“This picture of his mother made him want to cry. He felt his youth

ending.”推理可知。 76.答案:B,事实细节题,根据“Most Americans get what money they have from their work; that is, they earn an income from wages or salaries.”可知。

77.答案:A,事实细节题,根据“More than 20 percent of everything that can be privately owned

is held by less than one percent of the adult population and more than 75 percent of all wealth is owned by 20 percent of American adults.”可知。

78.答案:C,事实细节题,由“In 1917 the richest 10 percent of American families received 26.1

percent of all income, while the poorest 10 percent received 17 percent, mainly from Social Security and other government payments.”可知。 79.答案:D,推理判断题,根据最后一段推理可知。

80.答案:D,事实细节题,根据“The suggested poverty line in 1981 would have been an income of about $11, 200 for a family of four. By this relative definition, about 20 percent of the population or more than 45 million Americans are poor. ”可知。


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IV. 翻译答案

81.I suggested your reviewing the texts before you do the exercises. In this way you can avoid making many mistakes.

82.It’s up to you what kind of job you are going to take. I hope you will not regret making your choice.

83.The subway to be completed soon will be one of the most important projects in Shanghai. 84.If you don’t want to run the risk of failure, you can have a try.

85.When we were walking across the bridge, we saw a boy fall into the river. 86.国家的人口以每年1200万人的速度继续上升。 87.这项研究的结果没有将人们的睡眠质量考虑在内。 88. 自从童年我就发现没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力。

89.尽管他是技术工,但是上周由于经济危机他被公司解雇了。 90.我的邻居去东京度假了,因为他没有足够的钱不能回家了。 V. 单句改错答案

91. 答案:D are------is

解析:the number of “。。。的数量”,故谓语动词用单数。 92. 答案:A After-------Since

解析:after不能用于引导现在完成时,只能用since,“自从。。。” 93. 答案:C know------knew

解析:句子的时态要一致,都是过去时。 94.答案:C because-------so

解析:逻辑关系错误,应该是结果so“所以。。。”,而不是because“因为。。。 95.答案:B he noticed-----did he notice

解析:only+状语,位于句首引导半倒装结构。 96. 答案:A woman------women

解析:当man、woman所修饰的名词为复数时,man和woman也要变为复数。 97. 答案:C because-----that

98. 解析:表语从句为肯定陈述,故只能用that而不是because。 98. 答案:C a 2-months-old-------a 2-month-old

解析:数词与名词连用,若有连字符,则名词只用单数。 99.答案:A As matter of fact------As a matter of fact 解析:as a matter of fact固定搭配,“事实上”。

100. 答案:C that应该去掉 解析:every time 已经相当于连词,不需要再加that。 VI. 写作范文

Should Universities Lower Admission Requirements for Celebrities

In recent years, many top universities lower their admission requirements for celebrities. Sports stars, movie stars, entrepreneurs have been admitted to top universities without taking an entrance exam. This phenomenon has become the subject of controversies.

People opposing to the act of lowering admission requirements for celebrities hold that this preferential policy will ruin the fairness of education. Besides, many of these celebrities may not have the qualified academic ability to be admitted and they rarely attend the class. The admission to universities for them is no more than a symbolic act. However, people who support this say that these celebrities deserve this privilege because they have proved their abilities in their fields and made contributions to our society. Moreover, lowering admission requirements for celebrities can


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be seen as an encouragement for those who have won honor for our country. And these celebrities set good models for the young to follow.

As for me, I am for the latter one. On the one hand, these celebrities have made great

contributions to our nation, and therefore they deserve a good chance of further education. On the other hand, the improvement of the overall quality of celebrities will have a positive impact on the public as well.


