更新时间:2024-04-18 11:30:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载
Clear your plate
According to the research, the waste food at the dinner table in China is almost 200 billion yuan a year, especially in some wedding、official reception,some dishes are even threw away completely .
Why this happens all the time? Most of the people don’t have the sense of saving food. When they face the free or cheap food, they always want more, so there will be more unnecessary waste. And when we invite someone for dinner, we always order much more food to show our respect.
As a middle school student, we should take actions to save food. Firstly, we should encourage the public to eat up the food in their plates. Secondly, it’s not wise to order the food more than we can eat while dining out, because many people in the world don’t have enough to eat. Even if we have some food left, we can take it home. Most importantly, we should form/develop the habit of saving from now, it’s everybody’s duty to save food.
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