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大草滩、二草滩和新城草湖是嘉峪关地下水的主要排泄渠道,也是嘉峪关165.54k?天然亚高山草甸草场的主要分布区域。嘉峪关新城草湖处于嘉峪关市黑山北翼以东冲积平原,区域为祁连山亚高山草甸草原,是新城镇北部沙漠与农田的过渡地带,同时也是距离该区域较近的“七一”冰川、冰沟地区高原禽类的栖息地和新城镇主要的生态屏障。区内水面达333.3h?以上,泉水年涌出量在3000万m3以上,是拱北梁水库、锅盖梁水库的源泉。天然草场达6000 h?以上,属于干旱沙漠边缘的绿洲类型区,地下水丰富,地下水位在3—5m之间,为不可多得的荒漠生态资源。





Feasibility Study on Extremely Dry Area- Xin Cheng CaoHu Marsh Protects and Restores Project in Jiayuguan City ,Gansu Province of China


Wetlands are closely related to human survival, reproduction and development, it is a natural ecological landscape that is the richest biological diversity and one of the most important the living environment of human beings. It not only provide a variety of resources of production and survival, but also has great environmental function and benefits. In withstanding floods, regulate runoff, flood and drought, pollution control, mediation climate, soil erosion control, landscaping, etc., wetlands known as \kidneys\have an irreplaceable role in other systems, by the worldwide widespread concern. In World Conservation Commitments, wetlands and forests, oceans known as the world's top three systems. At present China has established more than 300 wetland nature reserves, nearly 40% of the natural wetlands included in the scope of protection, have been well protected. My Government has also formulated the \Wetland Protection Action Plan\\wetland protection project planning\completed the first national survey of wetland resources, wetland protection and management in order to further strengthen the foundation.

Hexi corridor stretching more than 1,000 kilometers, north to the Tengger and Badain Jaran desert, is a central source of the dust storms in northern of china and the areas that ecological environment is relatively fragile. JiaYu Guan City is located in the middle of Hexi Corridor, it is the Northwest's largest metallurgical industrial base in Gansu Province, a famous tourist city and national health industrial cities, is also a ecological garden city in the planning


and construction in Gansu Province . Jiayuguan City, across the Jiuquan,Chijin basin, the south Qilian Mountain, the high peak 5564m, the north Black mountain, the main peak 2799m, the east-south Wenshu mountain, gentler slope. The territory of Jiayuguan city, there is a largth fault(length 35Km)from Elm channel to Wenshu mountain, it has a unique geological structure, which completely changed the drogeological conditions of Jiayuguan city, plays an important role in the control of source and groundwater. The eastern part of the fault from the southeast to the northeast slope inclined to 12.25 ‰ to form a piedmont alluvial fan. Desert oasis is divided into points, blocks, strip by gobi with the changes of terrain. All the land is formed by the Paleozoic (Cambrian - Permian) rocks after weathering by water, wind, glaciers and gravity , then distributed to the piedmont plains of the Gobi through the re-precipitation.

Da Caotan, Er Caotan and the Xincheng Caohu is the main drainage channel of Jiayuguan groundwater, is also the main distribution area of 165.54k ? natural sub-alpine meadow in Jiayuguan city. New Town Caohu of Jiayuguan city is located in the alluvial plain of the northern foot of Black Mountain to the east , Qilian Mountain sub-alpine meadow grassland, is the transition zone from the farmland to desert in new towns north , but also from the region closer to the \glacier, ice Gap area, the plateau habitat of birds and a major ecological barrier for the new town. At this area, there are water surface area over 333.3hm3, fountain gush annual volume of more than 30 million m3, is the source of Gongbei Liang and Guogai Liang reservoir . Natural grassland up to 6000 h ? above, belonging to the oasis areas in edge of arid desert . groundwater is rich , groundwater level between the 3-5m , is rare desert ecological resources. However, with the dramatic increase in population, agricultural land expansion and rapid economic development, coupled with the irrational to the development and utilization for wetlands, over-grazing, wind and sand erosion and other factors, led to dwindling natural wetlands, the oasis atrophy, land desertification intensified, wetland resources have been severely


damaged, ecosystem services of natural wetlands have been significantly degenerated and seriously jeopardize the survival of wetland environments. This is not only a direct impact on Jiayuguan city in the economic and social comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, but also endanger the people's living environment. National desertification monitoring results indicate that the Hexi area is one of the areas which the desertification is the most serious in Gansu Province, desertification and drought are the main factors constraining the economic development of the region. Jiayuguan city is next to New Town Caohu wetlands, the territory rich in ecological resources, is rare wetland resourcea in Hexi area.In terms of establishing a development framework,to promote economic development, improving the environment,etc., rehabilitation and reconstruction of the region's ecosystem is of great significance.

Key words: Jayuguan city; XinCheng CaoHu marsh; protects and restores Project; feasibility Study

