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本文原文由 A16Z多位投资人集体创作。A16Z是世界知名的顶级风投公司,Skype, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Foursquare, Pinterest, Airbnb, Zynga, GitHub, Jawbone, Lyft, Oculus, Slack, Zenefit等等都是其被投企业。A16Z的合伙人之一Andreessen Horowitz是畅销书《创业维艰》一书的作者。

英文原文有些地方的表述并不准确,所以我们的中文解说未必与其一致。本文里的很多指标适用于SaaS类的2B服务公司。 有一句话说的好:You can’t manage what you don’t measure.


其实需要回答的问题是:如何衡量一家初创企业的真实情况? 一篇文章很难说清楚这件事,我们只能粗略说一下用来衡量真实情况可能会用到的工具。具体运用需要区分行业、运营模式、业务发展阶段并结合未来战略布局才有价值。 本文分为三部分: A)业务与财务指标; B)产品与用户指标; C)指标的展示形式 在使用它们时:





We have the privilege of meeting with thousands of entrepreneurs every year, and in the course of those discussions are presented with all kinds of numbers, measures, and metrics that illustrate the promise and health of a particular company. Sometimes, however, the metrics may not be the best gauge of what’s actually happening in the business, or people may use different definitions of the same metric in a way that makes it hard to understand the health of the business.

So, while some of this may be obvious to many of you who live and breathe these metrics all day long, we compiled a list of the most common or confusing ones. Where appropriate, we tried to add some notes on why investors focus on those metrics. Ultimately, though, good metrics aren’t about raising money from VCs — they’re about running the business in a way where founders know how and why certain things are working (or not) … and can address or adjust accordingly. 第一部分:业务与财务指标



第一、签约合同金额vs.收入(Bookings vs. Revenue)





A common mistake is to use bookings and revenue interchangeably, but they aren’t the same thing.

Bookings is the value of a contract between the company and the customer. It reflects a contractual obligation on the part of the customer to pay the company.

Revenue is recognized when the service is actually provided or ratably over the life of the subscription agreement. How and when revenue is recognized is governed by GAAP.

Letters of intent and verbal agreements are neither revenue nor bookings. 第二、经常性收入vs.总收入(Recurring Revenue vs. Total Revenue) Recurring的字面意思是“重复出现的”,我们可以将其理解为由日常业务产生的经常性收入。这个财务指标衡量的是一家公司的常规业务创造经济利益流入的能力。




2)ARR per customer(单个用户ARR)衡量的是从单个用户身上获取的年度经常性收入。分析时可以对用户区分类别,看不同类别单个用户ARR同比/环比变动情况。这可以判断对单个用户进行upselling(向上销售,在基础销售项目上销售升级版产品)或cross-selling(交叉销售,提供与被销售项目相关的其他销售项目)的效果。


Investors more highly value companies where the majority of total revenue comes from product revenue (vs. from services). Why? Services revenue is non-recurring, has much lower margins, and is less scalable. Product revenue is the what you generate from the sale of the software or product itself. ARR (annual recurring revenue) is a measure of revenue components that are recurring in nature. It should exclude one-time (non-recurring) fees and professional service fees.

ARR per customer: Is this flat or growing? If you are up-selling or cross-selling your customers, then it should be growing, which is a positive indicator for a healthy business.

MRR (monthly recurring revenue): Often, people will multiply one month’s all-in bookings by 12 to get to ARR. Common mistakes with this method include: (1) counting non-recurring fees such as hardware, setup, installation, professional services/ consulting agreements; (2) counting bookings (see #1).

第三、毛利润(Gross Profit) 毛利润=销售收入-销售成本。

毛利润(率)衡量了主营业务在发生期间费用之前的销售获利水平。 在确定毛利润的过程中,最重要的是需要把销售成本的组成部分拎清楚。销售成本内所包含的成本项目是和销售商品及提供服务直接相关的成



实际上,投资人在进行财务指标衡量时未必是严格按照会计规定进行项目调整的,行业惯例及其所反映的经济实质才是做报表调整背后的原因。 While top-line bookings growth is super important, investors want to understand how profitable that revenue stream is. Gross profit provides that measure.

What’s included in gross profit may vary by company, but in general all costs associated with the manufacturing, delivery, and support of a product/service should be included.

So be prepared to break down what’s included in — and excluded — from that gross profit figure.

第四、合同总价值vs.年度合同价值(Total Contract Value (TCV) vs. Annual Contract Value (ACV))




TCV (total contract value) is the total value of the contract, and can be shorter or longer in duration. Make sure TCV also includes the value from one-time charges, professional service fees, and recurring charges.

ACV (annual contract value), on the other hand, measures the value of the contract over a 12-month period. Questions to ask about ACV:

What is the size? Are you getting a few hundred dollars per month from your customers, or are you able to close large deals? Of course, this depends on the market you are targeting (SMB vs. mid-market vs. enterprise). Is it growing (and especially not shrinking)? If it’s growing, it means customers are paying you more on average for your product over time. That implies either your product is fundamentally doing more (adding features and capabilities) to warrant that increase, or is delivering so much value customers (improved functionality over alternatives) that they are willing to pay more for it.

第五、获客成本/ CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) … (Blended vs. Paid, Organic vs. Inorganic)


CAC是获取单个新用户所需花费的全部成本。 其计算公式为:CAC=销售费用总额/期间新增用户数。 在确定CAC时,总体上要遵循谨慎性原则:



所以,严格意义上的CAC是所谓的paid CAC,即,通过付出市场费用而获取的用户所对应的CAC。

把来自不同获客渠道的用户所对应的ARR和paid CAC进行对比可以看出特定类别用户的利润贡献度以及市场投入的可行性。另外,对特定市场渠道加大投入可能会引起该渠道paid CAC的变化,其变化情况和背后的原因可能非常重要。

Customer acquisition cost or CAC should be the full cost of acquiring users, stated on a per user basis. Unfortunately, CAC metrics come in all shapes and sizes.

One common problem with CAC metrics is failing to include all the costs incurred in user acquisition such as referral fees, credits, or discounts. Another common problem is to calculate CAC as a “blended” cost (including users acquired organically) rather than isolating users acquired through “paid” marketing. While blended CAC [total acquisition cost / total new customers acquired across all channels] isn’t wrong, it doesn’t inform how well your paid campaigns are working and whether they’re profitable.

This is why investors consider paid CAC [total acquisition cost/ new customers acquired through paid marketing] to be more important than blended CAC in evaluating the viability of a business — it informs whether a company can scale up its user acquisition budget profitably. While an argument can be made in some cases that paid acquisition contributes to organic acquisition, one would need to demonstrate proof of that effect to put weight on blended CAC. Many investors do like seeing both, however: the blended number as well as the CAC, broken out by paid/unpaid. We also like seeing the breakdown by dollars of paid customer acquisition channels: for example, how much does a paying customer cost if they were acquired via Facebook?

Counterintuitively, it turns out that costs typically go up as you try and reach a larger audience. So it might cost you $1 to acquire your first 1,000 users, $2 to acquire your next 10,000, and $5 to $10 to acquire your next 100,000. That’s why you can’t afford to ignore the metrics about volume of users acquired via each channel.

第六、用户生命周期总价值/LTV (Life Time Value)

严格来讲,LTV的定义是:特定用户对公司贡献的未来所有期间净利润的现值。现值是一个财务管理上的概念,简单的讲,未来的钱没有现在的钱值钱,所以,折现就是要把未来经济利益的面值折算成为现在的价值。 我们不在此向读者具体展示和说明LTV的计算公式,仅仅说明一下LTV的用途以及需要注意的事项。


与LTV相关的因素主要有:ARPU(平均单个用户收入)、用户流失率(其倒数为用户生命周期)、服务单个用户成本、CAC(获客成本)。这几个因素之间是相互影响的,它们的背后实质是公司行为和用户行为之间的互动结果。因此,在计算LTV时所使用的假设应该是基于业务实际情况进行的谨慎且合理的推断。投资人和管理层的出发点在有些时候可能不同,投资人需要减少风险,创业者需要加大投入推进业务。这就造成大家所使用的假设可能不同,假设的合理性与否就要看各自的职业判断能力了。 实际上,计算LTV并不需要得到特别精确的数字,只要平衡谨慎性和合理性原则对各个参数进行假设得到有价值的决策结果即可。 Lifetime value is the present value of the future net profit from the customer over the duration of the relationship. It helps determine the long-term value of the customer and how much net value you generate per customer after accounting for customer acquisition costs (CAC).

A common mistake is to estimate the LTV as a present value of revenue or even gross margin of the customer instead of calculating it as net profit of the customer over the life of the relationship. Reminder, here’s a way to calculate LTV:

Revenue per customer (per month) = average order value multiplied by the number of orders.

Contribution margin per customer (per month) = revenue from customer minus variable costs associated with a customer. Variable costs include selling, administrative and any operational costs associated with serving the customer. Avg. life span of customer (in months) = 1 / by your monthly churn.

LTV = Contribution margin from customer multiplied by the average lifespan of customer.

Note, if you have only few months of data, the conservative way to measure LTV is to look at historical value to date. Rather than predicting average life span and estimating how the retention curves might look, we prefer to measure 12 month and 24 month LTV.

Another important calculation here is LTV as it contributes to margin. This is important because a revenue or gross margin LTV suggests a higher upper limit on what you can spend on customer acquisition. Contribution Margin LTV to CAC ratio is also a good measure to determine CAC payback and manage your advertising and marketing spend accordingly.

第七、 总成交额vs.收入(Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) vs. Revenue)

这是非常传统的电商和交易平台指标,在撮合交易平台上适用。 GMV通常是针对交易平台而言的,它衡量的是特定期间里平台上发生的交易流水总额。它说明了交易平台对流量的吸纳能力。


In marketplace businesses, these are frequently used interchangeably. But GMV does not equal revenue!

GMV (gross merchandise volume) is the total sales dollar volume of merchandise transacting through the marketplace in a specific period. It’s the real top line, what the consumer side of the marketplace is spending. It is a

useful measure of the size of the marketplace and can be useful as a “current run rate” measure based on annualizing the most recent month or quarter. Revenue is the portion of GMV that the marketplace “takes”. Revenue consists of the various fees that the marketplace gets for providing its services; most typically these are transaction fees based on GMV successfully transacted on the marketplace, but can also include ad revenue, sponsorships, etc. These fees are usually a fraction of GMV.

第八、未实现收益(预收账款)以及开票额(Unearned or Deferred Revenue … and Billings)






In a SaaS business, this is the cash you collect at the time of the booking in advance of when the revenues will actually be realized.

As we’ve shared previously, SaaS companies only get to recognize revenue over the term of the deal as the service is delivered — even if a customer signs a huge up-front deal. So in most cases, that “booking” goes onto the balance sheet in a liability line item called deferred revenue. (Because the balance sheet has to “balance,” the corresponding entry on the assets side of the balance sheet is “cash” if the customer pre-paid for the service or “accounts receivable” if the company expects to bill for and receive it in the future). As the company starts to recognize revenue from the software as service, it reduces its deferred revenue balance and increases revenue: for a 24-month deal, as each month goes by deferred revenue drops by 1/24th and revenue increases by 1/24th.

A good proxy to measure the growth — and ultimately the health — of a SaaS company is to look at billings, which is calculated by taking the revenue in one quarter and adding the change in deferred revenue from the prior quarter to the current quarter. If a SaaS company is growing its bookings (whether through new business or upsells/renewals to existing customers), billings will increase.

Billings is a much better forward-looking indicator of the health of a SaaS company than simply looking at revenue because revenue understates the true value of the customer, which gets recognized ratably. But it’s also tricky because of the very nature of recurring revenue itself: A SaaS company could

show stable revenue for a long time — just by working off its billings backlog — which would make the business seem healthier than it truly is. This is something we therefore watch out for when evaluating the unit economics of such businesses.

第二部分:产品与用户指标(Product and Engagement Metrics) 产品和用户指标的定义千差万别,对于指标的选取和定义标准对于做出正确的投资分析和运营决策至关重要。 第九、活跃用户数(Active Users)


Different companies have almost unlimited definitions for what “active” means. Some charts don’t even define what that activity is, while others include inadvertent activity — such as having a high proportion of first-time users or accidental one-time users.

Be clear on how you define “active.”

第十、环比增长率(Month-on-month (MoM) growth)

普通环比增长率受到短期因素的影响波动可能较大,其对比价值有限。 因此,投资人会选择使用复合环比增长率(CMGC)作为环比数据的分析指标。

CMGC=(当前月数字/基础月数字)^(1/月份数目) - 1


常见的复合增长率是CAGC(Compounded Annually Growth Rate,年复合增长率)。对于高速增长的初创企业使用CMGC更加容易看出高速增长行业内横向对比的业务增长趋势。


Often this measured as the simple average of monthly growth rates. But investors often prefer to measure it as CMGR (Compounded Monthly Growth Rate) since CMGR measures the periodic growth, especially for a marketplace. Using CMGR [CMGR = (Latest Month/ First Month)^(1/# of Months) -1] also helps you benchmark growth rates with other companies. This would otherwise be difficult to compare due to volatility and other factors. The CMGR will be smaller than the simple average in a growing business. 第十一、流失率(Churn)

流失率对于SaaS业务来说是至关重要的指标。用户流失可能引起MRR(月度经常性收入)的下降。 对于MRR的流失率有两个计算维度:





对于SaaS公司而言,单纯希望依靠获取新客户实现长期增长几乎是不可能的事情,所以up-selling和cross selling的能力就格外重要。你依靠什么长期留住现有客户?如何让他们愿意多花钱购买更多的服务?这里要考虑的不仅仅是眼前的产品形态,还必须考虑自己的战略路径安排。 这里有一个cohort analysis(断代分析)的概念,就是把每个月的新用户分组(每个月的用户合称为一个cohort)后记录其留存率。 组内纵向对比可以看出留存率的变化趋势;


另外,对于高速增长的SaaS公司而言,用户续约率(Customer Renewal Rate)也是一个非常关键的指标。这个指标衡量的是当期到期用户的续约比例,在大量合同同时到期的时候需要格外关注,它反应了用户对服务的粘性和满意程度。

There’re all kinds of churn — dollar churn, customer churn, net dollar churn — and there are varying definitions for how churn is measured. For

example, some companies measure it on a revenue basis annually, which blends upsells with churn.

Investors look at it the following way:

Monthly unit churn = lost customers/prior month total Retention by cohort

Month 1 = 100% of installed base

Latest Month = % of original installed base that are still transacting It is also important to differentiate between gross churn and net revenue churn —

Gross churn: MRR lost in a given month/MRR at the beginning of the month.

Net churn: (MRR lost minus MRR from upsells) in a given month/MRR at the beginning of the month.

The difference between the two is significant. Gross churn estimates the actual loss to the business, while net revenue churn understates the losses (as it blends upsells with absolute churn). 第十二、现金消耗率(Burn Rate)

现金是企业运转、扩张的血液,进攻、防守和抵御风险的弹药,因此,创业者、企业家对于公司的现金流和现金消耗情况必须非常关注。 Burn rate俗称烧钱率,代表了现金储备的消耗速度。应该如何理解它呢?


毛现金消耗的驱动因素就是公司在特定期间的现金流出总量; 净现金消耗是公司在特定期间内收入的现金部分减去毛现金消耗的数字。它与期初现金余额的反映了在不进行筹资活动的情况下公司未来现金可支撑的时间长度。





Burn rate is the rate at which cash is decreasing. Especially in early stage startups, it’s important to know and monitor burn rate as companies fail when they are running out of cash and don’t have enough time left to raise funds or reduce expenses. As a reminder, here’s a simple calculation:

Monthly cash burn = cash balance at the beginning of the year minus cash balance end of the year / 12

It’s also important to measure net burn vs. gross burn:

Net burn [revenues (including all incoming cash you have a high probability of receiving) – gross burn] is the true measure of amount of cash your company is burning every month.

Gross burn on the other hand only looks at your monthly expenses + any other cash outlays.

Investors tend to focus on net burn to understand how long the money you have left in the bank will last for you to run the company. They will also take into account the rate at which your revenues and expenses grow as monthly burn may not be a constant number. 第十三、 下载数(Downloads)


和上文的流失率(churn)一样,cohort analysis(断代分析)也可以用于对用户活跃度的分析。



Downloads (or number of apps delivered by distribution deals) are really just a vanity metric.

Investors want to see engagement, ideally expressed as cohort retention on metrics that matter for that business — for example, DAU (daily active users), MAU (monthly active users), photos shared, photos viewed, and so on.

第三部分:指标的展示形式(Presenting Metrics Generally) 对指标的展示往往涉及到图表的使用,踏实的创业者会把真正要表现的信息用不会引起误解的方式展示给投资人。实际上,明智的投资人不会被用了障眼法的图表所欺骗。要知道,图表的制作也是可以显示出创业者的态度、动机和能力的。

第十四、累计数据图表vs.增长率图表/Cumulative Charts (vs. Growth Metrics)


Cumulative charts by definition always go up and to the right for any business that is showing any kind of activity. But they are not a valid measure of growth — they can go up-and-to-the-right even when a business is shrinking. Thus, the metric is not a useful indicator of a company’s health. Investors like to look at monthly GMV, monthly revenue, or new users/customers per month to assess the growth in early stage businesses. Quarterly charts can be used for later-stage businesses or businesses with a lot of month-to-month volatility in metrics.

第十五、图表上的小花招(Chart Tricks)



There a number of such tricks, but a few common ones include not labeling the Y-axis; shrinking scale to exaggerate growth; and only presenting percentage gains without presenting the absolute numbers. (This last one is misleading since percentages can sound impressive off a small base, but are not an indicator of the future trajectory.)

第十六、指标展示顺序(Order of Operations)

在和投资人初次交流时,符合逻辑的顺序应该依次是:业务规模指标、业务增长指标,然后才可能进入更深层次的评估和交流。 随着大家的互相了解,后续交流将会更加深入和有针对性。 这有点像对象相亲的过程,只不过投资人的逻辑不会因为交谈顺序的不同而被打乱而已。所以,这其实更像医生诊断的过程。 It’s fine to present metrics in any order as you tell your story. When initially evaluating businesses, investors often look at GMV, revenue, and bookings first because they’re an indicator of the size of the business. Once investors have a sense of the the size of the business, they’ll want to understand growth to see how well the company is performing. These basic metrics, if interesting, then compel us to look even further.

As one of our partners who recently had a baby observes here: It’s almost like doing a health check for your baby at the pediatrician’s office. Check weight and height, and then compare to previous estimates to make sure things look healthy before you go any deeper! 总结部分


女人如春天的桃花。阳春三月,春暖花开时,婀娜多情的桃花会竞相开放,如一片片红霞,与如纱的垂柳,形成了桃红柳绿的春日美景。而青春靓丽的美女,正恰如春光明媚中盛开的桃花,缤纷绚烂,激情四射,充满青春的活力,充满青春的幻想,充满青春美妙的情怀。 青春岁月, 容光焕发的美女,爽朗的笑声,轻盈飘逸的秀发,眉飞色舞的眼神,热情奔放的性格,恰如妩媚鲜艳的桃花,装扮了温暖的春天,惊艳了春天的美丽。无论走到哪里,美女总会给人赏心悦目的感觉,总是一道靓丽的风景,使春天增添了无与伦比的靓丽,所以说女人如春天如霞的桃花! 女人如夏日的荷花。“ 接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。” 炎炎烈日下,荷花亭亭玉立,静谧地开放,粉绿相间,分外妩媚。“出污泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖 .” 清白闲逸,自由脱俗,清新淡雅,芬芳四溢的天然美丽。远离喧嚣的尘市,在一方水土里,独享一份圣洁高雅,恬静安然的舒适,柔情似水的缠绵婉约,恰如一个静享清欢的善良女子。 “ 清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰 .” 女人天生就是清纯、善良、静美、温柔如水的性格,拥有善良的心灵,宽容的心胸。每天只求安静地做好自己,不斤斤计较,不张扬,以一颗博爱之心,宽容身边的人和事。容忍于心,善存心间,用一颗感恩的心,温暖着身边的人和事,所以说女人如夏日清爽的荷花! 女人如秋天的菊花。秋高气爽,硕果累累时,到处是丰收的喜悦景象。一场秋雨一场寒时,百花凋谢,万物凋零的时刻,菊花却在风吹雨打中毅然绽放,用顽强的生命力,笑对风雨。多姿多彩的菊花,傲然开放,装点了秋日的荒凉。“ 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。”怡然自得的享受啊! 而如花的女人,一路走来,吃尽千辛万苦,历经曲曲折折,却毫不畏惧艰难。照顾老人,陪伴孩子,洗衣做饭,工作加班,任劳任怨。宁愿自己吃苦受累,从不抱怨。在平凡的岁月,书写着女人们的精彩与不平凡。即使韶华远逝,年青的容颜失去光彩,依然在为家人创造着温暖、快乐、幸福的家园,所以说女人如秋霜中绽放的菊花! 女人如冬日的梅花。在白雪皑皑的冬季,天苍苍,野茫茫之时,大地一片衰败的景象。行走在路上,寒风凛冽,刮到脸上如刀般的疼痛,但是女人依然在路上坚强地面对、承受。这不正是无惧风雪 、坚韧不拔、顽强不屈的梅花的品格吗?“ 遥知不是雪,唯有暗香来 .” 梅花以它的弱小娇艳的身躯,凌寒傲雪,装点着寂寞荒凉的冬日!

在光阴的故事里,女人走过青春岁月,走过三十而立,走过四十不惑……此刻,正逐渐走在繁华落幕的路上,肩负着生活无奈的痛苦,品尝着人间聚散离合的悲欢。无论条件多么的艰苦,女人们一如既往地在路上打拼、奋斗着,时刻承担着家庭和社会的责任,装扮着世界的美好和浪漫,正在骄傲地撑起自己的半边天。“ 梅花香自苦寒来 .” 所以说女人如冬日火红的寒梅! 女人如花,四季都在竞相地绽放,闪烁着耀眼的光华;女人又非花,漂亮、善良、宽容、感恩,是始终如一的信念。女人如水,柔情似水,缠绵婉约;女人又非水,坚强、勇敢、优雅、浪漫,是一生的追求。

