CSR固件蓝牙无线信号强度链路质量与超距离指示CS101514ANP3 RSSI Link Quality and OutofRange Indication

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RSSI, Link Quality and Out-of-Range Indication


Application Note


Issue 3


Document History 文档历史

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Unless otherwise stated, words and logos marked with ? or ? are trademarks registered or owned by CSR plc or its affiliates.

除非另有说明,文字及标志标有?或 ? 是注册商标或子公司拥有或CSR公司。 Bluetooth ? and the Bluetooth logos are trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and licensed to CSR Other products, services and names used in this document may have been trademarked by their respective owners.

蓝牙 ? 和蓝牙标识是公司所拥有蓝牙技术联盟的商标和企业社会责任授权给其他的产品,服务和文件中使用这个名称可能是其各自所有者的商标。

The publication of this information does not imply that any licence is granted under any patent or other rights owned by CSR plc and/or its affiliates.


CSR reserves the right to make technical changes to its products as part of its development programme.


While every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this document, CSR cannot accept responsibility for any errors.


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CSR's products are not authorised for use in life-support or safety-critical applications. CSR公司的产品不授权使用的应用程序生命支持或安全的关键。 Use in such applications is done at the sole discretion of the customer.


CSR will not warrant the use of its devices in such applications. CSR公司将不能保证在这样的应用程序使用的设备。

商标,专利及牌照................................................................................................................... 3 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5 1简介 ............................................................................................................................................... 5

2 Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) .......................................................................... 6 2接收信号强度指示器(RSSI) ................................................................................................... 6

3 Link Quality ......................................................................................................................... 9 3链路质量 ....................................................................................................................................... 9

4 What BlueCore Does .......................................................................................................... 10 4 BlueCore做些什么 .................................................................................................................... 10

4.1 HCI_Read_RSSI ............................................................................................................. 10 4.1.1 19.x及更高版本生成 .................................................................................................... 11 4.1.2早于19.x生成 ............................................................................................................... 12 4.2 HCI_Read_Link_Quality ............................................................................................... 15 5范围探测器.......................................................................................................................... 17 6参考文献.............................................................................................................................. 18 术语和定义............................................................................................................................. 19

1 Introduction 1简介

The Bluetooth Specification includes two Host Controller Interface (HCI) commands that can retrieve information from a Bluetooth radio about the received signal.

蓝牙规范包括两个HCI(HCI)命令,可以检索从蓝牙无线电收到信号的信息。 The specification defines the returned information very loosely, leaving manufacturers the option to provide more accuracy if they choose.


This document explains how these commands work and how this information can be used to provide a simple Out-of-Range indication.


CS-101514-ANP3 ? Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 2002-2009 CS-101514-ANP3 ?剑桥硅广播有限公司2002-2009

This material is subject to CSR's non-disclosure agreement. 这种材料是受CSR公司的非公开协议。

2 Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)


The HCI_Read_RSSI command returns, for a specified Asynchronous Connectionless (ACL) connection, a signed 8-bit integer giving values between -128 and +127.


The Bluetooth specification only defines the following details: 蓝牙规范只定义了以下细节:

? If the RSSI is within the Golden Receiver Range, HCI_Read_RSSI returns the zero. ?如果RSSI的值在黄金接收范围内,则HCI_Read_RSSI返回零。

? If the RSSI is below the Golden Receiver Range lower limit, HCI_Read_RSSI returns a negative value.

?如果RSSI的值低于黄金接收范围的下限,则HCI_Read_RSSI返回一个负值。 ? If the RSSI is above the Golden Receiver Range upper limit, HCI_Read_RSSI returns a positive value.

?如果RSSI的值高于黄金接收范围的上限,则HCI_Read_RSSI返回一个正值。 The Golden Receiver Range is the target signal strength at the receiver. 黄金接收范围是接收方理想的信号强度。

If the receiving device supports the optional RSSI feature, and the transmitting device supports Power Control, then the receiving device can send requests to the transmitting device for increases and decreases in transmitted power in an attempt to keep the received power within the Golden Range, See Transmit Power Control .


The Golden Receiver Range is 20dB±6dB wide. 黄金接收范围是20dB±6dB。

The dynamic range for Transmit Power Control is typically 30dB. 发射功率控制的动态范围通常是30dB。

These figures combine to produce an RSSI dead band of 50dB: HCI_Read_RSSI returns a 0 whether the devices are far apart transmitting at maximum power with RSSI at the bottom of the Golden Range, or very close but transmitting at minimum power with RSSI at the top of the Golden Range.


That is, in a Power Control link HCI_Read_RSSI can not report the difference between a device 10cm away and one that is 50m away, and does not take into account the complications of signal strength nodes and nulls created by multipath interference.


The scale of the positive and negative values returned when RSSI is outside the Golden Receiver Range, is left up to the individual manufacturer.


The Bluetooth specification indicates these values are in dB, but allows any degree of accuracy, so there is nothing to prevent the returned values being restricted to -1, 0 and +1.


Some hardware may be limited in its ability to measure incoming signal strength and only be capable of recognising signals within, above or below the golden receiver range.


Other hardware may have more accurate measurement, but it is not possible to make much use of the information via the HCI command because of the limits the specification places on the return parameter and the effects of Transmit Power Control.


In summary, the HCI_Read_RSSI is not particularly useful on its own. 总之,HCI_Read_RSSI本身不是特别有用的。

In later firmware, BlueCore can return a more accurate absolute RSSI value using a manufacturer specific command (BCCMD), see section 4.1.1.


3 Link Quality


The HCI_Read_Link_Quality command returns, for a specified ACL connection, an 8-bit unsigned integer, giving values between 0 and 255.


The Bluetooth specification provides no guidance as to what this number means beyond “The higher the value, the better the link quality is. Each Bluetooth module vendor will determine how to measure the link quality”.

蓝牙规范提供了一切指导这个数字意味着超越“该值越高越好链接的质量。每个蓝牙模块的供应商将决定如何衡量链路质量”。 This means that for a host to make intelligent use of the Link Quality information it must understand what the parameter means for the hardware concerned.


4 What BlueCore Does

4 BlueCore做些什么

For BlueCore implementation of HCI_Read_RSSI and HCI_Read_Link_Quality, CSR has attempted to provide as much useful information to the host as possible.


4.1 HCI_Read_RSSI 4.1 HCI_Read_RSSI

The method of calculating the value returned by HCI_Read_RSSI was changed for the 19.x releases.

计算HCI_Read_RSSI返回值的方法已更改为19.x版本。 The following notes apply to both the old and new methods: 以下注释同时适用于旧的和新方法:

? In an attempt to compensate for the considerable fading which occurs in the Bluetooth frequency band, the RSSI value is averaged over multiple hop frequencies and heavily filtered.

?蓝牙频带在试图为大量衰减做补偿时,RSSI的值平均超过在多跳频和重过滤时。 Despite this, there are radio environments where this value will underestimate the true RSSI. 尽管如此,在有广播的环境下,这个值会低估真实的RSSI。

The filtering causes the value to respond slowly when data is not being transmitted on a link. 过滤导致该值的响应速度很慢,在链接上没有数据传送时。

The value freezes when the link is in hold mode and is very sluggish when the link is in sniff or park mode.


? The RSSI measurement is not calibrated or tested on a per-chip basis and CSR makes no warranty about its accuracy.

?RSSI的测量不是校验或测试每个芯片的基准,CSR对其准确性不作任何保证。 Users should establish for themselves whether this command meets their requirements. 用户应自己建立能满足其需求的命令。

4.1.1 19.x and Later Builds 4.1.1 19.x及更高版本生成

In 19.x and later builds, the firmware measures the RSSI value on a particular ACL link and provides an absolute RSSI indication, available using the RSSI_ACL BCCMD, see BCCMD Commands .


This value is still unlikely to be useful as a general range indication, because of the dynamic range introduced by power control, and environmental factors like fading.


The value returned by HCI_Read_RSSI is taken from the absolute value, with the Golden Receiver Range applied as a deadband, returning the number of dBm by which the RSSI is above or below the Golden Range.


When the HCI_Read_RSSI value is zero, the RSSI is within the Golden Range. 当HCI_Read_RSSI值为零,则RSSI处在黄金范围内。

The accuracy of both these values is expected to be ±4 dBm. 该值的精确度期望在±4dBm。

The measurement saturates when the absolute RSSI value reaches about -20 dBm (the saturation value from HCI_Read_RSSI varies from IC to IC).

当绝对RSSI的值达到约-20 dBm时,测量饱和。(HCI_Read_RSSI的饱和值变化根据IC和IC不同)。 The value returned is compensated for temperature, but may vary from device to device owing to differences in manufacture.

返回的值是温度补偿,但可能会有所不同,由于不同制造商的不同设备的差异。 In designs which have a fixed path loss between BlueCore and the antenna, this loss can be compensated for using PSKEY_RSSI_CORRECTION.


This affects all RSSI values reported by BlueCore. 这会影响所有出自BlueCore的RSSI值。

4.1.2 Pre 19.x Builds 4.1.2早于19.x生成

In builds before 19.x, a much cruder RSSI estimate is available. 在早于19.x生成,提供了一个很粗糙的RSSI。 The firmware behaves as follows: 该固件的行为如下:

? When the RSSI is above the Golden Range, the firmware returns a positive number. ?当RSSI在黄金范围以上时,固件返回一个正数。

The value is an approximation of the dB between the top of the Golden Range and the RSSI.


The value is very crude: it can be ± 5dB from the real value, there is no guarantee that a constant RSSI results in a constant return value, and thus there is no guarantee that the mapping from RSSI to the returned value is monotonic.


? When the RSSI is within the Golden Range, the firmware returns zero. ?当RSSI在黄金范围之内,固件返回零。

? When the RSSI is below the Golden Range, the firmware returns a negative number. ?当RSSI低于黄金范围,固件返回一个负数。

The value is an approximation of the dB between the RSSI and the bottom of the Golden Range.

该值是一个近似的dB在黄金范围的底部与RSSI之间。 The value is less accurate than for positive values. 该值小于准确的正值。

It can be more than ± 5dB from the real value, there is no guarantee that a constant RSSI results in a constant return, thus there is no guarantee that the mapping from RSSI to the returned value is monotonic, and the value clips at a minimum of approximately –10dB.

它可以比真实值超过±5dB值,并不能保证一个固定的RSSI返回结果是一个常数,因此没有保证的RSSI映射从到返回的值是单调的,值被截取在最小值近似于-10dB。 The graph below shows how the HCI_Read_RSSI return value might plot against actual received signal strength.


The graph describes a possible behaviour only and is not guaranteed to match actual IC behaviour.



The Golden Receiver Range is visible between -60 and -40dBm. 黄金接收范围是可见的在-60dBm至-40dBm间。

In a Power Control Link, the transmitters would effectively widen this 20dB dead-band by adding its dynamic range.

在功率控制链路,发射方将有效扩大范围,并加入了20dB死区的动态范围。 In designs which have a fixed path loss between BlueCore and the antenna, this loss can be compensated for using PSKEY_RSSI_CORRECTION.


This affects only the RSSI values reported by Inquiry Response with RSSI events, not the HCI Read RSSI value.


4.2 HCI_Read_Link_Quality

The HCI_Read_Link_Quality command returns a number that is directly equivalent to Bit Error Rate (BER) on the following scale.

HCI_Read_Link_Quality命令返回一个数字,它直接等同于误码率(BER)如下。 ? Between 0xff and 0xd7 each bit distance represents 0.0025% BER i.e: ? 在0xff和0xd7间,每个位的距离代表误码率0.0025%,即:

? Between 0x59 and 0x00 each bit distance represents 0.64% BER i.e: ? 在0x59和0x00间,每个位的距离代表误码率0.64%。即:

In general, a link with a BER between 0 and 0.1% is workable. 一般来说,一个连接的误码率介于0和0.1%间是可用的。 Trying to run a link with a BER above 1% will give poor results. 试图运行一个高于1%误码率的连接会得到恶劣的结果。

The scale below 215 (0xd7) is not fully characterised since results in this region are not stable and often indicate a link is dropping more packets than it is receiving.


Both measurements are averaged, exponentially, over a number of packets (between 5 and 20).


Only packets that pass both access code and Header Error Correction (HEC) checks are counted. ACL packets from a device, and SCO packets from the same device, are both used to evaluate RSSI and Link Quality – both HCI commands accept only an ACL connection handle as an argument.


The measurements for devices that exchange a lot of packets will be more accurate than those that only exchange packets infrequently.


Link Quality BER measurements are based on Forward Error Correction (FEC) failures (HEC, DM payload, HV1/2 payload). Information on dropped packets is not included for the simple reason that slave devices do not know when the master is going to transmit and so can not know if a packet has been dropped, or if one was simply not transmitted.

链路质量误码率的测量是基于前向纠错(FEC)的失败(HEC, DM payload, HV1/2 payload)。丢失数据包是不包含信息的,原因很简单,从设备不知道主设备在何时传送,所以无法知道数据包丢失,或者根本就没有数据包传送。

Although dropped packet information is available at a master, including it in Link Quality reports would imply different scales for master and slave devices, which doesn't make sense since, for many applications, the distinction is irrelevant once the connection is established.

虽然主设备可以知道丢失数据包信息,包括其链接的质量报告将意味着不同规模主、从设备,因为这是没有意义的,在许多应用中,一旦连接建立起来,区别是无关的。 This type of Link Quality is of far more use than RSSI in determining, for example, selecting an access point. The user does not care about the strength of the received signal, but its quality. 这种类型的连接质量是远远超过在决定中使用RSSI,例如,选择一个存取点。用户不关心所收到的信号强度,但关心质量。

5 Out Of Range Detector 5范围探测器

Although neither Link Quality, nor RSSI (or even a combination of the two) is suitable for range measurement the two can be used together to provide some useful information:


6 Document References 6参考文献

Terms and Definitions 术语和定义

