
更新时间:2023-10-14 05:06:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




一、人称代词he, she, it是第三人称单数。如: 1. He likes cars. 他喜欢车。

2. She goes to school at seven. 她七点去上学。 3. It has a good name. 它有一个好名字。

二、单个人名、亲朋好友等称呼作主语 是第三人称单数。如:

1. Pat never throws rubbish on the floor. Pat从不在地板上扔垃圾。 2. Miss Wang waters the flowers once a day. 王老师给花一天浇水一次。 3. Aunt Mary usually makes cakes. 玛丽阿姨经常做蛋糕。 4. My mother washes the dishes everyday. 我妈妈每天都洗碗。


1. 一般直接在词尾加 s,如:work-works live-lives make-makes 2. 以s, x, ch, sh等结尾的单词加 es , 如: miss-misses fix-fixes

i. finish-finishes teach-teaches

3. 以辅音字母加o结尾的单词,加 es 如: go-goes do-does 4. 特殊变形的有: have-has

四、问句:问句中遇到第三人称单数时,需要用助动词does, 动词变为原形。 What does she like?

When does he brush his teeth?

How often does your sister comb her hair?

练习一、将括号里动词的适当形式填入横线上。 1. I ________ in the corridors. (walk) 2. He _________ in the corridors. (run)

3. She ___________ her face once a day. (wash) 4. They ____________ their teeth once a day. (brush) 5. You ___________ up your clothes once a day. (hang) 6. We ____________ our home work once a day. (finish) 7. He ____________ rubbish in the classroom. (throw) 8. She _____________ rubbish on the floor. (throw)

9. I _____________ rubbish in the bin. (throw) 10. They ___________ the table once a day. (set) 11. Peter never _________ in the corridors. (run) 12. Mary usually _________ the table. (set)

13. Pat and Ken _________ the plants in the morning. (water) 14. The boy __________ his hair once a day. (comb) 15. Miss Cheng _________ TV at home. (watch)

16. My sister __________ his schoolbag once a day. (pack) 17. My mother _________ dinner for me. (cook)

18. My parents _________ the house at Chinese New Year. (clean) 19. My teachers _________ us some gifts. (give) 20. My friends _________ the table with me. (set) 练习二、选择正确的单词填到括号里。

1. What does Candy __________ (wants,want) to be ? 2. You __________ (should,shouldn’t) be quiet in the library. 3. He shouldn’t ___________ (throw,throws) rubbish on the floor. 4. Peter ___________ (help,helps) his mother at home. 5. She never _________ (run,runs) in the corridors. 6. We should __________ (walks,walk) in the corridors. 7. He _________ (don’t,doesn’t) get up early.

8. How often __________ (do,does) your father go to bed? 练习三、将下列句子改成第三人称He的句型(看例句)

例句:I brush my teeth once a day. ---- 改:He brushes his teeth once a day. 1. I comb my hair twice a day.

_____________________________________________________________ 2. They go to school at six in the morning.

_____________________________________________________________ 3. You wash your face and put on your clothes.

_____________________________________________________________ 4. When do you get up?

_____________________________________________________________ 5. How often do you hang up your clothes?


