21世纪英语unit 8课文解析

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21世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册

Unit Eight


本单元包含三篇文章,讲述了正在逐渐改变人们生活的电脑及与之相关的一系列新技术。第一篇,《未来之路》序言,其作者是美国著名的电脑大亨比尔? 盖茨。文中作者回忆了自己对电脑兴趣初萌时的故事,并对当今这项最伟大的创新会如何发展下去进行了几点设想。第二篇,《聪明的机器:不知疲倦的助手》,预测人工智能及机器人这两项新技术将使人们的未来生活更加轻松便捷。第三篇,《国际互联网》,回答了一些关于国际互联网的常见问题。

Text A




incredible, barely, reliable, application, simultaneous, crucial, purpose, acceptance, abolish, primarily,

estimate, equivalent, complicated, stimulate 重点短语

arise from, bring about, serve as, get around to, ahead of schedule, run into, take advantage of 1.

incredible: adj. unbelievable 难以置信的;extraordinary, unbelievably good 了不起的 ? ? 2.

? ? 3.

? ? 4.

? ? 5. 6.

? ? ? 7.

? ? 8.

? ? 9.

? ?

The film star has an incredible car in addition to a big house. Our army man fought in the battle with incredible bravery. They could barely see the road in the fog. We had barely enough money to buy food. It's not reliable to judge a man only by his looks. A reliable assistant will be welcome in any company.

The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually increases efficiency.

The unemployed engineer wrote a dozen applications for jobs but got nothing. The two simultaneous shots sounded like one.

It is crucial that we should make good use of anything we have. The couple did not give up their love and marriage at the crucial moment. What is his purpose in coming back this time?

He walked back and forth on purpose to catch your attention. He taught with great acceptance for 40 years.

She won acceptance by the King family only through extraordinary diligence. Bad customs should be abolished as soon as possible. The legislature passed a law to abolish the surtax.

simultaneous: adj. happening, existing, or done at the same time 同时发生的、存在的或做的 crucial: adj. extremely significant or important, 极其重要的;decisive 决定性的

barely: adv. hardly 几乎不、几乎没有; only just 刚刚

reliable: adj. capable of being relied on 可靠的、确实的; dependable 可信赖的

application: n. 应用; 书面申请、正式申请

purpose: n. an aim or goal 目标、目的

acceptance: n. the act of accepting 接受;approval or agreement 赞同、肯定、认同

abolish: vt. put an end to, do away with 取消、废除(制度、习俗等)


21世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册 10. primarily: mainly, chiefly 主要地、首要地

? ? ?

Now they are living in a primarily middle-class neighborhood. Now I've realized that my estimate of her character was one-sided. I asked the building firm to estimate for the repairs to the stairs.

11. estimate: v. & n. evaluate 估计;估价、出价

12. equivalent: n. something that is equal, as in value, force, or meaning 等值物、等量物;adj. 相等的、等值

的、等量的 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 人) ? ? ? ?

Not following the old man?s advice, they finally ran into great trouble. I ran into a high school classmate yesterday on the way to the supermarket.

The people in the mountainous areas take advantage of all they have to develop their agriculture. The students took advantage of what the college offered to learn more about their subjects. Is there an exact French equivalent to the English word ? home ?? He changed his pounds for the equivalent amount of dollars. We have never met such a complicated math problem than ever. Frequently doing exercises stimulates the flow of blood.

His father?s words stimulated him to work with greater efforts than before. Quarrels often arise from basic misunderstandings between each other. It is carelessness that accidents arise from.

The revelation of the pollution brought about the investigation from the government. This platform would serve as a port and a railway station.

Now the examination score serves as the only criterion for a student's academic performance. He hardly gets around to physical exercises because of too much work. Busy as the boss is, he often gets around to playing with his kids. The task will be finished ahead of schedule if nothing prevents.

But for the unexpected storm, they could have finished the construction ahead of schedule.

13. complicated: adj. very difficult to understand, complex 复杂的、难解的 14. stimulate: vt. excite ( the body or mind), encourage 刺激、激发

15. arises from: result from 由??产生、由??引起

16. bring about: cause to happen 导致??发生、造成 17. serve as: be used as 当作??用

18. get around to: find time for doing something, 抽出时间做(某事)

19. ahead of schedule: before the expected time 提前

20. run into: meet or encounter (difficulties, etc.) 遭遇(困难等); meet (somebody) by chance 偶然遇见(某

21. take advantage of: make use of 利用


Part One: Para. 1 to Para. 7 — 第一部分介绍了个人计算机迅速发展的过程,以及人们对个人计算机这一新事物的不同观点。 1.

It started on a day when, as a college sophomore, I stood in Harvard Square with my friend Paul Allen and pored over the description of a kit computer in Popular Electronics magazine. (Line 2-5)

The incredible adventure for me began at the time when I was a sophomore at college. One day, my friend Paul Allen and I stood in Harvard Square and paid all of our attention to reading an article in the magazine named Popular Electronics. The article described a kit computer.


21世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册 2. 3. 4.

The personal computer revolution happened and it has affected millions of lives. (Line 8-9) The revolution of the personal computer started and it has influenced the lives of millions of people. It has led us to places we had barely imagined. (Line 9-10)

The revolution has brought people to a new world which we had seldom thought about.

We aren’t sure where this one will lead us either, but again I am certain this revolution will touch even more lives and take us all farther. (Line 11-13)

We don?t know what kind of world the revolution will bring us into, either. But what I know and I am sure is that it will influence the lives of much more people, and lead us to a further-developed place. 5.

The benefits and problems arising from this upcoming communications revolution will be much greater than those brought about by the PC revolution. (Line 15-17)

The advantages and disadvantages caused by this revolution in communications will be much more than those that were caused to happen by the using of PC. 6.

There is never a reliable map for unexplored territory. (Line 18)

Before we explore a new place, we do not know what it is like, so we can not draw a dependable map for it. That is to say, since PC is a new thing to us, we can not imagine where it will lead us to. 7.

Those of us who were attracted by computers and the possibilities they promised were unnoticed outside our own circles. (Line 27-29)

The people among us were greatly interested in computers and believed what computers would bring us. But except ourselves, no one had any idea of us. 8.

There has been an unbelievable amount of interest in this subject during the last few years, both inside and outside the computer industry. (Line 33-35)

During the past several years, computer, this subject, has aroused interest of great amount of people. Some of the people belong to the computer industry, but some not. 9.

The interest is not confined only to developed countries, and it goes well beyond the large numbers of personal-computer users. (Line 35-37)

Not only people of developed countries, but also a large number of PC users are interested in computers. Even those who do not use computers have showed interest in it. 10. Those developments will come, but they are not the highway. (Line 47-48)

What people hope, fear or imagine will appear as computers develop, but these are not what the highway means.

11. It will take place over several decades, and will be driven by new “applications”  new tools, often meeting

currently unforeseen needs. During the next few years, major decisions will have to be made. (Line 49-52) The revolution in communications will happen in our life over several ten years, and it will be put forward by our new requirements. For example, we may need new tools when we meet some problems which we can not tell at the present time.

12. It is crucial that a broad set of people  not just technologists or those who happen to be in the computer

industry  participate in the debate about how this technology should be shaped. (Line 53-56)

It is very important that people from various professions take part in the discussion about how the technology of computer would develop. We need ideas from not only technologists and people work in the computer industry but also all the others who know computers.

It is crucial that … (should) do … 做??是十分必要的。主句中出现标志词crucial, 主语从句要使用虚拟语气。与crucial 一词用法相同的词还有important, necessary, essential, advised, suggested等。 ? ?

It is crucial that all the power supplies should be turned off before you leave for vacation. It is essential that physical exercises be kept every day if good health is expected.


21世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册


It is suggested that they should not go to climb the mountain in such a bad weather.

Part Two: Para. 8 to Para. 12 — 第二部分中作者解释了自己写《未来之路》一书的初衷及期望。

13. I’m writing this book The Road Ahead as part of my contribution to the debate and, although it’s a tall order,

I hope it can serve as a travel guide for the forthcoming journey. (Line 59-61)

I am writing this book in order to do something as a help to the discussion about the development of computers. Though I know this request is difficult to perform, I hope my book can be used as a guide for our discussion about the future of computers.

14. The commissioner of U.S. patents who in 1899 asked that his office be abolished because “everything that

can be invented has been invented.” (Line 65-67)

The official of U.S. patents thought that all people need had been invented, so in 1899, he advised that his office be stopped working because nothing new would be invented.

Somebody ask that … (should) do … 某人要求??做?? 主句中出现标志词ask, 宾语从句要使用虚拟语气。与ask 一词用法相同的词还有 advise, suggest, request, require, demand等。(结合第十二点) ? ? ?

The government advised that people who were living in this area move out in case of the flood. The coach of the football team required that each member should put full effort into the match. The workers demanded that their working condition should be improved.

15. What I’ve said that turned out to be right will be considered obvious and what was wrong will be

humorous.(Line 69-71)

In the future, when the ideas in my book turn out to be true, people may think it is clear to be found; if my ideas turn out to be false, people may laugh at them.

由what 引导的名词性从句,可以充当主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句或者放在介词之后,下面依次举例。 ? ? ? ?

What the space is like is never a mystery to human beings. Usually we are not what we think we are.

People wondered what caused him to have such a crazy idea.

The life of the mountainous area is quite different from what we have imagined.

16. Anyone expecting an autobiography or a treatise on what it’s like to have bee as lucky as I have been will be

disappointed. (Line 72-74)

If someone expects to know how I am lucky enough to become successful by reading my book, he or she will feel disappointed.

17. Indeed, estimating the time it would take proved to be as difficult as projecting the development schedule of a

major software project. (Line 83-85)

It is difficult to make a schedule for the development of a major software project. It is also difficult to estimate the time for writing this book.

Text B

Smart Machines: Our Tireless Helpers



capable, variety, identify, consult, available 重点短语

in relation to, make up , turn into , in control of 1.

capable: adj. able, competent 有能力的、能胜任的; capability: n. the quality of being capable 能力、素质


21世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册

? ? ? 2.

? ? 3.

? ? 4.

? ? 5.

? ? 6.

? ? 7.

◆ ◆ 8.

You are capable of better work than this. He is quite capable of lying to get out of trouble. She has great capabilities as a pianist. She longs for a life full of change and variety.

A variety of people participated in the debate about the environment.

The policeman asked the witness to identify who was the man that attacked her. Can you identify your umbrella among these?

I consulted my personal doctor about my pains, but he had no idea.

You?d better consult with your parents since the money you need is not a small amount. The bookstore promised to inform me when the book I wanted was available. It is so surprising that the tickets for the superstar?s performance are still available. Prices seem high in relation to wages.

In relation to people in African, those here are leading a more peaceful life. Farming and mining make up most of the country?s industry. They will make up a bed for you on the floor.

variety: n. quality of not being the same 变化、多变(性)

identify: v. show or prove what or who something or somebody is 确认、证明某物或某人

consult: v. ask somebody for information or advice 请教、与某人磋商

available: adj. able to be used, seen, obtained, etc. 可用的、可看见的、可得到的

in relation to: in comparison with 与??相比

make up: form, constitute, arrange 形成、构成、安排

turn into: change into, become 变成、成为

◆ In fifty years this place has turned from a little village into a large town. ◆

The novel was turned into a successful Hollywood film.

Although she was old, she was still in control of the whole country.

The government has been overthrown and the military is now in control of situation.

9. in control of: in charge of 掌控、掌管 ? ?



As inventors work on their projects, they are learning more about a computer’s capabilities in relation to a human’s. (Line 6-7)

As computer scientists are working on develop a machine to think and act as human, they know more and more about what a computer is able to do when it is compared with a human being. 2. 3.

help a lawyer fight a court case. (Line 14-15) help a lawyer argue for his client in a court case

They figured that it would take Dante twenty-four hours to complete its journey seven hundred feet down. (Line 30-32)

They found by calculation that it would take Dante twenty-four hours to walk seven hundred feed down the volcano. 4.

But after traveling only a few feet, Dante stopped dead. (Line 37-38) But after walking just a few feet, Dante stopped suddenly. stopped dead: 突然不动了

◆ When he saw Tom on the campus, he was so surprised that he stopped dead.


21世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册 5. 6. 7.

They say that they can learn from their failures, and as they get smarter, so will Dante. (Line 42-43) They say that they will try to find out where they failed and make some improvement on Dante. to exact measurement (Line 57)

according to exact measurement 根据精确的计算

Can science and technology take us too far by programming intelligence into machines? (Line 61-62) As we make machines more and more intelligent, will we walk further from our original intension and make it worse?

Text C

The Internet


1. 2.

The 1990s have brought on a revolution in the electronic media. (Line 1-2) In the 1990s, a revolution in the electronic media has taken place. The following questions and answers center on the Internet. (Line 12-13) center on: have somebody or something as a center 以??为中心 ◆ The dispute centers on the question of overtime pay. ◆ 3.

Her research is centered on the social effects of unemployment. Some individual networks consist of thousands of computers. (Line 18) consist of: be made up of 由??组成

◆ The committee consists of ten members from different departments of the company. ◆ 4.

The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Originally designed as a high-speed communications network for universities and military research, the Internet has now expanded to include private and commercial clients. (Line 28-31)

At first, the Internet was designed for universities and military research as a high-speed network to communicate, but now it has been improved and enlarged for both personal use and commercial use. 5.

although the ability to use Windows software or the Macintosh operating system is a definite plus. (Line 54-56)

although the ability to use Windows software or the Macintosh operating system is sure to bring some advantages.


Text A I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


(Line 1-5): About 20 years ago, when he was a college sophomore, he learned about it by reading Popular Electronics magazine in Harvard Square.

(Line 11-17): He refers to the upcoming communications revolution. (Line 20-24): It will be the foundation for the next revolution.

(Line 25-26): At first the mass media showed very little interest in the PC revolution.

(Line 33-35): There has been an unbelievable amount of interest in this subject during the last few years, both inside and outside the computer industry.

(Line 42-46): Some people think the highway is simply today?s Internet or the delivery of 500 simultaneous channels of television. Others hope or fear it will create computers as smart as human beings. (Line 53-57): It is because he thinks the highway is to serve the purposes users want. II (P. 216)


21世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册 8.

(Line 60-61, 94-96): He hopes it can serve as a travel guide for the forthcoming journey, and will stimulate understanding, debate and creative ideas about how people can take advantage of what is to be happening in the decade ahead. III (略) IV 1. 2. 3. 4.

(P. 216)

Not satisfied with her present job, Mary is thinking of finding a new one. 玛莉不太满意目前的工作,她考虑换一份新工作。

The history of early American is that / one of people eager to explore new lands. 美国早期的历史就是一部关于人们努力开拓新土地的历史。 This T-shirt is much more expensive than the one I was wearing yesterday. 这件T恤比我昨天穿的那件要贵很多。

I have many interests to keep me from being bored, but playing football and collecting stamps are the ones that I enjoy most.

我有许多兴趣爱好可以使自己免于烦闷,但踢足球和收集邮票是我最喜欢做的。 5. 6. V 1. 2. 3.

The study of culture is as important as that of language, so we should pay equal attention to both. 对文化的研究和对语言的研究一样重要,所以我们应该给予同等的重视。

The cells of the body, especially those of the brain, can live only a few minutes without circulating blood. 体细胞,特别是脑细胞,离开了循环的血液只能存活几分钟。 (P. 217)

As the Chinese saying goes, a timely snow promises a good harvest. 正如谚语所说,瑞雪兆丰年。

In the Information Age, we ought to develop a selective mind to determine reliable sources of information. 在信息时代,我们应培养自己有选择性地决定信息来源是否可靠。

The big project of writing a treatise on communications has made it impossible for the professor to take up other interests.

写一篇关于通信的大作使教授无暇从事其他事情。 4. 5.

It is freezing cold. My hands have gone numb and I can barely feel my toes. 天很冷。我的手已经麻木了,脚指头也快没有知觉了。

If tests are to be abolished, what will be used to let both the student and the teacher know how much he has learned?

如果取消了考试,我们用什么方法让学生和老师了解他学会了多少? 6. 7.

The theatre is a unique one because it provides simultaneous translation in both English and Chinese. 那个剧院非常特别,因为它能同时提供英语和中文的翻译。

Whether the egg comes before the chicken or the other way round will turn out to be an endless debate with no answer ever to be found.

不管是鸡生蛋,还是蛋生鸡,这都将是一场没有结果的无休无止的争论。 8. 9.

Although research is important, the university exists and operates primarily for the students. 尽管科研很重要,但大学存在和开办下去的根本原因都是为了学生。

Some words, such as “caribou”, can only be found in American English. They have no British equivalents. 一些词,例如“北美驯鹿”,只出现在美式英语中。他们在英式英语中没有对应词。

10. Technical schools prepare their students for the application of practical skills they learn in class to their



11. Her written English was first-class, and she had an incredible vocabulary for a sophomore. 7

21世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册


12. It is painful to memorize large numbers of words without knowing exactly how to use them. And what?s

more, I can?t see what purpose this could serve. 大量的背单词却不知道怎么使用它们是件很痛苦的事。而且,我看不出这样做有什么用。 13. Einstein?s theory was too difficult to gain broad acceptance in the beginning.


14. Dr. Wilson wrote the book in the hope of stimulating discussion of the problem of global warming. 威尔逊博士写这本书的目的就是希望能够激发人们讨论全球变暖这一问题。 VI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

(P. 218)

After the company ran into the problem of unfair competition, its sales figures dropped to a record low. 在该公司遇到非正当竞争的问题后,其销售额跌至最低记录。

The United Nations serves as a forum for exchanging different ideas and opinions. 联合国是供大家交换不同意见看法的论坛。

With the help of the computer, this project was completed well ahead of schedule. 有了电脑的帮助,这个项目提前完工。

The author believes that misunderstanding between nations arises primarily from their cultural differences. 作者认为国家间的误解基本上是由其文化差异引起的。

E-mail is a modern convenience that helps people far apart to communicate with each other. 电子邮件是一种现代的便利手段,它使相距甚远的人们得以互相联系。

The contributions of some major companies have brought about much improvement in the teaching and learning environment in this university.

一些大公司的赞助使得这所大学的教学环境得以改善。 7. 8.

It is crucial that we take advantage of what we can find locally to develop our economy. 至关重要的是,我们应该充分利用本地资源发展我们的经济。

A teacher who is alert to the needs of individual students is sure to achieve some success. 一个能敏锐地觉察到每个学生的需要的老师,一定能有所成就。 VII (P. 218) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The foreign spokesperson dismissed the reports about the President?s health as rumors. 那个外交发言人否认对总统健康状况的不实报告。

The purpose of taking a job is not confined only to bread-winning. 工作的目的不仅限于糊口。

I feel terribly sorry that during the holidays I didn?t get around to reading any English books. 我感到很羞愧,放假期间我没有抽时间读任何英语书籍。

The media?s speculations about the film star?s marriage turned out to be uninformed. 媒体对那位影星婚姻的猜测证明是毫无事实依据的。

Scientists have spent years studying the way the brain retains information. 科学家们花费多年时间研究大脑是如何保存信息的。 Strictly speaking, plays are meant to be acted, not to be read. 严格地讲,剧本是要用来演的,而非用来读的。 VIII (P. 219) 1. 5. IX 1.

unhappy (P. 219) unforgettable







2. 6.

unnoticed unfair

3. 7.

unprepared unknown

4. 8.

unanswered unclear



21世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册 5. X 1. 2.

unbearable (P. 220)

In the Information Age, education requires that powerful computers be introduced in schools. 在信息时代,教育要求我们将强大的计算机引入学校。

As the computer can meet the different needs of learners, it is suggested that new teaching methods involving the computer be tried.

因为计算机可以满足学习者的不同需求,建议尝试包含计算机在内的新教学手段。 3.

It is necessary that educational material for students of various abilities be designed and programmed so that they can work at their own speeds.

有必要针对能力各异的学生计划并编写不同的教材,这样他们就能按照各自的进度学习。 4. 5.

Gates says it is important that everyday computer users contribute to planning the information highway. 盖茨说,重要的是,计算机的日常用户都为信息高速路的规划献计献策。

Computers will never replace teachers in courses such as creative writing because it is necessary that a teacher be there to provide personal attention.

在一些课程的教授中,计算机永远也无法取代教师,例如需要创造力的写作,因为必须要有一个老师在那里提供个人意见。 6. XI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

It is essential that you change your study habits if you expect to do well in college. 如果你想在大学很出众,你有必要改变你的学习习惯。 (P. 221)

What she really hopes for(就是父母和老师的鼓励). (在字典中查一下这个单词你就会发现) what it means.

(自从发明了计算机,用户们就想出各种方法以充分利用)what it can offer them. (在课堂上你必须专注于)what the teacher says.

(记得写信给你的父母告诉他们)what you are doing and what is going on at school.

(过去人们做出的一些关于??的预测)what this modern world would be like (证明是可笑的).







XII (P. 221)

incredible, in, essential, crucial, communicate, Internet, revolution, territory, about / on, bring, make, debates, stimulate, least, met XIII (P. 222) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

No scientist knows exactly where the information highway will lead us in the decade ahead.

It is crucial that developed countries and developing countries should increase mutual understanding and respect through more communication.

From the very beginning, the mass media has paid special attention to this treatise on the PC.

My nephew had thought that Japanese was similar to Chinese in many ways and was easy to learn, but it did not turn out that way.

You should have known better. The way college professors teach is not just confined to telling students basic facts. They also stimulate discussions and debates.

It was originally estimated that the project would take five years. But because of the creativity of the workers and the engineers, it was finished well ahead of schedule.

It took the American writer more than three years to think about and write his autobiography. During this time period, he ran into many unimaginable difficulties.

Doctors are not sure what illness he is suffering from, which is the reason why he has decided to retire ahead of schedule. XIV (P. 222)


21世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册 1.

Words and phrases of the “computer technology” as a metaphor: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 2. XV

It is certain that the computer revolution is not a political or military one. No one uses a gun and no one is killed. But as the main meaning of the word “revolution” is to turn things upside down, it is a very good word to illustrate the way computers have affected our society in recent years. The Internet and e-mail have completely changed the ways in which people talk and communicate, making access to information much faster. Moreover, the computer has changed the way people do business. Almost all businesses now use computers to keep track of information and transactions and with the invention of small, portable computers people can do their jobs almost anywhere. Finally, we can see that computers have created a revolution in the fact that so many people are afraid of them. Such people say that they want to live in the past because it was a better time, but I don?t think this is right. I think they are afraid of learning how to use computers because they are afraid of change. Change certainly can be frightening, but it is also a necessary part of life. If there is one thing that computers certainly do, it is change and improve the world. In fact, their effect is revolutionary. Text B

Exercise A (P. 228) 1. A 3. 4. 1. 6. 1. 6. Text C

Exercise A (P. 234) 1. A 1. 2. 3. 4.

2. D

Exercise B (P. 235)

the computer, telephone, fax, and television computerized collections of information electronic mail

that is not intended to make money ⑵ ⑶ ⑷ ⑸

2. B

A “smart” machine would be capable of helping people in a variety of professions. The robot Dante.

Some robots of the future may also do ordinary jobs. Some dangers that people fear “smart” machines might bring. (略)

The past twenty years have been an incredible adventure for me. It has led us to places we had barely imagined. We are all beginning another great journey. We aren?t sure where this one will lead us either. … This revolution will …take us all farther. There is never a reliable map for unexplored territory. It stands for artificial intelligence. C A D C

2. 7. 2.


3. 8. 3.


4. 9. 4.




Exercise B (P. 229)

10. B 5.


Exercise C (P. 231)


21世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1.

a system that links two or more computers together to share files, and electronic mail the first form of anything

a device that links the computer to other computers by telephone line an organization that provides access to the Internet an advantage or positive feature D







Exercise C (P. 235) Exercise D (略)


Text A




尚未勘探的领域是没有任何可靠的地图的,但我们从价值1,200亿美元的个人计算机工业的创建和发展过程中可以得到重要的启示。个人计算机 -- 及其不断发展的硬件设备、各种商务应用软件、联机系统、国际互联网的联接、电子邮件、多媒体产品、写作软件、游戏软件 -- 都为下一次革命奠定了基础。




通讯领域的革命还只刚刚开始,将要持续几十年。这场革命的动力就是种种新的“应用” -- 即新的工具软件,常常为满足各种目前无法预见的需要而研制开发。今后几年中定将做出几项重大决策。一定要让一大批人 -- 不光是技术人员或是那些碰巧在计算机行业工作的人 -- 都来参与如何确定这一技术发展方向的辩论。如果能做到这一点,信息高速公路就能适应用户的需求,从而也就能被广泛接受且变为现实。

我写《未来之路》一书是我在这场辩论中的一点参与;虽说这件差使不轻松,但我希望此书能对摆在面前要走的旅程起到指南的作用。落笔之际我有些惴惴不安。前人的一些预言如今看来已显得荒唐,对此我们莫不哑然失笑。令人哭笑不得的例子历史上比比皆是 -- 那位牛津大学教授在1878年曾认为电灯是骗人的玩意儿而不屑一顾;还有美国专利发展局的那位局长曾在1899年要求撤销自己的办公室,理由是“能发明的东西全都发明了。”我个人的意图是,这本书是一部严肃作品,尽管十年之后它未必会显得严肃。


21世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册 到时候事实表明我说对了的,人们会认为那本来就显而易见,而我说错了的,将会令人忍俊不禁。



构思和写作此书实际花费的时间比我所预计的要长。说实在的,结果证明,要估计完成此书所需的时间,其困难程度不亚于计划一个重要软件项目的进展日程。唯一容易完成的部分是封面的照片,提前很多时间就完成了。我很喜欢写讲稿,当时以为写书和写讲稿一样。我天真地以为写一个章节就相当于写一篇讲稿。我的这种错误想法与软件开发商们常有的那种错误想法非常相似 -- 一个长度为十倍的程序编写起来,复杂程度大概要增加一百倍。对此我本该很清楚的。

现在书已摆在您面前了。究竟我们如何才能利用今后十年必将发生的一切 -- 希望此书能在这方面起到促进理解、引发辩论以及拓宽思路的作用。 Text B


机器能和人一样聪明吗?目前,有很多人在谈论人工智能机器及它们与人类智能的关系。一些计算机科学家正在研制一些机器,通过程序控制,使它们能在某种程度上像人类一样进行思考和活动。发明家们在从事这些项目研究的过程中,对计算机具备人类某些智能的程度有了更多的了解。加利福尼亚的一个专家组正在研制一台人工智能助研机。这台机器会像细心周到的助手一样,为人提供服务与建议。 这样的“聪明”机器将能为多种行业的人们提供帮助。比如,它可以不知疲倦地帮助医生为病人诊断疾病,可以为记者编写新闻报导摘要,帮助律师打官司,甚至帮英语教师设计测验试题。有朝一日,医生、记者、律师和教师也许要向人工智能“心理学家”讨教有关他们个人问题的意见。







21世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册 进而变成邪恶的怪物。科学家们对这种担心的回答很干脆:人们永远会控制“聪明”的机器。这实际上是在预言:人类与他们不知疲倦的助手之间将会维系良好的工作关系。 Text C












答:目前,需要有一台个人计算机,一个叫调制解调器的机件,一组通信程序,能与电话线联接,还需在国际互联网服务供应商那儿开设一个帐户。计算机不必太高档,不过,能使用视窗软件或麦金塔(苹果)工作系统的话,肯定有好处。调制解调器速度越高越好。14,400字节每秒也行,28.8 或56千字节每秒则更好。






