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及物动词 vt.

1. 邀请;招待[(+to)][O2]

He invited several of his friends to the show. 他邀请了几个朋友去看表演。 2.请求;征求[O2]

After his lecture the visiting professor invited questions. 访问教授作完讲座就请大家提问题。 3. 引起,招致;吸引;诱惑 Recklessness invites disaster. 莽撞招致灾难。



1. 高价的;昂贵的;花钱的[+to-v]

Your dress must have been expensive. 你的衣服一定很贵。

It is expensive to stay in that hotel. 住那家旅馆很贵。

I can't afford that expensive toy. 我买不起那昂贵的玩具。

形容词 a.



n. [C]

1. 代理人;代理商;仲介人

I made my assistant my agent while I was abroad. 我请我的助手在我出国期间做我的代理人。 2. 原动力,起因

Electricity is an important agent in the life of today. 电是今天生活中一种重要的动力。



at the end of 在……的尽头,在……的末尾



及物动词 vt. 1. 举起,抬起

He raised his glass and said: \ 他举起了杯子说道:\祝你健康,卡尔。\ 2. 增加;提高;提升[(+to)] The landlord raised my rent. 房东提高了我的租金。 3. 筹(款);招(兵);集结

They are going to raise funds for the school buildings. 他们将为盖校舍筹集资金。 4. 养育;种植;饲养

The baby was raised on soya-bean milk. 这孩子是用豆浆喂养大的。 5. 提出;发出

None of them raised any objection. 他们谁也没提出反对意见。 6. 引起;唤起;扬起 7. 竖起;建起

They raised a monument to the national hero. 他们为那位民族英雄树了纪念碑。 名词 n.

1. 【美】加薪;加薪额[C]

I am going to ask the boss for a raise. 我要找老板要求加薪。 2. 提高,举,升 6.


形容词 a.

1. 全国性的

It made the headlines in the national newspapers. 这事成了全国性报纸的头版新闻。 2. 民族的

a common national language 民族共同语 3. 国家的,国民的

We must safeguard our national interests. 我们必须保卫国家的利益。 4. 国有的,国立的 a national railroad 国有铁路

5. 国家主义的,民族主义的;爱国的 名词 n.

1. 国民,公民[C]

Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。 7.


n. 1. 砖;砖块[C][U] 2. 砖块状物

I bought a brick of ice cream for my daughter. 我给女儿买了块冰砖。

He bought a brick of cheese and a bottle of wine. 他买了一块乳酪和一瓶葡萄酒。 3. 【英】积木[C] Lance is a regular brick. 兰斯是个大好人。 形容词 a. [Z]


1. 砖砌的

The house is brick, not wood.

这房子是用砖砌成的,不是用木头造的。 2. 似砖的 8.


名词 n.

1. 石,石头,石块[C]

The boy threw some stones into the pond. 男孩把几块石头丢进池里去。 2. 石材[U]

The house is made of stone, not concrete. 那房子是石造的,不是混凝土造的。 3. 果核[C]

The nurse told the child to spit out the stone. 保姆叫孩子把果核吐出来。 4. 宝石[C] 及物动词 vt.

1. 向...扔石头;用石头砸死

A mob stoned and robbed the shops. 一群暴民砸了商店,并抢劫店里货物。 2. 去...的核

She washed and stoned the cherries. 她把樱桃洗净并去核。 形容词 a. 1. 石的;石制的

She sat on a stone step. 她坐在一级石阶上。



n. [C] 1. 山


2. 山脉[P]

3. 堆积如山的东西;(欧洲共同体)过剩的堆积如山的食物;大量[S1][P1][(+of)] grain mountain 堆积如山的谷物 beef mountain 堆积如山的牛肉

She has a mountain of dirty clothes to wash. 她有一大堆脏衣服要洗。 形容词 a. 1. 山的

This mountain road leads to the copper mine. 这条山路通向那个铜矿。 2. 巨大的 10.



1. 古代的

We were impressed by the ruins of an ancient building. 我们对一处古建筑废墟印象颇深。 2. 古老的;古旧的,旧的 He drives an ancient car. 他开着一辆老式汽车。 3. 年老的,高龄的 4. 自古以来的

This is an ancient custom. 这是一个自古相传下来的习俗。




1. 历史;史学[U]

History is full of things like that. 历史上充满了那样的事件。

名词 n.

12. interest英音:['int?rist]美音:['?nt?r?st]

名词 n.

1. 兴趣;关注;爱好[C][U][(+in)]

I developed an interest in the machine. 我对这机器发生了兴趣。

I have lost my interest in chemistry. 我对化学已不感兴趣。 2. 利益;利害;同业;同行[P1]

We work for our common interests. 我们为共同的利益而工作。 及物动词 vt.

1. 使发生兴趣;引起...的关心 Chemistry interests him. 他对化学感兴趣。 2. 使参与,使发生关系[(+in)] He interested me in politics. 他使我对政治发生兴趣。 13.


名词 n. [C]

1. 节日,假日;休息日,休业日

Friday is a holiday in Muslin countries. 在穆斯林国家里星期五是假日。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 外出度假[Q]

We're planning to holiday at the seaside. 我们打算去海滨度假。 14.


形容词 a.

1. 极好的;精彩的

We've been having wonderful weather recently. 近来天气非常好。

2. 惊人的;奇妙的;非同寻常的

I think the heart transplant is a wonderful thing. 我认为心脏移植是件神奇的事。 15.


1. 又一,再一

He drank another glass of beer. 他又喝了一杯啤酒。 2. 另一;另外的 That's another matter. 那是另外一回事。

形容词 a.

代词 pron. 1. 又一个,再一个

The little boy finished his cake and asked for another. 小男孩吃完自己的饼后,要求再吃一块。 2. 另一个

I don't like this one, please show me another.



1. See you soon. 再见

2. Take somebody to …带领某人去 3. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你 4. The summer palace 颐和园 5. Tian’anmen square 天安门广场 6. The great wall 长城

7. The palace musem 故宫博物院 8. Places of interest 名胜

9. It is in the north-west of Beijing 它在北京的西部 10. It is north of Beijing 它在北京的北面

