180118 英语学习高级阅读材料

更新时间:2023-03-08 04:56:30 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载



A man married a beautiful girl. He loved her verymuch. 一个男人娶了一个漂亮女孩,他非常爱她。

One day she developed a skin disease. Slowly shestarted to lose her beauty. It so happened that oneday her husband left for a tour. While returning hemet with an accident and lost his eyesight. Howevertheir married life continued as usual. But as dayspassed she lost her beauty gradually. 突然她得了一种皮肤病,慢慢地开始失去美貌。碰巧有一天她丈夫去旅行,回来的路上他遭遇车祸失明了,然而他们的婚姻生活照旧,但随着时间的流逝她越来越丑。

Blind husband did not know this and there was not any difference in their married life. Hecontinued to love her and she also loved him very much. One day she died. Her death broughthim great sorrow.


He finished all her last rites and wanted to leave that town. A man from behind called and said, now how will you be able to walk all alone? All these days your wife used to help you. He replied, I am not blind.


I was acting, because if she knew l could see her ugliness it would have pained her more thanher disease. So I pretended to be blind. She was a very good wife. I only wanted to keep herhappy.

我是装的,因为如果她知道我能看到她的丑,给她带来的痛苦比疾病本身更让她难以承受,所以我假装失明。她是个好妻子,我只想让她开心。 Moral: Some times it is good for us to act blind and ignore one another's sh

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ort comings, inorder to be happy. No matter how many times the teeth bite the tongue, they still staytogether in one mouth. That's the spirit of FORGIVENESS.

寓意:有时为了开心,我们假装看不见别人的短处也挺好。无论牙齿咬了舌头多少次,它们依然待在一个嘴里。这就是“天长地久”的真正含义。 Many of you must have recognized this lovable elderly couple that goes around Goa, living it uplike you and I would. You’ve probably spotted a grandpa getting a tattoo and a grandma goingfor parasailing.

你们很多人一定认识这对环游果阿邦的可爱老夫妻,他们过着你我向往的快乐生活。你可能看见过一位老爷爷纹着纹身,老奶奶做着帆伞运动。 The heart-warming actors that play Asha and Bala of Vodafone SuperNet 4G ads' fame areactually real life couple and Padma Bhushan recipients V.P. Dhanajayan (78) and ShantaDhanajayan (73).

在沃达丰(印度第二大电信运营商)的SuperNet 4G广告中扮演Asha和Bala的演员暖心演绎的生活原型是莲花装勋章获得者副总裁Dhanajayan (78岁)和Shanta Dhanajayan (73岁)。

The new ad shows the couple what they do best, showing off few freestyle moves at a party ona boat. The ad will have us believe that the pair learns to dance by watching high-speedinternet, but their admirers know otherwise. The couples are founders of the dance schoolBharata Kalanjali. They won the Padma Bhushan in 2009 for the contribution toBharatanatyam. 这个新广告向这对夫妻展示他们最擅长的,炫耀了船上聚会里的几个自由舞步。广告想让我们相信这对夫妻通过高速网络学会了跳舞,但他们的崇拜者知道事实并非如此,这对夫妻是Bharata Kalanjali舞蹈学校的创建者。他们在2009年因为对婆罗多舞所做的贡献获得了莲花装勋章。

Usually we’re pretty envious of celebrity couples just because they’re famo

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us. But this pair isso different from others. They have set the bar for relationships really high.


Nothing is cuter than a couple that is truly in love! 没有什么比真正相爱的夫妻更可爱的了 ==


Answer and then immediately pivot. 回答问题后立刻转移话题。

If you can pivot to something people will want to talk about, so much the better.


For example, your family member asks you \Syrian refugees?\

比如,家人问你;“我们该怎么应对叙利亚难民?”你真的不想引起争执的话。 \the son of an immigrant, and a couple of his wives are immigrants too. I think a more urgent problem is the decline of the American family, celebrity culture and throwaway marriages...\


A great technique is just to use the connector \absolutely right and…..\you can then alter the conversation as you wish. 有一招很好用,就是只说过渡语“是的,而且……”或“是的,你说的很对,而

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且……”,然后你就可以随意转移话题了 Answer and then immediately pivot. 回答问题后立刻转移话题。

If you can pivot to something people will want to talk about, so much the better.


For example, your family member asks you \Syrian refugees?\

比如,家人问你;“我们该怎么应对叙利亚难民?”你真的不想引起争执的话。 \the son of an immigrant, and a couple of his wives are immigrants too. I think a more urgent problem is the decline of the American family, celebrity culture and throwaway marriages...\


A great technique is just to use the connector \absolutely right and…..\you can then alter the conversation as you wish. 有一招很好用,就是只说过渡语“是的,而且……”或“是的,你说的很对,而且……”,然后你就可以随意转移话题了 ==

兴趣不一样的人怎么在一起 I just broke up with my girlfriend. 我刚刚和女朋友分手了。 Yeah, it's a sad story. 对,这是个悲伤的故事。

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But we are totally OK with it. 但是我们俩对此都很淡定。

It's not that something bad happened and we broke each other's heart. 并不是有什么坏事发生了然后我们伤了彼此的心。

It's just that we found out we don't really have many mutual hobbies. 我们只是发现,彼此真的没有什么共同爱好。

So we broke up peacefully and wished each other a better future. 于是,我们就和平分手了,然后希望对方能有一个更好的未来

You see, sometimes you just got attracted biologically or irrationally by someone.

你看,有时候你就是会被一些人吸引,可能是生理性地,可能是没理性地。 But as time goes by you find out that you two are not interested in the same things.


This is harmful for both of you, because love requires you to devote time into each other.


But when you don't really like doing the same things, this is a waste of life. 但当你们喜欢的不是同样的东西时,这只是浪费生命。

We are all searching for a happy life. So don't trap yourself in an unhealthy relationship.

我们都在为自己寻找一个幸福的生活。所以,不要让自己陷在一段不健康的关系中。 Just let it go. 看开一点吧 ==

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Seal has lashed out at Oprah Winfrey following her inspirational Golden Globes speech, claiming she knew about the rumors surrounding Harvey Weinstein but did nothing.


The talk show queen's widely-applauded speech on Sunday night focused on the plight of sexually abused women and the 'MeToo' movement. 星期天晚上,这位脱口秀女王发表的那番广受赞誉的演讲主要围绕着遭受性侵的女性们的困境以及“我也是”运动来展开的。

But Seal accused the media maven of being an example of 'sanctimonious Hollywood'.

然而,希尔却谴责这位传媒专家是“好莱坞中假装圣洁的人”。 He took to Instagram Wednesday, sharing a shot of Oprah with the disgraced producer at two events with a meme that read: 'When you have been part of the problem for decades... but suddenly they all think you are the solution.'


The 54-year-old singer took it one step further, captioning the meme that Oprah knew about the sexual misconduct allegations against Weinstein, writing 'You'd heard the rumours but you had no idea he was actually serially assaulting young actresses who in turn had no idea what they were getting into. My bad.'


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指控,并写道“你听说了那些流言,但你不知道他确实接连性侵了几位年轻的女演员,而这些女演员也不知道自己陷入了什么样的境遇。我的错。” He hash-tagged the post with '#SanctimoniousHollywood.' 他还为这个帖子加上了“好莱坞中假装圣洁的人”这样的标签

It is unclear if Seal could say with certainty that Oprah was aware of the varied claims againstWeinstein.

目前还不清楚希尔是否能确切地说明奥普拉知道针对温斯坦的各种控诉。 Oprah's speech at the Globes speech was likened to a campaign speech, which in turn sparkedthe reports that the former talk show queen is eyeing a potential presidential run in 2020.


The singer caught a good deal of backlash for his post, with many angered by Seal muddlingOprah's speech.


Some questioned if Seal himself knew about the allegations against Weinstein.

一些人质疑希尔本人是否了解针对温斯坦的指控 ==

Eight Small Things People Use To Judge Your Personality

The human brain is hardwired to judge. This survival mechanism makes it very hard to meet someone without evaluating and interpreting their behavior.

While we tend to think that our judgments are based on the content of

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conversations and other obvious behaviors, the research says otherwise. In fact, the majority of our judgments are focused on smaller, subtler things, such as handshakes and body language. We often form complete opinions about people based solely on these behaviors.

We are so good at judging other people’s personalities based on small things that, in a University of Kansas study, subjects accurately predicted people’s personality traits, such as extroversion/introversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness, simply by looking at pictures of the shoes they wore.

Our unconscious behaviors have a language of their own, and their words aren’t always kind. These behaviors have likely become an integral part of who you are, and if you don’t spend much time thinking about them, now is a good time to start, because they could be sabotaging your career. How you treat waiters and receptionists. How you treat support staff is so indicative of your makeup that it has become a common interview tactic. By gauging how you interact with support staff on your way in and out of the building, interviewers get a sense for how you treat people in general. Most people act the part when they’re speaking to the hiring manager or other “important” people, but some will pull a Jekyll and Hyde act the moment they walk out the door, treating others with disdain or indifference. Business lunches are another place this comes to light. No matter how nice you are to the people you have lunch with, it’s all for naught if those people witness you behaving badly toward others.

How often you check your phone. There’s nothing more frustrating than

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someone pulling out their phone mid-conversation. Doing so conveys a lack of respect, attention, listening skills, and willpower. Unless it’s an emergency, it’s wise to keep your phone holstered. A study from Elon University confirms that pulling out your phone during a conversation lowers both the quality and quantity of face-to-face interactions. Repetitive, nervous habits. Touching your nails or face or picking at your skin typically indicates that you’re nervous, overwhelmed, and not in control. Research from the University of Michigan suggests that these nervous habits are indicative of a perfectionistic personality, and that perfectionists are more likely to engage in these habits when they’re frustrated or bored. How long you take to ask questions. Have you ever had a conversation with someone where they talked about themselves the entire time? The amount of time someone allows to pass before they take an interest in you is a strong personality indicator. People who only talk about themselves tend to be loud, self-absorbed “takers.” People who only ask questions and share little about themselves are usually quiet, humble “givers.” Those who strike a nice balance of give-and-take are reciprocators and good conversationalists.

Your handshake. It’s common for people to associate a weak handshake with a lack of confidence and an overall lackadaisical attitude. A study at the University of Alabama showed that, although it isn’t safe to draw assumptions about someone’s competence based on their handshake, you can accurately identify personality traits. Specifically, the study found that a firm handshake equates with being less shy, less neurotic, and more

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Tardiness. Showing up late leads people to think that you lack respect and tend to procrastinate, as well as being lazy or disinterested. Contrary to these perceptions, a San Diego State University study by Jeff Conte revealed that tardiness is typically seen in people who multitask, or are high in relaxed, Type B personality traits. Conte’s study found that Type B individuals are often late because they experience time more slowly than the rest of us. Bottom line here is not to read too much into people showing up late. It’s better to ask what’s behind it than to make assumptions. Handwriting. There are all manner of false stereotypes attempting to relate your handwriting to your personality. For example, people believe that how hard you press down on the paper relates to how uptight you are, the slant of your writing indicates introversion or extroversion, and the

neatness/sloppiness of your writing reveals organizational tendencies. The research is inconclusive at best when it comes to handwriting and personality. If you have an important letter to write, I’d suggest sticking to the keyboard to keep things neutral.

Eye contact. The key to eye contact is balance. While it’s important to maintain eye contact, doing so 100% of the time is perceived as aggressive and creepy. At the same time, if you only maintain eye contact for a small portion of the conversation, you’ll come across as disinterested, shy, or embarrassed. Studies show that maintaining eye contact for roughly 60% of a conversation strikes the right balance and makes you come across as interested, friendly, and trustworthy.

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Bringing It All Together

Sometimes the little things in life make a big difference. It’s good to be ready for them, so that you can make a strong impression.

What other behaviors yield insight into people’s personalities? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, as I learn just as much from you as you do from me. ==

Degrees to make you rich 英国:学历和收入之间的关系

上大学获取一个学位可不是件容易的事。大多数人相信,获得大学文凭对一名毕业生的未来职业发展必有帮助。但这一纸文凭究竟有那么管用吗?学生所学习的专业会影响其未来的就业和收入吗?本集《随身英语》讨论在英国,学历和收入之间的关系。 课文内容

Vocabulary: Education 词汇: 教育

What's the point of studying?! It's something you might ask yourself if you're studying for a degree and you're struggling to complete

an assignment or sweating it out in an exam, especially if your friends seem to be out having a good time, or are working and earning lots of money.

Many of us choose to go to university as a first step towards a good career but sometimes that career is hard to achieve

and graduates end up doing something they are overqualified for. The Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development says that with the spiralling costs of university, students need to ask themselves whether

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a degree path is the best route into a career. It says there is a need for much better career advice and guidance, alongside high-quality alternative vocational routes into employment other than university education.

But other new research commissioned for the BBC, says that a degree will, in the long run, earn you more. However there are differences in your earning potential. Dr Jack Britton from the Institute for Fiscal Studies says that \Russell Group universities earn an average of £33,500 after five years - about 40% more than those who studied at other universities.\

However, it found it's not just the location but other factors than can play a part in what you can earn, such as the subject a student chooses to study. It discovered that five years after graduation, the income gap between students who studied the subjects that attract the highest and lowest salaries can be considerable. Graduates in subjects such

as law, medicine and dentistry tend to do well. And as they progress, the pay gap between these careers and others, such as the creative arts, widens. There are other factors too that influence what you might earn: Five years after graduation, men earn on average, 14% more than women. Also, a student's social background can have an effect, with those from better-off households much more likely to go to university and particularly a good one.

But if you still feel university delivers the best opportunities then there are encouraging words from Alistair Jarvis, head of Universities UK, who told BBC News that \graduates are half as likely to be unemployed as non-graduates. There are

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many many good graduate outcomes coming from universities.\all that studying is worth it – after all 'no pain, no gain'! ==


The 7 worst mistakes you can make during a career change

人到中年改行绝不是件容易的事,你不但要进行充分的调查研究,还要积累足够的职场人脉,根据目标职位升级文凭、调整简历,而且最好不要裸辞 Changing careers is never easy—but it is absolutely possible. Just because you're on a dedicated career path doesn't mean you have to stay on it forever.


Sure, your family and friends may think you've lost your marbles when you announce plans for a midlife career change, but take heart: 59% of working adults say they're interested in taking the leap, according to a recent survey from the University of Phoenix School of Business.


Whether you're bored at work, burned out on a job, or simply want a fresh challenge, there are a number of considerations that go into a successful career change.

无论现在的工作是让你感到无聊,还是筋疲力尽,或者仅仅是想要一个全新的挑战,这里有几个需要考虑的因素,帮助你成功改变职业。 1. Making a rash decision 错误一:草率做决定

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Before changing occupations, you should do a deep dive to assess why you want to leave your current one. \why you're dissatisfied and what's going to make you more satisfied going forward,\


Ask yourself why you're unhappy—and answer honestly. You may simply be having a bad week or a bad month—or you may just hate your boss, not your industry.

问你自己为什么不开心——然后诚实地做出回答。你也许只是这一星期或一个月过得很糟糕——或者你只是讨厌你的上司,而不是讨厌这一行。 \an executive coach and staffing consultant. \something, not running away from something.\

执行教练、招聘顾问兰迪?布洛克说:“我们在工作中都会经历不开心的时期。你应该是朝着某个目标前进,而不是逃离某种东西。” 2. Choosing a new career based on salary 错误二:依据薪水来选新职业

You obviously need to be financially strategic when choosing your next career, but don't base your decision solely on earning potential.


\strengths, you're not going to be happy,\happy being paid more money to do a job you aren't into? Maybe at first,

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but the novelty will likely wear off sooner than later.


It's not that you should disregard salary when evaluating your options, but you must consider other important factors—like work-life balance and room for growth—in addition to compensation.

这里不是说,你在衡量选择的时候不应该考虑薪水,而是你在收入之外还必须考虑其他重要因素——比如工作和生活的平衡,还有发展空间。 3. Not researching the job market in your next field 错误三:不对目标行业的就业市场进行调查

Not sure what field you want to go into? Research industries and positions to find a good match for your skills and career goals, Genser says. Otherwise, you're throwing darts in the dark.

不确定自己想入哪一行?根瑟说,你必须调查各个行业和职位来找到适合你技能和职业目标的工作。否则,你只能摸黑碰运气了。 4. Quitting without having another job lined up 错误四:裸辞

Research shows it's easier to get a job offer when you're still employed, which makes sense since gaps on a resume might make a hiring manager think twice about calling you in for an interview.


Consequently, it's in your best interest to stay at your current job until you have your next one set up.


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5. Neglecting your networking 错误五:忽略你的人际网络

Even if everything you research about the field you're interested in sounds promising, until you actually talk with people who work within that field, you really don't know what you're in for. As such, you should be growing and refreshing your professional contacts constantly.


One of the best ways to expand your circle is to go on informational interviews with people who currently work in the field you're pursuing. During these meetings, be sure to ask meaningful questions (e.g., \do you see the industry going?\companies you'd like to work for. Not only will you learn the nuts and bolts, you'll also be more likely to hear about job openings and get internal referrals.

拓展职场人脉最好的一个方法就是请目前在你向往的行业里工作的人介绍情况。在这种会面中,一定要问有意义的问题(比如,“你觉得这个行业未来会如何发展?”)建议:把目标瞄准你想就职的公司的员工。你不但能了解到这一行的具体细节,你还更可能得到职位空缺的消息和内部推荐机会。 6. Going back to school prematurely 错误六:过早回学校进修

Depending on your new career choice, you may need to get another degree. Some fields have clear education requirements (e.g., obtaining a master's degree and licensing to be a nurse practitioner), but others don't require you to go back to school.

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\but they don't always need to,\


You have to research whether getting another degree will, in fact, improve your job prospects or increase how much money you can make.

(Networking is especially helpful in determining these answers.) If it won't, you'd just be wasting money—or taking on student loan debt—to get a degree you don't need.


7. Not adjusting your resume for a career change 错误七:在寻求职业改变时没有相应调整简历

While it's great that you have 15 years of experience in public relations, if you want to switch careers to human resources, your old resume won't cut it.


Your resume needs to be tailored to the new industry you're pursing. Check out some of the job descriptions in your desired field and note what skills and credentials are valued. Which of your skills are transferable?

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For career changers, a functional resume is more likely to promote your qualifications than a chronological resume. Put in the time and effort to update and polish your credentials, regardless of how many years you have in the workforce.

对于要改变职业的人来说,一份功能型履历比一份时序型履历更能提升你的资质。不论你在职场干了多少年,都要花时间精力更新和润色你的简历 ==




我们一起回顾2017年外交部有理有据、有力有节的精彩回应! “一意孤行”

Not stray any farther down the wrong path



Deploying THAAD is a wrong move. This is not the way for neighbors to treat each other. It may very well make the ROK less secure.


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China strongly advised the ROK to halt the deployment of THAAD and not stray any farther down the wrong path, \hurting themselves and others.


Wasting their efforts doing so



If what is told in the report is true, I can only say that they are wasting their efforts doing so.


Japan's credibility is called into question when it on the one hand calls for an improved relationship with China and throws mud at China on the other. 我们敦促日方切实端正对华认识,多做有利于中日关系改善的事,而不是相反。

We urge the Japanese side to correct its attitude toward China and work for the improvement of the bilateral relationship rather than the opposite.


Making speculations out of thin air or filling oneself with suspicions 3月3日,针对“中国公民入境济州岛受阻,国家旅游局提出严正交涉”是否与“萨德”有关的问题,外交部发言人耿爽回应:


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We have said repeatedly that China takes a positive and open attitude towards China-ROK exchanges and cooperation, but such exchanges and cooperation hinge on proper popular support and appropriate public opinion.


I have to add that rather than making speculations out of thin air or filling oneself with suspicions, it is better to heed the voice of the people and take effective measures to avoid affecting China-ROK relations and bilateral exchanges and cooperation.


An attempt out of ulterior motives

7月7日,针对印度所谓“三国交界点”说法,外交部发言人耿爽回应称: 此次印军非法越界的地点位于中印边界锡金段的边界线上,距离吉姆马珍雪山约有2000多米之远,与三国交界点问题没有关系。印方无视边界条约的规定,把整个洞朗地区说成是三国交界点的范围,显然是别有用心。

The illegal trespass by the Indian troops took place at the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary over 2,000 meters away from Mount Gipmochi and has nothing to do with the tri-junction. The Indian side, in disregard of the boundary convention, takes the whole Doklam area as part of the tri-junction. This is obviously an attempt out of ulterior motives.


The Indian side tries to introduce the concept of tri-junction into this incident and equate that point with an area. They are misleading the public.

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Mondays make sense, he says, because “people are fresh, mentally and physically at the beginning of the week, and fade as the week goes on.” 他说,周一最高效是有道理的,“在周一,人们精神饱满,体力充沛。而在一周之后的几个工作日,精力逐渐衰退。”

The different phases of the year also reflect natural volleys between high- and low-energy levels. Drummond says people return from summer holidays fresh, so they are productive in early autumn, while winter’s early plunge into darkness each night might explain lagging productivity, mental acuity and dips in mood.


Drummond has some suggestions for capitalising on these findings: “Allow people to have the time required to flex their creativity early in the week and early in the day,” he says. “Don’t, for example, schedule a boring meeting then. Alas, that is when almost all boring meetings are scheduled.” 杜德蒙对于如何利用这些研究结果还给出了一些建议。他说:“让人们能够在一周前几天的清晨充分发挥他们的创造力。比如,在那时不要安排无聊的会议。唉,但几乎所有无聊的会议都安排在这些时候了。” ==

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