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1.呼和浩特城市变迁: 呼和浩特市,系内蒙古自治区首府,塞北少数民族地区的重要交通枢纽。城市的建设可追溯到明朝隆庆年(1572年)阿拉坦汗所建立的归化城(呼和浩特市旧城),归化城便是呼和浩特最早的城池,后因军事的需要,在归化城东北2。5公里处建立绥远城(呼和浩特市新城)。解放前呼和浩特市被称为\归绥市\,它是归化城与绥远城的合称,1954年蒙绥合并,撤消了原绥远省建制归绥市又恢复了原来的名字:呼和浩特市。\呼和浩特\是蒙古语\青色的城市\的意思。

Hohhot City, is the capital of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, an important transport hub of northern ethnic minority areas. The construction of the city can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty Longqing years (1572) Guihua Allah Tan Khan established (Hohhot City), domestication is the earliest city of Hohhot City, after the military needs, in the northeast of the city of 2 domestication. 5 kilometers of Suiyuan city (Hohhot City Metro). Before the liberation of Hohhot city known as %undo the Suiyuan province construction Guisui city also restored the original name: Hohhot city. \

2.敖包介绍:敖包敖包是蒙古语,意即\堆子\,也有译成“脑包”、“鄂博”的,意为木、石、土堆。就是由人工堆成的“石头堆”、“土堆”或“木块堆”。旧时遍布蒙古各地,多用石头或沙土堆成,也有用树枝垒成的,今数量已大减。原来是在辽阔的草原上人们用石头堆成的道路和境界的标志,后来逐步演变成祭山神、路神和祈祷丰收、家人幸福平安的象征。在敖包上插上苏l鲁德据说是成吉思汗、忽必烈用过的刀枪,镌刻着开疆扩土的辉煌,把哈达系在苏德上,以表达子孙献给祖先得敬仰。Obo is Mongolian, which means \\\pile\Formerly scattered throughout Mongolia, with stones or sand pile, but also useful Branch Lei Cheng, this number has been greatly reduced. It is a sign of the vast grasslands on people with stones and State Road, gradually evolved into a symbol of mountain Festival, gods and pray for a good harvest, family peace and happiness. In the group are inserted on Su l RUD is said to Gen Gi Khan, Kublai used a sword, engraved with the open border enlarge land is brilliant, the hada department at Sood, to express respect for ancestors descendants. 3清朝的满蒙联姻政策:清代满洲皇室和贵胄与蒙古王公实行的世代“满蒙联姻”,是清代的一项重要的国策,为清王朝柔服蒙古部落、巩固统治的羁縻措施之一,在清史中占有重要一页。所谓“北不断亲”是为清皇室与蒙古王公的姻戚关系延续不断。 “满蒙联姻”的涵义包括两个部分:一是清朝皇室娶蒙古王公之女为后为妃。二是皇室公主和宗室格格下嫁蒙古王公贵族。这一制度,加强了清朝统治者更好地控制蒙古各部。

Manchuria in the Qing Dynasty Royal family and nobles and princes of Mongolia implementation of the generation of \Wang Zhaorou service Mongolia tribes, consolidate one rule control measures, occupied an important page in the history of the Qing Dynasty. The so-called \relationship with Qi Qing Imperial princes of Mongolia's continued. \two parts: one is the Qing Dynasty Royal family to marry princes of Mongolia's daughter as princess. The two is the system's Princess and imperial Princess marry Mongolia kings and nobles, strengthen the rulers of the Qing Dynasty, better control of the Department of Mongolia.

4清朝的放垦政策: 光绪二十七年十一月(1902年1月),因内外交困,库款支细而百般焦虑的清政府,在1901年山西巡抚岑春煊两次上奏“筹议开垦蒙地”后,即决定“着派贻谷驰赴晋边,督办垦务。”任命兵部左侍郎贻谷为督办垦务大臣,赴绥远督办包括察哈尔在内的整个内蒙古西部垦务。与此同时,东北三将军和热河都统也陆续在所辖内蒙古东部各蒙旗全面开始官放蒙地,垦丈内蒙古东部地区。从此,清政府在内蒙东西部开始了全面放垦时期。清政府实行的蒙地放垦政策实质上是一项对内蒙古蒙汉各族人民实行的经济掠夺政策,加剧了内蒙


In November twenty-seven years Guangxu (1902 January), due to be beset with troubles internally and externally, such a fine and a variety of anxiety of the Qing government, in 1901 the governor of Shanxi Cen Chunxuan two memorials to \to go for a Gu Jin Bian, supervision of reclamation.\for supervision of reclamation in Suiyuan supervision minister, including Chahar, the western Inner Mongolia reclamation. At the same time, general To Kitami and the EC has been under the jurisdiction of Inner Mongolia in the east of the Mongolian Banner started officer put Monte, Ken Zhang in eastern Inner Mongolia. Since then, the Qing government in Inner Mongolia that began a comprehensive cultivation period. The Qing government implemented by policy of cultivation is essentially a of Inner Mongolia Mongolian and Chinese people of all ethnic groups to implement economic plunderage policy, exacerbated by Inner Mongolia ethnic and class contradictions. Led to the serious conflict of agriculture and animal husbandry, paid a huge ecological cost. 二:名词解释: 匈奴:中国的匈奴是古代蒙古大漠和草原上的游牧民族,大部分生活在戈壁大漠,最初在蒙古建立国家,公元前215年秦始皇在位年间,被逐出黄河河套地区,东汉时分裂,南匈奴进入中原内附,北匈奴从漠北西迁,中间经历了约三百年。内迁中原的南匈奴在五胡十六国时期在中原建立前赵、北凉和夏等国家;北匈奴西迁康居。汉元帝竟宁元年(公元前33年),匈奴王呼韩邪向汉求亲,王昭君出塞嫁与匈奴单于后,匈奴人已重新回到漠南,双方依汉元帝永光元年(公元前43年)的约定以长城为界;匈奴人的最亲近的后裔是蒙古族 。Chinese Hun is the ancient Mongolia desert and steppe nomads, most living in the Gobi desert, the initial establishment of the state in Mongolia, BC 215 years under Qin Shihuang, was expelled from the the Yellow River Hetao area, the Eastern Han Dynasty Huns split, South into the Central Plains with northern Xiongnu moved to the west, from the north, through the middle of about three hundred years. In the Central Plains in the Central Plains moved south Hun before the establishment of Zhao, northern Liang and summer and other countries in the Sixteen Kingdoms period; the northern Xiongnu moved west ceremony. The emperor Ning the first year (33 BC), the Wang Huhan evil to the Han's, Wang Zhaojun's and her after the Huns Chanyu, has returned to the south of the desert, the parties in accordance with the emperor WIKO the first year (43 years BC) agreed to the Great Wall as the boundary; the Huns closest descendant of Mongolia family.


Xianbei nationality is our country north Altai family of nomads, its origin is the Donghu tribe, rising in the Greater Khingan Range mountains. Nomadic in ancient china. Chen is a branch of the Shang Dynasty Donghu nationality. In Qin and Han Dynasties, the area from Greater Khingan Range moved to South West Spur in Mulun River basin. After the Eastern Han Dynasty had. After the Huns migrated to the West as its old haunt, in the north Xiongnu all about 100000 into the Xianbei, power is strong.


。The Wuchang uprising in October 10, 1911 (lunar new year in August nineteen Xin Hai) in a campaign to overthrow the Qing Dynasty of China Wuchang mutiny, is also the Xin Hai Revolution

began. After the failure of the Huanghuagang uprising, mainly in literature and to the revolutionary party decided to turn to the Yangtze River Basin, ready to launch a new armed uprising in Wuhan Center for Hubei and Hunan provinces. By the revolutionary party's efforts, finally in 1911 (lunar new year in October 10th, Xin Hai) successfully launched the epoch-making significance of the Wuchang uprising. The victory of the uprising, and gradually make the Qing Dynasty to perish, and established the first Republic in Asia -- the Republic of China, Asia and China to the Democratic Republic of the beginning, have milepost significance in Chinese history


\1895 (Guangxu twenty-one years (March 23rd) in Japan today Shimonoseki Shimonoseki City) signed the treaty, formerly known as the \Shimonoseki\Jia Wu war. The representative for Li Hongzhang and Li Jingfang, the representative of Japan as Itou Hirofumi and Mutsu were. The treaty is the \on China's most vicious aggressors, it makes the Japanese get huge profits, but also to adapt to the imperialist countries to China export capital desire. After the signing of the treaty, Russia, Germany, due to interference of France, Japan will Liaodong Peninsula returned to Chinese, Chinese to Japanese \。

扩廓帖木儿:王保保(?-1375年),胡名扩廓帖木儿(Köke Temür)。元朝末年将领。本姓王,小字保保。沈丘(今安徽临泉西北)人。其父亲是中原人,母亲是元朝末年将领察罕帖木儿的姐姐,察罕帖木儿之甥,后为舅舅察罕帖木儿收为养子。元末兵起后,从察罕帖木儿组织地主武装,镇压红巾军,元惠宗妥欢贴睦尔赐名扩廓帖木儿。 Wang Baobao(? - 1375), Hu name expanding profile Timur (Kö Ke Tem ü R). At the end of the Yuan Dynasty generals. The name is Wang, small insurance. Shenqiu (now Anhui Linquan

northwest) people. His father is the Central Plains, the mother is the Yuan Dynasty generals Chahan Timur's sister, Chahan Timur's nephew, after uncle Chahan Timur filiate. At the end of the yuan forces, from Chahan Timur organization landlord armed, repression of the Red Army, Yuan Hui Zong, Huan tie Mu Er Ciming diffuser profile timur.

仓央嘉措:仓央嘉措,门巴族人。六世达赖喇嘛,西藏历史上著名的人物。公元1683年(藏历水猪年,康熙二十二年)生于西藏南部 门隅 纳拉山下 宇松地区 乌坚林村的一户农奴家庭,父亲扎西丹增,母亲次旦拉姆,家中世代信奉宁玛派(红教)佛教。

Tsangyang Gyatso, menbacou. Darai VI Dalai Lama, Tibet's historic figures. Ad 1683 (Tibetan water pig year, Kangxi twenty-two years) was born in southern Tibet door Yu mountain Nara Yu Song Wu Jian Lin village in a serf family, father Zahi Tenzing, mother Rahm Cidan, the family from generation to generation believe Nyingma Buddhism (red). 三:汉译英

内蒙古自治区:Inner Mongolia 边境线:Boundary line 面积:Area 矿产资源;Mineral resources 太阳能:Solar energy 成吉思汗:Genghis khan 起源:Origin 青铜器:Bronze ware 先祖:Ancestor 游牧民族:Nomadic people 或 nomads 民俗文化:ethnic culture

