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* 词组:1.Tidy up 收拾,整理 2.take up占用(时间空间) 3.be interested in 对…感兴趣 (interesting 有趣的) 4.as well as 并且,还

I like playing football as well as playing basketball. 5.such as 比如 6 as a result 结果.

7. come out 出版;开花;出来; 真相大白 8. give an interview 接受采访,做访谈 9. in the future 在未来(一般将来时) 10. make sure 确保 11. grow vegetables种蔬菜 12. be good at sth./doing sth. 13. …的收集品 collect stamps集邮

14. at the end of… at the beginning of… 15. develop interests 发展兴趣 16. useful skills 有用的技能 乐器加the 18. all the time 总是,一直 19. at least 至少

20. be popular with 受…欢迎

Football is popular with boys. 足球受男孩子的欢迎.

21. * not only… but also 不仅…而且 用来


of watching football matches.

Not only examination after another.

22. * spend +时间/金钱 +on sth. / (in) doing sth.

eg. I spent all our time on our favourate hobby. I spend the whole night (in) learning English. 23. * Succeed doing sth. 成功做成某事 success n. successful adj.

24. * Make为使役动词, 形做宾语补足语

Eg. Rainy days make me sad.

Loud music makes me want to dance. 25. * It is +adj. + (for sb.) to do sth. (对某人来说)做某事是…的

It’s important for you to remember this. It is +adj. + of sb. to do sth. 形容词修饰人的性格 如:It’s kind of you to tell me the truth. 26. Try to do sth. 尽力做某事 try doing sth. 尝试做某事

27. Ask sb. (not) to do sth. 要求某人(不)做某事

28. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事

词组:1. right now 现在 2. whether …or not

3. hold the line (不挂断电话)等一下 4. turn back 转身 5. as usual 和往常一样 6.close friends 亲密的朋友 7. personal questions私人问题 8. early autumn 早秋

9. several months later 几个月以后 10.worry about 担心 11.at middle school 在初中 12.smile at sb.朝某人微笑

13.change one’s life 改变某人的生活 14.at first 开始 15.join a club 参加俱乐部 16. day by day 一天天地

17. in different countries 在不同的国家 18. feel like 觉得

19. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事


1.Look out (for)小心/ look for 寻找/look like 看起来像 2.Don’t mention it. 不客气 3.prepare (for) 准备 4.ask for 要/请求… 5.look down 向下看 look down on sb. 看不起某人6.once a week 一周一次 7.turn on 打开(电视,灯,收音机等) turn off 关闭 turn up 调大(音量) 8. take sb. around 带某人四处参观

9.get lost 迷路

10.score two goals 进两个球 11.in person亲自

12.learn about 听说 learn from向…学习 13.at the age of 在…岁时 14.at that moment 在那个时候 15. go for a picnic 去野餐 16.the score of …的比分 17.stop doing sth. 停止做某事 20. by the way 顺便说一下

21.like making friends (with) 喜欢交朋友 22.take a message 捎口信 23.a public concert 公开音乐会

24.good luck the concert 预祝音乐会成功 25. remember doing sth./ to do sth.记得做了/去做某事

26.as a result结果

27. be afraid of sth./ to do sth. 害怕(去做)某事 28. stamp collectors集邮爱好者 29.a couple of 几个, 两个 30.take place 发生 (happen) 31. lonely寂寞的 /alone 独自一人 32.far away (from)

33. watch,指仔细观看,看电视、球赛等 see 指看望某人,看电影,看医生等 34. all over the world 全世界

18. explain sth. (to sb.)(向某人)解释某事 19. close down 停播

20. win the first prize 获得第一名 21. find out查明

22. prepare for a test准备考试 23. thank you for …因为…感谢你 24. decide to do sth.决定做某事 25. Me, too. 我也是 26. It seems/ seemed that…好像,看样子 It seems that he is lying. 看样子他在撒谎. 27. in front of 在…前面

(in the front of 强调在内部的前面) 28. need to do 需要做

… need doing 需要被做某事(被动含义) 29. The flowers need watering. 这些花需要浇水.

To+v. want; would like; hope; wish; plan; need; decide v +-ing enjoy; finish; practice; keep; give up; mind 注意都可以接的 begin; start; continue 意义相同 Hear; notice; see…do/doing 意义不同

Stop;forget; remember; try + to do/doing 意义不同 * 表示建议和警告

1、Shall we…?我们…好吗? 2、Let’s ….让我们… 3、What /how about doing…?怎么样? 4. Be quiet, please.

5、Why don’t you/we..=why not…?为什么不? 6. Please keep doing… 7 Remember to …and stop talking!

8、Would you like….?你愿意..吗?回答时用I’d like/love to . sorry ,but …. 对于建议肯定回答:good idea./OK/Sure/ All right./Why not?/Great/Yes, I’d love to

对于建议否定回答:I’m sorry ,I’m afaid …/I’d love to ,but …..

词组:1.lend sb. sth.借给某人某物; 2.play back播放; 3.wait for等待;

4.connect…to/with 连接; 5.turn on打开(电器); 6.take photos拍照;

7.pick up sth.拿起某物 (如果有代词的话则放在中间 pick it up);

8.bite sb. on the hand咬某人的手; 9.keep cool保持冷静;

10.show pictures to the doctor展示照片给医生看; 11.the best result最好的结果; 12. get the news得到消息;

13. follow these instructions 遵照这些说明; 14.find out 查明;

15.save your life 挽救你的生命;

16.a few days ago 几天前; 17. climb out of 从…里爬出来; 18. hold on to 坚持; 19. on holiday 在度假;

20. send personal postcard 发送私人贺卡 21. across/ over/ through;

22. advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事;

23. get/be ready to (do) sth. 准备(做)某事=get/be ready for sth.; 24. have to 不得不;

25. do with 处置,对待 What will you do with this photo? 你会怎么处理这张照片? 26. Wherever无论什么地方

if 引导的条件状语从句 “如果,假如”

词组:1.Refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事; 2. choose the best 选择最好的; 3. the last practice最后的练习;

4. warn sb. of /about sth.提醒/警告某人注意某事; warn sb. not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事;

5. punish sb. 惩罚某人; 6. go wrong 出错; 7. feel bad 感觉不好; 8. be angry with 对某人生气 9. all together一起;

10. keep my best friend留住我最好的朋友; 11. tell sb. the truth 告诉某人真相; 12. make quite sure确保;

13. offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事;

14. after all 毕竟;

15. help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人; 16. personal problems 私人问题; 17. at the end of 在…尽头,在…结束时 19. take off 起飞,脱下,拿走;

20. steal sth. from sb./someplace从某人/某地偷走东西;

21. alone 形容词和副词/lonely形容词; 22. be proud of 为…感到自豪/骄傲, 23. make a mistake/make mistakes 犯错误; 24. at least至少 at most 至多;

25. 注意enough的位置 名词之前,形容词之后 enough food / careful enough; 26. instead of 取代;

27. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事

交际用语:What a pity! / What a shame! / I’m sorry to hear that. / Take it easy. / I feel sorry for… / I hope it is nothing serious. / Is there anything I can do for you?/ Rather you than me! 你行,我可不行!(would rather…than 宁愿…而不愿) 语法点:If 引导的条件状语从句(二)

If you ask him, he will help you.

词组:1.talk about谈论;

2.some close friends一些亲密的朋友; 3.face to face面对面; e out发行,出版;

5.advise sb. to do sth.建议某人去做某事; 6.be proud of为…感到骄傲; 7.plenty of许多;

8.have a great time 玩得开心; 9.go to the concert 去音乐会; 10.search for 寻找; 11. look after 照看; 12.sail around 绕着…航行;

句型:What do you think of this movie? 你认为这部电影怎么样? She knows that she’s among friends. 她知道她在朋友之中 What kind of programme is it? 它是什么种类的节目? all kinds of


词组:1.enjoy oneself; 2.be famous for…因为…而著名 be famous as…作为…而著名; 3.as if 好像;

4.wake sb. up叫醒某人; 5. hope to do sth.希望做某事; 6.leave sb. alone把某人单独留下; 7.put…away把…收起来; 8.have seven days off休息七天; 9.go back into回到…里面; 10.protect…from…保护…免受…; 11.be popular with受…的欢迎; 12.national park国家公园;

13.the second largest fresh water lake 第二大淡

水湖( the +序数词+最高级+单数名词 表示“第几最”); 14.in the north of 在…的北部(east west south north); 15.cross=go across; 16. whole注意位置,直接放在名词前 the whole


all 则放在修饰词的前面, all these people all the class;

17. the rest of+名词 剩余部分,其余的; 18. one of … …之一 做主语时,注意要用第三人称单数 One of the students is from Japan.; 19. wish sb. to do sth. 想要(某人)做某事; 在晴朗的一天

21. welcome sb. to someplace 欢迎某人来某地; 13.in one’s opinion 在某人看来; 14.except for 除…之外, 15.be worried about 担心;

16. fight with /against sb./ sth. 与…打架 ; 17. too much 太多(修饰名词)too much water 太多水

much too (修饰形容词和副词) much too heavy 太重了;

18.show sb. sth=show sth. to sb. 给…看 show me your ticket, please. 请出示车票。 show sb around 带某人四处转转

词组:1.public holidays公共假日;

2.on vacation 度假; 3.as soon as 一…就…; 4.make a plan制订计划; 5.in the same way用相同的方式; 6.in different ways用不同的方式;

7.have a good time doing sth.做某事很开心; 8.promise sb. to do sth.向某人承诺做某事; 9.say goodbye to sth.向…道别; 10.depend on依靠,取决于; 11. not…until 直到…才;

12. New Year’s Eve 除夕;

13. count down 倒计时; 14. all over 到处; 15. not all… 不是所有的(部分否定) none of (全部否定),

16. celebrate their New Year 庆祝他们的新年; 17. plan to do 计划做某事= plan for sth. ; 18. be close to 与…接近 closed 关着的 open 开着的; 19. shout loudly 大声喊叫 shout at/to sb.; 20.color the hair 染发

句型: It’s time to do sth. 该到做某事的时候了 It’s time to play the piano. 该弹钢琴了。 Be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 He is busy cooking. 他忙着做饭 be busy with sth. 忙于某事 He is busy with his homework. 语法点:状语从句(一)

时间状语从句 when, while, before/after, as soon as, (not)…until/till, since 时间状语从句里,通常不用将来时态, 而用现在时表将来 (主将从现)

例如:I’ll call you as soon as I get to New York. / I will tell him the truth when he comes back.


1. imagine doing sth.想象做某事; 2. avoid doing sth.避免做某事; 3. continue doing/to do sth.继续做某事; 4. take care of 照顾;

5. perform an operation (on sb).; (给某人)做手术 6.in spite of 尽管,不顾; 7. all one’s life一生,终生;

8.on one’s own独立,单独;

9.look forward to doing sth.期盼做某事; 10. give one’s life to sth./ doing sth. 献身于(做)

句型: He worked very hard without stopping to rest. 他没有停下来休息, 很努力地工作。 语法点:状语从句(二)

某事; 11. without doing …没做什么事; 12. stop sb. (from ) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事; 13.even though既使;

14.in order to do sth.为了做某事; 15.train sb. to do sth. 训练某人做某事; 16. both 的位置

1.应放在be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前 My parents are both doctors. 2.也可放在名词前作定语

Both (of)my parents work in hospital.

*原因状语从句: because,for,as 选项中没有because时,用for或as

*目的状语从句: so that; in order that 从句中常出现情态动词 can,could, would等 *结果状语从句:so


词组: 1.go with sb.; 和某人一起去 2.take the train to; 坐火车去某地

3.be afraid of…; 害怕… 4.stay in touch; 保持联系

5.forget to do sth./ doing sth.; 忘记去做/忘记做过

6.learn to do sth.学习做某事; 7. life skills 生活技能; 8. depend on依赖,依靠; 9. go on holidays 去度假; 10. to some extent 从某种程度上; 11. flight number航班号;

12. would like to do sth. 想要做某事; 句型:谈论假期的打算和计划

I’d like to go to New York on my vacation. Have a good time! Stay in touch! I hope you have a good trip! 语法点:would 与状语从句

* Would+动词原形 想象自己在未来可能会做什么 I would go to the mountains on my vacation. * so…that vs. such …that 表程度的结果状语从句

* 让步状语从句 although / though although 只能用于句首 注意的是不能与but连用,切记

主格 I you he she we you they it 宾格 me you him her us you them it 形容词性物主代词 my your his her our your their its 名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers ours yours theirs its

13. have a fantastic time玩的开心; 14. some film stars一些电影明星; 15. fill… with…用…把…装满;

16. dress oneself properly恰当地穿衣打扮; 17.board 登机;

18. on business 出差/ in business 经商; none of one’s business 与某人无关; 19. so am I 与so I am; 20. How long…?多久;

21. 形容词要放在不定代词的后面 如something important;

22. 只要出现than 就用比较级 It’s cheaper than going by train.

反身代词 myself yourself himself herself ourselves yourselves themselves itself

