
更新时间:2023-08-21 02:21:01 阅读量: 高等教育 文档下载




姓名_______ 成绩_______

一. 中英文互译:(30分)

1. Identification________ 2.family name ________ 3.dictionary __________ 4. pencil sharpener _______ puter _________ 6.interesting ________ 7.diffcult ___________ 8.collection ________ 9.French fries ________ 10.uncountable noun_______ 11.conversation_______ 12.furniture __________ 13.afford __________ 14.festival __________ 15.singular __________ 16.不同_____________ 17.胃痛____________ 18.传统的_____________ 19.旧金山__________ 20.运输____________ 21.必要的_____________ 22.消息___________ 23.原料,成分_________ 24.国际的_____________ 25.功绩___________ 26.管理_____________ 27.专业的_____________ 28.展览会_________ 29.交际,通话__________30.工程师_____________


1.在两者之间_____________ 2. 在图书馆前面________________

3.去看电影______________ 4.步行穿过公园________________ 5.外出吃晚饭____________ 6.我的一些照片________________ 7.唱歌,跳舞_____________ 8.去购物______________________ 9.介意做某事____________ 10.最酷的东西_______________ 11.对…感到抱歉__________ 12.拒绝邀请________________ 13.为考试复习____________ 14.搭乘地铁_______________ 15.汽车之行______________


1.good __________ 2.tired __________ 3.funny _________ 4.hot __________ 5.big __________ 6.bad __________ 7.little _________ 8.serious __________ 9.calm _________ 10.heavy ___________ 11.ill _________ 12.healthy __________ 13.few _________ 14.old __________ 15._______ redder 16.outgoing __________ 17.beautiful _______ 18.thin ____________ 19.far __________ 20.colorful __________


1.wild _________ 2.same ________ 3.serious _______ 4.quiet _______ 5.thin __________ 6.tall _________ 7.big __________ 8.opposite ______ 9.bright ________ 10.smart ________ 11.interesting __________ 12.warm ________ 13.cold _________ 14.heavy _______ 15.quiet ________


1.famous ________ 2.stop _________ 3.join _________ 4.woods ________ 5.middle school _________ 6.bike ________ 7.match _________ 8.fight _______

9.be from ________ 10.rest _______

11.have a rest _________ 12.want to do sth _____________ 13.take a walk _________ 14.kind of ____________

15.have fun =___________ =____________16.enjoy doing sth _____________ 17.nothing=_____________ 18.how do you like…?=______________________ 19.be good at _____________ 20.arrive late for ____________


1. 有志者,事竟成。___________________________________________________. 2. 不速之客。 _____________________________________________________.

3. 出类拔萃。_________________________________________________________. 4. 势不两立。_________________________________________________________. 5. sow nothing ,reap nothing .________________________________________. 6. a happy family life._______________________________________________. 7. Enough is as good as a feast.______________________________________. 8. on ones high horse.________________________________________________. 9. he that is down needs fear no fall.________________________________. 10. the tree falls not at the stroke.__________________________________.


1.No spitting.__________ 2.wet paint.______________ 3.No smoking.___________ 4.handle with care.________

5.ticket holders only_________ 6.keep cool________________ 7.No turn ___________ 8.请勿动手_________________ 9.游人止步______________________ 10.此处禁止停车_______________ 11.保持整洁________________ 12.危险,请勿入内。____________ 13.勿踏草地。______________ 14.请勿乱扔纸屑和果皮。__________ 15.禁止照相_________________


九.智力测试(In telligence test)(共5小题,计10分)

1..What does this gesture(手势)mean?(You can answer in Chinese.)(1分)

2.Tim was a very poor(贫穷的)boy,but now he is very rich(富有).Every dog has its day. Translate the sentence underlined into Chinese.(将划线的句子翻译成汉语。)(1分)

3.There are five groundhogs(土拨鼠).One of them is a bad egg.Can you find it out?(4分)


1).It doesn't wear(戴)glasses.

2).It doesn't have anything around(围绕)its neck(脖子). 3).It doesn't wear a tall hat.

4).—You speak English and you live(居住)in London.You're English. —No,I'm not.I live in London but I'm from Scotland(苏格兰).I'm Scottish. —OK,you're not English,you're Scottish.So you are not British(英国人),

right? —Yes,I am British.People from England,Scotland,Wales(威尔士)and Northern Ireland(北爱尔兰)are all British.

Fifi is from England.Is she English or British?

5.Look at the pictures and find out the words in the puzzle.One of them is not in it.

Which picture is it?(4分)

