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人称代词在句中可以用作主语(用主格,如I, you, he, she, it, we, they, 等)和宾语(用宾格,如me, you, him, her, it, us, them等): 人称代词的用法:

注:(1) 在电话中或It is/was...that/who...强调句型中被强调部分做主语时,用主格:

---Is that Mr. Li? ---Yes. This is he. It’s I who did it. 这是我干的。 (2) 单独使用的人称代词通常用宾格:

“I’m tired.” “Me too.” “我累了。”“我也累了。” “Who wants this?” “Me.” “谁要这个?”“我要。” (3) 有时用主格或宾格会导致意思的变化:

I like you better than he. 我比他更喜欢你。为I like you better than he likes you. I like you better than him. 我喜欢你胜过喜欢他。为I like you better than I like him. (4) 人称代词的排列顺序:单数人称代词通常按“二三一”排列,即you, he and I; 复数人称代词通常按“一二三”排列,即 we, you and they: You, he and I are of the same age. 你,他和我都是同一年龄。

We , you and they are all good citizens. 我们,你们和他们都是好公民。 但若用于承担责任或错误等场合,则可把第一人称 I 置于其他人称代词之前:

Tom and I hope to go there. 汤姆和我想去那儿。I and Tom are to blame. 我和汤姆该受批评。 但是,you and I 是固定结构,语序通常不宜颠倒。

(5) 人称代词后跟名词同位语。有些人称代词后有时可跟同位语: These small desks are for us students. 这些小课桌是给我们学生的。 We girls often go to the movies together. 我们女孩子常一起去看电影。 He asked you boys to be quiet. 他要你们男孩子安静些。


物主代词分形容词性物主代词(my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their)和名词性物主代词(mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs)。形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,置于名词前,作定语;名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,在句中作主语、宾语、表语、连用of作定语:

His son is taller than hers. 他的儿子比她的儿子高。 Ours is a great country. 我们的国家是一个伟大的国家 Her son is a friend of ours. 她的儿子是我们的朋友。

This is your pen. Mine is in the box. 这是你的铅笔,我的在铅笔盒里。 注: (1) a friend of mine (ours, yours, hers, his, theirs)结构

(2) 物主代词与own 连用。表强调。也可用 of one’s own 置于名词后作定语: Mind your own business. 别管闲事。

I saw it with my own eyes. 那是我亲眼看到的。

I hope to have a room of my own. / I hope to have my own house. 我希望有自己的房子。


指示代词是用来指代或标记人或事物的代词,表示“这个,这些”“那个,那些”。在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语;(单数:this, that;复数: these, those;为了方便学习将such,so也归于此类)。

I like these and he likes those. 我喜欢这些,他喜欢那些。 What I want to say is this. 我想说的就是这点。

注:(1) 指示代词用作主语和定语时,可指人或物;用作宾语和表语时,只指物。如:

This is my father. (作主语,指人) Do you know this? (作宾语,指物,译为“你知道这个情况吗?) (2) 刚提到的或已经完成的事情时用 that,但是若要指下文将要发生或将要提到的事情通常用 this: She married Jim, and that surprised me. 她嫁给了吉姆,这使我感到很吃惊。 I want to know this: Is he healthy? 我想知道这一点:他是否很健康。 (3) 在打电话时,通常用 this 指自己,用 that 指对方: Hello. This is Jim. Is that John? 喂,我是吉姆,你是约翰吗? (4) such指代前面所述的这样的人或事。如:

Such is Albert Einstein, a famous physicist, but a simple man. 这就是艾尔伯特,爱因斯坦,...... (5) so代替一个句子或短语表达的事情。

a.在believe,expect,suppose,imagine,think等词后用so代替前文观点。表肯定、否定(=not)均可。 b. 用于表示肯定的hope,I’m afraid后,代替前文提出的观点。


反身代词是 oneself根据所指词的人称、性别、单复数等变化的词(单数: myself, yourself,himself, herself, itself, 复数:ourselves, yourselves, themselves ),在句中可作宾语、表语、同位语,不能作主语。 注:(1) 用作同位语(加强被修饰词的语气,紧放在被修饰名词后, 或句末):

The box itself is not so heavy. 箱子本身并不重。

You yourself said so. / You said so yourself. 你自己是这样说的。 (2) 用作宾语(动词或for,of, in, by, to等介词的宾语):

She could not make herself understood. 她不能使别人听懂她的话。 You’ll have to see if he has come for yourself. (for oneself 亲自,为自己) The computer may shut off of itself. (of oneself 自动的)

You shouldn’t leave the child at home by herself. (by oneself 独自,单独) Jim isn’t bad in himself, but he likes playing tricks on others. (in oneself 本身) He likes a table to himself. (to oneself 独自占用)

(3) 用作表语:有时用于 be, feel, seem, look 等后作表语表示身体或精神处于正常状态: The poor boy was myself. 那个可怜的孩子就是我自己。

The ones who really want it are ourselves. 真正想要它的是我们自己。 I'm not quite myself these days. 我近来身体不大舒服。 I'll be myself again in no time. 我过一会儿就会好的。

(4) 含有反身代词的动词短语:devote oneself to=be devoted to 专心于;lose oneself=be lost in 迷失;

seat oneself= be seated 坐下; express oneself 表达某人的思想; say for oneself 为自己找借口; say to oneself 心想; talkto oneself 自言自语; feel oneself 觉得正常; come to oneself 苏醒;


疑问代词包括who, whom, whose,which, what,在句中可用作主语、表语、宾语、定语等: 1、who 与 whom的用法:前者为主格,用作主语、宾语,后者为宾格,用作宾语。 Who spoke at the meeting? Whom are you talking about?

口语中或作宾语的 whom 位于句首时,通常可用who 代替,但whom前有介词时除外: Who(m) is the letter from?

2、whose的用法:表示“谁的”,既可用于名词前作定语,也可单独使用。在句中作主、宾、表、定语。 Whose is better, yours or hers?(作主语) Whose do you love better, yours or hers?(作宾语) Tom has already taken his bag away.Whose is this?(作表语) Whose bag do you like?(作定语) 3、what和 which 的用法:有选择范围时,多用 which;无选择范围或不明确时,多用 what。 拓展:what的习惯用法:

(1) What...for...? 和

What for? 用于询问原因和目的。

---What did you put it into the soup for? --- It would improve the taste.(你为什么...?)

---I’m going to the grocery store. ---What for? We still have enough food in the apartment.(为何啊?)

(2) What if...?表示假设、建议、征求意见或疑虑。 What if it rains while we are on the way?

(3) What do you mean (by...)?表示愤怒、不满等情绪。 What do you mean by shutting the door so loudly?

(4) What/How about...?用于征求对方意见、询问对方的情况。 (5) 疑问词what构成的固定搭配。

So what?那又怎么样呢?(表示不感兴趣或认为不重要) What next?(店员用语)还要什么? Guess what?(你猜怎么着?(用于引起他人的注意) What can I do for you?你要买(借)什么? 4、what和who的区别:一般来说。what 问职业、地位等,who 问姓名或关系等: Who is he? 他是谁? What is he? 他是干什么的?


相互代词只有each other和one another,它们在句中通常只用作宾语: We should help each other. 我们应该互相帮助。 They respect one another. 他们互相尊重(对方)。

The sea and the sky seem to melt into each other. 大海和蓝天似乎融为一体。

注:(1) 相互代词在句中通常只用作宾语,不可作主语,所以以相互代词为宾语的句子不能变为被动语态。 (2) 不要将相互代词误认为是副词,将其用作状语,如可说 talk to each other,但不能说 talk each other。 (3) 相互代词可以有所有格形式:The students borrowed each other's notes. 学生们互相借笔记。 (4) 有时可分开用:We each know what the other thinks. 我们都知道对方的想法。


1. 不定代词概说。英语的不定代词有 all, each, both, either, neither, one, none, little, few, many, much, other, another, some, any, no, few, little, both, enough, every 等,以及由 some, any, no 和 every 构成的合成代词(即somebody, anyone, nothing 等)。在这些不定代词中,多数都能作主语、宾语、表语或定语,但是

代词 none 以及由 some, any, no 和 every 构成的合成代词只能作主语、宾语或表语,不能作定语,而 no 和 every 则只用作定语。

2. 指两者和三者的不定代词。有些不定代词用于指两者(如both, either, neither),有的不定代词用于指三者(如all, any, none, every),注意不要弄混:

Both of my parents are doctors. 我的父母都是医生。

All of the students are interested in it. 所有的学生对此都很感兴趣。 There are trees on any side of the square. 广场的每一边都种有树。 He has two sons, neither of whom is rich. 他有两个儿子,都不富有。 He has three sons, none of whom is rich. 他有三个儿子,都不富有。

注:each 可用于两者、三者或三者以上,而 every 只用于三者或三者以上,因此用于两者时只能用 each,不能用 every。如不能说 There are trees on every side of the road.

3. 复合不定代词的用法特点。复合不定代词包括 something, somebody, someone, anything, anybody, anyone, nothing, nobody, no one, everything, everybody, everyone 等。它们在句中可用作主语、宾语或表语,但不能用作定语。something, someone 等和 anything, anyone等的区别与 some 和 any 的区别一样,前者一般用于肯定句,后者一般用于否定句、疑问句或条件句(参见 any & some)。具体使用时应注意以下几点:

(1) 复合不定代词受定语修饰时,定语应放在它们后面: There is nothing wrong with the radio. 这收音机没有毛病。 Have you seen anyone [anybody] famous? 你见过名人吗?

(2) 指人的复合不定代词若用作主语,其谓语动词一般用单数,相应的人称代词和物主代词也用单数 he, him, his (不一定指男性)。但在非正式文体中常用复数代词 they, them, their:

Everyone knows this, doesn't he [don't they]? 人人都知道这一点,不是吗? If anybody [anyone] comes, ask him [them] to wait. 要是有人来,让他等着。

(3) 指事物的复合不定代词若用作主语,谓语动词只能用单数,相应的人称代词也只能用 it,而不用 they:

Everything is ready, isn't it? 一切都准备好了,是吗?

(4) anyone, everyone 等只能指人,不能指物,且其后一般不接of 短语。若是指物或后接 of 短语,可用 any one, every one (分开写):

any one of the boys (books) 孩子们(书)当中的任何一个(本) every one of the students (schools) 每一个学生(一所学校)

4. 是any not 还是 not any。按英语习惯,any 以及含有any的复合不定代词用于否定句时,它只能出现在否定词之后,而不能在否定词之前:

误:Any one doesn't know how to do it.

正:No one knows how to do it. 任何人都不知道如何做它。 误:Anybody [Anyone] cannot do it.

正:Nobody [No one] can do it. 这事谁也干不了。 误:Anything cannot prevent me from going.

正:Nothing can prevent me from going. 什么也不能阻挡我去。

5. 不定代词与部分否定。不定代词all, both, every 等与 not 连用时构成部分否定;若 要表示完全否定,则需换用 none, neither, no one等。比较:

All of the students like the novel. 所有这些学生都喜欢这本小说。

Not all of the students like the novel. 并不是所有这些学生都喜欢这本小说。 All of the students don’t like the novel. 并不是所有这些学生都喜欢这本小说。 None of the students like the novel. 这些学生当中没有一个喜欢这本小说。

6. all, both, each 等用作同位语。若用作主语同位语,主语可以是名词或代词;若用作宾语等其他成分的同位语,则宾语等成分必须是人称代词,而不能是名词:

We have all read it. 我们都读过他。(all 修饰的主语是代词)

The villages have all been destroyed. 村庄都被毁了。(all 修饰的主语是名词) They told us all to wait there. 他叫我们都在那儿等。(all 修饰的宾语是代词) 但不能说:They told the men all to wait there. (all 修饰的宾语是名词不是代词)

7. so little 与 such little的区别。用so little还是such little取决于little的意思:若表示数量方面的“少”,则用so little;若表示形状体积的“小”,则用such little:

He has so little time for reading. 他读书的时间少得可怜。 I've never seen such little boxes. 我从未见过那样小的盒子。

8. some 与 any的用法区别。一般说来,some 用于肯定句中,any 用于否定句和疑问句中。但是,在表示请求、邀请或征求意见的句子中,通常要用 some 而不用any:

Would you like some cake? 吃点蛋糕吗? Why not buy some bread? 为什么不买些面包呢? Shall I get some chalk for you? 要我帮你拿些粉笔来吗? 注:any 有时也用于肯定句中,此时表示“任何”: Any colour will do. 任何颜色都行。

Come any day you like. 随便哪天来都可以。

9. many 与 much的用法区别。两者都表示“许多”,但 many 修饰或代替可数名词(复数),与 few(少数)相对;而 much 用来修饰或代替不可数名词(单数),与little(少量)相对。在口语中两者主要用于非肯定句中:

Did you see many people there? 你在那儿看见许多人了吗? We don't have much time. 我们没有许多时间。

在肯定句中,一般用 a lot of, lots of, plenty of 等代之。但在正式文体中有时也用于肯定句中;另外,若用作主语或主语的定语,或其前有 how, too, as, so, a good, a great 等修饰,也可用于肯定句中:

Many of us left early. 我们有许多人离开得很早。 Much work has been done. 许多工作都已经做了。 You've given me too much. 你已给我太多了。 Take as many (much) as you want. 你要多少拿多少。 I asked her a great many questions. 我问了她许多问题。 10. few, a few 与 little, a little的用法区别。

(1) few和a few 后接可数名词的复数形式。few 表示数量很少或几乎没有,强调“少”,含有否定意义;a few 表示数量虽然少但毕竟还有,强调“有”,含有肯定意义:

It is very difficult, and few people understand it. 它很难,没有几个人能懂。 It is very difficult, but a few people understand it. 他虽难,但是有些人懂。 (2) little 和 a little 之后接不可数名词,其区别跟 few 和 a few 之间的区别相似: Unfortunately, I had little money on me. 很不巧,我身上没带什么钱。 Fortunately, I had a little money on me. 幸好我身上带着一点钱。

11. other, the other, another与others的用法区别:这些不定代词不仅在含义上有单复数之分,而且在用法上有泛指(无the)和特指(有the)之别。其用法区别可归纳如下:

(1) 指单数时,若泛指用another,若特指用 the other: Give me another (one). 另外给我一个。

Shut the other eye, please. 请把另一只眼睛也闭上。

(2) 指复数时,若泛指用 other(后接复数名词),若特指用the other(后接复数名词): There are other ways of doing it. 做这事还有其他的办法。 Where have the other students gone? 其他学生都到哪里去了?

(3) others永远表示复数意义(且其后不能再接名词)。其用法大致相当于“other+复数名词”,同样地 the others 大致相当于“the other+复数名词”:

Other people [Others] may not think that way. 别的人可能不这样想。

He is cleverer than the others [the other students] in her class. 他比班上其他学生聪明。

(4) another一般只能表单数,且其后接名词也只能接单数名词。但是若其后有数词或 few 修饰时,则也可接复数名词:

We need another few chairs. 我们还需要几把椅子。

In another two weeks it'll be finished. 再过两个星期就可做完了。 (5) 与 some 对比使用时,用 others(此时与 some 同义): Some say yes, and others say no. 有人说对,有人说不对。

12. 不定代词与语境考题。不定代词是高考的常考考点,有的不定代词考题出得比较灵活,不能死套规则,要注意结合语境来理解:

(1) “Is ____ here?” “No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave.” A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody

若只是从表面来看,填空句是个疑问句,可能会误选A。但其实此题最佳答案应选B,因为下文的答句说“只有Bob和Tim请假了”,这说明问句是在查人数,故用 Is everybody here? (大家都到齐了吗?)

(2) I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with _____. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing

此句若从表面看,有可能误选B,因为填空句为否定句。但实际上最佳答案为A,因为上文说“我同意他说的大部分内容”,这与下文的 but I don’t agree with everything(但并不是同意他说的所有内容)完全相符。

(3) “Do you have _____ at home now, Mary?” “No, we still have to get some fruit and tea.” A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

答案选C,句意为“玛丽,现在家里东西都准备齐了吗?”“还没有,我们还要买些水果和茶。” (4) “If you want a necklace, I’ll buy one for you at once.” “Oh, no. A necklace is not _____ that I need most. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything

