
更新时间:2024-01-05 10:09:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




Like fine food, good writing is something we approach with pleasure and enjoy from the first taste to the last. And good writers, like good cooks, do not suddenly appear full – blown. Quite the opposite, just as the cook has to undergo a particular training, mastering the skills of his trade, the writer must sit at his desk and devote long hours to achieving a style in his writing, whatever its purpose---school work, matters of business, or purely social communication.

You may be sure that the more painstaking the effort, the more effective the writing, and the more rewarding.

There are still some faraway places in the world where you might find a public scribe(文书) to do your business or social writing for you, for money. There are a few managers who are lucky enough to have the service of that rare kind of secretary who can take care of all sorts of letter writing with no more than a quick note to work from. But for most of us, if there is any writing to be done, we have to do it ourselves.

We have to write school papers, business papers or home papers. We are constantly called on to put words to papers. It would be difficult to count the number of such words, messages, letters, and reports put into mails or delivered by hand, but the daily figures must be extremely large. What is more, everyone who writes expects, or at least hopes whatever he writes will be read, from first word to last, not just thrown into some “letters-to-be-read” files or into a wastepaper basket. This is the reason we bend our efforts toward learning and practicing the skills of interesting, effective writing.

8. In this passage, good writing is compared to fine food because .

A. both are enjoyable C. both are necessary to life

B. both are hard to learn

D. both take a long time to prepare

9. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. Writing skills are less important than experience.


B. A good writer should have his own way of writing.

C. A good writer should learn to write all kinds of articles. D. The more efforts one makes, the more money one can earn.

10. The author thinks that the most important reason for us to practice writing skills is .

A. to earn our living

B. to attract others to


C. to do daily reports easily

D. to become good secretaries

11. The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to .

A. comment and blame B. introduce and describe C. explain and persuade D. interest and inform

【参考答案】(C) A B B C


I am a German by birth and descent. My name is Schmidt. But by education I am quite as much an Englishman as a 'Deutscher', and by affection much more the former. My life has been spent pretty equally between the two countries, and I flatter myself I speak both languages without any foreign accent.

I count England my headquarters now: it is “home” to me. But a few years ago I was resident in Germany, only going over to London now and then on business. I will not mention the town where I lived. It is unnecessary to do so, and in the peculiar experience I am about to relate I think real names of people and places are just as well, or better avoided.

I was connected with a large and important firm of engineers. I had been bred up to the profession, and was credited with a certain amount of “talent”; and I was considered—and, with all modesty, I think I deserved the opinion—steady and reliable, so that I had already attained a fair position in the house, and was looked


upon as a “rising man”. But I was still young, and not quite so wise as I thought myself. I came close once to making a great mess of a certain affair. It is this story which I am going to tell.

Our house went in largely for patents—rather too largely, some thought. But the head partner's son was a bit of a genius in his way, and his father was growing old, and let Herr Wilhelm - Moritz we will call the family name—do pretty much as he chose. And on the whole Herr Wilhelm did well. He was cautious, and he had the benefit of the still greater caution and larger experience of Herr Gerhardt, the second partner in the firm.

Patents and the laws which regulate them are strange things to have to do with. No one who has not had personal experience of the complications that arise could believe how far these spread and how involved they become. Great acuteness as well as caution is called for if you would guide your patent bark safely to port—and perhaps more than anything, a power of holding your tongue. I was no chatterbox, nor, when on a mission of importance, did I go about looking as if I were bursting with secrets, which is, in my opinion, almost as dangerous as revealing them. No one, to meet me on the journeys which it often fell to my lot to undertake, would have guessed that I had anything on my mind but an easy-going young fellow's natural interest in his surroundings, though many a time I have stayed awake through a whole night of railway travel if at all doubtful about my fellow-passengers, or not dared to go to sleep in a hotel without a ready-loaded gun by my pillow. For now and then - though not through me - our secrets did ooze out. And if, as has happened, they were secrets connected with Government orders or contracts, there was, or but for the exertion of the greatest energy and tact on the part of my superiors, there would have been, to put it plainly, the devil to pay. 12. The writer preferred to be called ________.

A. a German

B. an Englishman

C. both a German and an Englishman D. neither a German nor an Englishman

13. Which of the following words cannot be used to describe the writer?


A. Talented B. Modest C. Reliable D. Wise

14. The head of the company where the writer works is ________.

A. Schmidt

B. Moritz C. Wilhelm’s father

D. Gerhardt

15. The writer often stayed awake on the train or kept a ready-loaded gun in the hotel, because ________.

A. some people sometimes let out the secrets of his company B. the writer occasionally didn’t keep the secrets of his company C. patents and the laws are strange things to have to do with D. the secrets were connected with Government orders or contracts

【参考答案】 (D) BDCA


BEIJING - China’s National Tourism Administration (NTA) said Saturday that 215 Chinese tour groups in Japan were safe and sound after a devastating 8.8-magnitude earthquake jolted the country’s eastern coast Friday.

A total of 4,578 Chinese tourists were staying in Japan at the time of the quake. By Saturday noon, all the 215 tour groups that they booked with had contacted domestic travel agencies, with no death or injury reported, said the NTA upon information from local tourism authorities.

The NTA has activated the emergency response system and issued a travel alert for Japan and countries along the Pacific Rim, it said in a statement on its website. The NTA has also called for travel agencies to protect the security of Chinese tourists in Japan and keep in touch with the Chinese embassy and consulates in Japan, as well as China’s tourism authorities.

Chinese tour agencies had started to bring back tourists from the quake-hit Japan and many trips had been called off.

China CYTS Tours, one of China’s major travel agencies, had promised a full refund


for trip cancellation and offered to bear the extra expense for tourist protection in disasters and unrest.

A massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck the east coast of Japan’s main Honshu Island at 1:46 pm Beijing Time Friday, which had triggered huge tsunami along Japan’s Pacific coast and caused hundreds of deaths and catastrophic damage. 1. Where are we likely to find this passage?

A.In a tour guided book. B.In a geography book. C.In a book. D.In a newspaper.

2. In the first paragraph,the meaning of devastating is . A.catastrophic B.destructive C.tragic D.disastrous 3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.In all, 4,578 Chinese were staying in Japan at the time of the quake. B.Japan also called for travel agencies to protect the security of Chinese tourists. C.215 Chinese tour groups in Japan were organized by China CYTS Tours.

D.Earthquake-caused tsunami resulted in hundreds of deaths and disastrous damage.



Mark Rothko, one of the greatest painters of the twentieth century, was born in Daugavpils, Latvia in 1903. His family immigrated to the United States in 1913, after a 12-day voyage.

Mark moved to New York in the autumn of 1923 and found employment in the garment trade and settled down on the Upper West Side. It was while he was visiting someone at the Art Students League that he saw students painting a model. According to him, this was the start of his life as an artist. He was twenty years old and had taken some art lessons at school, so his initial experience was far from an immediate calling. In 1936, Mark Rothko began writing a book, which he never completed, about the


similarities in the children’s art and the work of modern painters. The work of modernists, which was influenced by primitive art, could, according to him, be compared to that of children in that “Child art transforms itself into primitivism, which is only the child producing a copy of himself.” In this same work, he said that “The fact that one usually begins with drawing is already academic. We start with color.”

It was not long before his multiform developed into the style he is remembered for. In 1949 Rothko exhibited these new works at the Betty Parsons Gallery. For reviewer Harold Rosenberg, the paintings were unique and primitive. Rothko had, after painting his first multiform, separated himself from the world in East Hampton on Long Island, only inviting a very few people, including Rosenberg, to view the new paintings. The discovery of his works’ specialty came at a period of great sorrow: his mother Kate died in October 1948. As part of this new uniformity of artistic vision, his paintings no longer had individual titles. From this point on they were simply untitled, numbered or dated. However, to assist in distinguishing one work from another, traders would sometimes add the primary colors to the name. Additionally, for the next few years, Rothko painted in oil only on large vertical tents. This was done to surround the viewer, or, in his words, to make the viewer feel enveloped within the picture. 68. When did Rothko want to be an artist?

A. When he immigrated to the U.S.A. B. When he watched students drawing. C. When he moved to the Upper West Side. D. When he joined the Art Students League.


【解析】细节理解题。根据It was while he was visiting someone at the Art Students League

that he saw students painting a model. According to him, this was the start of his life as an artist.当他看见学生画画的时候,故选B。 69. What did Rothko think of modern art?

A. It could be produced by children. B. It could be compared to child work. C. It was a certain kind of primitive art. D. It was academic from the very beginning.



【解析】细节理解题。根据about the similarities in the children’s art and the work

of modern painters.儿童艺术与现代艺术的有相似点,故选B。 70. Why does the author mention Rothko’s uncompleted book? A. To prove Rothko’s concentration on painting. B. To show Rothko’s research on the modern art. C. To suggest Rothko’s unique personal painting style. D. To explain the inspiration of Rothko’s painting style.


【解析】推理判断题。根据It was not long before his multiform developed into the style

he is remembered for.提出他的独特绘画风格,故选C。 71. Rothko’s distinctive style ______.

A. took shape in 1948 B. was affected by Rosenberg

C. resulted from his boyhood experience D. was rooted in the separation from the world


【解析】细节理解题。根据The discovery of his works’ specialty came at a period of

great sorrow: his mother Kate died in October 1948.他的独特风格的形成是在1948年。


A disheveled(头发凌乱的) man appeared in court Thursday on charges of murdering a Chinese woman whose fight with her attacker was seen on webcam by her boyfriend in China. Police refused to release any details about the crime or its possible motive. The body of York University student Liu Qian, 23, of Beijing, was found Friday in her apartment in Toronto a few hours after her boyfriend witnessed the attack, police said.

She was found undressed from the waist down but there were no obvious signs of sexual attack or trauma(创伤)severe enough to kill her. Police say it may be weeks before the results of an autopsy(尸体解剖) are known.

Brian Dickson, 29, stood before the court in a wrinkled white shirt and blue jeans as a charge of first-degree murder was read out. He did not enter an appeal. His case


was held over until April 26.

Dickson was arrested Wednesday. Police only announced his name and his age and asked the media not to publish any photos of Dickson, saying it could compromise the investigation. Toronto police spokesman Tony Vella declined to respond to the request further.

Liu’s father, Liu Jianhui, who arrived from China after being informed of his daughter’s death, thanked authorities for their quick action.

“I sincerely thank the people concerned with my daughter’s case,” he told reporters after the arrest. “Our daughter was studying very hard.”

Police released no motive or details about Dickson, but one friend described the Toronto man as an aspiring actor.

Patricia Tomasi, a friend of Dickson’s, told The Associated Press that she acted in a play at a local theater in Toronto with Dickson in 2007.

“He doesn’t seem like the type but that’s what they always say,” Tomasi said. “He’s tall with boyish good looks. I don’t know much about him except that he wanted to be an actor.”

Dickson attended York University where he studied global politics, but did not earn a degree from there.

He later worked for the Atlantic Council of Canada (ACC), where he served as an assistant to the president Julie Lindhout. According to his biography on a newsletter from the Atlantic Council of Canada, Dickson has also been a running instructor and has been involved with Developments in Literacy, a Pakistani aid organization that raises money for children in Pakistan.

A statement from the Atlantic Council of Canada on Thursday said it was not council policy to comment on staff, but it confirmed that Dickson had been an intern(实习生) with the council from September 29, 2008, until March 27, 2009.

Liu was chatting with her boyfriend, Meng Xianchao, by webcam at about 1 a.m. Friday when a man knocked on the door, police said.

Meng reported seeing a struggle break out between the two before Liu’s webcam was shut off. Meng contacted other friends in Toronto who in turn called police.


The victim’s father, Liu Jianhui, said his daughter studied at Beijing City University before moving to Canada, where she met Meng.

Liu Qian’s laptop computer, webcam and mobile phone were taken from the apartment the night of the attack, police said. Police said the online chat was on a live streaming camera and was not recorded, though investigators were trying to figure out if there was any way they could recover it.

York University, whose campus is located near one of Toronto’s rougher neighborhoods, is one of Canada’s largest universities with more than 53,000 undergraduate and graduate students. About 3,200 of York’s students come from more than 150 foreign countries, the university’s website says.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. York University students come from over 150 foreign countries.

B. Dickson was a graduate of York University where he studied global politics. C. The passage does not mention the reason why Dickson murdered Liu Qian. D. ACC wouldn’t make any comments on staff even if they committed a crime. 2. The underlined word in paragraph 8 probably means _______. A. a successful actor B. a gifted actor C. a common actor D. an ambitious actor

3. Why did police ask the media not to publish any photos of Dickson? A. Worrying about bad influences on the investigation. B. Not intending to give out any information about Dickson. C. Not confirming whether Dickson had killed Liu Qian. D. Wanting to protect their citizen for fear of losing face. 4. What can be inferred from the text?

A. Developments in Literacy raises money for children. B. Seeing the struggle, Meng contacted Toronto police. C. Dickson had no bad records before the murder. D. Investigators could recover the chat record online.



