综合教程第三册课件 - Unit4

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Unit Four

1、Background Introduction






2、Analyzation of the Text

Paragraphs 1-2作者在第一段开始介绍了自己的身份并开门见山地开始了其带有讽刺意味的语言。第二段中作者在讽刺那


Paragraphs 3-7 作者在这几段中将男人们理想中的妻子的职责及责任划分成各种功能和服务种类。

Paragraphs 8-9 作者在这两段中陈述了一个妻子在家庭中的地位。

Paragraph 10 作者在本篇文章中共提出两个问题,第一个问题是“为什么我想要一个妻子呢?”这个问题为引起文章所叙述的内容作了铺垫。第二个问题即是本段中提及的具有讽刺意味的问题“我的老天,如果妻子这么好,谁不想要一个啊?”来作为这篇文章的结尾。 3、Words Study

文中出现的重难点单词及短语:attendant, peer, rambling, entertain, liberty

1.attendant n. a person whose job is to serve or help people, especially in a public place随从,随员;服务员

<释例>The Prime Minister was followed by five or six attendants when he got off the plane.总理下飞机时,身后跟着五、六位随从。

<点拨>attendant既可以用作形容词,也可以用作名词。作形容词时,用作前置定语,表示:①“伺侯的,负责照顾的(waiting upon; on duty to help and look after)”,主要修饰表示人的名词;

②“伴随的,随之而来的(accompanying)”,其后主要修饰事物名词。作名词用属于可数名词表示:①“侍从,服务员(servant)”;②“管理员”,主要指在公共场所(例如:影剧院、博物馆等)专门维持秩序的人员;③“随从人员”,主要指人身边的随从人员,常用复数,例如:He arrived with several attendant helpers. 他带了一些照产的人一起到达。One of the attendant difficulties during the war was lack of food.在战争中,随之而来的困难之一就是缺少粮食。The room affendant speaks of little English.房间服务员可以讲点英语。He is a museum attendant.他是博物馆管理人员。attender是可数名词,表示“参加者(a person present)”的意思。主要指参加会议、礼拜或听演讲的人,例如:I don’t know how many attenders there are in the hall.我不知道礼堂里有多少人参加会议。He is a regular attender at the morning service。他一贯参加早礼拜(是参加早礼拜的人)。

2.peer n. an equal in rank, age, quality, etc.(官阶、等级、地位或功绩)同等的人;同龄人

<释例>It will not be easy to find his peer.很不容易找到像他那样的人。He doesn’t spend enough time with his peers.他不大与其同龄人交往。

<点拨>①peer还可以作动词,(常与into连用)表示“凝视;盯着看”,例如:The new postman peered through the mist,

trying to find the right house.新来的邮递员在雾中仔细张望,设法寻找到他要找到那一家。②look,gaze, stare, glare, peek, peer都含“看”的意思。Look是常用词,指“注意或有意识地看”,例如:He looked but saw nothing. 他看了,但什么也没看见。gaze指“由于惊讶、好奇、喜悦、同情或感兴趣而目不转睛地看”,例如:What are you gazing at? 你在凝视什么?stare指“睁大眼睛、目不转睛地盯着看”,例如:It’s rude to stare at people. 盯着看人不礼貌。grare 指由于“羡幕、恐惧、惊讶或愚蠢而用恐吓、凶狠或愤怒的眼光看”,例如:“He grared at her.他向她瞪眼。Peer指“偷看”、“通过孔隙窥视”,例如:You must not peek while you are counting in such games as hide-and-seek.在捉迷藏一类游戏中,你数数时绝对不能偷看。Peer指“细看”,例如:He was peering down the well.他细看下面的井。

3.rumbiling adj.(of a speech, essay, etc.)not keeping to the subject; disconnected(指讲话、文章等)不切题的,不连贯的

<释例>It was a scrappy, rambling speech. 那篇讲话杂乱无章,毫无条理。

<点拨>①rambling的动词形式为ramble。Ramble的含义为“漫步;散步;漫游”,例如:They spent the morning rambling woodland paths.他们整个上午都在林中小径上漫步。②roam,

ramble, rove都含“漫步”、“漫游”的意思。Roam指“在一广大地区无目的地漫游”,内含“自由”、“快乐”之意,例如:to roam about the country 漫游全国。Ramble指“漫不经心地,无目的地走动”,例如:We rambled through the woods.我们漫步走过树林。Rove指“无目的地,但有一定目的的漫游”,例如:He roved from town to town.他从一个城镇到另一个城镇。

4.entertain v. to give people food and hospitality, for example by inviting them to your house招待,款待;使娱乐,使欢乐

<释例>Could you entertain the children for an hour, while I make supper?我做晚饭时你能哄孩子们玩一个小时吗?The Smiths entertain a great deal.史密斯一家常款待客人。

<点拨>entertain宾语后接at, to 或for ,意为“用?款待某人”,例如:They will entertain two fiends at dinner tonight.今晚他们将宴请两位朋友。

5.liberty n. freedom to live one’s life in the way that one wants,without interference from other people or the authorities自由

<释例>The prisoner was deprived of his civil liberty for three years.那个犯人被剥夺了三年的人生自由权

<点拨>①与liberty构成搭配的词组有allow the liberty of 允许?的自由;take the liberty of doing/to do sth.冒

昧(或擅自)做某事take(a)liberty/liberties(with)(对人)过于随便;无礼;随意歪曲(事实);at liberty 获得自由;随意;有权利。②fireedom, liberty都含“自由”的意思。Freedom系常用词,指“没有强制、压迫且能充分按自己意志行事”,强调“个人的自由”,例如:We have freedom of speech.我们的言论自由。Liberty在谈到民族、国家争取或获得自由时,可与freedom互换,但它着重“从过去所受的压制或束缚中解放出来”,强调“集体的自由”,例如:The majority of the people in the world have regained their liberty.世界上大多数人已重获自由。 4、Text Explanation

1.I would like to go back to school so that I can become economically independent, support myself, and if need be, support those dependent uponme; if表示“如果,(表假设)要是”,是连词,引导条例状语从句。If need be 表示“如有需要”或者“如有必要”也可以用if need require来表示,例如:The parities can be changed if need be, but changes in excess of 10 percent require the approval of the Fund.如果需要,平价可以调整,但调整幅度超过10%,须经基金组织批准。If need be, we’ll work all night.如果需要,我们就干个通宵。

2. I want a wife to keep track of the children’s doctor

and dentist appointments. And to keep track of mine. too. I want a wife to keep track of?:句中的不定式做宾语补足语。有些动词和短语可用不定式做宾语补足语,构成句型:主语+谓语动词+宾词+不定式。这样的动词有:advice, allow, announce, ask, assist, authorize, bear, beg, bribe, cause, command, compel, condemn, deserve, direct, drive, enable, encourage, entitle ,entreat, exhort, forbid, force等。这样的短语有:call on (请求),care for (关心),count on (依靠,指望),depend on (依赖、依靠),keep on at (困扰,追问),long for (渴望),make out(分辩),vote for (选举),prevail on (说服),rely on (信赖),wait for(等待)等。还有一些动词和词组用不定式做宾语补足语时不带to,但在被动形式时,其宾语补足语不定式必须带to。这样的动词和词组有:feel, have, hear, let, make, motice, observe, overhear, see, watch, listen to, look at 等,例如:He encouraged his children to study hard.他鼓励孩子们努力学习。Because of the recent accidents, our parents forbid my brother and me to swin in the river unless someone agrees to watch over us. 由于最近发生了许多事故,因此爸爸妈妈不让我和弟弟去游泳,除非有人答应照看我们才行。Track意为“轨迹,轮迹;小路,小径”,keep track of 意为“通晓事态,了解动向”,keep track of 的反义结构是lose track of (失去联系),例如:I find

it difficult to keep track of my old friends.我很难了解我的老朋友的情况。Often, though, we need to keep track of a variable but small number of things,and still be the method of choice.但是,我们时常需要记录一小组数目可变的数据,而此时数组仍是最佳的表示方法。

3.I want a wife to make sure my children eat properly and are kept clean:make sure表示“务必”,“确信”,“弄明白”,后面常接of/about sth. 或that引导的宾语从句。Make sure + that-clause意为“务必?,一定要?”;make sure of?意为“弄清楚?”;make sure后通常不接不定式。Make sure 表示“一定要?”时后接不定式或that从句;表示“弄清楚、核实”的意思时后接of短语或that从句,例如:Make sure(that)you will arrive there on time.你务必准时到这。I know there’s a train this afternoon, but I must make sure of the time.我知道今天下午有列火车,但我必须弄清楚(发车)时间。

4.I want a wife who is a good nurturing attendant to my children, who arranges for their schooling, makes sure that they have an adequate sociallife with their peers, takes them to the park, the zoo, etc.:who is a good nurturing attendant to my children 和 who arranges for their schooling, makes sure that they have an adequate

social life with their peers, takes them to the park, the zoo, etc.在句中引导的是非限制性的定语从句,同时修饰wife,后面的动词arranges, makes, takes在从句在中作并列的谓语。也可以认为是在makes和takes前省略了先行词who。同时修饰一个先行词或先行短语,或者分别修饰各自的先行词的两个或两个以上的定语从句统称为多复位语从句(multiple attributive clause),例如:He was a man whom all his friends admired and who won the respect even of his enemies.他是个朋友全都钦佩的、甚至赢得敌人尊敬的人。He wants you to know that anyone who chooses the path he has chosen is sure to have periodic holidays in jail.他希望你了解,凡是选择了他所选择的那条道路的人,肯定会要定期到监狱里去度假的。I am the infamous creature you have heard of that lives among the thieves. 我就是你们曾经听说过的那个声名狼藉、是盗贼为伍的女人。以上第一句是由连词and连接的两个定语从句同时修饰其先行词a man;第二句中的两个定语从句“who chooses the path”和“he has chosen”并不是同时修饰先行词anyone,而是第一个定语修饰其先行词anyone,第二个定语从句修饰先行词(即第一个定语从句的宾词)the path;第三句的第二个定语从句“that lives among the thieves”则不是限制或说明第一个定语从句前的先行词the infamous creature,而不是限制或说明第一个定语从句的“先行词+定语从句”,即先行短语“the

infamous creature you have heard of”。

5. It may mean a small cut in my wife’s income from time to time, but I guess I can tolerate that. Needless to say, my life will arrange and pay for the care of the children while my wife is working:needless to say意为“不用说”,例如:Air as well as sunlight be, needless to say, indispensable to our daily life,不必说,空气像阳光一样,对我们的日常生活不可缺少。Needless to say 为形容词短语在句中做插入词。插入语在句子中屡见不鲜,由于插入语通常与句中其它成分没有语法上的关系,因此给理解带来一定困难。插入语多半用逗号与句子隔开,用来表示说话对句子所表达的意思的态度。插入语可能是一个词、一个短词或一个句子。

1)常用做插入语的副词:indeed的确,surely无疑,however然而,obviously显然,frankly坦率地说,naturally自然,luckily(或happily)for sb. 算某人幸运,fortunately幸好,strangely奇怪,honestly真的,briefly简单地说等。

2)常见的作插入语的形容词或其短语:true真的,funny真可笑,strange to say 说也奇怪,needless to say 不用说,most important of all最为重要,worse still更糟糕的等。

3)常用作插入语的介词短语:in a few words(或in sum,in short)简而言之,in other words换句话说,in a sense在某种意义上,in general 一般来说,in summary 概括地说,

in fact 事实上,in the first place 首先,in addition此外, of course当然等。

4)常用作插入语的分词短语:strictly speaking严格地说,generally speaking一般地说等。

5)常用作插入语的分词短语:to be sure 无疑地,to sum up 概括地说,to tell the truth老实说等。

6)插入句:I am sure 我可以肯定地说,I believe 我相信,I wonder 我不知道,you know 你知道,you see 你明白,that is 也就是说等。

6. ?and who will see to it that my personal things are kept in their proper place so that I can find what I need the minute I need it:in place意为“在适合的位置”,例如:I like everything to be in place.我喜欢一切都井井有条。The minute(that)意为“一?(就);当?(即)”,例如:I will give him your message the minute he arrives.他一来我就会把你的信给他。See that意为“要注意使?;务必使?”。

7. I want a wife who will remain sexually to me so that I do not have to clutter up my intellectual life with jealousies. And I want a wife who understands that my sexual needs may entail more than strict adherence to monogamy. I must, after all, be able to relate to people as fully as possible:as that是复合从属连词,既可引导目


1)so that 从句中有may, might, can, could, should, would等情态动词,一般多为目的状语从句,但有时也可能是结果状语从句。这种情况,主要根据主从句的逻辑关系来判断。So that引导的目的状语从句一般表示尚未实现的目的或意图,主句与从句是结果与目的的关系;so that引导的结果状语从句则是主句所导致的结果,主句与从句是原因与结果的关系。试比较:The young tree must be planted so that we can always have enough wood.必须种植树苗,以使我们时时有足够的木材。(目的)She worried so that she could hardly eat her supper.她着急得简直吃不下晚饭了。(结果)

2)能用复合从属连词的in order that代替so that或能将so that从句转换为in order to 或so as to 加动词原形或不定式短语,而且代换后的复合句或简单句句意清楚,合科逻辑,即为目的状语从句;如能用too?to或enough to 结构的简单句代替so that引导的主从复合句,即可判断为结果状语从句。

3)so that引导的目的状语从句放在主句之前或之后均可,从句放在主句之后时无需用逗号隔开;so that引导的结果状语从句只能放在主句之后,不能置于句首,在主句与从句之间有时用一逗号隔开,口语中在从句之前常有停顿,例如:So that each passenger can write out his own order, Tom gives one pencil

to every one.(=Tom gives one pencil to every one so that each passenger can write out his own order.汤姆给旅客们每人一支铅笔,好让各自写出自己要点的菜。(目的)We planted hundreds of shrubs, so that by August the garden had improved out of all recognition.我们杆了数百株灌木,所以到了八月,这个庭园变得完全不可辩认了。(结果)

4)当so that从句既可能表示目的,也可能表示结果而不易区别时,只有通过具体的语言环境或上下文来判断,例如:Iclimbed higher so that I could get a better view.这一句中的so that从句可能有两种理解。一是理解为目的状语从句,既表示:为了看得更远,我爬到了更高的地方。二是理解为结果状语从句,既表示:我爬到了更高的地方,因而看得更远。

5)在正式的书面语中,so that有时可引导条件状语从句,这时必须位于句首,而且从句之后常用一逗号分隔,例如;So that(=If)our language conforms to usage, we don’t mind whether grammarians approve of is or not.只要我们所讲的语言合乎习惯用法,就不管法家们赞同与否。 5、 Excercises Translation exercises

Ⅰ. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets.

1. This company is mostly composed of young people

fresh from school.

2. It never occurred to me that he would ever do such a thing.

3. I’ll try my best to persuade him if need be. 4.It is difficult to keep track of my fellow students after graduation.

5. Who is going to see to the desserts after dinner? 6. Don’t bother your boss with such trifles. 7. My work was to replenish our stock time and again. 8. He often clutters up his study.

Ⅱ. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 许多妇女对自己在家里的地位感到不满。她们埋怨说,作为一个典型妻子的妇女承受着沉重的负担。人们认为,她应该照料好她的丈夫和孩子。孩子有病的时候,她即便要付出收入下降的代价也应该守在孩子身旁,因为丈夫永远也不能在工作或学习中有任何损失。人们认为,她应该做好所有的家庭琐事。她应该保持房子整洁,准备好每日的用餐,买好所有的杂货。人们甚至认为,她应该照料好丈夫社会生活中细枝末节的小事。当丈夫的朋友应邀来他们家做客时,她应该准备一顿有特色的饭菜,并且满足他们的需要,使他们感到惬意,以示好客。她应该随时准备理解丈夫的需要,毫无怨言地尽一切可能使丈夫高兴。她的幸福似乎主要源于丈夫和孩子的幸福。但是,这一切是不对的。我们应该采


Unit Four

1. The Prime Minister was followed by five or six _______ when he got off the plane.(CET-6,2002年12月)

A)laymen B)servants C)directors D)


2. Being somewhat short-sighted, she had the habit of _______ at people.(CET-6,1997年12月)

A)glancing B)peering C)gazing D)


3. The _______ they felt for each other was obvious to everyone who saw them.(CET-6,2004年6月)

A)adherence B)affection C)sensitivity


4. The manager spoke highly of such _______ as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.(CET-4,1998年12月)

A)virtues B)features C)properties D)


5. The work was almost completed when we received orders to _______ no further with it.(CET-4,2003年6


A)progress B)march C)proceed D)

promote 答案:

1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C

6. Some American colleges are state-supported, others are _______ privately, and still others are supported by religious organizations. (CET-6,2002年6月)

A)ensured B)attributed C)authorized


7. Some diseases are ________ by certain water animals.(CET-4,2000年6月)

A)transplanted B)transformed C)

transported D)transimitled

8. He gave a _______ to handle the affairs in a friendly manner.(CET-4,2003年6月)

A)motion B)mission C)pledge D)plunge 9. The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _______ his arguments in favor of the new theory.(CET-4,2000年6月)

A)on which to base B)which to base on C)to base

on D)to be based on

10. The _________at the military academy is so rigid that students can hardly bear it.(CET-4,2004年6月)

A)confinement B)convention C)discipline D)


11. They are trying to ________ the waste discharged by the factory for profit.(CET-4,2004年12月)

A)expose B)exhaust C)exhibit D)exploit


6.D 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.D

