大学英语四册test1passage two翻译参考

更新时间:2023-03-08 05:14:04 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Do animals have rights? Do trees? Do humans have an obligation to behave ethically (合乎道德地) to rivers? To rocks? Viruses? The entire planet?

动物有自己的权利吗?树有自己的权利吗? 人类有责任义务尊重江河, 岩石,病毒,以及整个地球万物吗?

As this century draws to a close, these are not merely questions for abstract philosophical debate but, as Roderick Frazier Nash points out in The Rights of Nature, issues of intense interest to theologians (神学家), lawyers, legislators and even scientists. Radical environmentalists are already demanding that legal and ethical protection be extended to all of nature, and a few of them have demonstrated a willingness to fight, break the law and even die in support of this belief.

随着这个世纪即将结束,这不只是抽象的哲学辩论的问题,而是如纳什在“大自然权利”中指出的神学家、律师、立法者,甚至科学家都有强烈兴趣的议题。 激进的环保主义人士已经要求将法律和伦理的保护延伸到整个自然界,他们其中一部份人士已经向我们证明了愿意为了支持这种信念去抵抗和违反法律,甚至可以为此去牺牲的意志。

As described by Nash, the circle covered by the ethical rules governing individual and social behavior has expanded slowly and irregularly throughout history. Starting by granting rights to themselves, humans gradually enlarged the circle to include the family, the tribe, the nation and, in theory if not in practice, the entire community of human beings. When Thomas Jefferson wrote that all men were created equal and entitled to certain unalienable (不可剥夺的) rights, it was understood he was talking only about white males. Since the American Revolution, however, the right to ethical treatment has been extended, at least by law and social consensus, to include women and ethnic (民族的) minorities


The next page in this history - the extension of ethical and legal rights to animals, plants, and the rest of the natural world - is now being written, Nash believes. For a growing number of people throughout the world but particularly in the United States, the belief is taking root.


The idea that nature has rights and is entitled to ethical consideration is

not a new one. Some Eastern religions define humans as only part of a great chain of being. But in the Christian tradition of the West, man was created to master nature, not to be part of it.


However, as environmentalism has evolved as a social movement in recent years, Nash says, the concept of liberating nature from persecution by humanity has gained followers. U.S. law, he notes, provides legal protection to animals and plants through the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammals Protection Act. Nash points to the increasingly aggressive positions of so-called deep environmentalists and other radicals who insist that nature has intrinsic (固有的) and unalienable rights that have nothing to do with its value to people. Some of these radicals have thrown themselves before bulldozers to protect virgin forests and chained themselves to rocks on a river bank to prevent the river from being dammed.


For the most part, Nash takes no position on questions of ethical duties. Only in an epilogue (跋), does he indicate where his sympathies lie. Just as the antislavery radicals in the early part of the 19th century were scorned (嘲笑) for insisting that slaves were human beings with rights, today's radical environmentalists are often laughed at for suggesting that nature is \tradition,\says. But with the groundwork now laid for\participation in environmentalism,\Nash believes, there is a real possibility of serious confrontation with those who profit from exploitation of the environment.


”If this situation, with its intellectual and political similarities to American before the Civil War, promises once again to endanger domestic peace,\

Nash warns, \


