
更新时间:2024-04-07 21:50:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Unit1 How can we become good learners


1. These kids practice spoken English joining the English club.

A. by B. in C. on D. with

2. --- Dad, look at the building. It is on fire. --- Call 119 mobile phone right now.

A. in A. look it up A. listen A. found A. Since A. too; to

B. by B. set it up B. listening to B. looked B. As

B. so; that

C. on C. give it up C. listening C. looked for C. Though

D. with D. pick it up D. listen to D. discovered D. /

C. enough; to

3. When you don't know a word, you can in the dictionary. 4. There are lots of mistakes in my homework because I didn't pay attention to the teacher. 5. Do you know who America? 6. Sam likes to go to the cinema, but he doesn't like to see the thrillers. 7. The film City of Life and Death was moving I couldn't help crying when I saw it. 8. --- Good news! There will be a concert tonight.

--- Really? Yang Kun comes to sing one song, I'll be very excited.

A. Unless A. but A. is lost

B. If B. because B. are lost

C. Before C. if C. get lost

D. Until D. and D. gets lost

9. I was late for school this morning something was wrong with my bike . 10. It's easy to in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai. 11. --- I want to visit Beijing, the capital of China, but I don't know much about the city.

--- Don't worry. Let's try to find some information about it the Internet on the computer. A. by searching B. to search C. for searching D. at searching

12. --- Your son does well in English. How does he learn it? --- listening to tapes and reading lots of books.

A. With A. look it up A. compare with C. pay attention to A. invented

B. By B. look up it

C. On

C. look them up B. look forward to D. try out

D. For D. look up them

13. If you meet some new words, you can in a dictionary. 14. When you visit a museum you should the instructions and don't be against them. 15. Do you know when they the island? B. remained C. produced D. discovered


16. Our country has done something to stop population i . 17. I love collecting stamps because I can learn much k from it. 18. Please r what you said just now. I didn't hear clearly. 19. Scientists have d a new virus. It is very important to medical research. 20. Please read a so that everybody can hear you. 21. The young singers all had clear English p . 22. The e you use might depend on whom you are speaking to. 23. We all know blue c the feeling of harmony. 24. He was awarded because he took an a part in class activities. 25. Don't drive too fast. Please drive at a safe s . 26. Our country's economy(经济) is i rapidly. 27. Books give us k and make us happy. 28. Please listen to the tape and r what you've heard. 29. The scientists haven't d any life on Mars yet. 30. Speak a , please. I can't hear what you said. 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共15小题;共15分)

31. Doctors tell us that eating burnt food can (增加) the risk of cancer. 32. The educational CD-ROM can help us learn a lot of (知识) about science. 33. Would you mind (重说) your suggestions? I didn't hear it clearly. 34. --- When did Columbus (发现) America? --- In 1492.

35. Can you tell me the (发音) of this word? 36. Wang Kai likes (物理学) best.

37. Mother tells the children not to shout too a (大声的) in the hospital. 38. Linda is such a (耐心的) person that she never gets angry easily. 39. We should take an (积极的) part in physical exercises. 40. Her (能力) in dancing was noticed by her mother.

41. It's said eating too much burnt food (增加) the risk of cancer. 42. We get (知识) not only from books but also from our daily life. 43. Please read these sentences slowly so that I can (重复) them after you. 44. Who (发现) the American Continent? 45. Goodness me! Your (发音) is very good.


46. You must (注意) the traffic lights when crossing the road. (词数不限)

47. If you don't get the right pronunciation of the word, (查一下它) in your dictionary.

48. --- 你是如何学习英语的? --- 我通过看英语节目来学习。

--- do you learn English? --- I learn English programs. 49. 如果你不练习就永远学不会开车。

You will never if you don't practice. 50. 你可以通过打电话告诉我结果。

You can tell me the result a telephone call. 五、完形填空(共10小题;共15分)

One day my friend and I went to the airport to buy the tickets to Dover. We were going to have our holiday in England. 51 an English speaker, we didn't think we had problems in England. \52 tickets to Dover, please,\her 54 was not good. \\ We know that there are some differences 57 British English and American English. 58 , an Englishman may say he lives on the ground floor of an apartment. But an American says he lives on the 59 floor. In England, people often say, \the movies.\

51. A. As 52. A. One 53. A. machine 54. A. voice 55. A. said 56. A. but 57. A. from 58. A. As well as 59. A. first 60. A. cinema

B. To B. Single B. buyer B. hearing B. spoke B. so B. between B. Such as B. second B. restaurant

C. About C. Two C. seller C. sight C. asked C. because C. in C. As soon as C. third C. hotel

D. On D. Three D. maker D. mind D. told D. although D. to

D. For example D. fourth D. park



When someone says, \a singer. It is something far less happy, as you are called in by your leader to explain why you did this and did that or why you did not do this or that.

At some time or another, every one of us has to \remember father's angry words \bad thing it was!

In the middle or at the end of every term, we students have to \will decide whether we will face the music or not. If you got a \cold faces and the contempt(轻视) of the teachers and classmates.

