Unit 5 Are IQ Tests Intelligent备课
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Unit 5 Are IQ Tests Intelligent? 单元学习概述:本单元主要以介绍高智商人物为切入点。围绕“智力的表现――影响智力的因素――脑部结构与智力的关系”为主线展开教学。 教学过程中应该帮助学生体会批判性思维方式,锻炼学生理性思考的能力。因为本单元教学内容较为抽象,因此在教学过程中,既要提醒和发挥学生的想象能力,又要提醒学生脚踏实地,从细微处入手。在本单元中适当进行听、说、读、写训练,从导入到最后的综合训练,让学生逐步提高英语能力。 单元学习目标: 语言技能: 1. 能够在听力中辨识关键词,捕获细节信息并进行预测和推断。 2. 能够表达理由,解释行为。 3. 能够读懂论述性文本,并学会区别事实和观点。 4. 能够掌握写How-to文章的方法。 实践技能: 利用智力测试,锻炼不同的思维方式。 情感态度: 思考大脑和智力的关系,理性分析影响智力的因素。 单元任务: 了解高智商人物;探索大脑与智力之间的关系;利用智力测试锻 炼不同的思维方式。 单元安排 课时 1 2 3-4 5-6 7,8 9,10 分课时目标 了解高智商人物以及智力测 试的表现形式 学会解释自己的行为 探讨智力与智力测试的关系,智力与脑部结构的关系 探讨智力与智力测试的关系, 智力与脑部结构的关系 学习宾语从句 利用智力测试,锻炼思维方式 教学内容 Warm-up, Listening and Speaking A Listening and Speaking B Passage A Passage B Grammar Real Life Skills
授课章节 名称 授课课时 使用教具 教学目标 Warm-up, Listening and Speaking A Period 1 授课形式 new Books, CD player, chalk Knowledge Aims: 1. Ss will be able to recognize famous people and talk about their achievement in simple English. 2. Ss will be able to know the qualities which help people more intelligent. 3. Ss will grasp the words and sentence patterns appeared in the listening materials. 4. Ss will be able to understand what they hear and finish the exercises. Ability Aims: 1. Ss will be able to act out the dialogue. 2.Ss will be able to know the approval and disapproval expressions. 1.Ss can catch the key points of the listening materials. 2.Ss will understand the importance of inventions 1.Ss will be able to act out the dialogue. 2.Ss will be able to know approval and disapproval expressions. Task-based approach ,Communicative Approach 多媒体辅助:将本课所需要的动画、录音、图片、文字、图表和音乐制 成课件,使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设情景。 Ⅰ. Recite the dialogue and prepare to act it out. Ⅱ. Copy the new words and expressions. Ⅲ. Preview Listening and Speaking B. Highlight: Insufficiency: Improvement measures: 教学重点 教学难点 教学过程 设计思路 课前准备要求 课外作业 教学后记 2
授课内容、活动及板书设计 (导入、新授、练习、小结等) Teaching Contents Teacher’s Activities Ask questions and discuss. Students’ Activities Teaching Intention Step 1. Greetings and leading in. Hello, everyone. Do you know these famous people? And are you familiar with their achievements? Step 2. Warm-up. Activity 1: The following are some of the greatest people in history. Match the pictures with the names.. Activity 2: What are their achievements? Discuss with your partner. Then share your Answers together. Step 3. Listening and Speaking A: He is a total airhead. 1. New words and expressions. 1) intelligent adj. 聪明的 2) airhead n. 傻瓜 3) dense adj. 愚笨的 4) perceptive adj. 理解力强的 5) smart adj. 聪明的 6) spacey adj. 精神恍惚的 7) shape up 改善 8) bet on sth. 下赌注于?? 2.Activity 1: Listen to the conversation and tick the best representation of Matt.
Listen to the Arouse Ss’interest to teacher and learn new Unit 5. try to catch what the teacher says. Let Ss know clearly what they are wanted to do, then they may do the task well. Explain the Ss finish the demand of the activity activity, then according ask Ss to do the to the task. demand. First let Ss read Ss read the Before teaching, let the words words Ss try to read the words themselves, then themselves first to train Ss the read after the first, then ability of teaching teacher. read after themselves. Train Ss’ Last ,the teacher the teacher. ability explains the Listen to the in listening. words. conversation and finish the tasks. 3
Ⅰ. First Ss guess what the material may Explain the talk about. dialogue. Ⅱ. Listen to the recording and circle the answer. Ⅲ. Check up Read and explain 3. Activity 2: the useful Listen again and categorize the expressions following expressions as approval or disapproval. Ⅰ. Let Ss read and explain the following expressions and make sure they know their meanings. Then let Ss listen to the material and finish the exercise. Ⅱ. Check up. III. Useful expressions. IV. Some language points. 4. Activity 3: listen again and tick true or false. Ⅰ. Ss listen to the recording again and finish it. Ⅱ. Check up Step 4. Summary and homework. Assign tasks in Ⅰ. Recite the dialogue. detail Ⅱ. Copy the new words and expressions. Ⅲ.Preview Listening and Speaking B. Blackboard lay out Unit 5 Are IQ Tests Intelligent? 1) intelligent adj. 聪明的 2) airhead n. 傻瓜 3) dense adj. 愚笨的 4) perceptive adj. 理解力强的 5) smart adj. 聪明的 6) spacey adj. 精神恍惚 7) shape up 改善 8) bet on sth. 下赌注于?? adapt to 使自己适应于… reason ['ri?z(?)n] vt. 推论;辩论 independently [,?nd??pend(?)ntl?] adv. 独立地;specific adj. 特殊的,特定的;明确的 original [??r?d??n(?)l; ?-] adj. 独创的;新颖的 productive [pr??d?kt?v] adj. 富有成效的 representation [,repr?zen'te??(?)n] n. 代表;表现;表示法;陈述 categorize [?k?t?ɡ?ra?z] vt. 分类 approval [?'pru?v(?)l] n. 批准;认可;赞成get stuck with不得不接受, 无法摆脱; go far 成功;大有前途stare off into space 发呆 emergency n. [??m??d?(?)nsi]紧急情况;突发事件 get stuck in traffic Theodore n. 希欧多尔(男子名)
Work in pairs. Practice Ss’ oral English. Put n more useful expressions. Read the useful Check if expressions and the students try to remember understand them the material Listen to the well. conversation again and finish the tasks. Finish the tasks Prepare for the next period
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. Greetings and leading in.
Hello, everyone. Do you know these famous people? And are you familiar with their achievement? Step 2. Warm-up.
Activity 1: The following are some of the greatest people in history. Match the pictures with the names..
Activity 2: What are their achievements? Discuss with your partner. Then share Your
Step 3. Listening and Speaking A: He is a total airhead.
1. New words and expressions.
2. Activity 1: Listen to the conversation and tick the best representation of Matt. Ⅰ. First Ss guess what the material may talk about. Ⅱ. Listen to the recording and circle the answer. Ⅲ. Check up. 3. Activity 2:
Listen again and categorize the following expressions as approval or disapproval. Ⅰ. Let Ss read and explain the following expressions and make sure they know their meanings. Then let Ss listen to the material and finish the exercise. Ⅱ. Check up.
III. Useful expressions. IV Some language points.
4. Activity 3: listen again and tick true or false. Ⅰ. Ss listen to the recording again and finish it. Ⅱ. Check up.
Step 4. Summary and homework. Ⅰ. Recite the dialogue.
Ⅱ. Copy the new words and expressions. Ⅲ.Preview Listening and Speaking B.
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