
更新时间:2024-01-03 01:33:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



一、 连词成句:

1.to,home,welcome,new,my(.)Welcome 2.at,please,my,look,bedroom,new(.)Look 3.a,there,big,in,is,sofa,living room,your(?)Is 4.study,like,do,your,you(?)Do 二、 填空:

1.How old are you?--- eleven. 2.What’s name?---My name is Peter. 3.I like milk.----He likes ,too. 4.What’s your aunt?--- a nurse.

5.Is this her eraser?---Yes, . 三、同义句转换:

1.What’s the time?---What is ?

2.It’s time to go to school.---It’s time . 3.What’s can I do for you?--- I you? 4.It’s ten forty-five.---It’s a quarter . 5.It’s eight ten.---It’s eight. 6.What a nice dinner!---How the is! 7.Look at the book.--- a look at the book.


1.Welcome our class. 2.It’s time school. A.for B.to C.in A.for B.to C.at 3.What’s the ? A.school B.claaa C.time

4. a desk in my bedroom. A. There is B.There are C.It 5. some pears on the table. A.There is B.There are C.They 6. ---His name is Bob. A.What’s your name? B.What’s his name? 7. ---She’s from New Zealand.

A.Where is Kate from? B.Where’s Bob from?

8. ---She’s my aunt. A.What’s she? B.Who’s she?

9. ---Yes, it is. A.Is that your book? B. Are these your books? 10. ---Yes, they are. A.Is this Tom’s mask? B. Are these Tom’s masks? 11.你看到桌子上有一个鸡蛋,说: A.There is a cake on the table. B.There is an egg on the table. 12.妈妈喊你到客厅来,说: A.Come into the kitchen,please. B.Come into the living room,please. 13.你邀请Tom参加你的生日晚会,说:

A.Will you come to my birthday party? B.Welcome to my home!

14.Tom非常愿意,说: A.Thank you. B.Sure,I’d love to. 15.There are two and a big on the wall.

A.pictures,balloons B.kites, clock C.kite,balloon

16.It’s a birthday gift my mother. A.from B.with C.to 17.你看到妈妈在做家务,你说: A.What else can I do for you,mum? B.Can you help me? 18.妈妈告诉你先整理好床铺,说: A.Put away your things,please. B.Make the bed first. 19.你问Peter能否和你一起擦玻璃,说:

A.Can you clean the windows with me? B.please mop the floor with me. 20.你想邀请Sue参加我的生日晚会,说: A.Will you come to my birthday party? B.Will you come to my home? 21.你看见客厅里有一个新沙发,说: A.Is there a big armchair in the living room? B.There’s a new sofa in the living room.

22.Can you do some housework me? A.and B.with C.to 23. the floor,please. A.Wash B.Make C. Mop

24.Can we a look at the living room? A.have B.take C.see 25.I in the dinning room.

A.cook dinner B.have dinner C.watch TV

26.What you doing,Micky? A.am,are B.is,am C.are,am 27.Can you write ? A.they B.them

重点句型1:There be 后面是几个并列的名词作主语时,be动词的形式要和最靠近它的那个名词保持数的一致。 例句:There is a desk,two chairs in my study.

There are two chairs ,a desk in my study.

重点句型2:What’s in the +地点?答话为:There is/are +物品+in it. 例句:What’s in the box,Grandma? There is a new watch in it .



1.---Let’s count in threes.

---OK.Three, , , , ,eighteen and 2.Peter is thirteen.His sister,Rose,is ten years older than him. Rose is . 3.If we want to know the weather, we can make a call to . 4.How many (bag,bags)do you have? 5.Let’s help children (is,are) some chicken for our lunch. 6.Welcome (in,to)our music club.

7. (He,She)is our English teacher,Miss Green. 8.There are days in a week. 9.There are hours(小时)in a day.

10.There are minutes(分钟)in an hour. 11.There are months(月份)in a year.

12.There are seasons(季节)in a year. 13.There are three and days in 2014.

14.There are days in June(六月) 15.We have hands,and fingers(手指) 16.There are people in my family. 17.There are students in my class.


1.This is our new English teacher.

This our new English teacher.(改为否定句)

2.There are twenty students in our class.(对画线部分提问) Are there in your class?

3.There are some teachers in the classroom.(改为一般疑问句) There teachers in the classroom?

4.There is a table in the kitchen.( 对画线部分提问) are there in the kitchen? 5.I have a computer in my study.(改为同义句) a computer in my study. 6.What time is it? the ?

7.It’s time for dinner? It’s time dinner.

8.What’s your age? the weather today? 9.What’s the weather like today? the weather today? 10.What’s a nice picture! How the is!


1.Let’s count one fifty. A.from;and B.from;to 2. ?There is only one.

A.How old is the boy. B.How many boys are there. C.How many books do you have.

3. have twenty---nine books. A.She B.He .C.We 4. is my hat?A.Where B.What. C.Whose 5.Here’s egg and milk for you. A.an;some B.an;a C.an;a 6.Let’s play a game. From 1 to 50.

A.count;counting B.counting;count C.counting;Count D.count;count 7.Let’s count .A.in three B.in threes C.to three D.three 8. have twenty-nine books. A.She B.He C.Who D.We 9. is my hat?A.Where B.What.C.Who.D.Whose. 10.The dress is for .I B.me C.my D.mine 11.My jeans over there. A.am B.is C.are D.be

12.How many pens are there? Only one.A.There is B.There are C.I have


1.time Chinese( ) 2.class make( ) 3.egg English( ) 4.milk like( ) 5.for housework( ) 6.bread breakfast( ) 7.pencil bed( ) 8.please breakfast( ) 9.put lunch( ) 10.Chinese chicken( ) 11.pork short ( ) 12.maths carrot( )


boy class book child mango pencil-box peach candy policeman people


1.Let’s playing a game. 2.Welcome in my class. 3.What’s you number? 4.How many word you have? 5.How many brothers are you have? 6.There are two Chinese in the morning.

7.There are one hundreds books in Group Ong.



重点b:320---three hundred and twenty

重点句型1:How many+可数名词复数+are there+其他?“how many”是指“多少”,可以来用来询问人或物品的数量,如果提问的名词是可数名词,不管是单数还是复数,一般都用复数形式提问。因为问话人不知道具体的数量,而且many后只能接可数名词的复数形式,所以be动词一定要用are. 例句:How many people are there in your family?

There are three people in my family.(注:people\\children本身就是复数,不用加“S”。

重点句型2:How many…do you have?询问对方有多少物品? 例句:How many bags do you have? We have seventy bags.

第三单元复习内容 一. 选择题:

1. subject you like best?A.What;are B.What’s;do C.What;to

2.How many lessons do you have?A.We are six.B.We have six.C.There are six. 3.What your mother ?A.does;do B.is;job C.is;do

4.I like ,I can well.A.sing;musicB.music;singC.singing;singing. 5.Do you study science? A.Yes,I like.B.No,I’m not C.Yes,I do 6.Do you have a PE class Monday?A.in B.onC.at 7.How many wrds do you have?

A.There are twelve.B.It;s twelve C.We have;twelve.D.We are twelve. 8.Do you like ?A.art B.draw C.paint D.picture. 9.I like and . A.tomato;potato.B.tomatos;potatos.C.tomatoes;mangoes.D.banana;coke 10.There some water and orange in the bottle. A.is, B.are C.am ,D.be 11.May I ask you some questions?

A.Thank you B.You are welcome C.Yes,please.D.Not at all 12. she swim?No,she can’t.A.Can B.Is C.Do D.Does.

13. you like monkeys?No.I like pandas.A.Are B.Do C.Can D.Does 14.What your uncle ?He’s a doctor.A.do;do B,do;does C.does;do D.its. 15.How is your pencil-box?Eleven yuan.A.many B.any C.much D.some 16.How many pencils do you have?A.I have two .BThere are three.

17.May I ask you some questions?A.Yes,please.B.Yes;I like it.C.Not at all


1.We have four classes in the morning.

Have four classes in the morning(改为一般疑问句) Four classes in the morning(改为同义句) 2.I like maths and music(对画线部分提问) subjects you like?

3.My father is a teacher. 改为否定句

改为一般疑问句 对画线部分提问 4.This is a Chinese book. 改为复数句


1.Glad to meet you.= to meet you. 2.What’s the time= is it? 3.How old are you?= your ? 4.I’m very well.=I’m . 5.Where do you come from?=Where you ? 6.Thank you very much.= a lot. 7.It’s time to have our English class.=It’s our English class.


1.student number( ) 2.forty morning( )3.thirty girl( ) 4.fifty your( )

3.out,is,school,two,in,days(.) 4.cranes,the,neck,long,very,are,lovely(.) 5.fat,turkeys,those,are,not(.) 6.draw,beautiful,I’ll,some,peacocks(.) 7.you,swans,like,do,big,the(?) 8.tomorrow,where,shall,go,we,afternoon(?) 9.please,come,at,7:30,tomorrow,here,morning(.) 五.就画线部分提问

1.I can go to the park by bike. 2.My name is Diana. 3.There is a mango on the table. 4.We’d like some bread. 重点句型1:Iwant to…表达自己想要做某事。Want后可加名词,表示想要某物。 如果表达想要做某事时,则要用want to +动词原形。Want后不可直接加动词。

例句:We want to see a film.我们想看电影。She wants go dance.她想跳舞。 重点句型2:What’s this/that in English?It’s a /an…询问这个/那个物品的英文名称。

例句:What’s this in English?这个用英语怎么说?It’s a/an+名词。

It’s a duck.它是一只鸭子。

重点句型3:The dolphin is dancing.海豚正在跳舞。


例句:I’m doing my homework.我下在做我的家庭作业 My father is reading a bool.我的爸爸正在看书。

重点句型4:What are these/those in English? 询问这些或那些物品的英文名称


例句:What are these in English?这些用英语怎么说? They’re sheep.它们是绵羊。

What are those in English?那些用英语怎么说? They’re goats.它们是山羊。

重点句型5:What a big farm!多么大的一个农场啊!What 后跟名词。How后跟形容词。

例句:What a big house!多么大的一个房子啊!

1-30基数词及序数词 1 one first 2 two second 3 three third 4 four fourth 5 five fifth 6 six sixth

7 seven seventh 8 eight eighth 9 nine ninth 10 ten tenth

11 eleven eleventh 12 twelve twelfth 13 thirteen thirteenth 14 fourteen fourteenth 15 fifteen fifteenth 16 sixteen sixteenth

17 seventeen seventeenth 18 eighteen eighteenth 19 nineteen nineteenth 20 twenty twentieth

21 twenty-one twenty-first 30 thirty thirtieth

