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Appendix I

Key to Exercises (Units 1-8)

Unit 1

Part I Pre-Reading Task

Script for the recording:

The song you are about to hear is based on a true story. It tells the tale of the sinking of a ship called The Edmund Fitzgerald that was caught in a storm on Lake Superior back in November 1975, with the loss of all on board.

Lake Superior is an enormous lake and the wind can at times make it dangerous to shipping, whipping up huge waves. November is a particularly dangerous month for such storms. This had long ago been noticed by a local native American tribe, the Chippewa, who used to speak of how death threatened from the lake when storm clouds gathered in November. According to legend, the big lake, which they called Gitche Gumee, was without mercy in that month, never giving up those it had marked for death.

It is this legend that starts the song before it moves on to talk of The Edmund Fitzgerald. The Edmund Fitzgerald, like many other ships that sail the lake, was built to carry iron ore. Filled with ore these ships lie low in the water and can find themselves in difficulties in rough weather. So, with a full load on board we can imagine the anxiety that must have begun to creep into the hearts of the sailors on board The Edmund Fitzgerald as they felt the cold wind beginning to rise and heard the sound of it singing as it blew through the wires. For, despite the fact that the captain and crew were all experienced, "well-seasoned" as the song says, they all knew the dangers of November storms. Before long their worse fears started to come true and the storm had risen to a hurricane. The despair of the crew is captured in the words of the cook. First he comes on deck to tell the sailors it is too rough to cook, they will have to wait for their supper. The next we hear from him he is saying

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- $6 - Appendix I

goodbye to his shipmates. Water is pouring into the ship. The captain sends out a distress signal, but that is the last that is heard from the ship. It is swallowed up by the lake, leaving nothing behind but the mourning families of the twenty-nine sailors and the sound of the church bell ringing in their memory.

Now let's listen to the song:

The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

Gordon Lightfoot

The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down Or the big lake they call Gitche Gumee

Tke lake, it is said, rfever gives up her dead

When the skies or November turn gloomy

Witk a load of iron ore twenty-six thousand tons more Than the Edmund Fitzgerald weighed empty That good ship and true was a hone to be chewed When the gales of November came early

Tke skip was tke pride of tke American side Coming back from

some mill in Wisconsin As tke kig freigkters go, it was kigger tkan most Witk a crew and good captain well seasoned Concluding some terms witk a couple of steel firms Wken tkey left fully loaded for Cleveland And later tkat nigkt wken tke skip's kell rang Could it ke tke nortk wind tkey'd been feeling

Tke wind in tke wires made a tattle-tale sound

And a wave broke over tke railing

And every man knew, as tke captain did too Twas tke witck of Novemker come stealing

Tke dawn came late and the breakfast had to wait

Wken the Gales of November came slashing When afternoon came it was freezing rain In the face of a hurricane west wind

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Appendix 1

When suppertime came, the old cook came on deck saying

Fellas1, it's too rough to reed ya2

At seven PM a main hatchway caved in, he said

Fellas, it's heen good to know ya

The captain wired in he had water coming in And the good ship and crew was in peril

And later that night when his lights went out of sight Came the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

Does any one know where the love of God goes When the waves turn the minutes to hours The searchers all say they'd have made

Whitefish Bay If they'd put fifteen more miles hehind her They might

have split up or they might have capsized They may have broke deep and took water And all that remains is the faces and the names Of the wives and the sons and the daughters J

Lake Huron rolls, Superior sings In the rooms of her ice'water mansion

Old Michigan steams like a young man's dreams The islands and hays are for sportsmen And farther helow Lake Ontario Takes in what Lake Erie can send her And the iron boats go as the mariners all know With the Gales of November remembered

In a musty old hall in Detroit they prayed In the Maritime Sailors' Cathedral The church hell chimed til it rang twenty-nine times For each man on the Edmund Fitzgerald

1 fella: (slang) fellow 2 ya: (slang) you

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- 66 - Appendix 1

Trie legend lives on irom the Chippewa on down Or the nig lake they call Gitche Gumee Superior, they said, never gives up her dead When the gales or November come early

Part II Text A

lexf Organization

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Appendix I - $9

9) raw 10) retreat 11) have taken their toll 12) In the case of 13) campaign 14) at the cost of 15) has been brought to a halt 2. 1) is faced with 2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on 5) picking up 6) falling apart 7) cut back 8) take over

3. 1) The rapid advance in gene therapy may lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future. 2) The border dispute between the two countries resulted in thousands of casualties.

3) Sara has made up her mind that her leisure interests will/should never get in the way of her career.

4) Obviously the reporter's question caught the foreign minister off guard.

5) The introduction of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date / obso-lete.



2) stant internal struggle in an organization.

3) II. More Synonyms in Context

1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the no-man's-land between the trenches.

2) 3)1 spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my withstand the harsh weather.

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III. Usage

1) But often it is not until we fall ill that we finally learn to appreciate good health.

2) A rich old lady lay dead at home for two weeks—and nobody knew anything about it. 3) It's said he dropped dead from a heart attack when he was at work

4) Don't sit too close to the fire to keep warm—you could easily get burned, especially if you fall asleep.

5) In those days people believed in marrying young and having children early. 6) Little Tom was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes.


1. 1) To his great delight, Dr. Deng discovered two genes in wild rice that can increase the yield by

30 percent.

2) To her great relief, her daughter had left the building before it collapsed. 3) To our disappointment, our women's team lost out to the North Koreans.

4) We think, much to our regret, that we will not be able to visit you during the coming Christ-mas.

2. 1) These birds nest in the vast swamps (which lie to the) east of the Nile.

2) By 1948, the People's Liberation Army had gained control of the vast areas north of the Yangtze River.

3) Michelle was born in a small village in the north of France, but came to live in the United States at the age of four.

4) The Columbia River rises in western Canada and continues/runs through the United States for about 1,900 kilometers west of the Rocky Mountains.

Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze (A)

1. invasion 3. Conquest 5. launching 7. campaign 9. reckon with

11. bringing...to a halt

2. stand in the way

4. catching... off his guard 6. declaration 8. drag on 10. die from

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Appendix I

(B) 1. In 3. the

5. it

7. of/about 9. to 11. to 13. buried 15. than 17. from 19. down

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2. since 4. and

6. that/who 8. across 10. lost 12. with 14. in

16. between 18. to

Part III TextB

Comprehension Check 1. d 3. b


2. d 4. a

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(#JE Appendix III)

Language Practice

1. boast

3. was concerned 5. paid off 7. are contesting 9. holdout

11. responsible for 13. favorable 15. on the eve of 17. complications 19. withstand

2. obstacles 4. call ...off

6. was pinned down 8. prior to 10. objective 12. in case 14. due to 16. cancel 18. stiff 20. absent

Part IV Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks

Writing Strategy

Tick which of the following is more convincing: _____________ It was reported that General Eisenhower, though indecisive sometimes, had no

hesitation in ordering the assault on Normandy.

______ √ ____ Eisenhower's chief of staff, Brigadier General Water Bedell Smith, later wrote:

"... He sat there ... tense, weighing every consideration. Finally he looked up, and the tension was gone from his face. He said briskly, 'well, we'll go." Model Paper

Can Man Triumph over Nature?

When people talk of man triumphing over nature, many things come to mind. One thinks of successes in medicine in the fight against disease, such as the invention of antibiotics and the promise held out by advances in biogenetic engineering. On a broader scale, one thinks of man's success in harnessing new forms of energy from steam power through oil to nuclear power.

Yet, nature has often hit back in unexpected ways to these attempts to tame it. New forms of

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Appendix I - 98 -

disease that are resistant to antibiotics are constantly developing. Burning fossil fuels has led to fears of global warming; while nuclear power has produced dangerous waste that will remain a hazard for generations to come.

However, perhaps to talk of man triumphing over nature is the wrong way to look at the matter. We need to find ways to work with nature rather than forever fighting against it.

(154 words)

Unit 2

Script for the recording:

What will the world be like in five hundred years' time? A thousand years' time? Or more? Some people are optimistic, looking forward to a better world. Others are pessimistic, and fear that things can only get worse. The writer of the song you are about to listen to takes the pessimistic view. Looking further and further into the future things seem to him to get worse and worse. By 3535, he foresees all our thoughts and feelings will be shaped by drugs. Looking further still into the future he foretells that our bodies will waste away as machines do everything for us. Family life as we know it will fade away as children are bred artificially, chosen, in the words of the song, "from the bottom of a long black tube." Given that man seems to pay so little attention to taking care of the planet and avoiding using up all its resources, he ends by wondering whether man will still be around in the future. It's enough, as he says, to make even God shake his head.

Here is the song:

In the Year 2525

Zager & Evans

In the year 2525 If man is still alive If woman can survive They may find

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In the year 3535

Ain't gonna need* to tell the truth, tell no lies Everything you think, do, or say Is in the pill you took today

In the year 4545

Ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes You won't rind a thing to do Nobody's gonna look at you In the year 5555

Your arms are hanging limp at your sides Your legs not nothing to do Some machine is doing that for you

In the year 6565

Ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife You'll pick your son, pick your daughter .too From the bottom of a long black tube


In the year, 7510

. If God's a-comin' he ought to make it by then Maybe he'll look around himself and say Guess it's time for the Judgment Day1

In the year 8510

God's gonna shake his mighty head

He'll either say I'm pleased where man has been Or tear it down and start again In the year 9595

I'm kinda wondering if man's gonna be alive He's taken everything this old earth can give And he ain't put back nothing

1 the Judgment Day: the end of the world, the time of God's final judgment of all people




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Appendix I

Now it's been 10,000 years Man has cried a billion tears For what he never knew Now man's reign is through But through the eternal night The twinkling of starlight So very far away Maybe it's only yesterday

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Part II Text A


Text Organization

1) Smart cars can see, hear, feel, smell, talk, and act 2) They can eliminate most car accidents; 3) They can alert the police and provide precise location if stolen;

4) They can monitor one's driving and the driving conditions nearby; 5) They can alert the driver who feels drowsy;

6) They can locate your car precisely and warn of traffic jams.


I. 1. 1) expansion

3) vapor

: . j

2) manufacturing 4) take control of

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Appendix 1

5) hazards 6) satellite 7) convert 8) magnetic bunched 9) 10)in the air 11) got/was stuck in 12)approximately 13) application 14)monotonous 15) mounted 2. 1) send out 2)stand up for 3) result from 4)making up for 5) starting up 6)play up play up

7) give up 8)take on take on

3. 1) With regard to the recent flood of corporate scandals, some professors from Stanford and

Harvard say they will incorporate Enron's real-world lessons into their classroom work. 2) Our vacation was a disaster: the food was terrible, and the weather was awful as well. 3) As a Special Administrative Region (SAR), Macao is permitted to retain its lucrative gam-bling industry although gambling remains illegal on the Chinese mainland. Manufacturers 4) usually begin by building the prototype of a new model before they set up a factory to make the cars.

5) Medical evidence shows that smoking and lung cancer are correlated. Expanded use of 4. 1) 2) 3) significant places on the road. What's more, automated vehicle-control technologies

override the actions of the driver. II. Word Formation

Clipped Words

kilo kilogram kilogrammemo memorandum memorandumgym gymnasium gymnasium

Blends Medicare email comsat

medical care electronic mail

communications satellite

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Appendix 1

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lib doc vet prep auto

liberation doctor

veterinarian preparatory automobile newscast autopilot Eurodollar brunch telecast news broadcast automatic pilot European dollar breakfast lunch television broadcast

III. Usage

1. swimming pool

3. enriched Middle English 5. fully developed prototype 7. working population

2. drawing board 4. disturbing change 6. Canned foods

8. puzzling differences



1) 2) 3) Mom said that she would not allow me to buy a new computer unless the price dropped to yuan.

4) or doing reporting for the freelance articles he sells to magazines.

2. 1) Most people find it hard to understand how living with one's own children could be lonely. 2) The manager felt it necessary to remove the five misbehaving secretaries in order to maintain administrative discipline.

3) The Senator called it wasteful to give free Medicare to those who could afford to pay. 4) We don't consider it possible to set back the clock of history. Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze

(A) 1. alert 3. highway

5. take control of 7. decrease 9. monotonous

2. hazards 4. start up 6. lane

8. get stuck in 10. eliminate

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- 96 - Appendix I

12. mounted 2. way 4. farther 6. by 8. locally 10. with 12. As

14. provide 16. itself 18. and

20. continuing

11. convert (B) l.for

3. enabled

5. decreased / reduced 7.quantities 9. worldwide 11. manufacturing 13.on/upon 15. which

17. problems / hazards 19. Nevertheless

II. Translation

Automobiles changed the world during the 20th century, particularly in the United States and other industrialized nations. They are indeed of great use to us, but they have brought some bile accidents rank among the leading causes of death and injury throughout the world. Fortu-nately modern innovators are reinventing the automobile. New propulsion systems, fuels, de-

Part III TextB

Comprehension Check 1. a 3. c 5. b Iranslalion

(#JE Appendix III)

2. c 4. d 6. b

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Appendix I - 99 -

Language Practice

1. introduction 3. diverse

5. in cooperation with 7. At die start of 9. perceive 11. appropriate 13. component 15. thereby 17. exposure

19. matures

2. outlines 4. feasible 6. assembly 8. implications 10. realistic

12. by means of 14. implemented 16. permanent 15. equivalent 20. en route

Part IV Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks

Sample Resume


Hong Qin

Rm. 316, New College Dormitory Xuanwu University, 2270 Zhongshan Road Nanjing, Jiangsu, 212000 Tel: (025) 9709399 Email:

Employment Objective

Reporter position wiUi a major newspaper or magazine


Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, Xuanwu University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, July 2002 Graduated Magna Cum Laude with a GPA of 3.6 on a 4.0 scale

Proficient with MS Office, Lotus Notes, Windows XP and the Internet Courses taken included:

Reporting Public Affairs Feature Writing Computer Assisted Reporting Theories of Mass Communication Writing for Mass Communication Advertising and Public Relations

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- 100 - Appendix I World Press Systems

Advanced Newspaper Design

Employment Experience

Reporter Internship with the Yangtze Evening Post, 101 South Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210005, June 2001 to August 2001

Researched information for stories for the Transportation and Tourism columns Interviewed contributors both over the phone and in person

Met every daily deadline successfully, with 100% completion of all assigned reports by specified deadlines

Assistant Editor / Reporter with Jinling Evening News, 53 Jiefang Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210016, July, 2000 — present

Responsible for reporting students' activities at Xuanwu University Developed fortnightly stories without missing a single deadline Awards

Second Place in the News Writing Competition for Students of Journalism in Nanjing, 2001 Xuanwu Award for Excellence in Journalism, 2000 Professional Interests

Member of the Journalists' Association of Jiangsu Province. Vice chairman of the Students' Union at Xuanwu University, Proficient in both Chinese and English References and writing samples available upon request.

Unit 3


Part I Pre-Reading Task

Script for the recording:

The song you are about to hear was written by one of a group of four singers known as the

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Appendix I - 101 -

Silhouettes. He wrote the song back in the 1950s, shortly after leaving the army. It is easy to imagine that it may well reflect his own experience of suddenly finding himself having to look for a job. If the song is anything to go by, his wife was largely unsympathetic, suspecting him of laziness and not trying hard enough. Every morning she would get him out of bed, telling him to get a job; every breakfast she would throw the paper down in front of him, pointing out the jobs he could apply for. And when he got home at the end of the day without having had any success she would accuse him of lying about his job hunting, suspecting, no doubt, that he had not bothered to try. Do you think he did? What does it sound like to you?

Silhouettes—Get a Job

Sha na na na, sha na na na na, Sha na na na, sha na na na na, Sha na na na, sha na na na na,

Sha na na na, sha na na na na,

Yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip Mum mum mum mum mum mum Get a jot Sna na na na, sna na na na na Every morning about this time she get me out of my bed a-crying get a job. Alter breakfast, every day,

she throws the want ads right my way

And never fail s to say,

Get a job Sha na na na, sba na na na na Sha na na na, sha na na na na, Sha na na na, sha na na na na, Sha na na na, sha na na na na, Yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip Mum mum mum mum mum mum Get a job Sha na na na, sha na na na na

And when I get the paper

I read it through and through

And my girl never fails to say If there is any work for me,

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- 102 -

Appendix I

And when I go tack to the house

I hear the woman's mouth Preaching and a crying, Tell me that I'm lying 'Lout a job That I never could rind. Sha na na na, sha na na na na, Sha na na na, sha na na na na, Sha na na na, sha na na na na, Sha na na na, sha na na na na, Yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip Mum mum mum mum mum mum Get a job Sha na na na, sha na na na na

Part II Text A

hx\ Organization 1.


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Appendix 1 - 108-


I. 1. 1) generously

3) structure 5) blurted out 7) pried 9) jet

11) took a crack at 13) made a (big) difference 15) employment 2. 1) go after

3) be put up 5) was handed down 7) bring about

2) look back on/at 4) count on 6) follow up 8) broke into 2) physically 4) partition 6) chuckling 8) prospective 10) sparkled 12) partner

14) beyond his wildest dream.

3. 1) Mary's parents grilled her about where she had been all night.

2) In order to meet the deadline, we worked 48 hours without sleep and finally made it.

3) The translation of the popular novel has just finished and a Chinese version will be in readers' hands soon.

4) As with anything else, it is important to do your homework before going on an interview. 5) Jim's car broke down last week and the repair cost was in the neighborhood of 150 dollars. 4. well as the two other candidates recommended by the staff committee this afternoon, to pick 2) In the clean up the river before set for this important municipal project, the project manager has tried every possible means to the work.

3) Time is money, People in my age bracket often want to everything new, but they just cannot afford the time and energy.

II. Words with Multiple Meanings

1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. (behave)

2. Richard suggested I keep all my friends' addresses on my computer, as he does his. (used to avoid repetition)

3. Elizabeth told her daughter that if she did the bathroom, the kitchen and the living room, she

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- 104 - Appendix I

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

would get $10.00 every week, (clean)

Since the Smiths' business is doing well, they are thinking of starting a similar type of busi-ness in Canada, (get along)

If you are prepared, you can certainly do the job. (perform or complete <a job>)

Knowing what you cannot do is more important than knowing what you can. (perform or complete <an action or a job>)

When I asked John why he does philosophy, he said that he does it simply because he finds it interesting, (study)

A small piece of cake will do for me, thanks, (be enough)

Leisure is a beautiful garment, but it will not do for constant wear, (be acceptable)

III. Usage

1. There is so much to say and it is hard to know where to begin. OK, I'll talk about myself first. 2. thing here for you.

3. The new computer language can be quite easily understood by anyone who can read the daily 4. you in February, as I plan to attend your seminar in Shanghai.

5. 6. Chris has been back from Australia. Incidentally, those pictures you sent me are wonderful. Structure

1. 1) As I see it / From my standpoint / In my opinion, the institution needs better management

rather than more money.

2) As I see it / From my standpoint / In my opinion, our schools have focused on tests to such an extent that the students hardly have any time left to participate in creative activities. 3) From my standpoint / As I see it / In my opinion, we can't judge people by appearance only, because clothes don't always reflect someone's personality.

4) From my standpoint / As I see it / In my opinion, talent just comes from doing something often enough.


2) As I see it, pre-school children who are taught at home by their parents do at least as well as,

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Appendix 1 - 105 -

3) own period.

4) work before the interview. Comprehensive Exercises

I. Cloze


1. prospective 3. As I see it 5. endeavor 7. take a crack 9. employment

11. make a difference (B) 1. matter 3. not 5. can 7. ask 9. If 11. what 13. take 15. whether

2. interview

4. done your homework 6. structure

8. from the standpoint 10. deadline 12. follow UD 2. to

4. possible 6. interview 8. copies 10. preparing 12. kinds 14. Prior 16. fit

