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使用这个公式,select Implicit as the VOF Scheme, and enable an Unsteady calculation in the Solver panel (opened with the Define/Models/Solver... menu item).

!!上面为the Euler explicit time-dependent formulation讨论的结果也适用于the implicit time-dependent formulation。为了提高相界面的清晰度,你应慎重考虑以上所述。

5.Steady-state with the implicit interpolation scheme:如果你要寻找稳态解和中间的瞬态行为不感兴趣,并且最终的稳态解不被初始流动条件影响而每相有明显的inflow


使用这个公式,select Implicit as the VOF Scheme.

!!上面为Euler explicit time-dependent formulation讨论的结果也适用于the implicit steady-state formulation。为了提高相界面的清晰度,你应慎重考虑以上所述。

!!对于the geometric reconstruction 和 donor-acceptor schemes,如果你使用了conformal grid(也就是,在两个子边界相交的边界上网格节点的位置是一样(identical)的),你必须保证在这个区域内没有双边(0厚度)壁面。如果有,你必须split them, as described in Section 5.7.8.



1.jet breakup:time-dependent with the geometric reconstruction scheme(or the donor-acceptor or Euler explicit scheme if problems occur with the geometric

reconstruction scheme)。

2.shape of the liquid interface in a centrifuge: time-dependent with the implicit interpolation scheme。

3.flow around a ship's hull: steady-state with the implicit interpolation scheme

20.6.5定义均匀多相流(Defining a Homogeneous Multiphase Flow)



流速度,如Section 20.3.4所述。如果你想求解一均匀多相流问题,在Mixture Parameters下关掉Slip Velocity。

20.6.6包含气穴影响(Including Cavitation Effects)

对混合的欧拉模型计算,包含气穴影响是可能的。为了选气穴模型,在Multiphase Model panel中Interphase Mass Transfer下打开Cavitation。

由于气穴影响,接下来你应指定在使用传质计算时的两个参数。这些参数的指定应当于调查下的流动特征参数相一致:Reynolds number and cavitation number。在


Multiphase Model panel中Cavitation Parameters下面,设置Vaporization Pressure p in Equation 20.5.5)和Bubble Number Density(η in Equation 20.5.2)。η的(


p值是2367.8,环境温度下水的汽化默认值是10000,由Kubota et al推荐。默认的



模拟气穴的详细内容见Section 20.5。

20.6.7定义相概述(Overview of Defining the Phases)

为了定义相(包括它们的材料属性)和相间的相互作用(例如,VOF模型中的表面张力和壁面粘附,混合模型中的滑流速度函数,欧拉模型中的曳力函数),你将使用Phases panel (Figure 20.6.2).

Define Phases...

Figure 20.6.2: The Phases Panel

这个面板中Phase下的每一项两类之一,如在Type列表中所示:primary-phase指出了所选项是主相,secondary-phase指出所选项是第二相。指定相之间的相互作用,点击Interaction... button.。

为VOF模型、混合模型、欧拉模型定义相及其相互作用的说明由Sections 20.6.8, 20.6.9和20.6.10分别给出。

20.6.8为VOF模型定义相(Defining Phases for the VOF Model)






!!记住,只能有一相是可压缩的。确定你没有选择可压缩材料(也就是对密度使用可压缩理想气体定律的材料)为多于一相的。See Section 20.6.16 for details.

Defining the Primary Phase


1.Select phase-1 in the Phase list.

2.Click Set..., and the Primary Phase panel (Figure 20.6.3) will open.

Figure 20.6.3: The Primary Phase Panel

3.In the Primary Phase panel, enter a Name for the phase.

4.Specify which material the phase contains by choosing the appropriate material in the Phase Material drop-down list.

5.Define the material properties for the Phase Material.

(a) Click Edit..., and the Material panel will open.

(b) In the Material panel, check the properties, and modify them if necessary. (See Chapter 7 for general information about setting material properties,

Section 20.6.16 for specific information related to compressible VOF

calculations, and Section 20.6.17 for specific information related to

melting/solidification VOF calculations.)

!! If you make changes to the properties, remember to click Change before closing the

Material panel.

6.Click OK in the Primary Phase panel.

Defining a Secondary Phase


1.Select the phase (e.g., phase-2) in the Phase list.


2.Click Set..., and the Secondary Phase panel (Figure 20.6.4) will open.

Figure 20.6.4: The Secondary Phase Panel for the VOF Model

3.In the Secondary Phase panel, enter a Name for the phase.

4.Specify which material the phase contains by choosing the appropriate material in the

Phase Material drop-down list.

5.Define the material properties for the Phase Material, following the procedure outlined

above for setting the material properties for the primary phase.

6.Click OK in the Secondary Phase panel.

Including Surface Tension and Wall Adhesion Effects

如在Section 20.2.8中讨论的,表面张力影响的重要性取决于毛细管数Ca(defined by Equation 20.2-16)的值,或者Weber number ,We(defined by Equation 20.2-17).如果Ca>>1或者We<<1,表面张力的影响可以忽略。


如果你想包含沿着一对或多对相的界面上的表面张力的影响,如在Section 20.2.8中述的,点击Interaction... to open the Phase Interaction panel (Figure 20.6.5).

Figure 20.6.5: The Phase Interaction Panel for the VOF Model 35

包含沿着一对或多对相界面上表面张力(and, if appropriate, wall adhesion))的影响,遵循以下步骤:

1.Turn on the Surface Tension option.

2.如果你想包含壁面黏附的,turn on the Wall Adhesion option. (When Wall Adhesion is enabled, you will need to specify the contact angle at each wall as a boundary condition (as described in Section 20.6.14.)


!!对于涉及到表面张力的计算,建议你在Multiphase Model panel中为Body Force Formulation打开Implicit Body Force。这样做由于压力梯度和动量方程中表面张力的部分平衡,从而提高了解的收敛性。详细内容见Section 22.3.3.

20.6.9定义混合模型中的相(Defining Phases for the Mixture Model)


!!记住,只能有一相是可压缩的。确定你没有选择可压缩材料(也就是对密度使用可压缩理想气体定律的材料)为多于一相的。See Section 20.6.16 for details.

Defining the Primary Phase

在混合模型计算中定义主相的步骤与在VOF计算中相同。详细内容见Section 20.6.8.

Defining a Secondary Phase



1.Select the phase (e.g., phase-2) in the Phase list.

2.Click Set..., and the Secondary Phase panel (Figure 20.6.6) will open.

Figure 20.6.6: The Secondary Phase Panel for the Mixture Model

3.In the Secondary Phase panel, enter a Name for the phase.

4.Specify which material the phase contains by choosing the appropriate material in the Phase Material drop-down list.

5.Define the material properties for the Phase Material, following the same procedure you used to set the material properties for the primary phase(see Section 20.6.8). For a

particulate phase (which must be placed in the fluid materials category, as mentioned in

Section 20.6.1), you need to specify only the density; you can ignore the values for the

other properties, since they will not be used.

6.In the Secondary Phase panel, specify the Diameter of the bubbles, droplets, or particles of this phase ( d p in Equation 20.3-12). You can specify a constant value, or use a

user-defined function. See the separate UDF Manual for details about user-defined


7.Click OK in the Secondary Phase panel.

Defining the Slip Velocity

如果你在混合计算中要求解滑流速度,你想指定滑流速度的定义,click Interaction... to open the Phase Interaction panel (Figure 20.6.7).

Figure 20.6.7: The Phase Interaction Panel for the Mixture Model


在Slip Velocity下面,你可以通过在附近下拉列表中选择合适的项目给与主相相关的第二相指定滑流速度函数。

1.Select maninnen-et-al (the default) to use the algebraic slip method of Manninen et

al. [ 150], described in Section 20.3.4.

2.Select none if the secondary phase has the same velocity as the primary phase (i.e., no slip velocity).

3.Select user-defined to use a user-defined function for the slip velocity. See the separate UDF Manual for details.

20.6.10定义欧拉模型中的相(Defining Phases for the Eulerian Model)


Defining the Primary Phase



Defining a Non-Granular Secondary Phase


1.Select the phase (e.g., phase-2) in the Phase list.

2.Click Set..., and the Secondary Phase panel (Figure 20.6.8) will open.

Figure 20.6.8: The Secondary Phase Panel for a Non-Granular Phase


3.In the Secondary Phase panel, enter a Name for the phase.

4.Specify which material the phase contains by choosing the appropriate material in the Phase Material drop-down list.

5.Define the material properties for the Phase Material, following the same procedure you used to set the material properties for the primary phase (see Section 20.6.8).

6.In the Secondary Phase panel, specify the Diameter of the bubbles or droplets of this phase.You can specify a constant value, or use a user-defined function. See the

separate UDF Manual for details about user-defined functions.

7.Click OK in the Secondary Phase panel.

Defining a Granular Secondary Phase


1.Select the phase (e.g., phase-2) in the Phase list.

2.Click Set..., and the Secondary Phase panel (Figure 20.6.9) will open.

Figure 20.6.9: The Secondary Phase Panel for a Granular Phase



3. In the Secondary Phase panel, enter a Name for the phase.

4. Specify which material the phase contains by choosing the appropriate material in the

Phase Material drop-down list.

5. Define the material properties for the Phase Material , following the same procedure

you used

granular phase (which must be placed in the fluid ma to set the material properties for the primary phase (see Section 20.6.8). For a terials category, as mentioned in Section 20.6.1), you need to specify only the density; you can ignore the values for the other properties, since they will not be used. 6. In the Secondary Phase panel, specify the following properties of the particles of

this phase:


指定颗粒的直径。 You can select constant in the drop-down list and specify a constant value, or select user-defined to use a user-defined function. See the separate UDF Manual for details about user-defined functions.

Granular Viscosity

指定颗粒的颗粒粘度的运动部分(kin s ,μin Equation 20.4-50)。You can select constant (the default) in the drop-down list and specify a constant value, select s yamlal-obrien to compute the value using Equation 20.4-52, select gidaspow to compute the value using Equation 20.4-53, or select user-defined to use a user-defined function.

Granular Bulk Viscosity

specifies the solids bulk viscosity (q λin Equation 20.4-8). You can select constant

(the default) in the drop-down list and specify a constant value, select lun-et-al to

compute the value using Equation 20.4-54, or select user-defined to use a user-defined function.

Frictional Viscosity

μin Equation 20.4-50).

specifies a shear viscosity based on the viscous-plastic flow (



By none in the drop-down list. If you want to include the fric default, the frictional

viscosity is neglected, as indicated by the default selection of tional viscosity, you can

select Equation constant and specify a constant value, select schaeffer to compute the

value using 20.4-55, or select user-defined to use a user-defined function.

Angle of Internal Friction

specifies a constant value for the angle φused in Schaeffer's expression for frictional

viscosity (Equation 20.4-55). This parameter is relevant only if you have selected

schaeffer or user-defined for the Frictional Viscosity.

Packing Limit

α). For specifies the maximum volume fraction for the granular phase (



monodispersed spheres the packing limit is about 0.63, which is the default value in

FLUENT. In polydispersed cases, however, smaller spheres can fill the small gaps

between larger spheres, so you may need to increase the maximum packing limit.

7.Click OK in the Secondary Phase panel.

Defining the Interaction Between Phases

对颗粒和非颗粒流动,你必须指定在动量交换系数的计算中使用的曳力函数。对颗粒流,你也必须指定颗粒碰撞的归还系数(restitution coefficients)。为颗粒和非颗粒流动包含可选的升力和虚拟质量力(下面描述)也是可能的。

为指定这些参数,click Interaction... to open the Phase Interaction panel (Figure 20.6.10).

Figure 20.6.10: The Phase Interaction Panel for the Eulerian Model


Specifying the Drag Function


1.Click the Drag tab to display the Drag Function inputs.

2. 对每一对相,从下面相应的列表中选择合适的曳力函数。

(1) Select schiller-naumann to use the fluid-fluid drag function described by Equation 20.4-19. The Schiller and Naumann model is the default method, and it

is acceptable for general use in all fluid-fluid multiphase calculations.

(2) Select morsi-alexander to use the fluid-fluid drag function described by Equation 20.4-23. The Morsi and Alexander model is the most complete,

adjusting the function definition frequently over a large range of Reynolds numbers,

but calculations with this model may be less stable than with the other models.

(3) Select symmetric to use the fluid-fluid drag function described by Equation 20.4-28. The symmetric model is recommended for flows in which the

secondary (dispersed) phase in one region of the domain becomes the primary

(continuous) phase in another. For example, if air is injected into the bottom of a

container filled halfway with water, the air is the dispersed phase in the bottom half

of the container; in the top half of the container, the air is the continuous phase.

(4) Select wen-yu to use the fluid-solid drag function described by Equation 20.4-40.

The Wen and Yu model is applicable for dilute phase flows, in which the total

secondary phase volume fraction is significantly lower than that of the primary


(5) Select gidaspow to use the fluid-solid drag function described by Equation 20.4-42. The Gidaspow model is recommended for dense fluidized beds.

(6) Select syamlal-obrien to use the fluid-solid drag function described by Equation 20.4-32. The Syamlal-O'Brien model is recommended for use in


43conjunction with the Syamlal-O'Brien model for granular viscosity.

(7) Select syamlal-obrien-symmetric to use the solid-solid drag function described by

Equation 20.4-44. The symmetric Syamlal-O'Brien model is appropriate for a pair

of solid phases.

(8) Select constant to specify a constant value for the drag function, and then specify

the value in the text field.

(9) Select user-defined to use a user-defined function for the drag function (see the

separate UDF Manual for details).

(10) If you want to temporarily ignore the interaction between two phases, select none . Specifying the Restitution Coefficients (Granular Flow Only)

对颗粒流,你必须为颗粒间的碰撞指定归还系数(Is e in Equation 20.4-44 and ss e in Equation 20.4-45)。除了为每一对颗粒相之间的碰撞指定归还系数外,你也得为同相颗粒之间的碰撞指定归还系数。


1. Click the Collisions tab to display the Restitution Coefficient inputs.

2.For each pair of phases, specify a constant restitution coefficient. All restitution

coefficients are equal to 0.9 by default.

Including the Lift Force

对颗粒和非颗粒流,在第二相颗粒、液滴、或气泡中包含升力(lift F in Equation 20.4-10)的影响是可能的。这些升力作用于颗粒、液滴或气泡主要是由于主相流场中的速度梯度。在大多数情形下,升力与曳力相比是不重要的,因此没必要包含它,如果升力重要(也就是说,如果相很快分离),你可以包含这个影响。

!!注意对大颗粒,升力更重要,但是FLUENT 模型假设粒子直径远小于粒子间距离。这样对接近充满的颗粒(closely packed particles )或者小颗粒,包含升力是不合适的。


1. Click the Lift tab to display the Lift Coefficient inputs.

2. 对每一对相,从下面相应的列表中选择合适的指定方法。注意,既然作用于颗粒、液滴


(1) Select none (the default) to ignore the effect of lift forces.

(2) Select constant to specify a constant lift coefficient, and then specify the value in the

text field.

(3) Select user-defined to use a user-defined function for the lift coefficient (see the

separate UDF Manual for details).

Including the Virtual Mass Force

对颗粒和非颗粒流,当第二相相对于主相加速时包含存在的虚拟质量力(vm F in

Equation20.4-11)是可能的。当第二相的密度远小于主相的密度时虚拟质量的影响是重要的(也就是对瞬态泡状柱流(transient bubble column ))。

包含虚拟质量力的影响,turn on the Virtual Mass option in the Phase Interaction panel.


20.6.11 Including Body Force(包含体积力)

在许多情况下,相的运动部分是由于重力的影响。为了包含这个体积力,应在Operating Conditions panel下选择Gravity并且指定Gravitational Acceleration.

Define Operating Conditions...

对于VOF计算,你应当在Operating Conditions panel下选择Specified Operating Density,并且在Operating Density 下为最轻相设置密度。(这种排除了水力静压的积累,提高了round-off精度为动量平衡)。如果任何一相都是可压缩的,设置Operating Density 为零。

!!对于涉及体积力的VOF 和mixture计算,建议你在Multiphase Model panel下为Body Force Formulation选择Implicit Body Force.这种处理通过解决压力梯度和动量方程中体积力的部分平衡提高了解的收敛。


在FLUENT中,如果你使用依赖时间的VOF公式,volume fraction的一个隐式解或者在每一个时间补或者在每一迭代次数上获得,主要取决你输入的模型。你也可以控制时间步用于volume fraction 的计算。

计算一个依赖时间的VOF解,你必须在Solver面板下选择Unsteady(选择合适的Unsteady Formulation, as discussed in section 22.15.1)。如果你选择了Geo-Reconstruct, Donor-Acceptor, or Euler Explicit格式。FLUENT将自动为你打开 first-order不稳态公式,因此你自己不必再访问Solver面板。

Define Models Solver...

在Multiphase Model面板中,对于时间依赖的计算有两种输入:

★默认情形,FLUENT将求解volume fraction方程一次在每一时间步上。这意味着出现在其他输运方程中的对流流量系数不必在每一迭代层次上完全更新,因为volume

fraction field在两次迭代之间不改变。

如果你想让FLUENT在一个时间步的每一迭代步上求解一次volume fraction equation,应在VOF Parameters打开Solve VOF Every Iteration。当FLUENT每次迭代是求解这些方程时,其他输运方程的对流流量系数将会在基于每次迭代更新volume fraction的基础上更新。

通常,当其他流动变量在每一时间步收敛时如果你预计接触面的位置将发生变化,你应当选择Solve VOF Every Iteration. 例如,当采用大的时间步长并希望达到稳态解,这种情形就会发生。如果采用小的时间步长,在每一迭代上执行求解volume fraction 的额外的工作是不必要的。因此你可以让这些选项关闭。在两种选择中这种更可靠,并且在每一时间步上需要更少的计算付出与第一中选择相比。


!!如果你使用的是滑动网格(sliding meshes),使用Solve VOF Every Iteration 会得到精度更高的结果,但是得付出更多的计算代价。

★当FLUENT执行时间依赖的VOF计算,用于volume fraction 计算的时间步长不必和用于其他输运方程的时间步长相同。 FLUENT将会自动地为VOF调整时间步长,基于你为靠近自由表面输入的允许的最大Courant Number. Courant Number是一个无量纲数,


在流体接触面附近的区域,FLUENT通过外出流量的和分开各个单元的控制容积。作为结果的时间代表了流体流出控制单元变为空所用的时间。这些时间中最小的作为流体单元通过控制容积的特性时间,如上所述。基于这个时间和你输入的允许的最大的Courant Number,在使用 VOF计算时时间步被计算出来。例如,如果最大允许的Courant number 是0.25(默认),时间步长将会至多被选为任何靠近接触面的的最小通过时间的四分之一。



如果你使用Eulerian模型求解紊流,你必须在section 20.4.7描述的三种紊流模型中选择一种模型(在Viscous Model panel, Figure 20.6.11)。

Figure 20.6.11: The Viscous Model

Panel for an Eulerian Multiphase Calculation



1.Select k-epsilon under Model.

2.Select the desired k-epsilon Model and any other related parameters, as described for single-phase calculations in Section 10.10.

3.Under k-epsilon Multiphase Model, indicate the desired multiphase turbulence model (see Section 20.4.7 for details about each):

?Select Mixture to use the mixture turbulence model. This is the default model.

?Select Dispersed to use the dispersed turbulence model. This model is applicable when there is clearly one primary continuous phase and the rest are dispersed

dilute secondary phases.

?Select Per Phase to use a k- turbulence model for each phase. This model is appropriate when the turbulence transfer among the phases plays a dominant role

包含源项(Including Source Terms)

默认情形,相间动量,κ、ε源项不包含在计算中。如果你想包含这些源项中的任一项,你可以使用multiphase-options command in the define/models/viscous/multiphase-turbulence/text menu。注意:包含这些项明显减慢收敛速度。如果你要寻找额外的精度,你应首先求的没有这些源项的解,接着包含上这些源项计算。大多数情形下这些源项可以忽略。

20.6.14 设置边界条件

多相流边界条件的设置在Boundary Conditions panel (Figure 20.6.12)中进行,但是设置多相流边界条件的步骤与单相流模型有些不同。你必须分别为各个相设置一些条件,而其他的条件是所有相(也就是mixture)所共享的,如下有详细的描述。

Define Boundary Conditions...

Figure 20.6.12: The Boundary Conditions Panel






★ 对于exhaust fan, inlet vent, intake fan, mass flow inlet, outlet vent, pressure outlet, or velocity inlet这些类型,没有为主相指定的条件。对于每一个的第二相,你必

须设置volume fraction 为常数,型线分布(见section 6.25) 或者用户定义函数(见


★ 对于axis, fan, outflow, periodic, porous jump, radiator, solid, symmetry, or wall zone,所有的条件都是为混合相指定的;没有为单相指定的条件。

★ 对于fluid zone, mass sources是为单相指定的,其他的所有sources都是为混合相指定的。

如果fluid zone不是多孔的,所有其他条件都是为混合相指定。

如果fluid zone是多孔的,你应为混合相选择Porous Zone在Fluid面板下。Porosity inputs(if relevant)也是为混合相指定的。而Resistance coefficients和direction vectors分别为每一相指定。见section 6.19.6看关于这些输入的详细内容。所有其他条件都是为混合相指定的。

Table 20.6.1: Phase-Specific and Mixture Conditions for the VOF Model

Type Primary Phase Secondary Phase Mixture

exhaust fan nothing volume fraction all others

inlet vent

intake fan

mass flow inlet

outlet vent

pressure inlet

pressure outlet

velocity inlet

axis nothing nothing all others




porous jump






pressure far-field not available not available not available

fluid mass source;mass source;porous zone;

other porous other porous porosity;

inputs inputs all others Mixture 模型


★ 对于exhaust fan, outlet vent, or pressure outlet, 没有条件为混合相指定。对于每一个第二相,你必须设置volume fraction 为常数,型线分布(见

section 6.25) 或者用户定义函数(见UDF手册)。所有的其他条件都是为混合相


★ 对于inlet vent, intake fan, mass flow inlet, or pressure inlet, 你将为混合相指定描述方向的方法在这些边界中(Normal to Boundary or Direction Vector)。如果

你选择Direction Vecto r描述方法,你将指定坐标系统(3D only)和每一相在流

动方向的分量。对于每一个第二相,你必须设置Volume fraction (如上面所述)。


★ 对于axis, fan, outflow, periodic jump, radiator, solid, symmetry, or wall zone, 所有条件都是为混合相指定;没有条件为单相设置。

★ 对于fluid zone, mass sources,是为单相指定的,其他所有sources都是为混合相指定的。

如果fluid zone不是多孔的,所有其他条件都为混合相指定。

如果fluid zone 是多孔的,你将为混合相选择Porous Zone在Fluid面板下。Porosity inputs(if relevant)也是为混合相指定的。而Resistance coefficients和direction vectors分别为每一相指定。见section 6.19.6看关于这些输入的详细内容。所有其他条件都是为混合相指定的。

见chapter 6看关于每一类型边界条件的详细描述。注:pressure far-field在使用Mixture 模型时是无效的。

Table 20.6.2: Phase-Specific and Mixture Conditions for the Mixture Model

Type Primary Phase Secondary Phase Mixture

exhaust fan nothing volume fraction all others

outlet vent

pressure outlet

inlet vent coord. system;coord. system;dir. spec.


intake fan flow direction flow direction;method;

mass flow inlet volume fraction all others

pressure inlet

velocity inlet velocity velocity;all others

volume fraction

axis nothing nothing all others




porous jump





pressure far-field not available not available not available

fluid mass source;mass source;porous zone;

other porous other porous porosity;

inputs inputs all others

Eulerian 模型

如果你使用的是Eulerian模型,你必须为每一个区域类型指定的条件列举如下并总结在表20.6.3, 20.6.4, 20.6.5和20.6.6。注:具体的紊流参数取决于你使用的三个多相紊流模型,说明在表20.6.4-20.6.6中。见section 20.4.7和20.6.13看关于多相紊流模型的更多信息。

★ 对于exhaust fan, outlet vent, or pressure outlet, 如果你使用层流模型或使用混合紊流模型(默认的多相紊流模型),没有条件为主相设置。

对于每个第二相,你必须设置volume fraction为常数,型线或者UDF。如果相

是颗粒的(granular),你也必须设置颗粒温度(granular tempreture).





★ 对于velocity inlet,你必须为每一相指定速度。

对于第二相,你必须设置volume fraction(如上所述)。如果相是颗粒的

(granular),你也必须设置颗粒温度(granular temperature).


果你使用的是分散(dispersed)紊流模型,你必须为主相指定它们;如果你使 49


所有其他的条件都是为mixture 设置的。

★ 对于axis, outflow, periodic, solid, or symmetry zone, 所有条件都是为mixture设置的;没有条件为单相设置。

★ 对于wall zone, shear 条件为单相指定;所有其他条件为mixture指定。

★ 对于fluid zone, 所有source terms和fixed values都是为单相设置的,除非你使用的是mixture紊流模型或dispersed紊流模型。如果你使用的是

mixture紊流模型,紊流的source terms和fixed values为mixture设置;如


如果fluid zone 不是多孔的,所有其他条件都是为mixture设置。

如果fluid zone 是多孔的,你将为混合相选择Porous Zone在Fluid面板下。

Porosity inputs(if relevant)也是为混合相指定的。而Resistance coefficients和

direction vectors分别为每一相指定。见section 6.19.6看关于这些输入的详细内


见chapter 6看关于每一类型边界条件的详细描述。注:pressure far-field,fan, porous jump and radiator 边界在使用Eulerian模型时是无效的。

Table 20.6.3: Phase-Specific and Mixture Conditions for the Eulerian Model (for Laminar Flow) Type Primary Phase Secondary Phase Mixture exhaust fan nothing volume fraction;all others

outlet vent gran. temperature

pressure outlet

inlet vent coord. system;coord. system;dir. spec.

intake fan flow direction flow direction;method;

mass flow inlet volume fraction;all others

pressure inlet gran. temperature

velocity inlet velocity velocity;all others

volume fraction;

gran. temperature

axis nothing nothing all others





wall shear condition shear condition all others


pressure far-field not available not available not available fan

porous jump


fluid all source terms;all source terms;porous zone;

all fixed values;all fixed values;porosity;

other porous other porous all others

inputs inputs

Table 20.6.4: Phase-Specific and Mixture Conditions for the Eulerian Model (with the Mixture

Turbulence Model)

Type Primary Phase Secondary Phase Mixture exhaust fan nothing volume fraction;all others

outlet vent gran. temperature

pressure outlet

inlet vent coord. system;coord. system;dir. spec.

intake fan flow direction flow direction;method;

mass flow inlet volume fraction;all others

pressure inlet gran. temperature

velocity inlet velocity velocity;all others

volume fraction;

gran. temperature

axis nothing nothing all others






wall shear condition shear condition all others pressure far-field not available not available not available fan

porous jump


fluid other source other source source terms

terms;terms;for turbulence;

other fixed other fixed fixed values

values;values;for turbulence;

other porous other porous porous zone;

inputs inputs porosity;

all others

Table 20.6.5: Phase-Specific and Mixture Conditions for the Eulerian Model (with the Dispersed

Turbulence Model)

Type Primary Phase Secondary Phase Mixture exhaust fan turb. parameters volume fraction;all others

outlet vent gran. temperature

pressure outlet

inlet vent coord. system;coord. system;dir. spec.

intake fan flow direction;flow direction;method mass flow inlet turb. parameters;volume fraction;all others pressure inlet gran. temperature

velocity inlet velocity;velocity;all others

turb. parameters volume fraction;

gran. temperature

axis nothing nothing all others


