
更新时间:2023-04-06 01:03:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



Pole. The arguments cited in the reading selection are not convincing.

First, it is true that the National Geographic Society committee declared that Peary had indeed reached the North Pole, but the committee was not completely objective. In fact, the committee was composed of Peary’s trip. Moreover, the investigation lasted only two days. And according to Peary himself, the committee did not examine his records carefully. So the commit tee’s conclusion seems biased and therefore is not trustworthy.

Second, the speed issue. Tom Avery’s journey was different from Peary’s in important ways. For example, Avery’s sled was similar to Peary’s sled, but Avery carried much less weight than Peary did, because Avery did not transport his food on the sled. Avery’s food was dropped along the way by airplane. Moreover, Avery encountered highly favorable weather conditions, unlike Peary who travelled in very unfavorable conditions. So Avery’s spee dy trip was too different from Peary’s to provide support for Peary’s claims.

Third, the photographs do not prove anything. The techniques scientists use to determine the Sun’s position depend on measuring the shadows in the photographs very precisely. Without a precise measurement of the shadows, we cannot establish the Sun’s exact position. Now, Peary’s pictures were photographed a hundred years

Although the reading supports that claim, the lecturer refuses to believe it with three strong arguments.

The reading passage presents the fact that the committee constituted by the National Geographic Society eventually proved the truth of Peary’s claim through an investigation of the record as well as the facilities of that trip. However, the speaker casts doubt on the objectivity of that conclusion with the arguments that several friends of Peary who financed his trip to the North Pole were included in that committee and the investigation was only two-day period with the careless examination of his records.

Moreover, the reading material displays the evidence that anther explorer, Tom Avery, succeeded to reach the North Pole with less time under the similar conditions experienced by Peary, which indicates the possibility of Peary’s successful exploration. In contrast, the lecturer in the listening argues that the experience of Avery could not soundly suppor t the probability of Peary’s success due to the significant differences between the two journey that include the varied weather condition as well as the methods of food supply.

Furthermore, the author of the reading states that the photographs taken by Peary at the North Pole could verify his story, since the position of the Sun estimated through evaluating the


the past such as the financial pressure to support the family, due to the increasing desire of inpiduals and the economic reality in the present society. That means modern parents would spend plenty of time on earning money and have less time to be with their children or to actually teach them. However, the real situation regarding the children education is that parents in the present are more likely to emphasize the education of their children in various respects such as arranging the detailed study plan for their children.

Moreover, the emphasis children would receive on their education from the parents has been increased significantly in the contemporary society, because of the fact that inpiduals now have generally believed in the essential influence of the education on people especially the younger generation. That significance could be realized by the modern parents during their working and social experiences, and it to a great extent could be comprehended due to the reality that the well-educated person has been demanded in relatively every area of the current society. Therefore, in order to help their children to become successful and qualified, parents in the present have been inclined to check or help with their school projects, to have them acquire multiple skills, and to expect them to receive the best education at a higher level, which would not be the focus of the parents in the past who even did not care about

the educational situation of their children and merely held the expectation that the children could help to support the family in terms of the finance as soon as possible.

Furthermore, it has been proposed that current parents have been more active during the process of making decisions related to their children’s educational choices than the past. That could suggest that to some extent they would like to exert an influence on the children and their educational affairs rather than be willing to let their children to have the independent decision-making process as they did in the past, which might be due to the possibility that the present parents might place more emphasis on their children’s education and not want them to make any mistakes. However, this situation could probably be interpreted that the modern parents could be considered to be the better educated people themselves and could assist their children to choose wisely and appropriately by offering the relevant information and reasonable advice in the course of educational matters such as how to plan their time arrangements, what major they would study in, and whether they should have a gap year before entering the university.

In conclusion, although modern parents might have less time with their children than those in the past during their educational period, they definitely could be regarded as more active in the

